/* * Copyright (c) 2020, Andreas Kling * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace GUI { static constexpr int minimum_column_size = 2; HeaderView::HeaderView(AbstractTableView& table_view, Gfx::Orientation orientation) : m_table_view(table_view) , m_orientation(orientation) { set_font(Gfx::Font::default_bold_font()); if (m_orientation == Gfx::Orientation::Horizontal) { set_size_policy(SizePolicy::Fill, SizePolicy::Fixed); set_preferred_size(0, 16); } else { set_size_policy(SizePolicy::Fixed, SizePolicy::Fill); set_preferred_size(40, 0); } } HeaderView::~HeaderView() { } void HeaderView::set_section_size(int section, int size) { auto& data = section_data(section); if (data.size == size) return; data.size = size; data.has_initialized_size = true; data.size = size; m_table_view.header_did_change_section_size({}, m_orientation, section, size); } int HeaderView::section_size(int section) const { return section_data(section).size; } HeaderView::SectionData& HeaderView::section_data(int section) const { if (static_cast(section) >= m_section_data.size()) m_section_data.resize(section + 1); return m_section_data.at(section); } Gfx::IntRect HeaderView::section_rect(int section) const { if (!model()) return {}; auto& data = section_data(section); if (!data.visibility) return {}; int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < section; ++i) { if (!is_section_visible(i)) continue; offset += section_data(i).size; if (orientation() == Gfx::Orientation::Horizontal) offset += horizontal_padding() * 2; } if (orientation() == Gfx::Orientation::Horizontal) return { offset, 0, section_size(section) + horizontal_padding() * 2, height() }; return { 0, offset, width(), section_size(section) }; } Gfx::IntRect HeaderView::section_resize_grabbable_rect(int section) const { if (!model()) return {}; // FIXME: Support resizable rows. if (m_orientation == Gfx::Orientation::Vertical) return {}; auto rect = section_rect(section); return { rect.right() - 1, rect.top(), 4, rect.height() }; } int HeaderView::section_count() const { if (!model()) return 0; return m_orientation == Gfx::Orientation::Horizontal ? model()->column_count() : model()->row_count(); } void HeaderView::mousedown_event(MouseEvent& event) { if (!model()) return; auto& model = *this->model(); int section_count = this->section_count(); for (int i = 0; i < section_count; ++i) { if (section_resize_grabbable_rect(i).contains(event.position())) { m_resizing_section = i; m_in_section_resize = true; m_section_resize_original_width = section_size(i); m_section_resize_origin = event.position(); return; } auto rect = this->section_rect(i); if (rect.contains(event.position()) && model.is_column_sortable(i)) { m_pressed_section = i; m_pressed_section_is_pressed = true; update(); return; } } } void HeaderView::mousemove_event(MouseEvent& event) { if (!model()) return; if (m_in_section_resize) { auto delta = event.position() - m_section_resize_origin; int new_size = m_section_resize_original_width + delta.primary_offset_for_orientation(m_orientation); if (new_size <= minimum_column_size) new_size = minimum_column_size; ASSERT(m_resizing_section >= 0 && m_resizing_section < model()->column_count()); set_section_size(m_resizing_section, new_size); return; } if (m_pressed_section != -1) { auto header_rect = this->section_rect(m_pressed_section); if (header_rect.contains(event.position())) { set_hovered_section(m_pressed_section); if (!m_pressed_section_is_pressed) update(); m_pressed_section_is_pressed = true; } else { set_hovered_section(-1); if (m_pressed_section_is_pressed) update(); m_pressed_section_is_pressed = false; } return; } if (event.buttons() == 0) { int section_count = this->section_count(); bool found_hovered_header = false; for (int i = 0; i < section_count; ++i) { if (section_resize_grabbable_rect(i).contains(event.position())) { set_override_cursor(Gfx::StandardCursor::ResizeColumn); set_hovered_section(-1); return; } if (section_rect(i).contains(event.position())) { set_hovered_section(i); found_hovered_header = true; } } if (!found_hovered_header) set_hovered_section(-1); } set_override_cursor(Gfx::StandardCursor::None); } void HeaderView::mouseup_event(MouseEvent& event) { if (event.button() == MouseButton::Left) { if (m_in_section_resize) { if (!section_resize_grabbable_rect(m_resizing_section).contains(event.position())) set_override_cursor(Gfx::StandardCursor::None); m_in_section_resize = false; return; } if (m_pressed_section != -1) { if (m_orientation == Gfx::Orientation::Horizontal && section_rect(m_pressed_section).contains(event.position())) { auto new_sort_order = m_table_view.sort_order(); if (m_table_view.key_column() == m_pressed_section) new_sort_order = m_table_view.sort_order() == SortOrder::Ascending ? SortOrder::Descending : SortOrder::Ascending; m_table_view.set_key_column_and_sort_order(m_pressed_section, new_sort_order); } m_pressed_section = -1; m_pressed_section_is_pressed = false; update(); return; } } } void HeaderView::paint_horizontal(Painter& painter) { painter.draw_line({ 0, 0 }, { rect().right(), 0 }, palette().threed_highlight()); painter.draw_line({ 0, rect().bottom() }, { rect().right(), rect().bottom() }, palette().threed_shadow1()); int x_offset = 0; int section_count = this->section_count(); for (int section = 0; section < section_count; ++section) { if (!is_section_visible(section)) continue; int section_width = section_size(section); bool is_key_column = m_table_view.key_column() == section; Gfx::IntRect cell_rect(x_offset, 0, section_width + horizontal_padding() * 2, height()); bool pressed = section == m_pressed_section && m_pressed_section_is_pressed; bool hovered = section == m_hovered_section && model()->is_column_sortable(section); Gfx::StylePainter::paint_button(painter, cell_rect, palette(), Gfx::ButtonStyle::Normal, pressed, hovered); String text; if (is_key_column) { StringBuilder builder; builder.append(model()->column_name(section)); if (m_table_view.sort_order() == SortOrder::Ascending) builder.append(" \xE2\xAC\x86"); // UPWARDS BLACK ARROW else if (m_table_view.sort_order() == SortOrder::Descending) builder.append(" \xE2\xAC\x87"); // DOWNWARDS BLACK ARROW text = builder.to_string(); } else { text = model()->column_name(section); } auto text_rect = cell_rect.shrunken(horizontal_padding() * 2, 0); if (pressed) text_rect.move_by(1, 1); painter.draw_text(text_rect, text, font(), section_alignment(section), palette().button_text()); x_offset += section_width + horizontal_padding() * 2; } if (x_offset < rect().right()) { Gfx::IntRect cell_rect(x_offset, 0, width() - x_offset, height()); Gfx::StylePainter::paint_button(painter, cell_rect, palette(), Gfx::ButtonStyle::Normal, false, false); } } void HeaderView::paint_vertical(Painter& painter) { painter.draw_line(rect().top_left(), rect().bottom_left(), palette().threed_highlight()); painter.draw_line(rect().top_right(), rect().bottom_right(), palette().threed_shadow1()); int y_offset = 0; int section_count = this->section_count(); for (int section = 0; section < section_count; ++section) { if (!is_section_visible(section)) continue; int section_size = this->section_size(section); Gfx::IntRect cell_rect(0, y_offset, width(), section_size); bool pressed = section == m_pressed_section && m_pressed_section_is_pressed; bool hovered = false; Gfx::StylePainter::paint_button(painter, cell_rect, palette(), Gfx::ButtonStyle::Normal, pressed, hovered); String text = String::format("%d", section); auto text_rect = cell_rect.shrunken(horizontal_padding() * 2, 0); if (pressed) text_rect.move_by(1, 1); painter.draw_text(text_rect, text, font(), section_alignment(section), palette().button_text()); y_offset += section_size; } if (y_offset < rect().bottom()) { Gfx::IntRect cell_rect(0, y_offset, width(), height() - y_offset); Gfx::StylePainter::paint_button(painter, cell_rect, palette(), Gfx::ButtonStyle::Normal, false, false); } } void HeaderView::paint_event(PaintEvent& event) { Painter painter(*this); painter.add_clip_rect(event.rect()); painter.fill_rect(rect(), palette().button()); if (orientation() == Gfx::Orientation::Horizontal) paint_horizontal(painter); else paint_vertical(painter); } void HeaderView::set_section_visible(int section, bool visible) { auto& data = section_data(section); if (data.visibility == visible) return; data.visibility = visible; if (data.visibility_action) { data.visibility_action->set_checked(visible); } m_table_view.header_did_change_section_visibility({}, m_orientation, section, visible); update(); } Menu& HeaderView::ensure_context_menu() { // FIXME: This menu needs to be rebuilt if the model is swapped out, // or if the column count/names change. if (!m_context_menu) { ASSERT(model()); m_context_menu = Menu::construct(); int section_count = this->section_count(); for (int section = 0; section < section_count; ++section) { auto& column_data = this->section_data(section); // FIXME: Vertical support ASSERT(m_orientation == Gfx::Orientation::Horizontal); auto name = model()->column_name(section); column_data.visibility_action = Action::create_checkable(name, [this, section](auto& action) { set_section_visible(section, action.is_checked()); }); column_data.visibility_action->set_checked(column_data.visibility); m_context_menu->add_action(*column_data.visibility_action); } } return *m_context_menu; } void HeaderView::context_menu_event(ContextMenuEvent& event) { ensure_context_menu().popup(event.screen_position()); } void HeaderView::leave_event(Core::Event& event) { Widget::leave_event(event); set_hovered_section(-1); } Gfx::TextAlignment HeaderView::section_alignment(int section) const { return section_data(section).alignment; } void HeaderView::set_section_alignment(int section, Gfx::TextAlignment alignment) { section_data(section).alignment = alignment; } bool HeaderView::is_section_visible(int section) const { return section_data(section).visibility; } void HeaderView::set_hovered_section(int section) { if (m_hovered_section == section) return; m_hovered_section = section; update(); } Model* HeaderView::model() { return m_table_view.model(); } const Model* HeaderView::model() const { return m_table_view.model(); } }