/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct TopOption { enum class SortBy { Pid, Tid, Priority, UserName, State, Virt, Phys, Cpu, Name }; SortBy sort_by { SortBy::Cpu }; int delay_time { 1 }; HashTable pids_to_filter_by; }; struct ThreadData { int tid; pid_t pid; pid_t pgid; pid_t pgp; pid_t sid; uid_t uid; gid_t gid; pid_t ppid; DeprecatedString name; DeprecatedString tty; size_t amount_virtual; size_t amount_resident; size_t amount_shared; unsigned syscall_count; unsigned inode_faults; unsigned zero_faults; unsigned cow_faults; u64 time_scheduled; u64 time_scheduled_since_prev { 0 }; unsigned cpu_percent { 0 }; unsigned cpu_percent_decimal { 0 }; u32 priority; DeprecatedString username; DeprecatedString state; }; struct PidAndTid { bool operator==(PidAndTid const& other) const { return pid == other.pid && tid == other.tid; } pid_t pid; int tid; }; namespace AK { template<> struct Traits : public GenericTraits { static unsigned hash(PidAndTid const& value) { return pair_int_hash(value.pid, value.tid); } }; } struct Snapshot { HashMap map; u64 total_time_scheduled { 0 }; u64 total_time_scheduled_kernel { 0 }; }; static ErrorOr get_snapshot(HashTable const& pids) { auto all_processes = TRY(Core::ProcessStatisticsReader::get_all()); Snapshot snapshot; for (auto& process : all_processes.processes) { if (!pids.is_empty() && !pids.contains(process.pid)) continue; for (auto& thread : process.threads) { ThreadData thread_data; thread_data.tid = thread.tid; thread_data.pid = process.pid; thread_data.pgid = process.pgid; thread_data.pgp = process.pgp; thread_data.sid = process.sid; thread_data.uid = process.uid; thread_data.gid = process.gid; thread_data.ppid = process.ppid; thread_data.name = process.name; thread_data.tty = process.tty; thread_data.amount_virtual = process.amount_virtual; thread_data.amount_resident = process.amount_resident; thread_data.amount_shared = process.amount_shared; thread_data.syscall_count = thread.syscall_count; thread_data.inode_faults = thread.inode_faults; thread_data.zero_faults = thread.zero_faults; thread_data.cow_faults = thread.cow_faults; thread_data.time_scheduled = (u64)thread.time_user + (u64)thread.time_kernel; thread_data.priority = thread.priority; thread_data.state = thread.state; thread_data.username = process.username; snapshot.map.set({ process.pid, thread.tid }, move(thread_data)); } } snapshot.total_time_scheduled = all_processes.total_time_scheduled; snapshot.total_time_scheduled_kernel = all_processes.total_time_scheduled_kernel; return snapshot; } static bool g_window_size_changed = true; static struct winsize g_window_size; static void parse_args(Main::Arguments arguments, TopOption& top_option) { Core::ArgsParser::Option sort_by_option { Core::ArgsParser::OptionArgumentMode::Required, "Sort by field [pid, tid, pri, user, state, virt, phys, cpu, name]", "sort-by", 's', nullptr, [&top_option](StringView sort_by_option) { if (sort_by_option == "pid"sv) top_option.sort_by = TopOption::SortBy::Pid; else if (sort_by_option == "tid"sv) top_option.sort_by = TopOption::SortBy::Tid; else if (sort_by_option == "pri"sv) top_option.sort_by = TopOption::SortBy::Priority; else if (sort_by_option == "user"sv) top_option.sort_by = TopOption::SortBy::UserName; else if (sort_by_option == "state"sv) top_option.sort_by = TopOption::SortBy::State; else if (sort_by_option == "virt"sv) top_option.sort_by = TopOption::SortBy::Virt; else if (sort_by_option == "phys"sv) top_option.sort_by = TopOption::SortBy::Phys; else if (sort_by_option == "cpu"sv) top_option.sort_by = TopOption::SortBy::Cpu; else if (sort_by_option == "name"sv) top_option.sort_by = TopOption::SortBy::Name; else return false; return true; } }; HashTable pids; Core::ArgsParser args_parser; args_parser.set_general_help("Display information about processes"); args_parser.add_option(top_option.delay_time, "Delay time interval in seconds", "delay-time", 'd', nullptr); args_parser.add_option(Core::ArgsParser::Option { .argument_mode = Core::ArgsParser::OptionArgumentMode::Required, .help_string = "A comma-separated list of pids to filter by", .long_name = "pids", .short_name = 'p', .accept_value = [&pids](auto comma_separated_pids) { for (auto pid : comma_separated_pids.split_view(',')) { auto maybe_integer = pid.to_int(); if (!maybe_integer.has_value()) return false; pids.set(maybe_integer.value()); } return true; }, }); args_parser.add_option(move(sort_by_option)); args_parser.parse(arguments); top_option.pids_to_filter_by = move(pids); } static bool check_quit() { char c = '\0'; read(STDIN_FILENO, &c, sizeof(c)); return c == 'q' || c == 'Q'; } static struct termios g_previous_tty_settings; static ErrorOr setup_tty() { g_previous_tty_settings = TRY(Core::System::tcgetattr(STDOUT_FILENO)); struct termios raw = g_previous_tty_settings; raw.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ICANON); // Disable echo and line buffering TRY(Core::System::tcsetattr(STDOUT_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, raw)); return {}; } static void restore_tty() { auto maybe_error = Core::System::tcsetattr(STDOUT_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, g_previous_tty_settings); if (maybe_error.is_error()) warnln("Failed to reset original terminal state: {}", strerror(maybe_error.error().code())); } ErrorOr serenity_main(Main::Arguments arguments) { TRY(Core::System::pledge("stdio rpath tty sigaction")); TRY(Core::System::unveil("/sys/kernel/processes", "r")); TRY(Core::System::unveil("/etc/passwd", "r")); unveil(nullptr, nullptr); TRY(Core::System::signal(SIGWINCH, [](int) { g_window_size_changed = true; })); TopOption top_option; parse_args(arguments, top_option); TRY(setup_tty()); ScopeGuard restore_tty_guard([] { restore_tty(); }); auto restore_tty_sigaction_handler = [](auto) { restore_tty(); exit(1); }; struct sigaction restore_tty_action; restore_tty_action.sa_handler = restore_tty_sigaction_handler; TRY(Core::System::sigaction(SIGINT, &restore_tty_action, nullptr)); TRY(Core::System::sigaction(SIGTERM, &restore_tty_action, nullptr)); TRY(Core::System::pledge("stdio rpath tty")); Vector threads; auto prev = TRY(get_snapshot(top_option.pids_to_filter_by)); usleep(10000); for (;;) { if (g_window_size_changed) { TRY(Core::System::ioctl(STDOUT_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &g_window_size)); g_window_size_changed = false; } auto current = TRY(get_snapshot(top_option.pids_to_filter_by)); auto total_scheduled_diff = current.total_time_scheduled - prev.total_time_scheduled; printf("\033[3J\033[H\033[2J"); printf("\033[47;30m%6s %3s %3s %-9s %-13s %6s %6s %4s %s\033[K\033[0m\n", "PID", "TID", "PRI", "USER", "STATE", "VIRT", "PHYS", "%CPU", "NAME"); for (auto& it : current.map) { auto pid_and_tid = it.key; if (pid_and_tid.pid == 0) continue; auto jt = prev.map.find(pid_and_tid); if (jt == prev.map.end()) continue; auto time_scheduled_before = (*jt).value.time_scheduled; auto time_scheduled_diff = it.value.time_scheduled - time_scheduled_before; it.value.time_scheduled_since_prev = time_scheduled_diff; it.value.cpu_percent = total_scheduled_diff > 0 ? ((time_scheduled_diff * 100) / total_scheduled_diff) : 0; it.value.cpu_percent_decimal = total_scheduled_diff > 0 ? (((time_scheduled_diff * 1000) / total_scheduled_diff) % 10) : 0; threads.append(&it.value); } quick_sort(threads, [&top_option](auto* p1, auto* p2) { switch (top_option.sort_by) { case TopOption::SortBy::Pid: return p2->pid > p1->pid; case TopOption::SortBy::Tid: return p2->tid > p1->tid; case TopOption::SortBy::Priority: return p2->priority > p1->priority; case TopOption::SortBy::UserName: return p2->username > p1->username; case TopOption::SortBy::State: return p2->state > p1->state; case TopOption::SortBy::Virt: return p2->amount_virtual < p1->amount_virtual; case TopOption::SortBy::Phys: return p2->amount_resident < p1->amount_resident; case TopOption::SortBy::Name: return p2->name > p1->name; case TopOption::SortBy::Cpu: return p2->cpu_percent * 10 + p2->cpu_percent_decimal < p1->cpu_percent * 10 + p1->cpu_percent_decimal; default: return p2->time_scheduled_since_prev < p1->time_scheduled_since_prev; } }); int row = 0; for (auto* thread : threads) { int nprinted = printf("%6d %3d %2u %-9s %-13s %6zu %6zu %2u.%1u ", thread->pid, thread->tid, thread->priority, thread->username.characters(), thread->state.characters(), thread->amount_virtual / 1024, thread->amount_resident / 1024, thread->cpu_percent, thread->cpu_percent_decimal); int remaining = g_window_size.ws_col - nprinted; fwrite(thread->name.characters(), 1, max(0, min(remaining, (int)thread->name.length())), stdout); putchar('\n'); if (++row >= (g_window_size.ws_row - 2)) break; } threads.clear_with_capacity(); prev = move(current); for (int sleep_slice = 0; sleep_slice < top_option.delay_time * 1000; sleep_slice += 100) { if (check_quit()) exit(0); usleep(100 * 1000); } } }