/* * Copyright (c) 2021, Andreas Kling * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include namespace Web::HTML { HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils::~HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils() = default; // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/links.html#reinitialise-url void HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils::reinitialize_url() const { // 1. If element's url is non-null, its scheme is "blob", and its cannot-be-a-basFe-URL is true, terminate these steps. if (m_url.has_value() && m_url->scheme() == "blob"sv && m_url->cannot_be_a_base_url()) return; // 2. Set the url. const_cast(this)->set_the_url(); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/links.html#concept-hyperlink-url-set void HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils::set_the_url() { // 1. If this element's href content attribute is absent, set this element's url to null. auto href_content_attribute = hyperlink_element_utils_href(); if (href_content_attribute.is_null()) { m_url = {}; return; } // 2. Otherwise, parse this element's href content attribute value relative to this element's node document. // If parsing is successful, set this element's url to the result; otherwise, set this element's url to null. m_url = hyperlink_element_utils_document().parse_url(href_content_attribute); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/links.html#dom-hyperlink-origin DeprecatedString HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils::origin() const { // 1. Reinitialize url. reinitialize_url(); // 2. If this element's url is null, return the empty string. if (!m_url.has_value()) return DeprecatedString::empty(); // 3. Return the serialization of this element's url's origin. return m_url->serialize_origin(); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/links.html#dom-hyperlink-protocol DeprecatedString HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils::protocol() const { // 1. Reinitialize url. reinitialize_url(); // 2. If this element's url is null, return ":". if (!m_url.has_value()) return ":"sv; // 3. Return this element's url's scheme, followed by ":". return DeprecatedString::formatted("{}:", m_url->scheme()); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/links.html#dom-hyperlink-protocol void HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils::set_protocol(DeprecatedString protocol) { // 1. Reinitialize url. reinitialize_url(); // 2. If this element's url is null, terminate these steps. if (!m_url.has_value()) return; // 3. Basic URL parse the given value, followed by ":", with this element's url as url and scheme start state as state override. auto result_url = URLParser::parse(DeprecatedString::formatted("{}:", protocol), nullptr, m_url, URLParser::State::SchemeStart); if (result_url.is_valid()) m_url = move(result_url); // 4. Update href. update_href(); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/links.html#dom-hyperlink-username DeprecatedString HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils::username() const { // 1. Reinitialize url. reinitialize_url(); // 2. If this element's url is null, return the empty string. if (!m_url.has_value()) return DeprecatedString::empty(); // 3. Return this element's url's username. return m_url->username(); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/links.html#dom-hyperlink-username void HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils::set_username(DeprecatedString username) { // 1. Reinitialize url. reinitialize_url(); // 2. Let url be this element's url. auto& url = m_url; // 3. If url is null or url cannot have a username/password/port, then return. if (!url.has_value() || url->cannot_have_a_username_or_password_or_port()) return; // 4. Set the username given this’s URL and the given value. url->set_username(AK::URL::percent_encode(username, AK::URL::PercentEncodeSet::Userinfo)); // 5. Update href. update_href(); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/links.html#dom-hyperlink-password DeprecatedString HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils::password() const { // 1. Reinitialize url. reinitialize_url(); // 2. Let url be this element's url. auto& url = m_url; // 3. If url is null, then return the empty string. if (!url.has_value()) return DeprecatedString::empty(); // 4. Return url's password. return url->password(); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/links.html#dom-hyperlink-password void HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils::set_password(DeprecatedString password) { // 1. Reinitialize url. reinitialize_url(); // 2. Let url be this element's url. auto& url = m_url; // 3. If url is null or url cannot have a username/password/port, then return. if (!url.has_value() || url->cannot_have_a_username_or_password_or_port()) return; // 4. Set the password, given url and the given value. url->set_password(move(password)); // 5. Update href. update_href(); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/links.html#dom-hyperlink-host DeprecatedString HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils::host() const { // 1. Reinitialize url. reinitialize_url(); // 2. Let url be this element's url. auto& url = m_url; // 3. If url or url's host is null, return the empty string. if (!url.has_value() || url->host().is_null()) return DeprecatedString::empty(); // 4. If url's port is null, return url's host, serialized. if (!url->port().has_value()) return url->host(); // 5. Return url's host, serialized, followed by ":" and url's port, serialized. return DeprecatedString::formatted("{}:{}", url->host(), url->port().value()); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/links.html#dom-hyperlink-host void HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils::set_host(DeprecatedString host) { // 1. Reinitialize url. reinitialize_url(); // 2. Let url be this element's url. auto& url = m_url; // 3. If url is null or url's cannot-be-a-base-URL is true, then return. if (!url.has_value() || url->cannot_be_a_base_url()) return; // 4. Basic URL parse the given value, with url as url and host state as state override. auto result_url = URLParser::parse(host, nullptr, url, URLParser::State::Host); if (result_url.is_valid()) m_url = move(result_url); // 5. Update href. update_href(); } DeprecatedString HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils::hostname() const { // 1. Reinitialize url. // // 2. Let url be this element's url. // // 3. If url or url's host is null, return the empty string. // // 4. Return url's host, serialized. return AK::URL(href()).host(); } void HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils::set_hostname(DeprecatedString hostname) { // 1. Reinitialize url. reinitialize_url(); // 2. Let url be this element's url. auto& url = m_url; // 3. If url is null or url's cannot-be-a-base-URL is true, then return. if (!url.has_value() || url->cannot_be_a_base_url()) return; // 4. Basic URL parse the given value, with url as url and hostname state as state override. auto result_url = URLParser::parse(hostname, nullptr, m_url, URLParser::State::Hostname); if (result_url.is_valid()) m_url = move(result_url); // 5. Update href. update_href(); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/links.html#dom-hyperlink-port DeprecatedString HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils::port() const { // 1. Reinitialize url. reinitialize_url(); // 2. Let url be this element's url. auto& url = m_url; // 3. If url or url's port is null, return the empty string. if (!url.has_value() || !url->port().has_value()) return DeprecatedString::empty(); // 4. Return url's port, serialized. return DeprecatedString::number(url->port().value()); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/links.html#dom-hyperlink-port void HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils::set_port(DeprecatedString port) { // 1. Reinitialize url. reinitialize_url(); // 2. Let url be this element's url. // 3. If url is null or url cannot have a username/password/port, then return. if (!m_url.has_value() || m_url->cannot_have_a_username_or_password_or_port()) return; // 4. If the given value is the empty string, then set url's port to null. if (port.is_empty()) { m_url->set_port({}); } else { // 5. Otherwise, basic URL parse the given value, with url as url and port state as state override. auto result_url = URLParser::parse(port, nullptr, m_url, URLParser::State::Port); if (result_url.is_valid()) m_url = move(result_url); } // 6. Update href. update_href(); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/links.html#dom-hyperlink-pathname DeprecatedString HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils::pathname() const { // 1. Reinitialize url. reinitialize_url(); // 2. Let url be this element's url. // 3. If url is null, return the empty string. if (!m_url.has_value()) return DeprecatedString::empty(); // 4. If url's cannot-be-a-base-URL is true, then return url's path[0]. // 5. If url's path is empty, then return the empty string. // 6. Return "/", followed by the strings in url's path (including empty strings), separated from each other by "/". return m_url->path(); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/links.html#dom-hyperlink-pathname void HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils::set_pathname(DeprecatedString pathname) { // 1. Reinitialize url. reinitialize_url(); // 2. Let url be this element's url. // 3. If url is null or url's cannot-be-a-base-URL is true, then return. if (!m_url.has_value() || m_url->cannot_be_a_base_url()) return; // 4. Set url's path to the empty list. auto url = m_url; // We copy the URL here to follow other browser's behaviour of reverting the path change if the parse failed. url->set_paths({}); // 5. Basic URL parse the given value, with url as url and path start state as state override. auto result_url = URLParser::parse(pathname, nullptr, move(url), URLParser::State::PathStart); if (result_url.is_valid()) m_url = move(result_url); // 6. Update href. update_href(); } DeprecatedString HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils::search() const { // 1. Reinitialize url. reinitialize_url(); // 2. Let url be this element's url. // 3. If url is null, or url's query is either null or the empty string, return the empty string. if (!m_url.has_value() || m_url->query().is_null() || m_url->query().is_empty()) return DeprecatedString::empty(); // 4. Return "?", followed by url's query. return DeprecatedString::formatted("?{}", m_url->query()); } void HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils::set_search(DeprecatedString search) { // 1. Reinitialize url. reinitialize_url(); // 2. Let url be this element's url. // 3. If url is null, terminate these steps. if (!m_url.has_value()) return; // 4. If the given value is the empty string, set url's query to null. if (search.is_empty()) { m_url->set_query({}); } else { // 5. Otherwise: // 1. Let input be the given value with a single leading "?" removed, if any. auto input = search.substring_view(search.starts_with('?')); // 2. Set url's query to the empty string. auto url_copy = m_url; // We copy the URL here to follow other browser's behaviour of reverting the search change if the parse failed. url_copy->set_query(DeprecatedString::empty()); // 3. Basic URL parse input, with null, this element's node document's document's character encoding, url as url, and query state as state override. auto result_url = URLParser::parse(input, nullptr, move(url_copy), URLParser::State::Query); if (result_url.is_valid()) m_url = move(result_url); } // 6. Update href. update_href(); } DeprecatedString HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils::hash() const { // 1. Reinitialize url. reinitialize_url(); // 2. Let url be this element's url. // 3. If url is null, or url's fragment is either null or the empty string, return the empty string. if (!m_url.has_value() || m_url->fragment().is_null() || m_url->fragment().is_empty()) return DeprecatedString::empty(); // 4. Return "#", followed by url's fragment. return DeprecatedString::formatted("#{}", m_url->fragment()); } void HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils::set_hash(DeprecatedString hash) { // 1. Reinitialize url. reinitialize_url(); // 2. Let url be this element's url. // 3. If url is null, then return. if (!m_url.has_value()) return; // 4. If the given value is the empty string, set url's fragment to null. if (hash.is_empty()) { m_url->set_fragment({}); } else { // 5. Otherwise: // 1. Let input be the given value with a single leading "#" removed, if any. auto input = hash.substring_view(hash.starts_with('#')); // 2. Set url's fragment to the empty string. auto url_copy = m_url; // We copy the URL here to follow other browser's behaviour of reverting the hash change if the parse failed. url_copy->set_fragment(DeprecatedString::empty()); // 3. Basic URL parse input, with url as url and fragment state as state override. auto result_url = URLParser::parse(input, nullptr, move(url_copy), URLParser::State::Fragment); if (result_url.is_valid()) m_url = move(result_url); } // 6. Update href. update_href(); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/links.html#dom-hyperlink-href DeprecatedString HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils::href() const { // 1. Reinitialize url. reinitialize_url(); // 2. Let url be this element's url. auto& url = m_url; // 3. If url is null and this element has no href content attribute, return the empty string. auto href_content_attribute = hyperlink_element_utils_href(); if (!url.has_value() && href_content_attribute.is_null()) return DeprecatedString::empty(); // 4. Otherwise, if url is null, return this element's href content attribute's value. if (!url->is_valid()) return href_content_attribute; // 5. Return url, serialized. return url->serialize(); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/links.html#dom-hyperlink-href void HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils::set_href(DeprecatedString href) { // The href attribute's setter must set this element's href content attribute's value to the given value. set_hyperlink_element_utils_href(move(href)); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/links.html#update-href void HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils::update_href() { // To update href, set the element's href content attribute's value to the element's url, serialized. } bool HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils::cannot_navigate() const { // An element element cannot navigate if one of the following is true: // 1. element's node document is not fully active auto const& document = const_cast(this)->hyperlink_element_utils_document(); if (!document.is_fully_active()) return true; // 2. element is not an a element and is not connected. if (!hyperlink_element_utils_is_html_anchor_element() && !hyperlink_element_utils_is_connected()) return true; return false; } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/links.html#following-hyperlinks-2 void HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils::follow_the_hyperlink(Optional hyperlink_suffix) { // To follow the hyperlink created by an element subject, given an optional hyperlinkSuffix (default null): // 1. If subject cannot navigate, then return. if (cannot_navigate()) return; // FIXME: 2. Let replace be false. // 3. Let source be subject's node document's browsing context. auto* source = hyperlink_element_utils_document().browsing_context(); if (!source) return; // 4. Let targetAttributeValue be the empty string. // 5. If subject is an a or area element, then set targetAttributeValue to // the result of getting an element's target given subject. DeprecatedString target_attribute_value = get_an_elements_target(); // 6. Let noopener be the result of getting an element's noopener with subject and targetAttributeValue. bool noopener = get_an_elements_noopener(target_attribute_value); // 7. Let target be the first return value of applying the rules for // choosing a browsing context given targetAttributeValue, source, and // noopener. auto target = source->choose_a_browsing_context(target_attribute_value, noopener).browsing_context; // 8. If target is null, then return. if (!target) return; // 9. Parse a URL given subject's href attribute, relative to subject's node // document. auto url = source->active_document()->parse_url(href()); // 10. If that is successful, let URL be the resulting URL string. auto url_string = url.to_deprecated_string(); // 11. Otherwise, if parsing the URL failed, the user agent may report the // error to the user in a user-agent-specific manner, may queue an element // task on the DOM manipulation task source given subject to navigate the // target browsing context to an error page to report the error, or may // ignore the error and do nothing. In any case, the user agent must then // return. // 12. If hyperlinkSuffix is non-null, then append it to URL. if (hyperlink_suffix.has_value()) { StringBuilder url_builder; url_builder.append(url_string); url_builder.append(*hyperlink_suffix); url_string = url_builder.to_deprecated_string(); } // FIXME: 13. Let request be a new request whose URL is URL and whose // referrer policy is the current state of subject's referrerpolicy content // attribute. // FIXME: 14. If subject's link types includes the noreferrer keyword, then // set request's referrer to "no-referrer". // 15. Queue an element task on the DOM manipulation task source given // subject to navigate target to request with the source browsing context // set to source. // FIXME: "navigate" means implementing the navigation algorithm here: // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/browsing-the-web.html#navigate hyperlink_element_utils_queue_an_element_task(Task::Source::DOMManipulation, [url_string, target] { target->loader().load(url_string, FrameLoader::Type::Navigation); }); } DeprecatedString HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils::get_an_elements_target() const { // To get an element's target, given an a, area, or form element element, run these steps: // 1. If element has a target attribute, then return that attribute's value. if (auto target = hyperlink_element_utils_target(); !target.is_empty()) return target; // FIXME: 2. If element's node document contains a base element with a // target attribute, then return the value of the target attribute of the // first such base element. // 3. Return the empty string. return ""; } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/links.html#get-an-element's-noopener bool HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils::get_an_elements_noopener(StringView target) const { // To get an element's noopener, given an a, area, or form element element and a string target: auto rel = hyperlink_element_utils_rel().to_lowercase(); auto link_types = rel.view().split_view_if(Infra::is_ascii_whitespace); // 1. If element's link types include the noopener or noreferrer keyword, then return true. if (link_types.contains_slow("noopener"sv) || link_types.contains_slow("noreferrer"sv)) return true; // 2. If element's link types do not include the opener keyword and // target is an ASCII case-insensitive match for "_blank", then return true. if (!link_types.contains_slow("opener"sv) && target.equals_ignoring_case("_blank"sv)) return true; // 3. Return false. return false; } }