#!/usr/bin/env bash script_path=$(cd -P -- "$(dirname -- "$0")" && pwd -P) cd "$script_path/.." || exit 1 # We simply check if the file starts with: # /* # * Copyright LICENSE_HEADER_PATTERN=$'^/\*\n \* Copyright' MISSING_LICENSE_HEADER_ERRORS=() # We check that "#pragma once" is present PRAGMA_ONCE_PATTERN='#pragma once' MISSING_PRAGMA_ONCE_ERRORS=() # We make sure that there's a blank line before and after pragma once GOOD_PRAGMA_ONCE_PATTERN=$'(^|\\S\n\n)#pragma once(\n\n\\S.|$)' BAD_PRAGMA_ONCE_ERRORS=() # We check that "#include " is not being used LIBM_MATH_H_INCLUDE_PATTERN='#include ' LIBM_MATH_H_INCLUDE_ERRORS=() while IFS= read -r f; do file_content="$(< "$f")" if [[ ! "$file_content" =~ $LICENSE_HEADER_PATTERN ]]; then MISSING_LICENSE_HEADER_ERRORS+=("$f") fi if [[ "$file_content" =~ $LIBM_MATH_H_INCLUDE_PATTERN ]]; then LIBM_MATH_H_INCLUDE_ERRORS+=("$f") fi if [[ "$f" =~ \.h$ ]]; then if [[ ! "$file_content" =~ $PRAGMA_ONCE_PATTERN ]]; then MISSING_PRAGMA_ONCE_ERRORS+=("$f") elif [[ ! "$file_content" =~ $GOOD_PRAGMA_ONCE_PATTERN ]]; then BAD_PRAGMA_ONCE_ERRORS+=("$f") fi fi done < <(git ls-files -- \ '*.cpp' \ '*.h' \ ':!:Base' \ ':!:Kernel/FileSystem/ext2_fs.h' \ ':!:Userland/Libraries/LibC/getopt.cpp' \ ':!:Userland/Libraries/LibCore/puff.h' \ ':!:Userland/Libraries/LibCore/puff.cpp' \ ':!:Userland/Libraries/LibELF/exec_elf.h' \ ) exit_status=0 if (( ${#MISSING_LICENSE_HEADER_ERRORS[@]} )); then echo "Files missing license headers: ${MISSING_LICENSE_HEADER_ERRORS[*]}" exit_status=1 fi if (( ${#MISSING_PRAGMA_ONCE_ERRORS[@]} )); then echo "Header files missing \"#pragma once\": ${MISSING_PRAGMA_ONCE_ERRORS[*]}" exit_status=1 fi if (( ${#BAD_PRAGMA_ONCE_ERRORS[@]} )); then echo "\"#pragma once\" should have a blank line before and after in these files: ${BAD_PRAGMA_ONCE_ERRORS[*]}" exit_status=1 fi if (( ${#LIBM_MATH_H_INCLUDE_ERRORS[@]} )); then echo "\"#include \" should be replaced with just \"#include \" in these files: ${LIBM_MATH_H_INCLUDE_ERRORS[*]}" exit_status=1 fi exit "$exit_status"