/* * Copyright (c) 2021, Linus Groh * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include namespace GUI { static String format_gml_object(const JsonObject& node, size_t indentation = 0, bool is_inline = false) { StringBuilder builder; auto indent = [&builder](size_t indentation) { for (size_t i = 0; i < indentation; ++i) builder.append(" "); }; struct Property { String key; JsonValue value; }; Vector properties; node.for_each_member([&](auto& key, auto& value) { if (key != "class" && key != "layout" && key != "children") properties.append({ key, value }); return IterationDecision::Continue; }); if (!is_inline) indent(indentation); builder.append('@'); builder.append(node.get("class").as_string()); builder.append(" {\n"); for (auto& property : properties) { indent(indentation + 1); builder.append(property.key); builder.append(": "); if (property.value.is_array()) { // custom array serialization as AK's doesn't pretty-print // objects and arrays (we only care about arrays (for now)) builder.append("["); auto first = true; property.value.as_array().for_each([&](auto& value) { if (!first) builder.append(", "); first = false; value.serialize(builder); }); builder.append("]"); } else { property.value.serialize(builder); } builder.append("\n"); } if (node.has("layout")) { auto layout = node.get("layout").as_object(); if (!properties.is_empty()) builder.append("\n"); indent(indentation + 1); builder.append("layout: "); builder.append(format_gml_object(move(layout), indentation + 1, true)); } if (node.has("children")) { auto children = node.get("children").as_array(); auto first = properties.is_empty() && !node.has("layout"); children.for_each([&](auto& value) { if (!first) builder.append("\n"); first = false; builder.append(format_gml_object(value.as_object(), indentation + 1)); }); } indent(indentation); builder.append("}\n"); return builder.to_string(); } String format_gml(const StringView& string) { // FIXME: Preserve comments somehow, they're not contained // in the JSON object returned by parse_gml() auto ast = parse_gml(string); if (ast.is_null()) return {}; VERIFY(ast.is_object()); return format_gml_object(ast.as_object()); } }