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synced 2024-12-28 21:54:40 +03:00
Along with this, Port.h is include which helps generalising common information for the port package, like it's name and version. With SemVer complaint versions, it is possible to show positive change (upgrade) or negative change (downgrade) in the installed ports. However, for some non-complaint versions (eg. using git commit hash), non-equality (`!=`) is used to notify upgrade. Since there is no algorithm (without git history) to check the order of commits, it is not possible to inform whether it is an upgrade or downgrade.
75 lines
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75 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2023, Liav A. <liavalb@hotmail.co.il>
* Copyright (c) 2023, kleines Filmröllchen <filmroellchen@serenityos.org>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include "InstalledPort.h"
#include <AK/Function.h>
#include <AK/StringUtils.h>
#include <LibCore/File.h>
#include <LibCore/System.h>
Optional<InstalledPort::Type> InstalledPort::type_from_string(StringView type)
if (type == "auto"sv)
return Type::Auto;
if (type == "manual"sv)
return Type::Manual;
return {};
ErrorOr<HashMap<String, InstalledPort>> InstalledPort::read_ports_database()
auto file = TRY(Core::File::open(ports_database, Core::File::OpenMode::Read));
auto buffered_file = TRY(Core::InputBufferedFile::create(move(file)));
auto buffer = TRY(ByteBuffer::create_uninitialized(PAGE_SIZE));
HashMap<String, InstalledPort> ports;
while (TRY(buffered_file->can_read_line())) {
auto line = TRY(buffered_file->read_line(buffer));
if (line.is_empty())
auto parts = line.split_view(' ');
if (parts.size() < 2) {
dbgln("Invalid database entry {} (only {} parts)", line, parts.size());
// FIXME: Skip over invalid entries instead?
return Error::from_string_view("Database entry too short"sv);
auto install_type_string = parts[0];
auto port_name = TRY(String::from_utf8(parts[1]));
if (auto maybe_type = type_from_string(install_type_string); maybe_type.has_value()) {
auto const type = maybe_type.release_value();
if (parts.size() < 3)
return Error::from_string_view("Port is missing a version specification"sv);
ports.ensure(port_name, [=] { return InstalledPort { port_name, MUST(String::from_utf8(parts[2])), type }; });
} else if (install_type_string == "dependency"sv) {
Vector<String> dependencies;
TRY(dependencies.try_ensure_capacity(parts.size() - 2));
for (auto const& dependency : parts.span().slice(2)) {
// Assume the port as automatically installed if the "dependency" line occurs before the "manual"/"auto" line.
// This is fine since these entries override the port type in any case.
auto& port = ports.ensure(port_name, [&] { return InstalledPort { port_name, {}, Type::Auto }; });
port.m_dependencies = move(dependencies);
} else {
return Error::from_string_literal("Unknown installed port type");
return ports;
ErrorOr<void> InstalledPort::for_each_by_type(HashMap<String, InstalledPort>& ports_database, InstalledPort::Type type, Function<ErrorOr<void>(InstalledPort const&)> callback)
for (auto& port : ports_database) {
if (type == port.value.type())
return {};