2024-01-17 16:09:59 -05:00

338 lines
15 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling <>
* Copyright (c) 2021-2023, kleines Filmröllchen <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include "WavLoader.h"
#include "LoaderError.h"
#include "WavTypes.h"
#include <AK/Debug.h>
#include <AK/Endian.h>
#include <AK/FixedArray.h>
#include <AK/MemoryStream.h>
#include <AK/NonnullOwnPtr.h>
#include <AK/NumericLimits.h>
#include <AK/Try.h>
namespace Audio {
WavLoaderPlugin::WavLoaderPlugin(NonnullOwnPtr<SeekableStream> stream)
: LoaderPlugin(move(stream))
bool WavLoaderPlugin::sniff(SeekableStream& stream)
auto riff = stream.read_value<RIFF::ChunkID>();
if (riff.is_error())
return false;
if (riff.value() != RIFF::riff_magic)
return false;
auto size = stream.read_value<LittleEndian<u32>>();
if (size.is_error())
return false;
auto wave = stream.read_value<RIFF::ChunkID>();
return !wave.is_error() && wave.value() == Wav::wave_subformat_id;
ErrorOr<NonnullOwnPtr<LoaderPlugin>, LoaderError> WavLoaderPlugin::create(NonnullOwnPtr<SeekableStream> stream)
auto loader = make<WavLoaderPlugin>(move(stream));
return loader;
template<typename SampleReader>
MaybeLoaderError WavLoaderPlugin::read_samples_from_stream(Stream& stream, SampleReader read_sample, FixedArray<Sample>& samples) const
switch (m_num_channels) {
case 1:
for (auto& sample : samples)
sample = Sample(TRY(read_sample(stream)));
case 2:
for (auto& sample : samples) {
auto left_channel_sample = TRY(read_sample(stream));
auto right_channel_sample = TRY(read_sample(stream));
sample = Sample(left_channel_sample, right_channel_sample);
return {};
// There's no i24 type + we need to do the endianness conversion manually anyways.
static ErrorOr<double> read_sample_int24(Stream& stream)
i32 sample1 = TRY(stream.read_value<u8>());
i32 sample2 = TRY(stream.read_value<u8>());
i32 sample3 = TRY(stream.read_value<u8>());
i32 value = 0;
value = sample1;
value |= sample2 << 8;
value |= sample3 << 16;
// Sign extend the value, as it can currently not have the correct sign.
value = (value << 8) >> 8;
// Range of value is now -2^23 to 2^23-1 and we can rescale normally.
return static_cast<double>(value) / static_cast<double>((1 << 23) - 1);
template<typename T>
static ErrorOr<double> read_sample(Stream& stream)
T sample { 0 };
TRY(stream.read_until_filled(Bytes { &sample, sizeof(T) }));
// Remap integer samples to normalized floating-point range of -1 to 1.
if constexpr (IsIntegral<T>) {
if constexpr (NumericLimits<T>::is_signed()) {
// Signed integer samples are centered around zero, so this division is enough.
return static_cast<double>(AK::convert_between_host_and_little_endian(sample)) / static_cast<double>(NumericLimits<T>::max());
} else {
// Unsigned integer samples, on the other hand, need to be shifted to center them around zero.
// The first division therefore remaps to the range 0 to 2.
return static_cast<double>(AK::convert_between_host_and_little_endian(sample)) / (static_cast<double>(NumericLimits<T>::max()) / 2.0) - 1.0;
} else {
return static_cast<double>(AK::convert_between_host_and_little_endian(sample));
LoaderSamples WavLoaderPlugin::samples_from_pcm_data(ReadonlyBytes data, size_t samples_to_read) const
FixedArray<Sample> samples = TRY(FixedArray<Sample>::create(samples_to_read));
FixedMemoryStream stream { data };
switch (m_sample_format) {
case PcmSampleFormat::Uint8:
TRY(read_samples_from_stream(stream, read_sample<u8>, samples));
case PcmSampleFormat::Int16:
TRY(read_samples_from_stream(stream, read_sample<i16>, samples));
case PcmSampleFormat::Int24:
TRY(read_samples_from_stream(stream, read_sample_int24, samples));
case PcmSampleFormat::Float32:
TRY(read_samples_from_stream(stream, read_sample<float>, samples));
case PcmSampleFormat::Float64:
TRY(read_samples_from_stream(stream, read_sample<double>, samples));
return samples;
ErrorOr<Vector<FixedArray<Sample>>, LoaderError> WavLoaderPlugin::load_chunks(size_t samples_to_read_from_input)
auto remaining_samples = m_total_samples - m_loaded_samples;
if (remaining_samples <= 0)
return Vector<FixedArray<Sample>> {};
// One "sample" contains data from all channels.
// In the Wave spec, this is also called a block.
size_t bytes_per_sample
= m_num_channels * pcm_bits_per_sample(m_sample_format) / 8;
auto samples_to_read = min(samples_to_read_from_input, remaining_samples);
auto bytes_to_read = samples_to_read * bytes_per_sample;
dbgln_if(AWAVLOADER_DEBUG, "Read {} bytes WAV with num_channels {} sample rate {}, "
"bits per sample {}, sample format {}",
bytes_to_read, m_num_channels, m_sample_rate,
pcm_bits_per_sample(m_sample_format), sample_format_name(m_sample_format));
auto sample_data = TRY(ByteBuffer::create_zeroed(bytes_to_read));
// m_loaded_samples should contain the amount of actually loaded samples
m_loaded_samples += samples_to_read;
Vector<FixedArray<Sample>> samples;
TRY(samples.try_append(TRY(samples_from_pcm_data(sample_data.bytes(), samples_to_read))));
return samples;
MaybeLoaderError WavLoaderPlugin::seek(int sample_index)
dbgln_if(AWAVLOADER_DEBUG, "seek sample_index {}", sample_index);
if (sample_index < 0 || sample_index >= static_cast<int>(m_total_samples))
return LoaderError { LoaderError::Category::Internal, m_loaded_samples, "Seek outside the sample range" };
size_t sample_offset = m_byte_offset_of_data_samples + static_cast<size_t>(sample_index * m_num_channels * (pcm_bits_per_sample(m_sample_format) / 8));
TRY(m_stream->seek(sample_offset, SeekMode::SetPosition));
m_loaded_samples = sample_index;
return {};
// Specification reference:
MaybeLoaderError WavLoaderPlugin::parse_header()
#define CHECK(check, category, msg) \
do { \
if (!(check)) { \
return LoaderError { category, static_cast<size_t>(TRY(m_stream->tell())), ByteString::formatted("WAV header: {}", msg) }; \
} \
} while (0)
auto file_header = TRY(m_stream->read_value<RIFF::FileHeader>());
CHECK(file_header.magic() == RIFF::riff_magic, LoaderError::Category::Format, "RIFF header magic invalid");
CHECK(file_header.subformat == Wav::wave_subformat_id, LoaderError::Category::Format, "WAVE subformat id invalid");
auto format_chunk = TRY(m_stream->read_value<RIFF::OwnedChunk>());
CHECK( == Wav::format_chunk_id, LoaderError::Category::Format, "FMT chunk id invalid");
auto format_stream = format_chunk.data_stream();
u16 audio_format = TRY(format_stream.read_value<LittleEndian<u16>>());
CHECK(audio_format == to_underlying(Wav::WaveFormat::Pcm) || audio_format == to_underlying(Wav::WaveFormat::IEEEFloat) || audio_format == to_underlying(Wav::WaveFormat::Extensible),
LoaderError::Category::Unimplemented, "Audio format not supported");
m_num_channels = TRY(format_stream.read_value<LittleEndian<u16>>());
CHECK(m_num_channels == 1 || m_num_channels == 2, LoaderError::Category::Unimplemented, "Channel count");
m_sample_rate = TRY(format_stream.read_value<LittleEndian<u32>>());
// Data rate; can be ignored.
u16 block_size_bytes = TRY(format_stream.read_value<LittleEndian<u16>>());
u16 bits_per_sample = TRY(format_stream.read_value<LittleEndian<u16>>());
if (audio_format == to_underlying(Wav::WaveFormat::Extensible)) {
CHECK(format_chunk.size() == 40, LoaderError::Category::Format, "Extensible fmt size is not 40 bytes");
// Discard everything until the GUID.
// We've already read 16 bytes from the stream. The GUID starts in another 8 bytes.
// Get the underlying audio format from the first two bytes of GUID
u16 guid_subformat = TRY(format_stream.read_value<LittleEndian<u16>>());
CHECK(guid_subformat == to_underlying(Wav::WaveFormat::Pcm) || guid_subformat == to_underlying(Wav::WaveFormat::IEEEFloat), LoaderError::Category::Unimplemented, "GUID SubFormat not supported");
audio_format = guid_subformat;
if (audio_format == to_underlying(Wav::WaveFormat::Pcm)) {
CHECK(bits_per_sample == 8 || bits_per_sample == 16 || bits_per_sample == 24, LoaderError::Category::Unimplemented, "PCM bits per sample not supported");
// We only support 8-24 bit audio right now because other formats are uncommon
if (bits_per_sample == 8) {
m_sample_format = PcmSampleFormat::Uint8;
} else if (bits_per_sample == 16) {
m_sample_format = PcmSampleFormat::Int16;
} else if (bits_per_sample == 24) {
m_sample_format = PcmSampleFormat::Int24;
} else if (audio_format == to_underlying(Wav::WaveFormat::IEEEFloat)) {
CHECK(bits_per_sample == 32 || bits_per_sample == 64, LoaderError::Category::Unimplemented, "Float bits per sample not supported");
// Again, only the common 32 and 64 bit
if (bits_per_sample == 32) {
m_sample_format = PcmSampleFormat::Float32;
} else if (bits_per_sample == 64) {
m_sample_format = PcmSampleFormat::Float64;
CHECK(block_size_bytes == (m_num_channels * (bits_per_sample / 8)), LoaderError::Category::Format, "Block size invalid");
dbgln_if(AWAVLOADER_DEBUG, "WAV format {} at {} bit, {} channels, rate {}Hz ",
sample_format_name(m_sample_format), pcm_bits_per_sample(m_sample_format), m_num_channels, m_sample_rate);
// Read all chunks before DATA.
bool found_data = false;
while (!found_data) {
auto chunk_header = TRY(m_stream->read_value<RIFF::ChunkID>());
if (chunk_header == Wav::data_chunk_id) {
found_data = true;
} else {
TRY(m_stream->seek(-RIFF::chunk_id_size, SeekMode::FromCurrentPosition));
auto chunk = TRY(m_stream->read_value<RIFF::OwnedChunk>());
if ( == RIFF::list_chunk_id) {
auto maybe_list = chunk.data_stream().read_value<RIFF::OwnedList>();
if (maybe_list.is_error()) {
dbgln("WAV Warning: LIST chunk invalid, error: {}", maybe_list.release_error());
auto list = maybe_list.release_value();
if (list.type == Wav::info_chunk_id) {
auto maybe_error = load_wav_info_block(move(list.chunks));
if (maybe_error.is_error())
dbgln("WAV Warning: INFO chunk invalid, error: {}", maybe_error.release_error());
} else {
dbgln("Unhandled WAV list of type {} with {} subchunks", list.type.as_ascii_string(), list.chunks.size());
} else {
dbgln_if(AWAVLOADER_DEBUG, "Unhandled WAV chunk of type {}, size {} bytes",, chunk.size());
u32 data_size = TRY(m_stream->read_value<LittleEndian<u32>>());
CHECK(found_data, LoaderError::Category::Format, "Found no data chunk");
m_total_samples = data_size / block_size_bytes;
dbgln_if(AWAVLOADER_DEBUG, "WAV data size {}, bytes per sample {}, total samples {}",
m_byte_offset_of_data_samples = TRY(m_stream->tell());
return {};
// page 23 (LIST type)
// We only recognize the relevant official metadata types; types added in later errata of RIFF are not relevant for audio.
MaybeLoaderError WavLoaderPlugin::load_wav_info_block(Vector<RIFF::OwnedChunk> info_chunks)
for (auto const& chunk : info_chunks) {
auto chunk_id =;
auto metadata_name = chunk_id.as_ascii_string();
// Chunk contents are zero-terminated strings "ZSTR", so we just drop the null terminator.
StringView metadata_text { - 1) };
// Note that we assume chunks to be unique, since that seems to almost always be the case.
// Worst case we just drop some metadata.
if (metadata_name == "IART"sv) {
// Artists are combined together with semicolons, at least when you edit them in Windows File Explorer.
auto artists = metadata_text.split_view(";"sv);
for (auto artist : artists)
TRY(m_metadata.add_person(Person::Role::Artist, TRY(String::from_utf8(artist))));
} else if (metadata_name == "ICMT"sv) {
m_metadata.comment = TRY(String::from_utf8(metadata_text));
} else if (metadata_name == "ICOP"sv) {
m_metadata.copyright = TRY(String::from_utf8(metadata_text));
} else if (metadata_name == "ICRD"sv) {
m_metadata.unparsed_time = TRY(String::from_utf8(metadata_text));
} else if (metadata_name == "IENG"sv) {
TRY(m_metadata.add_person(Person::Role::Engineer, TRY(String::from_utf8(metadata_text))));
} else if (metadata_name == "IGNR"sv) {
m_metadata.genre = TRY(String::from_utf8(metadata_text));
} else if (metadata_name == "INAM"sv) {
m_metadata.title = TRY(String::from_utf8(metadata_text));
} else if (metadata_name == "IPRD"sv) {
m_metadata.album = TRY(String::from_utf8(metadata_text));
} else if (metadata_name == "ISFT"sv) {
m_metadata.encoder = TRY(String::from_utf8(metadata_text));
} else if (metadata_name == "ISRC"sv) {
TRY(m_metadata.add_person(Person::Role::Publisher, TRY(String::from_utf8(metadata_text))));
} else {
TRY(m_metadata.add_miscellaneous(TRY(String::from_utf8(metadata_name)), TRY(String::from_utf8(metadata_text))));
return {};