#!/bin/sh source $(dirname "$0")/test-commons.inc if not [ "$(type ls)" = "ls is $(which ls)" ] { fail "'type' on a binary not working" } if not [ "$(type pwd)" = "pwd is a shell builtin" ] { fail "'type' on a builtin not working" } f() { ls } if not [ "$(type f)" = "f is a function f() { ls }" ] { fail "'type' on a function not working" } if not [ "$(type -f f)" = "f is a function" ] { fail "'type' on a function not working with -f" } alias l=ls if not [ "$(type l)" = "l is aliased to `ls`" ] { fail "'type' on a alias not working" } if not [ "$(type l ls)" = "l is aliased to `ls` ls is $(which ls)" ] { fail "'type' on multiple commands not working" } echo PASS