/* * Copyright (c) 2020-2022, Andreas Kling * Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Linus Groh * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Web::HTML { // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/canvas.html#canvasimagesource // NOTE: This is the Variant created by the IDL wrapper generator, and needs to be updated accordingly. using CanvasImageSource = Variant, NonnullRefPtr>; class CanvasRenderingContext2D : public RefCountForwarder , public Bindings::Wrappable , public CanvasPath , public CanvasState , public CanvasTransform , public CanvasFillStrokeStyles , public CanvasRect { AK_MAKE_NONCOPYABLE(CanvasRenderingContext2D); AK_MAKE_NONMOVABLE(CanvasRenderingContext2D); public: using WrapperType = Bindings::CanvasRenderingContext2DWrapper; static NonnullRefPtr create(HTMLCanvasElement& element) { return adopt_ref(*new CanvasRenderingContext2D(element)); } ~CanvasRenderingContext2D(); virtual void fill_rect(float x, float y, float width, float height) override; virtual void stroke_rect(float x, float y, float width, float height) override; virtual void clear_rect(float x, float y, float width, float height) override; DOM::ExceptionOr draw_image(CanvasImageSource const&, float destination_x, float destination_y); DOM::ExceptionOr draw_image(CanvasImageSource const&, float destination_x, float destination_y, float destination_width, float destination_height); DOM::ExceptionOr draw_image(CanvasImageSource const&, float source_x, float source_y, float source_width, float source_height, float destination_x, float destination_y, float destination_width, float destination_height); void set_line_width(float line_width) { drawing_state().line_width = line_width; } float line_width() const { return drawing_state().line_width; } void begin_path(); void stroke(); void stroke(Path2D const& path); void fill_text(String const&, float x, float y, Optional max_width); void stroke_text(String const&, float x, float y, Optional max_width); void fill(String const& fill_rule); void fill(Path2D& path, String const& fill_rule); RefPtr create_image_data(int width, int height) const; DOM::ExceptionOr> get_image_data(int x, int y, int width, int height) const; void put_image_data(ImageData const&, float x, float y); virtual void reset_to_default_state() override; NonnullRefPtr canvas_for_binding() const; RefPtr measure_text(String const& text); void clip(); private: explicit CanvasRenderingContext2D(HTMLCanvasElement&); struct PreparedTextGlyph { unsigned int c; Gfx::IntPoint position; }; struct PreparedText { Vector glyphs; Gfx::TextAlignment physical_alignment; Gfx::IntRect bounding_box; }; void did_draw(Gfx::FloatRect const&); PreparedText prepare_text(String const& text, float max_width = INFINITY); OwnPtr painter(); HTMLCanvasElement& canvas_element(); HTMLCanvasElement const& canvas_element() const; void stroke_internal(Gfx::Path const&); void fill_internal(Gfx::Path&, String const& fill_rule); // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/canvas.html#concept-canvas-origin-clean bool m_origin_clean { true }; }; enum class CanvasImageSourceUsability { Bad, Good, }; DOM::ExceptionOr check_usability_of_image(CanvasImageSource const&); bool image_is_not_origin_clean(CanvasImageSource const&); }