#!/usr/bin/env -S bash ../.port_include.sh port=cmake version=3.19.4 useconfigure=false files="https://github.com/Kitware/CMake/releases/download/v$version/cmake-$version.tar.gz cmake-$version.tar.gz" depends="bash gcc make sed" port_path=$(realpath $(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})) build() { return } install() { cmake_dir="${SERENITY_ROOT}/Build/Root/home/anon/Source/cmake" run rm -rf "$cmake_dir" run mkdir -p "$cmake_dir" run cp -r . "$cmake_dir" } post_install() { echo +=================================================================== echo "| Successfully prepared the sources for cmake v$version!" echo "| The other half of the install has to be done inside serenity" echo "| to continue, re-image and run the vm, then do the following:" echo '| ' echo '| $ cd Source/cmake' echo '| $ ./bootstrap' echo '| $ make && make install' echo '| ' echo "| (These instructions are also available in $port_path/howto.md)" echo +=================================================================== }