/* * Copyright (c) 2019-2020, Sergey Bugaev * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include "Service.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static HashMap s_service_map; Service* Service::find_by_pid(pid_t pid) { auto it = s_service_map.find(pid); if (it == s_service_map.end()) return nullptr; return (*it).value; } ErrorOr Service::setup_socket(SocketDescriptor& socket) { VERIFY(socket.fd == -1); TRY(Core::Directory::create(LexicalPath(socket.path).parent(), Core::Directory::CreateDirectories::Yes)); // Note: we use SOCK_CLOEXEC here to make sure we don't leak every socket to // all the clients. We'll make the one we do need to pass down !CLOEXEC later // after forking off the process. int const socket_fd = TRY(Core::System::socket(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_NONBLOCK | SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0)); socket.fd = socket_fd; if (m_account.has_value()) { auto& account = m_account.value(); TRY(Core::System::fchown(socket_fd, account.uid(), account.gid())); } TRY(Core::System::fchmod(socket_fd, socket.permissions)); auto socket_address = Core::SocketAddress::local(socket.path); auto un_optional = socket_address.to_sockaddr_un(); if (!un_optional.has_value()) { dbgln("Socket name {} is too long. BUG! This should have failed earlier!", socket.path); VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } auto un = un_optional.value(); TRY(Core::System::bind(socket_fd, (sockaddr const*)&un, sizeof(un))); TRY(Core::System::listen(socket_fd, 16)); return {}; } ErrorOr Service::setup_sockets() { for (SocketDescriptor& socket : m_sockets) TRY(setup_socket(socket)); return {}; } void Service::setup_notifier() { VERIFY(m_lazy); VERIFY(m_sockets.size() == 1); VERIFY(!m_socket_notifier); m_socket_notifier = Core::Notifier::construct(m_sockets[0].fd, Core::Notifier::Event::Read, this); m_socket_notifier->on_ready_to_read = [this] { handle_socket_connection(); }; } void Service::handle_socket_connection() { VERIFY(m_sockets.size() == 1); dbgln_if(SERVICE_DEBUG, "Ready to read on behalf of {}", name()); int socket_fd = m_sockets[0].fd; if (m_accept_socket_connections) { // FIXME: Propagate errors auto maybe_accepted_fd = Core::System::accept(socket_fd, nullptr, nullptr); if (maybe_accepted_fd.is_error()) { dbgln("accept: {}", maybe_accepted_fd.error()); return; } int accepted_fd = maybe_accepted_fd.release_value(); // FIXME: Propagate errors MUST(determine_account(accepted_fd)); spawn(accepted_fd); close(accepted_fd); } else { remove_child(*m_socket_notifier); m_socket_notifier = nullptr; spawn(socket_fd); } } void Service::activate() { VERIFY(m_pid < 0); if (m_lazy) setup_notifier(); else spawn(); } void Service::spawn(int socket_fd) { if (!Core::File::exists(m_executable_path)) { dbgln("{}: binary \"{}\" does not exist, skipping service.", name(), m_executable_path); return; } dbgln_if(SERVICE_DEBUG, "Spawning {}", name()); m_run_timer.start(); pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { perror("fork"); dbgln("Failed to spawn {}. Sucks, dude :(", name()); } else if (pid == 0) { // We are the child. if (!m_working_directory.is_null()) { if (chdir(m_working_directory.characters()) < 0) { perror("chdir"); VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } struct sched_param p; p.sched_priority = m_priority; int rc = sched_setparam(0, &p); if (rc < 0) { perror("sched_setparam"); VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } if (!m_stdio_file_path.is_null()) { close(STDIN_FILENO); int fd = open(m_stdio_file_path.characters(), O_RDWR, 0); VERIFY(fd <= 0); if (fd < 0) { perror("open"); VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } dup2(STDIN_FILENO, STDOUT_FILENO); dup2(STDIN_FILENO, STDERR_FILENO); if (isatty(STDIN_FILENO)) { ioctl(STDIN_FILENO, TIOCSCTTY); } } else { if (isatty(STDIN_FILENO)) { ioctl(STDIN_FILENO, TIOCNOTTY); } close(STDIN_FILENO); close(STDOUT_FILENO); close(STDERR_FILENO); int fd = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR); VERIFY(fd == STDIN_FILENO); dup2(STDIN_FILENO, STDOUT_FILENO); dup2(STDIN_FILENO, STDERR_FILENO); } StringBuilder builder; if (socket_fd >= 0) { // We were spawned by socket activation. We currently only support // single sockets for socket activation, so make sure that's the case. VERIFY(m_sockets.size() == 1); int fd = dup(socket_fd); builder.appendff("{}:{}", m_sockets[0].path, fd); } else { // We were spawned as a regular process, so dup every socket for this // service and let the service know via SOCKET_TAKEOVER. for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_sockets.size(); i++) { SocketDescriptor& socket = m_sockets.at(i); int new_fd = dup(socket.fd); if (i != 0) builder.append(' '); builder.appendff("{}:{}", socket.path, new_fd); } } if (!m_sockets.is_empty()) { // The new descriptor is !CLOEXEC here. setenv("SOCKET_TAKEOVER", builder.to_string().characters(), true); } if (m_account.has_value()) { auto& account = m_account.value(); if (setgid(account.gid()) < 0 || setgroups(account.extra_gids().size(), account.extra_gids().data()) < 0 || setuid(account.uid()) < 0) { dbgln("Failed to drop privileges (GID={}, UID={})\n", account.gid(), account.uid()); exit(1); } setenv("HOME", account.home_directory().characters(), true); } for (String& env : m_environment) putenv(const_cast(env.characters())); char* argv[m_extra_arguments.size() + 2]; argv[0] = const_cast(m_executable_path.characters()); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_extra_arguments.size(); i++) argv[i + 1] = const_cast(m_extra_arguments[i].characters()); argv[m_extra_arguments.size() + 1] = nullptr; rc = execv(argv[0], argv); warnln("Failed to execv({}, ...): {}", argv[0], strerror(errno)); dbgln("Failed to execv({}, ...): {}", argv[0], strerror(errno)); VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } else if (!m_multi_instance) { // We are the parent. m_pid = pid; s_service_map.set(pid, this); } } void Service::did_exit(int exit_code) { VERIFY(m_pid > 0); VERIFY(!m_multi_instance); dbgln("Service {} has exited with exit code {}", name(), exit_code); s_service_map.remove(m_pid); m_pid = -1; if (!m_keep_alive) return; int run_time_in_msec = m_run_timer.elapsed(); bool exited_successfully = exit_code == 0; if (!exited_successfully && run_time_in_msec < 1000) { switch (m_restart_attempts) { case 0: dbgln("Trying again"); break; case 1: dbgln("Third time's the charm?"); break; default: dbgln("Giving up on {}. Good luck!", name()); return; } m_restart_attempts++; } activate(); } Service::Service(Core::ConfigFile const& config, StringView name) : Core::Object(nullptr) { VERIFY(config.has_group(name)); set_name(name); m_executable_path = config.read_entry(name, "Executable", String::formatted("/bin/{}", this->name())); m_extra_arguments = config.read_entry(name, "Arguments", "").split(' '); m_stdio_file_path = config.read_entry(name, "StdIO"); String prio = config.read_entry(name, "Priority"); if (prio == "low") m_priority = 10; else if (prio == "normal" || prio.is_null()) m_priority = 30; else if (prio == "high") m_priority = 50; else VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); m_keep_alive = config.read_bool_entry(name, "KeepAlive"); m_lazy = config.read_bool_entry(name, "Lazy"); m_user = config.read_entry(name, "User"); if (!m_user.is_null()) { auto result = Core::Account::from_name(m_user.characters()); if (result.is_error()) warnln("Failed to resolve user {}: {}", m_user, result.error()); else m_account = result.value(); } m_working_directory = config.read_entry(name, "WorkingDirectory"); m_environment = config.read_entry(name, "Environment").split(' '); m_system_modes = config.read_entry(name, "SystemModes", "graphical").split(','); m_multi_instance = config.read_bool_entry(name, "MultiInstance"); m_accept_socket_connections = config.read_bool_entry(name, "AcceptSocketConnections"); String socket_entry = config.read_entry(name, "Socket"); String socket_permissions_entry = config.read_entry(name, "SocketPermissions", "0600"); if (!socket_entry.is_null()) { Vector socket_paths = socket_entry.split(','); Vector socket_perms = socket_permissions_entry.split(','); m_sockets.ensure_capacity(socket_paths.size()); // Need i here to iterate along with all other vectors. for (unsigned i = 0; i < socket_paths.size(); i++) { String& path = socket_paths.at(i); // Socket path (plus NUL) must fit into the structs sent to the Kernel. VERIFY(path.length() < UNIX_PATH_MAX); // This is done so that the last permission repeats for every other // socket. So you can define a single permission, and have it // be applied for every socket. mode_t permissions = strtol(socket_perms.at(min(socket_perms.size() - 1, (long unsigned)i)).characters(), nullptr, 8) & 0777; m_sockets.empend(path, -1, permissions); } } // Lazy requires Socket, but only one. VERIFY(!m_lazy || m_sockets.size() == 1); // AcceptSocketConnections always requires Socket (single), Lazy, and MultiInstance. VERIFY(!m_accept_socket_connections || (m_sockets.size() == 1 && m_lazy && m_multi_instance)); // MultiInstance doesn't work with KeepAlive. VERIFY(!m_multi_instance || !m_keep_alive); } ErrorOr> Service::try_create(Core::ConfigFile const& config, StringView name) { auto service = TRY(adopt_nonnull_ref_or_enomem(new (nothrow) Service(config, name))); if (service->is_enabled()) TRY(service->setup_sockets()); return service; } void Service::save_to(JsonObject& json) { Core::Object::save_to(json); json.set("executable_path", m_executable_path); // FIXME: This crashes Inspector. /* JsonArray extra_args; for (String& arg : m_extra_arguments) extra_args.append(arg); json.set("extra_arguments", move(extra_args)); JsonArray system_modes; for (String& mode : m_system_modes) system_modes.append(mode); json.set("system_modes", system_modes); JsonArray environment; for (String& env : m_environment) system_modes.append(env); json.set("environment", environment); JsonArray sockets; for (SocketDescriptor &socket : m_sockets) { JsonObject socket_obj; socket_obj.set("path", socket.path); socket_obj.set("permissions", socket.permissions); sockets.append(socket); } json.set("sockets", sockets); */ json.set("stdio_file_path", m_stdio_file_path); json.set("priority", m_priority); json.set("keep_alive", m_keep_alive); json.set("lazy", m_lazy); json.set("user", m_user); json.set("multi_instance", m_multi_instance); json.set("accept_socket_connections", m_accept_socket_connections); if (m_pid > 0) json.set("pid", m_pid); else json.set("pid", nullptr); json.set("restart_attempts", m_restart_attempts); json.set("working_directory", m_working_directory); } bool Service::is_enabled() const { extern String g_system_mode; return m_system_modes.contains_slow(g_system_mode); } ErrorOr Service::determine_account(int fd) { struct ucred creds = {}; socklen_t creds_size = sizeof(creds); TRY(Core::System::getsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_PEERCRED, &creds, &creds_size)); auto const directory_name = String::formatted("/proc/{}/", creds.pid); auto const stat = TRY(Core::System::stat(directory_name)); m_account = TRY(Core::Account::from_uid(stat.st_uid)); return {}; } Service::~Service() { for (auto& socket : m_sockets) { if (auto rc = remove(socket.path.characters()); rc != 0) dbgln("{}", Error::from_errno(errno)); } }