#import #import #import #import // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/semantics.html#htmlelement [Exposed=Window] interface HTMLElement : Element { [HTMLConstructor] constructor(); // metadata attributes [Reflect, CEReactions] attribute DOMString title; [Reflect, CEReactions] attribute DOMString lang; // FIXME: [CEReactions] attribute boolean translate; [CEReactions] attribute DOMString dir; // user interaction [Reflect, CEReactions] attribute boolean hidden; [Reflect, CEReactions] attribute boolean inert; undefined click(); [Reflect=accesskey, CEReactions] attribute DOMString accessKey; readonly attribute DOMString accessKeyLabel; // FIXME: [CEReactions] attribute boolean draggable; // FIXME: [CEReactions] attribute boolean spellcheck; // FIXME: [CEReactions] attribute DOMString autocapitalize; [LegacyNullToEmptyString, CEReactions] attribute DOMString innerText; [LegacyNullToEmptyString, CEReactions] attribute DOMString outerText; // FIXME: ElementInternals attachInternals(); // The popover API // FIXME: undefined showPopover(); // FIXME: undefined hidePopover(); // FIXME: boolean togglePopover(optional boolean force); // FIXME: [CEReactions] attribute DOMString? popover; // https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom-view/#extensions-to-the-htmlelement-interface readonly attribute Element? offsetParent; readonly attribute long offsetTop; readonly attribute long offsetLeft; readonly attribute long offsetWidth; readonly attribute long offsetHeight; }; HTMLElement includes GlobalEventHandlers; HTMLElement includes ElementContentEditable; HTMLElement includes HTMLOrSVGElement; // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#elementcontenteditable interface mixin ElementContentEditable { [CEReactions] attribute DOMString contentEditable; // FIXME: [CEReactions] attribute DOMString enterKeyHint; readonly attribute boolean isContentEditable; // FIXME: [CEReactions] attribute DOMString inputMode; }; // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#htmlorsvgelement interface mixin HTMLOrSVGElement { [SameObject] readonly attribute DOMStringMap dataset; // FIXME: attribute DOMString nonce; // intentionally no [CEReactions] [CEReactions, Reflect] attribute boolean autofocus; [CEReactions] attribute long tabIndex; // FIXME: Support the optional FocusOptions parameter. undefined focus(); undefined blur(); }; HTMLElement includes ElementCSSInlineStyle;