/* * Copyright (c) 2021, Dex♪ * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ErrorOr serenity_main(Main::Arguments arguments) { TRY(Core::System::pledge("stdio unix inet accept rpath wpath cpath fattr tty sigaction")); Core::ArgsParser args_parser; ByteString origin; ByteString url_string; args_parser.add_positional_argument(url_string, "URL to connect to", "url", Core::ArgsParser::Required::Yes); args_parser.add_option(origin, "URL to use as origin", "origin", 'o', "origin"); args_parser.parse(arguments); URL url(url_string); if (!url.is_valid()) { warnln("The given URL is not valid"); return 1; } Core::EventLoop loop; auto maybe_websocket_client = Protocol::RequestClient::try_create(); if (maybe_websocket_client.is_error()) { warnln("Failed to connect to the websocket server: {}\n", maybe_websocket_client.error()); return maybe_websocket_client.release_error(); } auto websocket_client = maybe_websocket_client.release_value(); RefPtr editor = Line::Editor::construct(); bool should_quit = false; auto socket = websocket_client->websocket_connect(url, origin); if (!socket) { warnln("Failed to start socket for '{}'\n", url); return 1; } socket->on_open = [&]() { outln("[WebSocket opened]"sv); }; socket->on_error = [&](auto error) { outln("[WebSocket Error : {}]", (unsigned)error); }; socket->on_message = [&](auto message) { if (!message.is_text) { outln("[Received binary data : {} bytes]", message.data.size()); return; } outln("[Received utf8 text] {}", ByteString(ReadonlyBytes(message.data))); }; socket->on_close = [&](auto code, auto message, bool was_clean) { outln("[Server {} closed connection : '{}' (code {})]", was_clean ? "cleanly" : "dirtily", message, code); should_quit = true; Core::EventLoop::current().quit(0); }; TRY(Core::System::pledge("stdio unix inet accept rpath wpath tty sigaction")); TRY(Core::System::unveil(nullptr, nullptr)); outln("Started server. Commands :"); outln("- '' send the text as message"); outln("- '.text ' send the text as message"); outln("- '.base64 ' send the binary data from a base64-encoded string as message"); outln("- '.exit' Ask to exit the server"); outln("- '.forceexit' Exit the server"); while (!should_quit) { auto line_or_error = editor->get_line(">"); if (line_or_error.is_error()) { continue; } auto line = line_or_error.value(); if (line.is_empty()) continue; if (line.starts_with('.')) { if (line.starts_with(".text "sv)) { editor->add_to_history(line); if (socket->ready_state() != Protocol::WebSocket::ReadyState::Open) { outln("Could not send message : socket is not open."); continue; } socket->send(line.substring(6)); continue; } if (line.starts_with(".base64 "sv)) { editor->add_to_history(line); if (socket->ready_state() != Protocol::WebSocket::ReadyState::Open) { outln("Could not send message : socket is not open."); continue; } auto base64_data = line.substring(8); auto buffer = decode_base64(base64_data); if (buffer.is_error()) { outln("Could not send message : {}", buffer.error().string_literal()); } else { socket->send(buffer.value(), false); } continue; } if (line == ".exit") { editor->add_to_history(line); if (socket->ready_state() != Protocol::WebSocket::ReadyState::Open) { outln("Socket is not open. Exiting."); should_quit = true; continue; } socket->close(); continue; } if (line == ".forceexit") { editor->add_to_history(line); if (socket->ready_state() == Protocol::WebSocket::ReadyState::Open) socket->close(); return 1; } outln("Unknown command : {}", line); continue; } editor->add_to_history(line); if (socket->ready_state() != Protocol::WebSocket::ReadyState::Open) { outln("Could not send message : socket is not open."); continue; } socket->send(line); } return 0; }