/* * Copyright (c) 2021, Andreas Kling * Copyright (c) 2021, Aziz Berkay Yesilyurt * Copyright (c) 2022, Alex Major * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class SelectableLayover final : public GUI::Widget { C_OBJECT(SelectableLayover) public: virtual ~SelectableLayover() override {}; Gfx::IntRect region() const { return m_region; } private: SelectableLayover(GUI::Window* window) : m_window(window) , m_background_color(palette().threed_highlight().with_alpha(128)) { set_override_cursor(Gfx::StandardCursor::Crosshair); } virtual void mousedown_event(GUI::MouseEvent& event) override { if (event.button() == GUI::MouseButton::Primary) m_anchor_point = event.position(); }; virtual void mousemove_event(GUI::MouseEvent& event) override { if (m_anchor_point.has_value()) { m_region = Gfx::IntRect::from_two_points(*m_anchor_point, event.position()); update(); } }; virtual void mouseup_event(GUI::MouseEvent& event) override { if (event.button() == GUI::MouseButton::Primary) m_window->close(); }; virtual void paint_event(GUI::PaintEvent&) override { GUI::Painter painter(*this); painter.clear_rect(m_window->rect(), Gfx::Color::Transparent); painter.fill_rect(m_window->rect(), m_background_color); if (m_region.is_empty()) return; painter.clear_rect(m_region, Gfx::Color::Transparent); } virtual void keydown_event(GUI::KeyEvent& event) override { if (event.key() == Key_Escape) { m_region = Gfx::IntRect(); m_window->close(); } } Optional m_anchor_point; Gfx::IntRect m_region; GUI::Window* m_window = nullptr; Gfx::Color const m_background_color; }; ErrorOr serenity_main(Main::Arguments arguments) { Core::ArgsParser args_parser; String output_path; bool output_to_clipboard = false; unsigned delay = 0; bool select_region = false; int screen = -1; args_parser.add_positional_argument(output_path, "Output filename", "output", Core::ArgsParser::Required::No); args_parser.add_option(output_to_clipboard, "Output to clipboard", "clipboard", 'c'); args_parser.add_option(delay, "Seconds to wait before taking a screenshot", "delay", 'd', "seconds"); args_parser.add_option(screen, "The index of the screen (default: -1 for all screens)", "screen", 's', "index"); args_parser.add_option(select_region, "Select a region to capture", "region", 'r'); args_parser.parse(arguments); if (output_path.is_empty()) { output_path = Core::DateTime::now().to_string("screenshot-%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S.png"sv); } auto app = TRY(GUI::Application::try_create(arguments)); Optional crop_region; if (select_region) { auto window = GUI::Window::construct(); auto& container = window->set_main_widget(window); window->set_title("shot"); window->set_has_alpha_channel(true); window->set_fullscreen(true); window->show(); app->exec(); crop_region = container.region(); if (crop_region.value().is_empty()) { dbgln("cancelled..."); return 0; } } sleep(delay); Optional screen_index; if (screen >= 0) screen_index = (u32)screen; dbgln("getting screenshot..."); auto shared_bitmap = GUI::ConnectionToWindowServer::the().get_screen_bitmap(crop_region, screen_index); dbgln("got screenshot"); RefPtr bitmap = shared_bitmap.bitmap(); if (!bitmap) { warnln("Failed to grab screenshot"); return 1; } if (output_to_clipboard) { GUI::Clipboard::the().set_bitmap(*bitmap); return 0; } auto encoded_bitmap = Gfx::PNGWriter::encode(*bitmap); if (encoded_bitmap.is_empty()) { warnln("Failed to encode PNG"); return 1; } auto file_or_error = Core::File::open(output_path, Core::OpenMode::ReadWrite); if (file_or_error.is_error()) { warnln("Could not open '{}' for writing: {}", output_path, file_or_error.error()); return 1; } auto& file = *file_or_error.value(); if (!file.write(encoded_bitmap.data(), encoded_bitmap.size())) { warnln("Failed to write PNG"); return 1; } bool printed_hyperlink = false; if (isatty(STDOUT_FILENO)) { auto full_path = Core::File::real_path_for(output_path); if (!full_path.is_null()) { char hostname[HOST_NAME_MAX]; VERIFY(gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname)) == 0); auto url = URL::create_with_file_scheme(full_path, {}, hostname); out("\033]8;;{}\033\\", url.serialize()); printed_hyperlink = true; } } out("{}", output_path); if (printed_hyperlink) { out("\033]8;;\033\\"); } outln(""); return 0; }