/* * Copyright (c) 2023, Dan Klishch * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include namespace AK { namespace Detail { // Ideally, we want to store data in the native processor's words. However, for some algorithms, // particularly multiplication, we require double of the amount of the native word size. #if defined(__SIZEOF_INT128__) && defined(AK_ARCH_64_BIT) using NativeWord = u64; using DoubleWord = unsigned __int128; using SignedDoubleWord = __int128; #else using NativeWord = u32; using DoubleWord = u64; using SignedDoubleWord = i64; #endif template using ConditionallySignedDoubleWord = Conditional; template concept BuiltInUFixedInt = OneOf; template constexpr inline size_t bit_width = sizeof(T) * 8; constexpr size_t word_size = bit_width; constexpr NativeWord max_word = ~static_cast(0); static_assert(word_size == 32 || word_size == 64); // Max big integer length is 256 MiB (2.1e9 bits) for 32-bit, 4 GiB (3.4e10 bits) for 64-bit. constexpr size_t max_big_int_length = 1 << (word_size == 32 ? 26 : 29); // ===== Static storage for big integers ===== // FIXME: remove once Clang formats these properly. // clang-format off template concept IntegerStorage = requires(T storage, size_t index) { { storage.is_negative() } -> SameAs; { storage.size() } -> SameAs; { storage[index] } -> ConvertibleTo; { storage.data() } -> ConvertibleTo; }; template concept IntegerReadonlyStorage = IntegerStorage; // clang-format on struct NullAllocator { NativeWord* allocate(size_t) { VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } }; template struct StorageSpan : AK::Span { using AK::Span::Span; constexpr static bool is_signed = is_signed_; explicit constexpr StorageSpan(AK::Span span) : AK::Span(span) { } constexpr bool is_negative() const { return is_signed && this->last() >> (word_size - 1); } }; using UnsignedStorageSpan = StorageSpan; using UnsignedStorageReadonlySpan = StorageSpan; // Sometimes we want to know the exact maximum amount of the bits required to represent the number. // However, the bit size only acts as a hint for wide multiply operations. For all other purposes, // `bit_size`-sized and `ceil(bit_size / word_size) * word_size`-sized `StaticStorage`s will act the // same. template requires(bit_size <= max_big_int_length * word_size) struct StaticStorage { constexpr static size_t static_size = (bit_size + word_size - 1) / word_size; constexpr static bool is_signed = is_signed_; // We store integers in little-endian regardless of the host endianness. We use two's complement // representation of negative numbers and do not bother at all if `bit_size % word_size != 0` // (i. e. do not properly handle overflows). NativeWord m_data[static_size]; constexpr bool is_negative() const { return is_signed_ && m_data[static_size - 1] >> (word_size - 1); } constexpr static size_t size() { return static_size; } constexpr NativeWord operator[](size_t i) const { return m_data[i]; } constexpr NativeWord& operator[](size_t i) { return m_data[i]; } constexpr NativeWord const* data() const { return m_data; } constexpr NativeWord* data() { return m_data; } }; struct IntegerWrapper { StaticStorage> m_data; // There is no reason to ban u128{0} + 1 (although the second argument type is signed, the value // is known at the compile time to be non-negative). In order to do so, we provide overloads in // UFixedBigInt which take IntegerWrapper as an argument. consteval IntegerWrapper(int value) { if (value < 0) compiletime_fail("Requested implicit conversion of an integer to the unsigned one will underflow."); m_data[0] = static_cast(value); } }; constexpr inline auto get_storage_of(IntegerWrapper value) { return value.m_data; } template constexpr StaticStorage> get_storage_of(T value) { if constexpr (sizeof(T) > sizeof(NativeWord)) { static_assert(sizeof(T) == 2 * sizeof(NativeWord)); return { static_cast(value), static_cast(value >> word_size) }; } return { static_cast(value) }; } // ===== Utilities ===== template ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr void taint_for_optimizer(T& value) { if (!is_constant_evaluated()) { asm volatile("" : "+rm"(value) : : "memory"); } } ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr NativeWord extend_sign(bool sign) { return sign ? max_word : 0; } // FIXME: 1) If available, we might try to use AVX2 and AVX512. // 2) We should use something similar to __builtin_ia32_addcarryx_u64 for GCC on !x86_64 or // get https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=79173 fixed to use // architecture-agnostic __builtin_addc function family unconditionally. The same applies // to `sub_words`. ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr NativeWord add_words(NativeWord word1, NativeWord word2, bool& carry) { if (!is_constant_evaluated()) { #if ARCH(X86_64) unsigned long long output; carry = __builtin_ia32_addcarryx_u64(carry, word1, word2, &output); return static_cast(output); #else # if defined(AK_COMPILER_CLANG) NativeWord ncarry, output; if constexpr (SameAs) output = __builtin_addc(word1, word2, carry, reinterpret_cast(&ncarry)); else if constexpr (SameAs) output = __builtin_addcl(word1, word2, carry, reinterpret_cast(&ncarry)); else if constexpr (SameAs) output = __builtin_addcll(word1, word2, carry, reinterpret_cast(&ncarry)); else VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); carry = ncarry; return output; # endif #endif } // Note: This is usually too confusing for both GCC and Clang. NativeWord output; bool ncarry = __builtin_add_overflow(word1, word2, &output); if (carry) { ++output; if (output == 0) ncarry = true; } carry = ncarry; return output; } ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr NativeWord sub_words(NativeWord word1, NativeWord word2, bool& carry) { if (!is_constant_evaluated()) { #if ARCH(X86_64) unsigned long long output; # if defined(AK_COMPILER_CLANG) // This is named __builtin_ia32_sbb_u64 in G++. *facepalm* carry = __builtin_ia32_subborrow_u64(carry, word1, word2, &output); # else carry = __builtin_ia32_sbb_u64(carry, word1, word2, &output); # endif return static_cast(output); #else # if defined(AK_COMPILER_CLANG) NativeWord ncarry, output; if constexpr (SameAs) output = __builtin_subc(word1, word2, carry, reinterpret_cast(&ncarry)); else if constexpr (SameAs) output = __builtin_subcl(word1, word2, carry, reinterpret_cast(&ncarry)); else if constexpr (SameAs) output = __builtin_subcll(word1, word2, carry, reinterpret_cast(&ncarry)); else VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); carry = ncarry; return output; # endif #endif } NativeWord output; bool ncarry = __builtin_sub_overflow(word1, word2, &output); if (carry) { if (output == 0) ncarry = true; --output; } carry = ncarry; return output; } // Calculate ((dividend1 << word_size) + dividend0) / divisor. Quotient should be guaranteed to fit // into NativeWord. ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr NativeWord div_mod_words(NativeWord dividend0, NativeWord dividend1, NativeWord divisor, NativeWord& remainder) { auto dividend = (static_cast(dividend1) << word_size) + dividend0; remainder = static_cast(dividend % divisor); return static_cast(dividend / divisor); } // ===== Operations on integer storages ===== // Naming scheme for variables belonging to one of the operands or the result is as follows: // trailing digit in a name is 1 if a variable belongs to `operand1` (or the only `operand`), 2 -- // for `operand2` and no trailing digit -- for `result`. struct StorageOperations { static constexpr void copy(IntegerReadonlyStorage auto const& operand, IntegerStorage auto&& result, size_t offset = 0) { auto fill = extend_sign(operand.is_negative()); size_t size1 = operand.size(), size = result.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) result[i] = i + offset < size1 ? operand[i + offset] : fill; } static constexpr void set(NativeWord value, auto&& result) { result[0] = value; for (size_t i = 1; i < result.size(); ++i) result[i] = 0; } // `is_for_inequality' is a hint to compiler that we do not need to differentiate between < and >. static constexpr int compare(IntegerReadonlyStorage auto const& operand1, IntegerReadonlyStorage auto const& operand2, bool is_for_inequality) { bool sign1 = operand1.is_negative(), sign2 = operand2.is_negative(); size_t size1 = operand1.size(), size2 = operand2.size(); if (sign1 != sign2) { if (sign1) return -1; return 1; } NativeWord compare_value = extend_sign(sign1); bool differ_in_high_bits = false; if (size1 > size2) { for (size_t i = size1; i-- > size2;) if (operand1[i] != compare_value) differ_in_high_bits = true; } else if (size1 < size2) { for (size_t i = size2; i-- > size1;) if (operand2[i] != compare_value) differ_in_high_bits = true; } if (differ_in_high_bits) return (size1 > size2) ^ sign1 ? 1 : -1; // FIXME: Using min(size1, size2) in the next line triggers -Warray-bounds on GCC with -O2 and // -fsanitize=address. I have not reported this. // Reduced testcase: https://godbolt.org/z/TE3MbfhnE for (size_t i = (size1 > size2 ? size2 : size1); i--;) { auto word1 = operand1[i], word2 = operand2[i]; if (is_for_inequality) { if (word1 != word2) return 1; } else { if (word1 > word2) return 1; if (word1 < word2) return -1; } } return 0; } enum class Bitwise { AND, OR, XOR, INVERT, }; // Requirements: // - !operand1.is_signed && !operand2.is_signed && !result.is_signed (the function will also work // for signed storages but will extend them with zeroes regardless of the actual sign). template static constexpr void compute_bitwise(IntegerReadonlyStorage auto const& operand1, IntegerReadonlyStorage auto const& operand2, IntegerStorage auto&& result) { size_t size1 = operand1.size(), size2 = operand2.size(), size = result.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { auto word1 = i < size1 ? operand1[i] : 0; auto word2 = i < size2 ? operand2[i] : 0; if constexpr (operation == Bitwise::AND) result[i] = word1 & word2; else if constexpr (operation == Bitwise::OR) result[i] = word1 | word2; else if constexpr (operation == Bitwise::XOR) result[i] = word1 ^ word2; else if constexpr (operation == Bitwise::INVERT) result[i] = ~word1; else static_assert(((void)operation, false)); } } // See `storage_compute_bitwise` for the signedness requirements. // // NOTE: We want to be able to call all of the storage_* functions like // `storage_*(operand1, operand2, result)`, even if some of the operands are unused (in order // to then easily generate most of the operators via defines). That is why we have unused // first operand here. template static constexpr void compute_inplace_bitwise(IntegerReadonlyStorage auto const&, IntegerReadonlyStorage auto const& operand2, IntegerStorage auto&& result) { size_t min_size = min(result.size(), operand2.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < min_size; ++i) { if constexpr (operation == Bitwise::AND) result[i] &= operand2[i]; else if constexpr (operation == Bitwise::OR) result[i] |= operand2[i]; else if constexpr (operation == Bitwise::XOR) result[i] ^= operand2[i]; else static_assert(((void)operation, false)); } } // Requirements for the next two functions: // - shift < result.size() * word_size; // - result.size() == operand.size(). static constexpr void shift_left(IntegerReadonlyStorage auto const& operand, size_t shift, IntegerStorage auto&& result) { size_t size = operand.size(); size_t offset = shift / word_size, remainder = shift % word_size; if (shift % word_size == 0) { for (size_t i = size; i-- > offset;) result[i] = operand[i - offset]; for (size_t i = 0; i < offset; ++i) result[i] = 0; } else { for (size_t i = size; --i > offset;) result[i] = (operand[i - offset] << remainder) | (operand[i - offset - 1] >> (word_size - remainder)); result[offset] = operand[0] << remainder; for (size_t i = 0; i < offset; ++i) result[i] = 0; } } static constexpr void shift_right(IntegerReadonlyStorage auto const& operand, size_t shift, IntegerStorage auto&& result) { size_t size = operand.size(); size_t offset = shift / word_size, remainder = shift % word_size; if (shift % word_size == 0) { for (size_t i = 0; i < size - offset; ++i) result[i] = operand[i + offset]; for (size_t i = size - offset; i < size; ++i) result[i] = 0; } else { for (size_t i = 0; i < size - offset - 1; ++i) result[i] = (operand[i + offset] >> remainder) | (operand[i + offset + 1] << (word_size - remainder)); result[size - offset - 1] = operand[size - 1] >> remainder; for (size_t i = size - offset; i < size; ++i) result[i] = 0; } } // Requirements: // - result.size() >= max(operand1.size(), operand2.size()) (not a real constraint but overflow // detection will not work otherwise). // // Return value: // Let r be the return value of the function and a, b, c -- the integer values stored in `operand1`, // `operand2` and `result`, respectively. Then, // a + b * (-1) ** subtract = c + r * 2 ** (result.size() * word_size). // In particular, r equals 0 iff no overflow has happened. template static constexpr int add(IntegerReadonlyStorage auto const& operand1, IntegerReadonlyStorage auto const& operand2, IntegerStorage auto&& result, bool carry = false) { bool sign1 = operand1.is_negative(), sign2 = operand2.is_negative(); auto fill1 = extend_sign(sign1), fill2 = extend_sign(sign2); size_t size1 = operand1.size(), size2 = operand2.size(), size = result.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { auto word1 = i < size1 ? operand1[i] : fill1; auto word2 = i < size2 ? operand2[i] : fill2; if constexpr (!subtract) result[i] = add_words(word1, word2, carry); else result[i] = sub_words(word1, word2, carry); } if constexpr (!subtract) return -sign1 - sign2 + carry + result.is_negative(); else return -sign1 + sign2 - carry + result.is_negative(); } // See `storage_add` for the meaning of the return value. template static constexpr int increment(IntegerStorage auto&& operand) { bool carry = true; bool sign = operand.is_negative(); size_t size = operand.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if constexpr (!subtract) operand[i] = add_words(operand[i], 0, carry); else operand[i] = sub_words(operand[i], 0, carry); } if constexpr (!subtract) return -sign + carry + operand.is_negative(); else return -sign - carry + operand.is_negative(); } // Requirements: // - result.size() == operand.size(). // // Return value: operand != 0. static constexpr bool negate(IntegerReadonlyStorage auto const& operand, IntegerStorage auto&& result) { bool carry = false; size_t size = operand.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) result[i] = sub_words(0, operand[i], carry); return carry; } // No allocations will occur if both operands are unsigned. template static constexpr void baseline_mul(Operand1 const& operand1, Operand2 const& operand2, IntegerStorage auto&& __restrict__ result, auto&& buffer) { bool sign1 = operand1.is_negative(), sign2 = operand2.is_negative(); size_t size1 = operand1.size(), size2 = operand2.size(), size = result.size(); if (size1 == 1 && size2 == 1) { // We do not want to compete with the cleverness of the compiler of multiplying NativeWords. ConditionallySignedDoubleWord word1 = operand1[0]; ConditionallySignedDoubleWord word2 = operand2[0]; auto value = static_cast(word1 * word2); result[0] = value; if (size > 1) { result[1] = value >> word_size; auto fill = extend_sign(sign1 ^ sign2); for (size_t i = 2; i < result.size(); ++i) result[i] = fill; } return; } if (size1 < size2) { baseline_mul(operand2, operand1, result, buffer); return; } // Now size1 >= size2 // Normalize signs auto data1 = operand1.data(), data2 = operand2.data(); if (size2 < size) { if (sign1) { auto inverted = buffer.allocate(size1); negate(operand1, UnsignedStorageSpan { inverted, size1 }); data1 = inverted; } if (sign2) { auto inverted = buffer.allocate(size2); negate(operand2, UnsignedStorageSpan { inverted, size2 }); data2 = inverted; } } size1 = min(size1, size), size2 = min(size2, size); // Do schoolbook O(size1 * size2). DoubleWord carry = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { result[i] = static_cast(carry); carry >>= word_size; size_t start_index = i >= size2 ? i - size2 + 1 : 0; size_t end_index = min(i + 1, size1); for (size_t j = start_index; j < end_index; ++j) { auto x = static_cast(data1[j]) * data2[i - j]; bool ncarry = false; result[i] = add_words(result[i], static_cast(x), ncarry); carry += (x >> word_size) + ncarry; } } if (size2 < size && (sign1 ^ sign2)) negate(result, result); } }; } using Detail::StorageOperations, Detail::NativeWord, Detail::word_size, Detail::max_word, Detail::UnsignedStorageSpan, Detail::UnsignedStorageReadonlySpan; inline Detail::NullAllocator g_null_allocator; }