/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling * Copyright (c) 2021, the SerenityOS developers. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include "Editor.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { constexpr u32 ctrl(char c) { return c & 0x3f; } } namespace Line { Configuration Configuration::from_config(StringView libname) { Configuration configuration; auto config_file = Core::ConfigFile::open_for_lib(libname).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); // Read behavior options. auto refresh = config_file->read_entry("behavior", "refresh", "lazy"); auto operation = config_file->read_entry("behavior", "operation_mode"); auto bracketed_paste = config_file->read_bool_entry("behavior", "bracketed_paste", true); auto default_text_editor = config_file->read_entry("behavior", "default_text_editor"); Configuration::Flags flags { Configuration::Flags::None }; if (bracketed_paste) flags = static_cast(flags | Configuration::Flags::BracketedPaste); configuration.set(flags); if (refresh.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("lazy"sv)) configuration.set(Configuration::Lazy); else if (refresh.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("eager"sv)) configuration.set(Configuration::Eager); if (operation.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("full"sv)) configuration.set(Configuration::OperationMode::Full); else if (operation.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("noescapesequences"sv)) configuration.set(Configuration::OperationMode::NoEscapeSequences); else if (operation.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("noninteractive"sv)) configuration.set(Configuration::OperationMode::NonInteractive); else configuration.set(Configuration::OperationMode::Unset); if (!default_text_editor.is_empty()) configuration.set(DefaultTextEditor { move(default_text_editor) }); else configuration.set(DefaultTextEditor { "/bin/TextEditor" }); // Read keybinds. for (auto& binding_key : config_file->keys("keybinds")) { GenericLexer key_lexer(binding_key); auto has_ctrl = false; auto alt = false; auto escape = false; Vector keys; while (!key_lexer.is_eof()) { unsigned key; if (escape) { key = key_lexer.consume_escaped_character(); escape = false; } else { if (key_lexer.next_is("alt+")) { alt = key_lexer.consume_specific("alt+"); continue; } if (key_lexer.next_is("^[")) { alt = key_lexer.consume_specific("^["); continue; } if (key_lexer.next_is("^")) { has_ctrl = key_lexer.consume_specific("^"); continue; } if (key_lexer.next_is("ctrl+")) { has_ctrl = key_lexer.consume_specific("ctrl+"); continue; } if (key_lexer.next_is("\\")) { escape = true; continue; } // FIXME: Support utf? key = key_lexer.consume(); } if (has_ctrl) key = ctrl(key); keys.append(Key { key, alt ? Key::Alt : Key::None }); alt = false; has_ctrl = false; } GenericLexer value_lexer { config_file->read_entry("keybinds", binding_key) }; StringBuilder value_builder; while (!value_lexer.is_eof()) value_builder.append(value_lexer.consume_escaped_character()); auto value = value_builder.string_view(); if (value.starts_with("internal:"sv)) { configuration.set(KeyBinding { keys, KeyBinding::Kind::InternalFunction, value.substring_view(9, value.length() - 9) }); } else { configuration.set(KeyBinding { keys, KeyBinding::Kind::Insertion, value }); } } return configuration; } void Editor::set_default_keybinds() { register_key_input_callback(ctrl('N'), EDITOR_INTERNAL_FUNCTION(search_forwards)); register_key_input_callback(ctrl('P'), EDITOR_INTERNAL_FUNCTION(search_backwards)); register_key_input_callback(ctrl('A'), EDITOR_INTERNAL_FUNCTION(go_home)); register_key_input_callback(ctrl('B'), EDITOR_INTERNAL_FUNCTION(cursor_left_character)); register_key_input_callback(ctrl('D'), EDITOR_INTERNAL_FUNCTION(erase_character_forwards)); register_key_input_callback(ctrl('E'), EDITOR_INTERNAL_FUNCTION(go_end)); register_key_input_callback(ctrl('F'), EDITOR_INTERNAL_FUNCTION(cursor_right_character)); // ^H: ctrl('H') == '\b' register_key_input_callback(ctrl('H'), EDITOR_INTERNAL_FUNCTION(erase_character_backwards)); // DEL - Some terminals send this instead of ^H. register_key_input_callback((char)127, EDITOR_INTERNAL_FUNCTION(erase_character_backwards)); register_key_input_callback(ctrl('K'), EDITOR_INTERNAL_FUNCTION(erase_to_end)); register_key_input_callback(ctrl('L'), EDITOR_INTERNAL_FUNCTION(clear_screen)); register_key_input_callback(ctrl('R'), EDITOR_INTERNAL_FUNCTION(enter_search)); register_key_input_callback(ctrl('T'), EDITOR_INTERNAL_FUNCTION(transpose_characters)); register_key_input_callback('\n', EDITOR_INTERNAL_FUNCTION(finish)); // ^X^E: Edit in external editor register_key_input_callback(Vector { ctrl('X'), ctrl('E') }, EDITOR_INTERNAL_FUNCTION(edit_in_external_editor)); // ^[.: alt-.: insert last arg of previous command (similar to `!$`) register_key_input_callback(Key { '.', Key::Alt }, EDITOR_INTERNAL_FUNCTION(insert_last_words)); register_key_input_callback(Key { 'b', Key::Alt }, EDITOR_INTERNAL_FUNCTION(cursor_left_word)); register_key_input_callback(Key { 'f', Key::Alt }, EDITOR_INTERNAL_FUNCTION(cursor_right_word)); // ^[^H: alt-backspace: backward delete word register_key_input_callback(Key { '\b', Key::Alt }, EDITOR_INTERNAL_FUNCTION(erase_alnum_word_backwards)); register_key_input_callback(Key { 'd', Key::Alt }, EDITOR_INTERNAL_FUNCTION(erase_alnum_word_forwards)); register_key_input_callback(Key { 'c', Key::Alt }, EDITOR_INTERNAL_FUNCTION(capitalize_word)); register_key_input_callback(Key { 'l', Key::Alt }, EDITOR_INTERNAL_FUNCTION(lowercase_word)); register_key_input_callback(Key { 'u', Key::Alt }, EDITOR_INTERNAL_FUNCTION(uppercase_word)); register_key_input_callback(Key { 't', Key::Alt }, EDITOR_INTERNAL_FUNCTION(transpose_words)); // Register these last to all the user to override the previous key bindings // Normally ^W. `stty werase \^n` can change it to ^N (or something else). register_key_input_callback(m_termios.c_cc[VWERASE], EDITOR_INTERNAL_FUNCTION(erase_word_backwards)); // Normally ^U. `stty kill \^n` can change it to ^N (or something else). register_key_input_callback(m_termios.c_cc[VKILL], EDITOR_INTERNAL_FUNCTION(kill_line)); register_key_input_callback(m_termios.c_cc[VERASE], EDITOR_INTERNAL_FUNCTION(erase_character_backwards)); } Editor::Editor(Configuration configuration) : m_configuration(move(configuration)) { m_always_refresh = m_configuration.refresh_behavior == Configuration::RefreshBehavior::Eager; m_pending_chars = {}; get_terminal_size(); m_suggestion_display = make(m_num_lines, m_num_columns); } Editor::~Editor() { if (m_initialized) restore(); } void Editor::ensure_free_lines_from_origin(size_t count) { if (count > m_num_lines) { // FIXME: Implement paging } if (m_origin_row + count <= m_num_lines) return; auto diff = m_origin_row + count - m_num_lines - 1; out(stderr, "\x1b[{}S", diff); fflush(stderr); m_origin_row -= diff; m_refresh_needed = false; m_chars_touched_in_the_middle = 0; } void Editor::get_terminal_size() { struct winsize ws; ioctl(STDERR_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws); if (ws.ws_col == 0 || ws.ws_row == 0) { // LLDB uses ttys which "work" and then gives us a zero sized // terminal which is far from useful if (int fd = open("/dev/tty", O_RDONLY); fd != -1) { ioctl(fd, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws); close(fd); } } m_num_columns = ws.ws_col; m_num_lines = ws.ws_row; } void Editor::add_to_history(DeprecatedString const& line) { if (line.is_empty()) return; DeprecatedString histcontrol = getenv("HISTCONTROL"); auto ignoredups = histcontrol == "ignoredups" || histcontrol == "ignoreboth"; auto ignorespace = histcontrol == "ignorespace" || histcontrol == "ignoreboth"; if (ignoredups && !m_history.is_empty() && line == m_history.last().entry) return; if (ignorespace && line.starts_with(' ')) return; if ((m_history.size() + 1) > m_history_capacity) m_history.take_first(); struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, nullptr); m_history.append({ line, tv.tv_sec }); m_history_dirty = true; } ErrorOr> Editor::try_load_history(StringView path) { auto history_file_or_error = Core::File::open(path, Core::File::OpenMode::Read); // We ignore "No such file or directory" errors, as that is just equivalent to an empty history. if (history_file_or_error.is_error() && history_file_or_error.error().is_errno() && history_file_or_error.error().code() == ENOENT) return Vector {}; auto history_file = history_file_or_error.release_value(); auto data = TRY(history_file->read_until_eof()); auto hist = StringView { data }; Vector history; for (auto& str : hist.split_view("\n\n"sv)) { auto it = str.find("::"sv).value_or(0); auto time = str.substring_view(0, it).to_int().value_or(0); auto string = str.substring_view(it == 0 ? it : it + 2); history.append({ string, time }); } return history; } bool Editor::load_history(DeprecatedString const& path) { auto history_or_error = try_load_history(path); if (history_or_error.is_error()) return false; auto maybe_error = m_history.try_extend(history_or_error.release_value()); auto okay = !maybe_error.is_error(); return okay; } template static void merge(It0&& begin0, It0 const& end0, It1&& begin1, It1 const& end1, OutputT& output, LessThan less_than) { for (;;) { if (begin0 == end0 && begin1 == end1) return; if (begin0 == end0) { auto&& right = *begin1; if (output.last().entry != right.entry) output.append(right); ++begin1; continue; } auto&& left = *begin0; if (left.entry.is_whitespace()) { ++begin0; continue; } if (begin1 == end1) { if (output.last().entry != left.entry) output.append(left); ++begin0; continue; } auto&& right = *begin1; if (less_than(left, right)) { if (output.last().entry != left.entry) output.append(left); ++begin0; } else { if (output.last().entry != right.entry) output.append(right); ++begin1; if (right.entry == left.entry) ++begin0; } } } bool Editor::save_history(DeprecatedString const& path) { // Note: Use a dummy entry to simplify merging. Vector final_history { { "", 0 } }; { auto history_or_error = try_load_history(path); if (history_or_error.is_error()) return false; Vector old_history = history_or_error.release_value(); merge( old_history.begin(), old_history.end(), m_history.begin(), m_history.end(), final_history, [](HistoryEntry const& left, HistoryEntry const& right) { return left.timestamp < right.timestamp; }); } auto file_or_error = Core::File::open(path, Core::File::OpenMode::Write, 0600); if (file_or_error.is_error()) return false; auto file = file_or_error.release_value(); // Skip the dummy entry: for (auto iter = final_history.begin() + 1; iter != final_history.end(); ++iter) { auto const& entry = *iter; auto buffer = DeprecatedString::formatted("{}::{}\n\n", entry.timestamp, entry.entry); auto maybe_error = file->write_until_depleted(buffer.bytes()); if (maybe_error.is_error()) return false; } m_history_dirty = false; return true; } void Editor::clear_line() { for (size_t i = 0; i < m_cursor; ++i) fputc(0x8, stderr); fputs("\033[K", stderr); fflush(stderr); m_chars_touched_in_the_middle = buffer().size(); m_buffer.clear(); m_cursor = 0; m_inline_search_cursor = m_cursor; } void Editor::insert(Utf32View const& string) { for (size_t i = 0; i < string.length(); ++i) insert(string.code_points()[i]); } void Editor::insert(DeprecatedString const& string) { for (auto ch : Utf8View { string }) insert(ch); } void Editor::insert(StringView string_view) { for (auto ch : Utf8View { string_view }) insert(ch); } void Editor::insert(const u32 cp) { StringBuilder builder; builder.append(Utf32View(&cp, 1)); auto str = builder.to_deprecated_string(); if (m_pending_chars.try_append(str.characters(), str.length()).is_error()) return; readjust_anchored_styles(m_cursor, ModificationKind::Insertion); if (m_cursor == m_buffer.size()) { m_buffer.append(cp); m_cursor = m_buffer.size(); m_inline_search_cursor = m_cursor; return; } m_buffer.insert(m_cursor, cp); ++m_chars_touched_in_the_middle; ++m_cursor; m_inline_search_cursor = m_cursor; } void Editor::register_key_input_callback(KeyBinding const& binding) { if (binding.kind == KeyBinding::Kind::InternalFunction) { auto internal_function = find_internal_function(binding.binding); if (!internal_function) { dbgln("LibLine: Unknown internal function '{}'", binding.binding); return; } return register_key_input_callback(binding.keys, move(internal_function)); } return register_key_input_callback(binding.keys, [binding = DeprecatedString(binding.binding)](auto& editor) { editor.insert(binding); return false; }); } static size_t code_point_length_in_utf8(u32 code_point) { if (code_point <= 0x7f) return 1; if (code_point <= 0x07ff) return 2; if (code_point <= 0xffff) return 3; if (code_point <= 0x10ffff) return 4; return 3; } // buffer [ 0 1 2 3 . . . A . . . B . . . M . . . N ] // ^ ^ ^ ^ // | | | +- end of buffer // | | +- scan offset = M // | +- range end = M - B // +- range start = M - A // This method converts a byte range defined by [start_byte_offset, end_byte_offset] to a code_point range [M - A, M - B] as shown in the diagram above. // If `reverse' is true, A and B are before M, if not, A and B are after M. Editor::CodepointRange Editor::byte_offset_range_to_code_point_offset_range(size_t start_byte_offset, size_t end_byte_offset, size_t scan_code_point_offset, bool reverse) const { size_t byte_offset = 0; size_t code_point_offset = scan_code_point_offset + (reverse ? 1 : 0); CodepointRange range; for (;;) { if (!reverse) { if (code_point_offset >= m_buffer.size()) break; } else { if (code_point_offset == 0) break; } if (byte_offset > end_byte_offset) break; if (byte_offset < start_byte_offset) ++range.start; if (byte_offset < end_byte_offset) ++range.end; byte_offset += code_point_length_in_utf8(m_buffer[reverse ? --code_point_offset : code_point_offset++]); } return range; } void Editor::stylize(Span const& span, Style const& style) { if (!span.is_empty()) return; if (style.is_empty()) return; auto start = span.beginning(); auto end = span.end(); if (span.mode() == Span::ByteOriented) { auto offsets = byte_offset_range_to_code_point_offset_range(start, end, 0); start = offsets.start; end = offsets.end; } if (auto maybe_mask = style.mask(); maybe_mask.has_value()) { auto it = m_current_masks.find_smallest_not_below_iterator(span.beginning()); Optional last_encountered_entry; if (!it.is_end()) { // Delete all overlapping old masks. while (true) { auto next_it = m_current_masks.find_largest_not_above_iterator(span.end()); if (next_it.is_end()) break; if (it->has_value()) last_encountered_entry = *it; m_current_masks.remove(next_it.key()); } } m_current_masks.insert(span.beginning(), move(maybe_mask)); m_current_masks.insert(span.end(), {}); if (last_encountered_entry.has_value()) m_current_masks.insert(span.end() + 1, move(last_encountered_entry)); style.unset_mask(); } auto& spans_starting = style.is_anchored() ? m_current_spans.m_anchored_spans_starting : m_current_spans.m_spans_starting; auto& spans_ending = style.is_anchored() ? m_current_spans.m_anchored_spans_ending : m_current_spans.m_spans_ending; auto& starting_map = spans_starting.ensure(start); if (!starting_map.contains(end)) m_refresh_needed = true; starting_map.set(end, style); auto& ending_map = spans_ending.ensure(end); if (!ending_map.contains(start)) m_refresh_needed = true; ending_map.set(start, style); } void Editor::transform_suggestion_offsets(size_t& invariant_offset, size_t& static_offset, Span::Mode offset_mode) const { auto internal_static_offset = static_offset; auto internal_invariant_offset = invariant_offset; if (offset_mode == Span::Mode::ByteOriented) { // FIXME: We're assuming that invariant_offset points to the end of the available data // this is not necessarily true, but is true in most cases. auto offsets = byte_offset_range_to_code_point_offset_range(internal_static_offset, internal_invariant_offset + internal_static_offset, m_cursor - 1, true); internal_static_offset = offsets.start; internal_invariant_offset = offsets.end - offsets.start; } invariant_offset = internal_invariant_offset; static_offset = internal_static_offset; } void Editor::initialize() { if (m_initialized) return; struct termios termios; tcgetattr(0, &termios); m_default_termios = termios; // grab a copy to restore get_terminal_size(); if (m_configuration.operation_mode == Configuration::Unset) { auto istty = isatty(STDIN_FILENO) && isatty(STDERR_FILENO); if (!istty) { m_configuration.set(Configuration::NonInteractive); } else { auto* term = getenv("TERM"); if ((term != NULL) && StringView { term, strlen(term) }.starts_with("xterm"sv)) m_configuration.set(Configuration::Full); else m_configuration.set(Configuration::NoEscapeSequences); } } // Because we use our own line discipline which includes echoing, // we disable ICANON and ECHO. if (m_configuration.operation_mode == Configuration::Full) { termios.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ICANON); tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &termios); } m_termios = termios; set_default_keybinds(); for (auto& keybind : m_configuration.keybindings) register_key_input_callback(keybind); if (m_configuration.m_signal_mode == Configuration::WithSignalHandlers) { m_signal_handlers.append(Core::EventLoop::register_signal(SIGINT, [this](int) { Core::EventLoop::current().deferred_invoke([this] { interrupted().release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); }); })); m_signal_handlers.append(Core::EventLoop::register_signal(SIGWINCH, [this](int) { Core::EventLoop::current().deferred_invoke([this] { resized().release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); }); })); } m_initialized = true; } void Editor::refetch_default_termios() { struct termios termios; tcgetattr(0, &termios); m_default_termios = termios; if (m_configuration.operation_mode == Configuration::Full) termios.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ICANON); m_termios = termios; } ErrorOr Editor::interrupted() { if (m_is_searching) return m_search_editor->interrupted(); if (!m_is_editing) return {}; m_was_interrupted = true; handle_interrupt_event(); if (!m_finish || !m_previous_interrupt_was_handled_as_interrupt) return {}; m_finish = false; { auto stderr_stream = TRY(Core::File::standard_error()); TRY(reposition_cursor(*stderr_stream, true)); if (TRY(m_suggestion_display->cleanup())) TRY(reposition_cursor(*stderr_stream, true)); } m_buffer.clear(); m_chars_touched_in_the_middle = buffer().size(); m_is_editing = false; restore(); m_notifier->set_enabled(false); m_notifier = nullptr; Core::EventLoop::current().quit(Retry); return {}; } ErrorOr Editor::resized() { m_was_resized = true; m_previous_num_columns = m_num_columns; get_terminal_size(); if (!m_has_origin_reset_scheduled) { // Reset the origin, but make sure it doesn't blow up if we can't read it if (set_origin(false)) { TRY(handle_resize_event(false)); } else { deferred_invoke([this] { handle_resize_event(true).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); }); m_has_origin_reset_scheduled = true; } } return {}; } ErrorOr Editor::handle_resize_event(bool reset_origin) { m_has_origin_reset_scheduled = false; if (reset_origin && !set_origin(false)) { m_has_origin_reset_scheduled = true; deferred_invoke([this] { handle_resize_event(true).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); }); return {}; } set_origin(m_origin_row, 1); auto stderr_stream = TRY(Core::File::standard_error()); TRY(reposition_cursor(*stderr_stream, true)); TRY(m_suggestion_display->redisplay(m_suggestion_manager, m_num_lines, m_num_columns)); m_origin_row = m_suggestion_display->origin_row(); TRY(reposition_cursor(*stderr_stream)); if (m_is_searching) TRY(m_search_editor->resized()); return {}; } ErrorOr Editor::really_quit_event_loop() { m_finish = false; { auto stderr_stream = TRY(Core::File::standard_error()); TRY(reposition_cursor(*stderr_stream, true)); TRY(stderr_stream->write_until_depleted("\n"sv.bytes())); } auto string = line(); m_buffer.clear(); m_chars_touched_in_the_middle = buffer().size(); m_is_editing = false; if (m_initialized) restore(); m_returned_line = string; m_notifier->set_enabled(false); m_notifier = nullptr; Core::EventLoop::current().quit(Exit); return {}; } auto Editor::get_line(DeprecatedString const& prompt) -> Result { initialize(); m_is_editing = true; if (m_configuration.operation_mode == Configuration::NoEscapeSequences || m_configuration.operation_mode == Configuration::NonInteractive) { // Do not use escape sequences, instead, use LibC's getline. size_t size = 0; char* line = nullptr; // Show the prompt only on interactive mode (NoEscapeSequences in this case). if (m_configuration.operation_mode != Configuration::NonInteractive) fputs(prompt.characters(), stderr); auto line_length = getline(&line, &size, stdin); // getline() returns -1 and sets errno=0 on EOF. if (line_length == -1) { if (line) free(line); if (errno == 0) return Error::Eof; return Error::ReadFailure; } restore(); if (line) { DeprecatedString result { line, (size_t)line_length, Chomp }; free(line); return result; } return Error::ReadFailure; } auto old_cols = m_num_columns; auto old_lines = m_num_lines; get_terminal_size(); if (m_configuration.enable_bracketed_paste) fprintf(stderr, "\x1b[?2004h"); if (m_num_columns != old_cols || m_num_lines != old_lines) m_refresh_needed = true; set_prompt(prompt); reset(); strip_styles(true); { auto stderr_stream = Core::File::standard_error().release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); auto prompt_lines = max(current_prompt_metrics().line_metrics.size(), 1ul) - 1; for (size_t i = 0; i < prompt_lines; ++i) stderr_stream->write_until_depleted("\n"sv.bytes()).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); VT::move_relative(-static_cast(prompt_lines), 0, *stderr_stream).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); } set_origin(); m_history_cursor = m_history.size(); if (auto refresh_result = refresh_display(); refresh_result.is_error()) m_input_error = Error::ReadFailure; Core::EventLoop loop; m_notifier = Core::Notifier::construct(STDIN_FILENO, Core::Notifier::Type::Read); if (m_input_error.has_value()) loop.quit(Exit); m_notifier->on_activation = [&] { if (try_update_once().is_error()) loop.quit(Exit); }; if (!m_incomplete_data.is_empty()) { deferred_invoke([&] { if (try_update_once().is_error()) loop.quit(Exit); }); } if (loop.exec() == Retry) return get_line(prompt); return m_input_error.has_value() ? Result { m_input_error.value() } : Result { m_returned_line }; } ErrorOr Editor::try_update_once() { if (m_was_interrupted) { handle_interrupt_event(); } TRY(handle_read_event()); if (m_always_refresh) m_refresh_needed = true; TRY(refresh_display()); if (m_finish) TRY(really_quit_event_loop()); return {}; } void Editor::handle_interrupt_event() { m_was_interrupted = false; m_previous_interrupt_was_handled_as_interrupt = false; m_callback_machine.interrupted(*this); if (!m_callback_machine.should_process_last_pressed_key()) return; m_previous_interrupt_was_handled_as_interrupt = true; fprintf(stderr, "^C\r\n"); fflush(stderr); if (on_interrupt_handled) on_interrupt_handled(); m_buffer.clear(); m_chars_touched_in_the_middle = buffer().size(); m_cursor = 0; set_origin(false); finish(); } ErrorOr Editor::handle_read_event() { if (m_prohibit_input_processing) { m_have_unprocessed_read_event = true; return {}; } auto prohibit_scope = prohibit_input(); char keybuf[16]; ssize_t nread = 0; if (!m_incomplete_data.size()) nread = read(0, keybuf, sizeof(keybuf)); if (nread < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) { if (!m_was_interrupted) { if (m_was_resized) return {}; finish(); return {}; } handle_interrupt_event(); return {}; } ScopedValueRollback errno_restorer(errno); perror("read failed"); m_input_error = Error::ReadFailure; finish(); return {}; } m_incomplete_data.append(keybuf, nread); auto available_bytes = m_incomplete_data.size(); if (available_bytes == 0) { m_input_error = Error::Empty; finish(); return {}; } auto reverse_tab = false; // Discard starting bytes until they make sense as utf-8. size_t valid_bytes = 0; while (available_bytes > 0) { Utf8View { StringView { m_incomplete_data.data(), available_bytes } }.validate(valid_bytes); if (valid_bytes != 0) break; m_incomplete_data.take_first(); --available_bytes; } Utf8View input_view { StringView { m_incomplete_data.data(), valid_bytes } }; size_t consumed_code_points = 0; static Vector csi_parameter_bytes; static Vector csi_intermediate_bytes; Vector csi_parameters; u8 csi_final; enum CSIMod { Shift = 1, Alt = 2, Ctrl = 4, }; for (auto code_point : input_view) { if (m_finish) break; ++consumed_code_points; if (code_point == 0) continue; switch (m_state) { case InputState::GotEscape: switch (code_point) { case '[': m_state = InputState::CSIExpectParameter; continue; default: { m_callback_machine.key_pressed(*this, { code_point, Key::Alt }); m_state = InputState::Free; TRY(cleanup_suggestions()); continue; } } case InputState::CSIExpectParameter: if (code_point >= 0x30 && code_point <= 0x3f) { // '0123456789:;<=>?' csi_parameter_bytes.append(code_point); continue; } m_state = InputState::CSIExpectIntermediate; [[fallthrough]]; case InputState::CSIExpectIntermediate: if (code_point >= 0x20 && code_point <= 0x2f) { // ' !"#$%&\'()*+,-./' csi_intermediate_bytes.append(code_point); continue; } m_state = InputState::CSIExpectFinal; [[fallthrough]]; case InputState::CSIExpectFinal: { m_state = m_previous_free_state; auto is_in_paste = m_state == InputState::Paste; for (auto& parameter : DeprecatedString::copy(csi_parameter_bytes).split(';')) { if (auto value = parameter.to_uint(); value.has_value()) csi_parameters.append(value.value()); else csi_parameters.append(0); } unsigned param1 = 0, param2 = 0; if (csi_parameters.size() >= 1) param1 = csi_parameters[0]; if (csi_parameters.size() >= 2) param2 = csi_parameters[1]; unsigned modifiers = param2 ? param2 - 1 : 0; if (is_in_paste && code_point != '~' && param1 != 201) { // The only valid escape to process in paste mode is the stop-paste sequence. // so treat everything else as part of the pasted data. insert('\x1b'); insert('['); insert(StringView { csi_parameter_bytes.data(), csi_parameter_bytes.size() }); insert(StringView { csi_intermediate_bytes.data(), csi_intermediate_bytes.size() }); insert(code_point); continue; } if (!(code_point >= 0x40 && code_point <= 0x7f)) { dbgln("LibLine: Invalid CSI: {:02x} ({:c})", code_point, code_point); continue; } csi_final = code_point; csi_parameters.clear(); csi_parameter_bytes.clear(); csi_intermediate_bytes.clear(); if (csi_final == 'Z') { // 'reverse tab' reverse_tab = true; break; } TRY(cleanup_suggestions()); switch (csi_final) { case 'A': // ^[[A: arrow up search_backwards(); continue; case 'B': // ^[[B: arrow down search_forwards(); continue; case 'D': // ^[[D: arrow left if (modifiers == CSIMod::Alt || modifiers == CSIMod::Ctrl) cursor_left_word(); else cursor_left_character(); continue; case 'C': // ^[[C: arrow right if (modifiers == CSIMod::Alt || modifiers == CSIMod::Ctrl) cursor_right_word(); else cursor_right_character(); continue; case 'H': // ^[[H: home go_home(); continue; case 'F': // ^[[F: end go_end(); continue; case 127: if (modifiers == CSIMod::Ctrl) erase_alnum_word_backwards(); else erase_character_backwards(); continue; case '~': if (param1 == 3) { // ^[[3~: delete if (modifiers == CSIMod::Ctrl) erase_alnum_word_forwards(); else erase_character_forwards(); m_search_offset = 0; continue; } if (m_configuration.enable_bracketed_paste) { // ^[[200~: start bracketed paste // ^[[201~: end bracketed paste if (!is_in_paste && param1 == 200) { m_state = InputState::Paste; continue; } if (is_in_paste && param1 == 201) { m_state = InputState::Free; if (on_paste) { on_paste(Utf32View { m_paste_buffer.data(), m_paste_buffer.size() }, *this); m_paste_buffer.clear_with_capacity(); } if (!m_paste_buffer.is_empty()) insert(Utf32View { m_paste_buffer.data(), m_paste_buffer.size() }); continue; } } // ^[[5~: page up // ^[[6~: page down dbgln("LibLine: Unhandled '~': {}", param1); continue; default: dbgln("LibLine: Unhandled final: {:02x} ({:c})", code_point, code_point); continue; } VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } case InputState::Verbatim: m_state = InputState::Free; // Verbatim mode will bypass all mechanisms and just insert the code point. insert(code_point); continue; case InputState::Paste: if (code_point == 27) { m_previous_free_state = InputState::Paste; m_state = InputState::GotEscape; continue; } if (on_paste) m_paste_buffer.append(code_point); else insert(code_point); continue; case InputState::Free: m_previous_free_state = InputState::Free; if (code_point == 27) { m_callback_machine.key_pressed(*this, code_point); // Note that this should also deal with explicitly registered keys // that would otherwise be interpreted as escapes. if (m_callback_machine.should_process_last_pressed_key()) m_state = InputState::GotEscape; continue; } if (code_point == 22) { // ^v m_callback_machine.key_pressed(*this, code_point); if (m_callback_machine.should_process_last_pressed_key()) m_state = InputState::Verbatim; continue; } break; } // There are no sequences past this point, so short of 'tab', we will want to cleanup the suggestions. ArmedScopeGuard suggestion_cleanup { [this] { cleanup_suggestions().release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); } }; // Normally ^D. `stty eof \^n` can change it to ^N (or something else), but Serenity doesn't have `stty` yet. // Process this here since the keybinds might override its behavior. // This only applies when the buffer is empty. at any other time, the behavior should be configurable. if (code_point == m_termios.c_cc[VEOF] && m_buffer.size() == 0) { finish_edit(); continue; } m_callback_machine.key_pressed(*this, code_point); if (!m_callback_machine.should_process_last_pressed_key()) continue; m_search_offset = 0; // reset search offset on any key if (code_point == '\t' || reverse_tab) { suggestion_cleanup.disarm(); if (!on_tab_complete) continue; // Reverse tab can count as regular tab here. m_times_tab_pressed++; int token_start = m_cursor; // Ask for completions only on the first tab // and scan for the largest common prefix to display, // further tabs simply show the cached completions. if (m_times_tab_pressed == 1) { m_suggestion_manager.set_suggestions(on_tab_complete(*this)); m_suggestion_manager.set_start_index(0); m_prompt_lines_at_suggestion_initiation = num_lines(); if (m_suggestion_manager.count() == 0) { // There are no suggestions, beep. fputc('\a', stderr); fflush(stderr); } } // Adjust already incremented / decremented index when switching tab direction. if (reverse_tab && m_tab_direction != TabDirection::Backward) { m_suggestion_manager.previous(); m_suggestion_manager.previous(); m_tab_direction = TabDirection::Backward; } if (!reverse_tab && m_tab_direction != TabDirection::Forward) { m_suggestion_manager.next(); m_suggestion_manager.next(); m_tab_direction = TabDirection::Forward; } reverse_tab = false; SuggestionManager::CompletionMode completion_mode; switch (m_times_tab_pressed) { case 1: completion_mode = SuggestionManager::CompletePrefix; break; case 2: completion_mode = SuggestionManager::ShowSuggestions; break; default: completion_mode = SuggestionManager::CycleSuggestions; break; } insert(Utf32View { m_remembered_suggestion_static_data.data(), m_remembered_suggestion_static_data.size() }); m_remembered_suggestion_static_data.clear_with_capacity(); auto completion_result = m_suggestion_manager.attempt_completion(completion_mode, token_start); auto new_cursor = m_cursor; new_cursor += completion_result.new_cursor_offset; for (size_t i = completion_result.offset_region_to_remove.start; i < completion_result.offset_region_to_remove.end; ++i) remove_at_index(new_cursor); new_cursor -= completion_result.static_offset_from_cursor; for (size_t i = 0; i < completion_result.static_offset_from_cursor; ++i) { m_remembered_suggestion_static_data.append(m_buffer[new_cursor]); remove_at_index(new_cursor); } m_cursor = new_cursor; m_inline_search_cursor = new_cursor; m_refresh_needed = true; m_chars_touched_in_the_middle++; for (auto& view : completion_result.insert) insert(view); auto stderr_stream = TRY(Core::File::standard_error()); TRY(reposition_cursor(*stderr_stream)); if (completion_result.style_to_apply.has_value()) { // Apply the style of the last suggestion. readjust_anchored_styles(m_suggestion_manager.current_suggestion().start_index, ModificationKind::ForcedOverlapRemoval); stylize({ m_suggestion_manager.current_suggestion().start_index, m_cursor, Span::Mode::CodepointOriented }, completion_result.style_to_apply.value()); } switch (completion_result.new_completion_mode) { case SuggestionManager::DontComplete: m_times_tab_pressed = 0; m_remembered_suggestion_static_data.clear_with_capacity(); break; case SuggestionManager::CompletePrefix: break; default: ++m_times_tab_pressed; break; } if (m_times_tab_pressed > 1 && m_suggestion_manager.count() > 0) { if (TRY(m_suggestion_display->cleanup())) TRY(reposition_cursor(*stderr_stream)); m_suggestion_display->set_initial_prompt_lines(m_prompt_lines_at_suggestion_initiation); TRY(m_suggestion_display->display(m_suggestion_manager)); m_origin_row = m_suggestion_display->origin_row(); } if (m_times_tab_pressed > 2) { if (m_tab_direction == TabDirection::Forward) m_suggestion_manager.next(); else m_suggestion_manager.previous(); } if (m_suggestion_manager.count() < 2 && !completion_result.avoid_committing_to_single_suggestion) { // We have none, or just one suggestion, // we should just commit that and continue // after it, as if it were auto-completed. TRY(reposition_cursor(*stderr_stream, true)); TRY(cleanup_suggestions()); m_remembered_suggestion_static_data.clear_with_capacity(); } continue; } // If we got here, manually cleanup the suggestions and then insert the new code point. m_remembered_suggestion_static_data.clear_with_capacity(); suggestion_cleanup.disarm(); TRY(cleanup_suggestions()); insert(code_point); } if (consumed_code_points == m_incomplete_data.size()) { m_incomplete_data.clear(); } else { for (size_t i = 0; i < consumed_code_points; ++i) m_incomplete_data.take_first(); } if (!m_incomplete_data.is_empty() && !m_finish) deferred_invoke([&] { try_update_once().release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); }); return {}; } ErrorOr Editor::cleanup_suggestions() { if (m_times_tab_pressed != 0) { // Apply the style of the last suggestion. readjust_anchored_styles(m_suggestion_manager.current_suggestion().start_index, ModificationKind::ForcedOverlapRemoval); stylize({ m_suggestion_manager.current_suggestion().start_index, m_cursor, Span::Mode::CodepointOriented }, m_suggestion_manager.current_suggestion().style); // We probably have some suggestions drawn, // let's clean them up. if (TRY(m_suggestion_display->cleanup())) { auto stderr_stream = TRY(Core::File::standard_error()); TRY(reposition_cursor(*stderr_stream)); m_refresh_needed = true; } m_suggestion_manager.reset(); m_suggestion_display->finish(); } m_times_tab_pressed = 0; // Safe to say if we get here, the user didn't press TAB return {}; } bool Editor::search(StringView phrase, bool allow_empty, bool from_beginning) { int last_matching_offset = -1; bool found = false; // Do not search for empty strings. if (allow_empty || phrase.length() > 0) { size_t search_offset = m_search_offset; for (size_t i = m_history_cursor; i > 0; --i) { auto& entry = m_history[i - 1]; auto contains = from_beginning ? entry.entry.starts_with(phrase) : entry.entry.contains(phrase); if (contains) { last_matching_offset = i - 1; if (search_offset == 0) { found = true; break; } --search_offset; } } if (!found) { fputc('\a', stderr); fflush(stderr); } } if (found) { // We plan to clear the buffer, so mark the entire thing touched. m_chars_touched_in_the_middle = m_buffer.size(); m_buffer.clear(); m_cursor = 0; insert(m_history[last_matching_offset].entry); // Always needed, as we have cleared the buffer above. m_refresh_needed = true; } return found; } void Editor::recalculate_origin() { // Changing the columns can affect our origin if // the new size is smaller than our prompt, which would // cause said prompt to take up more space, so we should // compensate for that. if (m_cached_prompt_metrics.max_line_length >= m_num_columns) { auto added_lines = (m_cached_prompt_metrics.max_line_length + 1) / m_num_columns - 1; m_origin_row += added_lines; } // We also need to recalculate our cursor position, // but that will be calculated and applied at the next // refresh cycle. } ErrorOr Editor::cleanup() { auto current_buffer_metrics = actual_rendered_string_metrics(buffer_view(), m_current_masks); auto new_lines = current_prompt_metrics().lines_with_addition(current_buffer_metrics, m_num_columns); if (new_lines < m_shown_lines) m_extra_forward_lines = max(m_shown_lines - new_lines, m_extra_forward_lines); auto stderr_stream = TRY(Core::File::standard_error()); TRY(reposition_cursor(*stderr_stream, true)); auto current_line = num_lines() - 1; TRY(VT::clear_lines(current_line, m_extra_forward_lines, *stderr_stream)); m_extra_forward_lines = 0; TRY(reposition_cursor(*stderr_stream)); return {}; } ErrorOr Editor::refresh_display() { AllocatingMemoryStream output_stream; ScopeGuard flush_stream { [&] { m_shown_lines = current_prompt_metrics().lines_with_addition(m_cached_buffer_metrics, m_num_columns); if (output_stream.used_buffer_size() == 0) return; auto buffer = ByteBuffer::create_uninitialized(output_stream.used_buffer_size()).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); output_stream.read_until_filled(buffer).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); fwrite(buffer.data(), sizeof(char), buffer.size(), stderr); } }; auto has_cleaned_up = false; // Someone changed the window size, figure it out // and react to it, we might need to redraw. if (m_was_resized) { if (m_previous_num_columns != m_num_columns) { // We need to cleanup and redo everything. m_cached_prompt_valid = false; m_refresh_needed = true; swap(m_previous_num_columns, m_num_columns); recalculate_origin(); TRY(cleanup()); swap(m_previous_num_columns, m_num_columns); has_cleaned_up = true; } m_was_resized = false; } // We might be at the last line, and have more than one line; // Refreshing the display will cause the terminal to scroll, // so note that fact and bring origin up, making sure to // reserve the space for however many lines we move it up. auto current_num_lines = num_lines(); if (m_origin_row + current_num_lines > m_num_lines) { if (current_num_lines > m_num_lines) { for (size_t i = 0; i < m_num_lines; ++i) TRY(output_stream.write_until_depleted("\n"sv.bytes())); m_origin_row = 0; } else { auto old_origin_row = m_origin_row; m_origin_row = m_num_lines - current_num_lines + 1; for (size_t i = 0; i < old_origin_row - m_origin_row; ++i) TRY(output_stream.write_until_depleted("\n"sv.bytes())); } } // Do not call hook on pure cursor movement. if (m_cached_prompt_valid && !m_refresh_needed && m_pending_chars.size() == 0) { // Probably just moving around. TRY(reposition_cursor(output_stream)); m_cached_buffer_metrics = actual_rendered_string_metrics(buffer_view(), m_current_masks); m_drawn_end_of_line_offset = m_buffer.size(); return {}; } if (on_display_refresh) on_display_refresh(*this); if (m_cached_prompt_valid) { if (!m_refresh_needed && m_cursor == m_buffer.size()) { // Just write the characters out and continue, // no need to refresh the entire line. TRY(output_stream.write_until_depleted(m_pending_chars)); m_pending_chars.clear(); m_drawn_cursor = m_cursor; m_drawn_end_of_line_offset = m_buffer.size(); m_cached_buffer_metrics = actual_rendered_string_metrics(buffer_view(), m_current_masks); m_drawn_spans = m_current_spans; return {}; } } auto apply_styles = [&, empty_styles = HashMap {}](size_t i) -> ErrorOr { auto& ends = m_current_spans.m_spans_ending.get(i).value_or<>(empty_styles); auto& starts = m_current_spans.m_spans_starting.get(i).value_or<>(empty_styles); auto& anchored_ends = m_current_spans.m_anchored_spans_ending.get(i).value_or<>(empty_styles); auto& anchored_starts = m_current_spans.m_anchored_spans_starting.get(i).value_or<>(empty_styles); if (ends.size() || anchored_ends.size()) { Style style; for (auto& applicable_style : ends) style.unify_with(applicable_style.value); for (auto& applicable_style : anchored_ends) style.unify_with(applicable_style.value); // Disable any style that should be turned off. TRY(VT::apply_style(style, output_stream, false)); // Reapply styles for overlapping spans that include this one. style = find_applicable_style(i); TRY(VT::apply_style(style, output_stream, true)); } if (starts.size() || anchored_starts.size()) { Style style; for (auto& applicable_style : starts) style.unify_with(applicable_style.value); for (auto& applicable_style : anchored_starts) style.unify_with(applicable_style.value); // Set new styles. TRY(VT::apply_style(style, output_stream, true)); } return {}; }; auto print_character_at = [&](size_t i) { Variant c { Utf8View {} }; if (auto it = m_current_masks.find_largest_not_above_iterator(i); !it.is_end() && it->has_value()) { auto offset = i - it.key(); if (it->value().mode == Style::Mask::Mode::ReplaceEntireSelection) { auto& mask = it->value().replacement_view; auto replacement = mask.begin().peek(offset); if (!replacement.has_value()) return; c = replacement.value(); ++it; u32 next_offset = it.is_end() ? m_drawn_end_of_line_offset : it.key(); if (i + 1 == next_offset) c = mask.unicode_substring_view(offset, mask.length() - offset); } else { c = it->value().replacement_view; } } else { c = m_buffer[i]; } auto print_single_character = [&](auto c) -> ErrorOr { StringBuilder builder; bool should_print_masked = is_ascii_control(c) && c != '\n'; bool should_print_caret = c < 64 && should_print_masked; if (should_print_caret) builder.appendff("^{:c}", c + 64); else if (should_print_masked) builder.appendff("\\x{:0>2x}", c); else builder.append(Utf32View { &c, 1 }); if (should_print_masked) TRY(output_stream.write_until_depleted("\033[7m"sv.bytes())); TRY(output_stream.write_until_depleted(builder.string_view().bytes())); if (should_print_masked) TRY(output_stream.write_until_depleted("\033[27m"sv.bytes())); return {}; }; c.visit( [&](u32 c) { print_single_character(c).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); }, [&](auto& view) { for (auto c : view) print_single_character(c).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); }); }; // If there have been no changes to previous sections of the line (style or text) // just append the new text with the appropriate styles. if (!m_always_refresh && m_cached_prompt_valid && m_chars_touched_in_the_middle == 0 && m_drawn_spans.contains_up_to_offset(m_current_spans, m_drawn_cursor)) { auto initial_style = find_applicable_style(m_drawn_end_of_line_offset); TRY(VT::apply_style(initial_style, output_stream)); for (size_t i = m_drawn_end_of_line_offset; i < m_buffer.size(); ++i) { TRY(apply_styles(i)); print_character_at(i); } TRY(VT::apply_style(Style::reset_style(), output_stream)); m_pending_chars.clear(); m_refresh_needed = false; m_cached_buffer_metrics = actual_rendered_string_metrics(buffer_view(), m_current_masks); m_chars_touched_in_the_middle = 0; m_drawn_cursor = m_cursor; m_drawn_end_of_line_offset = m_buffer.size(); // No need to reposition the cursor, the cursor is already where it needs to be. return {}; } if constexpr (LINE_EDITOR_DEBUG) { if (m_cached_prompt_valid && m_chars_touched_in_the_middle == 0) { auto x = m_drawn_spans.contains_up_to_offset(m_current_spans, m_drawn_cursor); dbgln("Contains: {} At offset: {}", x, m_drawn_cursor); dbgln("Drawn Spans:"); for (auto& sentry : m_drawn_spans.m_spans_starting) { for (auto& entry : sentry.value) { dbgln("{}-{}: {}", sentry.key, entry.key, entry.value.to_deprecated_string()); } } dbgln("=========================================================================="); dbgln("Current Spans:"); for (auto& sentry : m_current_spans.m_spans_starting) { for (auto& entry : sentry.value) { dbgln("{}-{}: {}", sentry.key, entry.key, entry.value.to_deprecated_string()); } } } } // Ouch, reflow entire line. if (!has_cleaned_up) { TRY(cleanup()); } TRY(VT::move_absolute(m_origin_row, m_origin_column, output_stream)); TRY(output_stream.write_until_depleted(m_new_prompt.bytes())); TRY(VT::clear_to_end_of_line(output_stream)); StringBuilder builder; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_buffer.size(); ++i) { TRY(apply_styles(i)); print_character_at(i); } TRY(VT::apply_style(Style::reset_style(), output_stream)); // don't bleed to EOL m_pending_chars.clear(); m_refresh_needed = false; m_cached_buffer_metrics = actual_rendered_string_metrics(buffer_view(), m_current_masks); m_chars_touched_in_the_middle = 0; m_drawn_spans = m_current_spans; m_drawn_end_of_line_offset = m_buffer.size(); m_cached_prompt_valid = true; TRY(reposition_cursor(output_stream)); return {}; } void Editor::strip_styles(bool strip_anchored) { m_current_spans.m_spans_starting.clear(); m_current_spans.m_spans_ending.clear(); m_current_masks.clear(); m_cached_buffer_metrics = actual_rendered_string_metrics(buffer_view(), {}); if (strip_anchored) { m_current_spans.m_anchored_spans_starting.clear(); m_current_spans.m_anchored_spans_ending.clear(); } m_refresh_needed = true; } ErrorOr Editor::reposition_cursor(Stream& stream, bool to_end) { auto cursor = m_cursor; auto saved_cursor = m_cursor; if (to_end) cursor = m_buffer.size(); m_cursor = cursor; m_drawn_cursor = cursor; auto line = cursor_line() - 1; auto column = offset_in_line(); ensure_free_lines_from_origin(line); VERIFY(column + m_origin_column <= m_num_columns); TRY(VT::move_absolute(line + m_origin_row, column + m_origin_column, stream)); m_cursor = saved_cursor; return {}; } ErrorOr VT::move_absolute(u32 row, u32 col, Stream& stream) { return stream.write_until_depleted(DeprecatedString::formatted("\033[{};{}H", row, col).bytes()); } ErrorOr VT::move_relative(int row, int col, Stream& stream) { char x_op = 'A', y_op = 'D'; if (row > 0) x_op = 'B'; else row = -row; if (col > 0) y_op = 'C'; else col = -col; if (row > 0) TRY(stream.write_until_depleted(DeprecatedString::formatted("\033[{}{}", row, x_op).bytes())); if (col > 0) TRY(stream.write_until_depleted(DeprecatedString::formatted("\033[{}{}", col, y_op).bytes())); return {}; } Style Editor::find_applicable_style(size_t offset) const { // Walk through our styles and merge all that fit in the offset. auto style = Style::reset_style(); auto unify = [&](auto& entry) { if (entry.key >= offset) return; for (auto& style_value : entry.value) { if (style_value.key <= offset) return; style.unify_with(style_value.value, true); } }; for (auto& entry : m_current_spans.m_spans_starting) { unify(entry); } for (auto& entry : m_current_spans.m_anchored_spans_starting) { unify(entry); } return style; } DeprecatedString Style::Background::to_vt_escape() const { if (is_default()) return ""; if (m_is_rgb) { return DeprecatedString::formatted("\e[48;2;{};{};{}m", m_rgb_color[0], m_rgb_color[1], m_rgb_color[2]); } else { return DeprecatedString::formatted("\e[{}m", (u8)m_xterm_color + 40); } } DeprecatedString Style::Foreground::to_vt_escape() const { if (is_default()) return ""; if (m_is_rgb) { return DeprecatedString::formatted("\e[38;2;{};{};{}m", m_rgb_color[0], m_rgb_color[1], m_rgb_color[2]); } else { return DeprecatedString::formatted("\e[{}m", (u8)m_xterm_color + 30); } } DeprecatedString Style::Hyperlink::to_vt_escape(bool starting) const { if (is_empty()) return ""; return DeprecatedString::formatted("\e]8;;{}\e\\", starting ? m_link : DeprecatedString::empty()); } void Style::unify_with(Style const& other, bool prefer_other) { // Unify colors. if (prefer_other || m_background.is_default()) m_background = other.background(); if (prefer_other || m_foreground.is_default()) m_foreground = other.foreground(); // Unify graphic renditions. if (other.bold()) set(Bold); if (other.italic()) set(Italic); if (other.underline()) set(Underline); // Unify links. if (prefer_other || m_hyperlink.is_empty()) m_hyperlink = other.hyperlink(); m_is_empty &= other.m_is_empty; } DeprecatedString Style::to_deprecated_string() const { StringBuilder builder; builder.append("Style { "sv); if (!m_foreground.is_default()) { builder.append("Foreground("sv); if (m_foreground.m_is_rgb) { builder.join(", "sv, m_foreground.m_rgb_color); } else { builder.appendff("(XtermColor) {}", (int)m_foreground.m_xterm_color); } builder.append("), "sv); } if (!m_background.is_default()) { builder.append("Background("sv); if (m_background.m_is_rgb) { builder.join(' ', m_background.m_rgb_color); } else { builder.appendff("(XtermColor) {}", (int)m_background.m_xterm_color); } builder.append("), "sv); } if (bold()) builder.append("Bold, "sv); if (underline()) builder.append("Underline, "sv); if (italic()) builder.append("Italic, "sv); if (!m_hyperlink.is_empty()) builder.appendff("Hyperlink(\"{}\"), ", m_hyperlink.m_link); if (!m_mask.has_value()) { builder.appendff("Mask(\"{}\", {}), ", m_mask->replacement, m_mask->mode == Mask::Mode::ReplaceEntireSelection ? "ReplaceEntireSelection" : "ReplaceEachCodePointInSelection"); } builder.append('}'); return builder.to_deprecated_string(); } ErrorOr VT::apply_style(Style const& style, Stream& stream, bool is_starting) { if (is_starting) { TRY(stream.write_until_depleted(DeprecatedString::formatted("\033[{};{};{}m{}{}{}", style.bold() ? 1 : 22, style.underline() ? 4 : 24, style.italic() ? 3 : 23, style.background().to_vt_escape(), style.foreground().to_vt_escape(), style.hyperlink().to_vt_escape(true)) .bytes())); } else { TRY(stream.write_until_depleted(style.hyperlink().to_vt_escape(false).bytes())); } return {}; } ErrorOr VT::clear_lines(size_t count_above, size_t count_below, Stream& stream) { if (count_below + count_above == 0) { TRY(stream.write_until_depleted("\033[2K"sv.bytes())); } else { // Go down count_below lines. if (count_below > 0) TRY(stream.write_until_depleted(DeprecatedString::formatted("\033[{}B", count_below).bytes())); // Then clear lines going upwards. for (size_t i = count_below + count_above; i > 0; --i) { TRY(stream.write_until_depleted("\033[2K"sv.bytes())); if (i != 1) TRY(stream.write_until_depleted("\033[A"sv.bytes())); } } return {}; } ErrorOr VT::save_cursor(Stream& stream) { return stream.write_until_depleted("\033[s"sv.bytes()); } ErrorOr VT::restore_cursor(Stream& stream) { return stream.write_until_depleted("\033[u"sv.bytes()); } ErrorOr VT::clear_to_end_of_line(Stream& stream) { return stream.write_until_depleted("\033[K"sv.bytes()); } enum VTState { Free = 1, Escape = 3, Bracket = 5, BracketArgsSemi = 7, Title = 9, URL = 11, }; static VTState actual_rendered_string_length_step(StringMetrics& metrics, size_t index, StringMetrics::LineMetrics& current_line, u32 c, u32 next_c, VTState state, Optional const& mask, Optional const& maximum_line_width = {}, Optional last_return = {}); enum class MaskedSelectionDecision { Skip, Continue, }; static MaskedSelectionDecision resolve_masked_selection(Optional& mask, size_t& i, auto& mask_it, auto& view, auto& state, auto& metrics, auto& current_line) { if (mask.has_value() && mask->mode == Style::Mask::Mode::ReplaceEntireSelection) { ++mask_it; auto actual_end_offset = mask_it.is_end() ? view.length() : mask_it.key(); auto end_offset = min(actual_end_offset, view.length()); size_t j = 0; for (auto it = mask->replacement_view.begin(); it != mask->replacement_view.end(); ++it) { auto it_copy = it; ++it_copy; auto next_c = it_copy == mask->replacement_view.end() ? 0 : *it_copy; state = actual_rendered_string_length_step(metrics, j, current_line, *it, next_c, state, {}); ++j; if (j <= actual_end_offset - i && j + i >= view.length()) break; } current_line.masked_chars.empend(i, end_offset - i, j); i = end_offset; if (mask_it.is_end()) mask = {}; else mask = *mask_it; return MaskedSelectionDecision::Skip; } return MaskedSelectionDecision::Continue; } StringMetrics Editor::actual_rendered_string_metrics(StringView string, RedBlackTree> const& masks, Optional maximum_line_width) { StringMetrics metrics; StringMetrics::LineMetrics current_line; VTState state { Free }; Utf8View view { string }; size_t last_return {}; auto it = view.begin(); Optional mask; size_t i = 0; auto mask_it = masks.begin(); for (; it != view.end(); ++it) { if (!mask_it.is_end() && mask_it.key() <= i) mask = *mask_it; auto c = *it; auto it_copy = it; ++it_copy; if (resolve_masked_selection(mask, i, mask_it, view, state, metrics, current_line) == MaskedSelectionDecision::Skip) continue; auto next_c = it_copy == view.end() ? 0 : *it_copy; state = actual_rendered_string_length_step(metrics, view.iterator_offset(it), current_line, c, next_c, state, mask, maximum_line_width, last_return); if (!mask_it.is_end() && mask_it.key() <= i) { auto mask_it_peek = mask_it; ++mask_it_peek; if (!mask_it_peek.is_end() && mask_it_peek.key() > i) mask_it = mask_it_peek; } ++i; } metrics.line_metrics.append(current_line); for (auto& line : metrics.line_metrics) metrics.max_line_length = max(line.total_length(), metrics.max_line_length); return metrics; } StringMetrics Editor::actual_rendered_string_metrics(Utf32View const& view, RedBlackTree> const& masks) { StringMetrics metrics; StringMetrics::LineMetrics current_line; VTState state { Free }; Optional mask; auto mask_it = masks.begin(); for (size_t i = 0; i < view.length(); ++i) { auto c = view[i]; if (!mask_it.is_end() && mask_it.key() <= i) mask = *mask_it; if (resolve_masked_selection(mask, i, mask_it, view, state, metrics, current_line) == MaskedSelectionDecision::Skip) { --i; continue; } auto next_c = i + 1 < view.length() ? view.code_points()[i + 1] : 0; state = actual_rendered_string_length_step(metrics, i, current_line, c, next_c, state, mask); if (!mask_it.is_end() && mask_it.key() <= i) { auto mask_it_peek = mask_it; ++mask_it_peek; if (!mask_it_peek.is_end() && mask_it_peek.key() > i) mask_it = mask_it_peek; } } metrics.line_metrics.append(current_line); for (auto& line : metrics.line_metrics) metrics.max_line_length = max(line.total_length(), metrics.max_line_length); return metrics; } VTState actual_rendered_string_length_step(StringMetrics& metrics, size_t index, StringMetrics::LineMetrics& current_line, u32 c, u32 next_c, VTState state, Optional const& mask, Optional const& maximum_line_width, Optional last_return) { auto const save_line = [&metrics, ¤t_line, &last_return, &index]() { if (last_return.has_value()) { auto const last_index = index - 1; current_line.bit_length = last_index - *last_return + 1; last_return.value() = last_index + 1; } metrics.line_metrics.append(current_line); current_line.masked_chars = {}; current_line.length = 0; current_line.visible_length = 0; current_line.bit_length = {}; }; // FIXME: current_line.visible_length can go above maximum_line_width when using masks if (maximum_line_width.has_value() && current_line.visible_length >= maximum_line_width.value()) save_line(); ScopeGuard bit_length_update { [&last_return, ¤t_line, &index]() { if (last_return.has_value()) current_line.bit_length = index - *last_return + 1; } }; switch (state) { case Free: { if (c == '\x1b') { // escape return Escape; } if (c == '\r') { // carriage return current_line.masked_chars = {}; current_line.length = 0; current_line.visible_length = 0; if (!metrics.line_metrics.is_empty()) metrics.line_metrics.last() = { {}, 0 }; return state; } if (c == '\n') { // return save_line(); return state; } if (c == '\t') { // Tabs are a special case, because their width is variable. ++current_line.length; current_line.visible_length += (8 - (current_line.visible_length % 8)); return state; } auto is_control = is_ascii_control(c); if (is_control) { if (mask.has_value()) current_line.masked_chars.append({ index, 1, mask->replacement_view.length() }); else current_line.masked_chars.append({ index, 1, c < 64 ? 2u : 4u }); // if the character cannot be represented as ^c, represent it as \xbb. } // FIXME: This will not support anything sophisticated if (mask.has_value()) { current_line.length += mask->replacement_view.length(); current_line.visible_length += mask->replacement_view.length(); metrics.total_length += mask->replacement_view.length(); } else if (is_control) { current_line.length += current_line.masked_chars.last().masked_length; current_line.visible_length += current_line.masked_chars.last().masked_length; metrics.total_length += current_line.masked_chars.last().masked_length; } else { ++current_line.length; ++current_line.visible_length; ++metrics.total_length; } return state; } case Escape: if (c == ']') { if (next_c == '0') state = Title; if (next_c == '8') state = URL; return state; } if (c == '[') { return Bracket; } // FIXME: This does not support non-VT (aside from set-title) escapes return state; case Bracket: if (is_ascii_digit(c)) { return BracketArgsSemi; } return state; case BracketArgsSemi: if (c == ';') { return Bracket; } if (!is_ascii_digit(c)) state = Free; return state; case Title: if (c == 7) state = Free; return state; case URL: if (c == '\\') state = Free; return state; } return state; } Result, Editor::Error> Editor::vt_dsr() { char buf[16]; // Read whatever junk there is before talking to the terminal // and insert them later when we're reading user input. bool more_junk_to_read { false }; timeval timeout { 0, 0 }; fd_set readfds; FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_SET(0, &readfds); do { more_junk_to_read = false; [[maybe_unused]] auto rc = select(1, &readfds, nullptr, nullptr, &timeout); if (FD_ISSET(0, &readfds)) { auto nread = read(0, buf, 16); if (nread < 0) { m_input_error = Error::ReadFailure; finish(); break; } if (nread == 0) break; m_incomplete_data.append(buf, nread); more_junk_to_read = true; } } while (more_junk_to_read); if (m_input_error.has_value()) return m_input_error.value(); fputs("\033[6n", stderr); fflush(stderr); // Parse the DSR response // it should be of the form .*\e[\d+;\d+R.* // Anything not part of the response is just added to the incomplete data. enum { Free, SawEsc, SawBracket, InFirstCoordinate, SawSemicolon, InSecondCoordinate, SawR, } state { Free }; auto has_error = false; Vector coordinate_buffer; size_t row { 1 }, col { 1 }; do { char c; auto nread = read(0, &c, 1); if (nread < 0) { if (errno == 0 || errno == EINTR) { // ???? continue; } dbgln("Error while reading DSR: {}", strerror(errno)); return Error::ReadFailure; } if (nread == 0) { dbgln("Terminal DSR issue; received no response"); return Error::Empty; } switch (state) { case Free: if (c == '\x1b') { state = SawEsc; continue; } m_incomplete_data.append(c); continue; case SawEsc: if (c == '[') { state = SawBracket; continue; } m_incomplete_data.append(c); state = Free; continue; case SawBracket: if (is_ascii_digit(c)) { state = InFirstCoordinate; coordinate_buffer.clear_with_capacity(); coordinate_buffer.append(c); continue; } m_incomplete_data.append(c); state = Free; continue; case InFirstCoordinate: if (is_ascii_digit(c)) { coordinate_buffer.append(c); continue; } if (c == ';') { auto maybe_row = StringView { coordinate_buffer.data(), coordinate_buffer.size() }.to_uint(); if (!maybe_row.has_value()) has_error = true; row = maybe_row.value_or(1u); coordinate_buffer.clear_with_capacity(); state = SawSemicolon; continue; } m_incomplete_data.append(c); state = Free; continue; case SawSemicolon: if (is_ascii_digit(c)) { state = InSecondCoordinate; coordinate_buffer.append(c); continue; } m_incomplete_data.append(c); state = Free; continue; case InSecondCoordinate: if (is_ascii_digit(c)) { coordinate_buffer.append(c); continue; } if (c == 'R') { auto maybe_column = StringView { coordinate_buffer.data(), coordinate_buffer.size() }.to_uint(); if (!maybe_column.has_value()) has_error = true; col = maybe_column.value_or(1u); coordinate_buffer.clear_with_capacity(); state = SawR; continue; } m_incomplete_data.append(c); state = Free; continue; case SawR: m_incomplete_data.append(c); continue; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } while (state != SawR); if (has_error) dbgln("Terminal DSR issue, couldn't parse DSR response"); return Vector { row, col }; } DeprecatedString Editor::line(size_t up_to_index) const { StringBuilder builder; builder.append(Utf32View { m_buffer.data(), min(m_buffer.size(), up_to_index) }); return builder.to_deprecated_string(); } void Editor::remove_at_index(size_t index) { // See if we have any anchored styles, and reposition them if needed. readjust_anchored_styles(index, ModificationKind::Removal); auto cp = m_buffer[index]; m_buffer.remove(index); if (cp == '\n') ++m_extra_forward_lines; ++m_chars_touched_in_the_middle; } void Editor::readjust_anchored_styles(size_t hint_index, ModificationKind modification) { struct Anchor { Span old_span; Span new_span; Style style; }; Vector anchors_to_relocate; auto index_shift = modification == ModificationKind::Insertion ? 1 : -1; auto forced_removal = modification == ModificationKind::ForcedOverlapRemoval; for (auto& start_entry : m_current_spans.m_anchored_spans_starting) { for (auto& end_entry : start_entry.value) { if (forced_removal) { if (start_entry.key <= hint_index && end_entry.key > hint_index) { // Remove any overlapping regions. continue; } } if (start_entry.key >= hint_index) { if (start_entry.key == hint_index && end_entry.key == hint_index + 1 && modification == ModificationKind::Removal) { // Remove the anchor, as all its text was wiped. continue; } // Shift everything. anchors_to_relocate.append({ { start_entry.key, end_entry.key, Span::Mode::CodepointOriented }, { start_entry.key + index_shift, end_entry.key + index_shift, Span::Mode::CodepointOriented }, end_entry.value }); continue; } if (end_entry.key > hint_index) { // Shift just the end. anchors_to_relocate.append({ { start_entry.key, end_entry.key, Span::Mode::CodepointOriented }, { start_entry.key, end_entry.key + index_shift, Span::Mode::CodepointOriented }, end_entry.value }); continue; } anchors_to_relocate.append({ { start_entry.key, end_entry.key, Span::Mode::CodepointOriented }, { start_entry.key, end_entry.key, Span::Mode::CodepointOriented }, end_entry.value }); } } m_current_spans.m_anchored_spans_ending.clear(); m_current_spans.m_anchored_spans_starting.clear(); // Pass over the relocations and update the stale entries. for (auto& relocation : anchors_to_relocate) { stylize(relocation.new_span, relocation.style); } } size_t StringMetrics::lines_with_addition(StringMetrics const& offset, size_t column_width) const { size_t lines = 0; if (!line_metrics.is_empty()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < line_metrics.size() - 1; ++i) lines += (line_metrics[i].total_length() + column_width) / column_width; auto last = line_metrics.last().total_length(); last += offset.line_metrics.first().total_length(); lines += (last + column_width) / column_width; } for (size_t i = 1; i < offset.line_metrics.size(); ++i) lines += (offset.line_metrics[i].total_length() + column_width) / column_width; return lines; } size_t StringMetrics::offset_with_addition(StringMetrics const& offset, size_t column_width) const { if (offset.line_metrics.size() > 1) return offset.line_metrics.last().total_length() % column_width; if (!line_metrics.is_empty()) { auto last = line_metrics.last().total_length(); last += offset.line_metrics.first().total_length(); return last % column_width; } if (offset.line_metrics.is_empty()) return 0; return offset.line_metrics.first().total_length() % column_width; } bool Editor::Spans::contains_up_to_offset(Spans const& other, size_t offset) const { auto compare = [&](HashMap> const& left, HashMap> const& right) -> bool { for (auto& entry : right) { if (entry.key > offset + 1) continue; auto left_map_it = left.find(entry.key); if (left_map_it == left.end()) return false; for (auto& left_entry : left_map_it->value) { auto value_it = entry.value.find(left_entry.key); if (value_it == entry.value.end()) { // Might have the same thing with a longer span bool found = false; for (auto& possibly_longer_span_entry : entry.value) { if (possibly_longer_span_entry.key > left_entry.key && possibly_longer_span_entry.key > offset && left_entry.value == possibly_longer_span_entry.value) { found = true; break; } } if (found) continue; if constexpr (LINE_EDITOR_DEBUG) { dbgln("Compare for {}-{} failed, no entry", entry.key, left_entry.key); for (auto& x : entry.value) dbgln("Have: {}-{} = {}", entry.key, x.key, x.value.to_deprecated_string()); } return false; } else if (value_it->value != left_entry.value) { dbgln_if(LINE_EDITOR_DEBUG, "Compare for {}-{} failed, different values: {} != {}", entry.key, left_entry.key, value_it->value.to_deprecated_string(), left_entry.value.to_deprecated_string()); return false; } } } return true; }; return compare(m_spans_starting, other.m_spans_starting) && compare(m_anchored_spans_starting, other.m_anchored_spans_starting); } }