/* * Copyright (c) 2020, Andreas Kling * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include REGISTER_WIDGET(GUI, OpacitySlider) namespace GUI { OpacitySlider::OpacitySlider(Gfx::Orientation orientation) : AbstractSlider(orientation) { // FIXME: Implement vertical mode. VERIFY(orientation == Gfx::Orientation::Horizontal); set_min(0); set_max(100); set_value(100); set_fixed_height(20); } OpacitySlider::~OpacitySlider() { } Gfx::IntRect OpacitySlider::frame_inner_rect() const { return rect().shrunken(4, 4); } void OpacitySlider::paint_event(PaintEvent& event) { GUI::Painter painter(*this); painter.add_clip_rect(event.rect()); auto inner_rect = frame_inner_rect(); // Grid pattern Gfx::StylePainter::paint_transparency_grid(painter, inner_rect, palette()); // Alpha gradient for (int x = inner_rect.left(); x <= inner_rect.right(); ++x) { float relative_offset = (float)x / (float)width(); float alpha = relative_offset * 255.0f; Color color { 0, 0, 0, (u8)alpha }; painter.fill_rect({ x, inner_rect.y(), 1, inner_rect.height() }, color); } constexpr int notch_size = 3; int notch_y_top = inner_rect.top() + notch_size; int notch_y_bottom = inner_rect.bottom() - notch_size; int notch_x = inner_rect.left() + ((float)value() / (float)max() * (float)inner_rect.width()); // Top notch painter.set_pixel(notch_x, notch_y_top, palette().threed_shadow2()); for (int i = notch_size; i >= 0; --i) { painter.set_pixel(notch_x - (i + 1), notch_y_top - i - 1, palette().threed_highlight()); for (int j = 0; j < i * 2; ++j) { painter.set_pixel(notch_x - (i + 1) + j + 1, notch_y_top - i - 1, palette().button()); } painter.set_pixel(notch_x + (i + 0), notch_y_top - i - 1, palette().threed_shadow1()); painter.set_pixel(notch_x + (i + 1), notch_y_top - i - 1, palette().threed_shadow2()); } // Bottom notch painter.set_pixel(notch_x, notch_y_bottom, palette().threed_shadow2()); for (int i = 0; i < notch_size; ++i) { painter.set_pixel(notch_x - (i + 1), notch_y_bottom + i + 1, palette().threed_highlight()); for (int j = 0; j < i * 2; ++j) { painter.set_pixel(notch_x - (i + 1) + j + 1, notch_y_bottom + i + 1, palette().button()); } painter.set_pixel(notch_x + (i + 0), notch_y_bottom + i + 1, palette().threed_shadow1()); painter.set_pixel(notch_x + (i + 1), notch_y_bottom + i + 1, palette().threed_shadow2()); } // Hairline // NOTE: If we're in the whiter part of the gradient, the notch is painted as shadow between the notches. // If we're in the darker part, the notch is painted as highlight. // We adjust the hairline's x position so it lines up with the shadow/highlight of the notches. u8 h = ((float)value() / (float)max()) * 255.0f; if (h < 128) painter.draw_line({ notch_x, notch_y_top }, { notch_x, notch_y_bottom }, Color(h, h, h, 255)); else painter.draw_line({ notch_x - 1, notch_y_top }, { notch_x - 1, notch_y_bottom }, Color(h, h, h, 255)); // Text label auto percent_text = String::formatted("{}%", (int)((float)value() / (float)max() * 100.0f)); painter.draw_text(inner_rect.translated(1, 1), percent_text, Gfx::TextAlignment::Center, Color::Black); painter.draw_text(inner_rect, percent_text, Gfx::TextAlignment::Center, Color::White); // Frame Gfx::StylePainter::paint_frame(painter, rect(), palette(), Gfx::FrameShape::Container, Gfx::FrameShadow::Sunken, 2); } int OpacitySlider::value_at(const Gfx::IntPoint& position) const { auto inner_rect = frame_inner_rect(); if (position.x() < inner_rect.left()) return min(); if (position.x() > inner_rect.right()) return max(); float relative_offset = (float)(position.x() - inner_rect.x()) / (float)inner_rect.width(); return relative_offset * (float)max(); } void OpacitySlider::mousedown_event(MouseEvent& event) { if (event.button() == MouseButton::Left) { m_dragging = true; set_value(value_at(event.position())); return; } AbstractSlider::mousedown_event(event); } void OpacitySlider::mousemove_event(MouseEvent& event) { if (m_dragging) { set_value(value_at(event.position())); return; } AbstractSlider::mousemove_event(event); } void OpacitySlider::mouseup_event(MouseEvent& event) { if (event.button() == MouseButton::Left) { m_dragging = false; return; } AbstractSlider::mouseup_event(event); } void OpacitySlider::mousewheel_event(MouseEvent& event) { set_value(value() - event.wheel_delta()); } }