/* * Copyright (c) 2022, Dex♪ * Copyright (c) 2022, Andreas Kling * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include "ImageCodecPlugin.h" #include "Utilities.h" #include #include #include namespace Ladybird { ImageCodecPlugin::ImageCodecPlugin(NonnullRefPtr client) : m_client(move(client)) { m_client->on_death = [this] { m_client = nullptr; }; } void ImageCodecPlugin::set_client(NonnullRefPtr client) { m_client = move(client); m_client->on_death = [this] { m_client = nullptr; }; } ImageCodecPlugin::~ImageCodecPlugin() = default; NonnullRefPtr> ImageCodecPlugin::decode_image(ReadonlyBytes bytes, Function(Web::Platform::DecodedImage&)> on_resolved, Function on_rejected) { auto promise = Core::Promise::construct(); if (on_resolved) promise->on_resolution = move(on_resolved); if (on_rejected) promise->on_rejection = move(on_rejected); if (!m_client) { promise->reject(Error::from_string_literal("ImageDecoderClient is disconnected")); return promise; } auto image_decoder_promise = m_client->decode_image( bytes, [promise](ImageDecoderClient::DecodedImage& result) -> ErrorOr { // FIXME: Remove this codec plugin and just use the ImageDecoderClient directly to avoid these copies Web::Platform::DecodedImage decoded_image; decoded_image.is_animated = result.is_animated; decoded_image.loop_count = result.loop_count; for (auto const& frame : result.frames) { decoded_image.frames.empend(move(frame.bitmap), frame.duration); } promise->resolve(move(decoded_image)); return {}; }, [promise](auto& error) { promise->reject(Error::copy(error)); }); return promise; } }