#!/usr/bin/env -S bash ../.port_include.sh port='ja2' version='0.15.x' depends=( 'SDL2' ) workdir="ja2-stracciatella-${version}" files=( "https://github.com/ja2-stracciatella/ja2-stracciatella/archive/refs/heads/${version}.zip 178375de4859d16a76276c781455bf48d3fa862841387c8aa6cfa4162f4f0ca4" ) makeopts+=( 'SERENITY=1' ) launcher_name='Jagged Alliance 2' launcher_category='Games' launcher_command='/opt/ja2/ja2' icon_file='Build/Res/jagged3.ico' install() { installdir="${SERENITY_INSTALL_ROOT}/opt/ja2" run mkdir -p "${installdir}" run cp -r ja2 mods externalized "${installdir}" echo "INFO: Jagged Alliance 2 data have to be provided! Copy DATA directory located in the original Jagged Alliance 2 installation into the '${installdir}'." echo "INFO: Boot up SerenityOS and run '/opt/ja2/ja2' executable in order to produce ja2.ini configuration file in the '/home/anon/.ja2'." echo "INFO: Edit the configuration file and set 'data_dir' value to '/opt/ja2'." }