/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling * Copyright (c) 2022, Maxwell Trussell * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static JsonValue query(JsonValue const& value, Vector& key_parts, size_t key_index = 0); static void print(JsonValue const& value, int spaces_per_indent, int indent = 0, bool use_color = true); static void print_indent(int indent, int spaces_per_indent) { for (int i = 0; i < indent * spaces_per_indent; ++i) out(" "); } ErrorOr serenity_main(Main::Arguments arguments) { TRY(Core::System::pledge("stdio rpath")); StringView path; StringView dotted_key; int spaces_in_indent = 4; Core::ArgsParser args_parser; args_parser.set_general_help("Pretty-print a JSON file with syntax-coloring and indentation."); args_parser.add_option(dotted_key, "Dotted query key", "query", 'q', "foo.*.bar"); args_parser.add_option(spaces_in_indent, "Indent size", "indent-size", 'i', "spaces_in_indent"); args_parser.add_positional_argument(path, "Path to JSON file", "path", Core::ArgsParser::Required::No); VERIFY(spaces_in_indent >= 0); args_parser.parse(arguments); auto file = TRY(Core::File::open_file_or_standard_stream(path, Core::File::OpenMode::Read)); TRY(Core::System::pledge("stdio")); auto file_contents = TRY(file->read_until_eof()); auto json = TRY(JsonValue::from_string(file_contents)); if (!dotted_key.is_empty()) { auto key_parts = dotted_key.split_view('.'); json = query(json, key_parts); } print(json, spaces_in_indent, 0, isatty(STDOUT_FILENO)); outln(); return 0; } void print(JsonValue const& value, int spaces_per_indent, int indent, bool use_color) { if (value.is_object()) { size_t printed_members = 0; auto& object = value.as_object(); outln("{{"); object.for_each_member([&](auto& member_name, auto& member_value) { ++printed_members; print_indent(indent + 1, spaces_per_indent); if (use_color) out("\"\033[33;1m{}\033[0m\": ", member_name); else out("\"{}\": ", member_name); print(member_value, spaces_per_indent, indent + 1, use_color); if (printed_members < static_cast(object.size())) out(","); outln(); }); print_indent(indent, spaces_per_indent); out("}}"); return; } if (value.is_array()) { size_t printed_entries = 0; auto array = value.as_array(); outln("["); array.for_each([&](auto& entry_value) { ++printed_entries; print_indent(indent + 1, spaces_per_indent); print(entry_value, spaces_per_indent, indent + 1, use_color); if (printed_entries < static_cast(array.size())) out(","); outln(); }); print_indent(indent, spaces_per_indent); out("]"); return; } if (use_color) { if (value.is_string()) out("\033[31;1m"); else if (value.is_number()) out("\033[35;1m"); else if (value.is_bool()) out("\033[32;1m"); else if (value.is_null()) out("\033[34;1m"); } if (value.is_string()) out("\""); out("{}", value.to_deprecated_string()); if (value.is_string()) out("\""); if (use_color) out("\033[0m"); } JsonValue query(JsonValue const& value, Vector& key_parts, size_t key_index) { if (key_index == key_parts.size()) return value; auto key = key_parts[key_index++]; if (key == "*"sv) { Vector matches; if (value.is_object()) { value.as_object().for_each_member([&](auto&, auto& member_value) { matches.append(query(member_value, key_parts, key_index)); }); } else if (value.is_array()) { value.as_array().for_each([&](auto& member) { matches.append(query(member, key_parts, key_index)); }); } return JsonValue(JsonArray(matches)); } JsonValue result {}; if (value.is_object()) { result = value.as_object().get(key).value_or({}); } else if (value.is_array()) { auto key_as_index = key.to_int(); if (key_as_index.has_value()) result = value.as_array().at(key_as_index.value()); } return query(result, key_parts, key_index); }