/* * Copyright (c) 2020, Emanuel Sprung * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include "RegexLexer.h" #include #include #include #include namespace regex { char const* Token::name(TokenType const type) { switch (type) { #define __ENUMERATE_REGEX_TOKEN(x) \ case TokenType::x: \ return #x; ENUMERATE_REGEX_TOKENS #undef __ENUMERATE_REGEX_TOKEN default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); return ""; } } char const* Token::name() const { return name(m_type); } Lexer::Lexer() : GenericLexer(StringView {}) { } Lexer::Lexer(StringView const source) : GenericLexer(source) { } void Lexer::back(size_t offset) { if (offset == m_index + 1) offset = m_index; // 'position == 0' occurs twice. VERIFY(offset <= m_index); if (!offset) return; m_index -= offset; m_previous_position = (m_index > 0) ? m_index - 1 : 0; } char Lexer::consume() { m_previous_position = m_index; return GenericLexer::consume(); } void Lexer::reset() { m_index = 0; m_current_token = { TokenType::Eof, 0, {} }; m_previous_position = 0; } Token Lexer::next() { size_t token_start_position; auto begin_token = [&] { token_start_position = m_index; }; auto commit_token = [&](auto type) -> Token& { VERIFY(token_start_position + m_previous_position - token_start_position + 1 <= m_input.length()); auto substring = m_input.substring_view(token_start_position, m_previous_position - token_start_position + 1); m_current_token = Token(type, token_start_position, substring); return m_current_token; }; auto emit_token = [&](auto type) -> Token& { m_current_token = Token(type, m_index, m_input.substring_view(m_index, 1)); consume(); return m_current_token; }; auto match_escape_sequence = [&]() -> size_t { switch (peek(1)) { case '^': case '.': case '[': case ']': case '$': case '(': case ')': case '|': case '*': case '+': case '?': case '{': case '\\': return 2; default: dbgln_if(REGEX_DEBUG, "[LEXER] Found invalid escape sequence: \\{:c} (the parser will have to deal with this!)", peek(1)); return 0; } }; while (m_index < m_input.length()) { auto ch = peek(); if (ch == '(') return emit_token(TokenType::LeftParen); if (ch == ')') return emit_token(TokenType::RightParen); if (ch == '{') return emit_token(TokenType::LeftCurly); if (ch == '}') return emit_token(TokenType::RightCurly); if (ch == '[') return emit_token(TokenType::LeftBracket); if (ch == ']') return emit_token(TokenType::RightBracket); if (ch == '.') return emit_token(TokenType::Period); if (ch == '*') return emit_token(TokenType::Asterisk); if (ch == '+') return emit_token(TokenType::Plus); if (ch == '$') return emit_token(TokenType::Dollar); if (ch == '^') return emit_token(TokenType::Circumflex); if (ch == '|') return emit_token(TokenType::Pipe); if (ch == '?') return emit_token(TokenType::Questionmark); if (ch == ',') return emit_token(TokenType::Comma); if (ch == '/') return emit_token(TokenType::Slash); if (ch == '=') return emit_token(TokenType::EqualSign); if (ch == ':') return emit_token(TokenType::Colon); if (ch == '-') return emit_token(TokenType::HyphenMinus); if (ch == '\\') { size_t escape = match_escape_sequence(); if (escape > 0) { begin_token(); for (size_t i = 0; i < escape; ++i) consume(); return commit_token(TokenType::EscapeSequence); } } return emit_token(TokenType::Char); } return Token(TokenType::Eof, m_index, {}); } }