#include "Painter.h" #include "Font.h" #include "GraphicsBitmap.h" #include #include #ifdef USERLAND #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif #define DEBUG_WIDGET_UNDERDRAW Painter::Painter(GraphicsBitmap& bitmap) { m_font = &Font::default_font(); m_target = &bitmap; m_clip_rect = { { 0, 0 }, bitmap.size() }; } #ifdef USERLAND Painter::Painter(GWidget& widget) : m_font(&widget.font()) { WSAPI_ClientMessage request; request.type = WSAPI_ClientMessage::Type::GetWindowBackingStore; request.window_id = widget.window()->window_id(); auto response = GEventLoop::main().sync_request(request, WSAPI_ServerMessage::DidGetWindowBackingStore); m_backing_store_id = response.backing.backing_store_id; m_target = GraphicsBitmap::create_wrapper(response.backing.size, response.backing.pixels); ASSERT(m_target); m_window = widget.window(); m_translation.move_by(widget.window_relative_rect().location()); // NOTE: m_clip_rect is in Window coordinates since we are painting into its backing store. m_clip_rect = widget.window_relative_rect(); m_clip_rect.intersect(m_target->rect()); #ifdef DEBUG_WIDGET_UNDERDRAW // If the widget is not opaque, let's not mess it up with debugging color. if (widget.fill_with_background_color() && m_window->main_widget() != &widget) fill_rect(widget.rect(), Color::Red); #endif } #endif Painter::~Painter() { #ifdef USERLAND m_target = nullptr; if (m_backing_store_id) { WSAPI_ClientMessage request; request.type = WSAPI_ClientMessage::Type::ReleaseWindowBackingStore; request.backing.backing_store_id = m_backing_store_id; GEventLoop::main().post_message_to_server(request); } #endif } void Painter::fill_rect_with_draw_op(const Rect& a_rect, Color color) { auto rect = a_rect; rect.move_by(m_translation); rect.intersect(m_clip_rect); if (rect.is_empty()) return; RGBA32* dst = m_target->scanline(rect.top()) + rect.left(); const unsigned dst_skip = m_target->width(); for (int i = rect.height() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { for (int j = 0; j < rect.width(); ++j) set_pixel_with_draw_op(dst[j], color.value()); dst += dst_skip; } } void Painter::fill_rect(const Rect& a_rect, Color color) { if (m_draw_op != DrawOp::Copy) { fill_rect_with_draw_op(a_rect, color); return; } auto rect = a_rect; rect.move_by(m_translation); rect.intersect(m_clip_rect); if (rect.is_empty()) return; RGBA32* dst = m_target->scanline(rect.top()) + rect.left(); const unsigned dst_skip = m_target->width(); for (int i = rect.height() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { fast_dword_fill(dst, color.value(), rect.width()); dst += dst_skip; } } void Painter::fill_rect_with_gradient(const Rect& a_rect, Color gradient_start, Color gradient_end) { #ifdef NO_FPU return fill_rect(a_rect, gradient_start); #endif auto rect = a_rect; rect.move_by(m_translation); auto clipped_rect = Rect::intersection(rect, m_clip_rect); if (clipped_rect.is_empty()) return; int x_offset = clipped_rect.x() - rect.x(); RGBA32* dst = m_target->scanline(clipped_rect.top()) + clipped_rect.left(); const unsigned dst_skip = m_target->width(); float increment = (1.0/((rect.width())/255.0)); int r2 = gradient_start.red(); int g2 = gradient_start.green(); int b2 = gradient_start.blue(); int r1 = gradient_end.red(); int g1 = gradient_end.green(); int b1 = gradient_end.blue(); for (int i = clipped_rect.height() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { float c = x_offset * increment; for (int j = 0; j < clipped_rect.width(); ++j) { dst[j] = Color( r1 / 255.0 * c + r2 / 255.0 * (255 - c), g1 / 255.0 * c + g2 / 255.0 * (255 - c), b1 / 255.0 * c + b2 / 255.0 * (255 - c) ).value(); c += increment; } dst += dst_skip; } } void Painter::draw_rect(const Rect& a_rect, Color color, bool rough) { Rect rect = a_rect; rect.move_by(m_translation); auto clipped_rect = Rect::intersection(rect, m_clip_rect); if (clipped_rect.is_empty()) return; int min_y = clipped_rect.top(); int max_y = clipped_rect.bottom(); if (rect.top() >= clipped_rect.top() && rect.top() <= clipped_rect.bottom()) { int start_x = rough ? max(rect.x() + 1, clipped_rect.x()) : clipped_rect.x(); int width = rough ? min(rect.width() - 2, clipped_rect.width()) : clipped_rect.width(); fast_dword_fill(m_target->scanline(rect.top()) + start_x, color.value(), width); ++min_y; } if (rect.bottom() >= clipped_rect.top() && rect.bottom() <= clipped_rect.bottom()) { int start_x = rough ? max(rect.x() + 1, clipped_rect.x()) : clipped_rect.x(); int width = rough ? min(rect.width() - 2, clipped_rect.width()) : clipped_rect.width(); fast_dword_fill(m_target->scanline(rect.bottom()) + start_x, color.value(), width); --max_y; } bool draw_left_side = rect.left() >= clipped_rect.left(); bool draw_right_side = rect.right() == clipped_rect.right(); if (draw_left_side && draw_right_side) { // Specialized loop when drawing both sides. for (int y = min_y; y <= max_y; ++y) { auto* bits = m_target->scanline(y); bits[rect.left()] = color.value(); bits[rect.right()] = color.value(); } } else { for (int y = min_y; y <= max_y; ++y) { auto* bits = m_target->scanline(y); if (draw_left_side) bits[rect.left()] = color.value(); if (draw_right_side) bits[rect.right()] = color.value(); } } } void Painter::draw_bitmap(const Point& p, const CharacterBitmap& bitmap, Color color) { Rect rect { p, bitmap.size() }; rect.move_by(m_translation); auto clipped_rect = Rect::intersection(rect, m_clip_rect); if (clipped_rect.is_empty()) return; const int first_row = clipped_rect.top() - rect.top(); const int last_row = clipped_rect.bottom() - rect.top(); const int first_column = clipped_rect.left() - rect.left(); const int last_column = clipped_rect.right() - rect.left(); RGBA32* dst = m_target->scanline(clipped_rect.y()) + clipped_rect.x(); const size_t dst_skip = m_target->width(); const char* bitmap_row = &bitmap.bits()[first_row * bitmap.width() + first_column]; const size_t bitmap_skip = bitmap.width(); for (int row = first_row; row <= last_row; ++row) { for (int j = 0; j <= (last_column - first_column); ++j) { char fc = bitmap_row[j]; if (fc == '#') dst[j] = color.value(); } bitmap_row += bitmap_skip; dst += dst_skip; } } void Painter::draw_bitmap(const Point& p, const GlyphBitmap& bitmap, Color color) { Rect dst_rect { p, bitmap.size() }; dst_rect.move_by(m_translation); auto clipped_rect = Rect::intersection(dst_rect, m_clip_rect); if (clipped_rect.is_empty()) return; const int first_row = clipped_rect.top() - dst_rect.top(); const int last_row = clipped_rect.bottom() - dst_rect.top(); const int first_column = clipped_rect.left() - dst_rect.left(); const int last_column = clipped_rect.right() - dst_rect.left(); RGBA32* dst = m_target->scanline(clipped_rect.y()) + clipped_rect.x(); const size_t dst_skip = m_target->width(); for (int row = first_row; row <= last_row; ++row) { for (int j = 0; j <= (last_column - first_column); ++j) { if (bitmap.bit_at(j + first_column, row)) dst[j] = color.value(); } dst += dst_skip; } } void Painter::blit_with_alpha(const Point& position, const GraphicsBitmap& source, const Rect& src_rect) { Rect dst_rect(position, src_rect.size()); dst_rect.move_by(m_translation); auto clipped_rect = Rect::intersection(dst_rect, m_clip_rect); if (clipped_rect.is_empty()) return; const int first_row = clipped_rect.top() - dst_rect.top(); const int last_row = clipped_rect.bottom() - dst_rect.top(); const int first_column = clipped_rect.left() - dst_rect.left(); const int last_column = clipped_rect.right() - dst_rect.left(); RGBA32* dst = m_target->scanline(clipped_rect.y()) + clipped_rect.x(); const RGBA32* src = source.scanline(src_rect.top() + first_row) + src_rect.left() + first_column; const size_t dst_skip = m_target->width(); const unsigned src_skip = source.width(); for (int row = first_row; row <= last_row; ++row) { for (int x = 0; x <= (last_column - first_column); ++x) { byte alpha = Color(src[x]).alpha(); if (alpha == 0xff) dst[x] = src[x]; else if (!alpha) continue; else dst[x] = Color(dst[x]).blend(src[x]).value(); } dst += dst_skip; src += src_skip; } } void Painter::blit(const Point& position, const GraphicsBitmap& source, const Rect& src_rect) { Rect dst_rect(position, src_rect.size()); dst_rect.move_by(m_translation); auto clipped_rect = Rect::intersection(dst_rect, m_clip_rect); if (clipped_rect.is_empty()) return; const int first_row = clipped_rect.top() - dst_rect.top(); const int last_row = clipped_rect.bottom() - dst_rect.top(); const int first_column = clipped_rect.left() - dst_rect.left(); RGBA32* dst = m_target->scanline(clipped_rect.y()) + clipped_rect.x(); const RGBA32* src = source.scanline(src_rect.top() + first_row) + src_rect.left() + first_column; const size_t dst_skip = m_target->width(); const unsigned src_skip = source.width(); for (int row = first_row; row <= last_row; ++row) { fast_dword_copy(dst, src, clipped_rect.width()); dst += dst_skip; src += src_skip; } } [[gnu::flatten]] void Painter::draw_glyph(const Point& point, char ch, Color color) { draw_bitmap(point, font().glyph_bitmap(ch), color); } void Painter::draw_text(const Rect& rect, const String& text, TextAlignment alignment, Color color) { Point point; if (alignment == TextAlignment::TopLeft) { point = rect.location(); } else if (alignment == TextAlignment::CenterLeft) { point = { rect.x(), rect.center().y() - (font().glyph_height() / 2) }; } else if (alignment == TextAlignment::CenterRight) { int text_width = text.length() * font().glyph_width(); point = { rect.right() - text_width, rect.center().y() - (font().glyph_height() / 2) }; } else if (alignment == TextAlignment::Center) { int text_width = text.length() * font().glyph_width(); point = rect.center(); point.move_by(-(text_width / 2), -(font().glyph_height() / 2)); } else { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } for (unsigned i = 0; i < text.length(); ++i, point.move_by(font().glyph_width(), 0)) { byte ch = text[i]; if (ch == ' ') continue; draw_glyph(point, ch, color); } } void Painter::set_pixel(const Point& p, Color color) { auto point = p; point.move_by(m_translation); if (!m_clip_rect.contains(point)) return; m_target->scanline(point.y())[point.x()] = color.value(); } [[gnu::always_inline]] void Painter::set_pixel_with_draw_op(dword& pixel, const Color& color) { if (m_draw_op == DrawOp::Copy) pixel = color.value(); else if (m_draw_op == DrawOp::Xor) pixel ^= color.value(); } void Painter::draw_line(const Point& p1, const Point& p2, Color color) { auto point1 = p1; point1.move_by(m_translation); auto point2 = p2; point2.move_by(m_translation); // Special case: vertical line. if (point1.x() == point2.x()) { const int x = point1.x(); if (x < m_clip_rect.left() || x > m_clip_rect.right()) return; if (point1.y() > point2.y()) swap(point1, point2); if (point1.y() > m_clip_rect.bottom()) return; if (point2.y() < m_clip_rect.top()) return; int min_y = max(point1.y(), m_clip_rect.top()); int max_y = min(point2.y(), m_clip_rect.bottom()); for (int y = min_y; y <= max_y; ++y) set_pixel_with_draw_op(m_target->scanline(y)[x], color); return; } if (point1.x() > point2.x()) swap(point1, point2); // Special case: horizontal line. if (point1.y() == point2.y()) { const int y = point1.y(); if (y < m_clip_rect.top() || y > m_clip_rect.bottom()) return; if (point1.x() > point2.x()) swap(point1, point2); if (point1.x() > m_clip_rect.right()) return; if (point2.x() < m_clip_rect.left()) return; int min_x = max(point1.x(), m_clip_rect.left()); int max_x = min(point2.x(), m_clip_rect.right()); auto* pixels = m_target->scanline(point1.y()); if (m_draw_op == DrawOp::Copy) { fast_dword_fill(pixels + min_x, color.value(), max_x - min_x + 1); } else { for (int x = min_x; x <= max_x; ++x) set_pixel_with_draw_op(pixels[x], color); } return; } // FIXME: Implement clipping below. ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); #if 0 const double dx = point2.x() - point1.x(); const double dy = point2.y() - point1.y(); const double delta_error = fabs(dy / dx); double error = 0; const double y_step = dy == 0 ? 0 : (dy > 0 ? 1 : -1); int y = point1.y(); for (int x = point1.x(); x <= point2.x(); ++x) { m_target->scanline(y)[x] = color.value(); error += delta_error; if (error >= 0.5) { y = (double)y + y_step; error -= 1.0; } } #endif } void Painter::draw_focus_rect(const Rect& rect) { Rect focus_rect = rect; focus_rect.move_by(1, 1); focus_rect.set_width(focus_rect.width() - 2); focus_rect.set_height(focus_rect.height() - 2); draw_rect(focus_rect, Color(96, 96, 192)); } void Painter::set_clip_rect(const Rect& rect) { m_clip_rect = Rect::intersection(rect, m_target->rect()); } void Painter::clear_clip_rect() { m_clip_rect = m_target->rect(); }