Shannon Booth dd373eacbc LibDiff+patch: Support multiple patches in a single patch file
Multiple patches may be concatenated in the same patch file, such as git
commits which are changing multiple files at the same time. To handle
this, parse each patch in order in the patch file, and apply each patch

To determine whether we are at the end of a patch (and not just parsing
another hunk) the parser will look for a leading '@@ ' after every hunk.
If that is found, there is another hunk. Otherwise, we must be at the
end of this patch.
2023-07-30 07:47:22 +01:00

133 lines
3.1 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2020, Itamar S. <>
* Copyright (c) 2023, Shannon Booth <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include <AK/Assertions.h>
#include <AK/Format.h>
#include <AK/GenericLexer.h>
#include <AK/String.h>
#include <AK/StringView.h>
#include <AK/Vector.h>
namespace Diff {
struct Range {
size_t start_line { 0 };
size_t number_of_lines { 0 };
struct HunkLocation {
Range old_range;
Range new_range;
struct Line {
enum class Operation {
Addition = '+',
Removal = '-',
Context = ' ',
// NOTE: This should only be used when deconstructing a hunk into old and new lines (context format)
Change = '!',
static constexpr Operation operation_from_symbol(char symbol)
switch (symbol) {
case '+':
return Operation::Addition;
case '-':
return Operation::Removal;
case ' ':
return Operation::Context;
Operation operation;
String content;
struct Hunk {
HunkLocation location;
Vector<Line> lines;
enum class Format {
struct Header {
Format format { Format::Unknown };
String old_file_path;
String new_file_path;
struct Patch {
Header header;
Vector<Hunk> hunks;
class Parser : public GenericLexer {
using GenericLexer::GenericLexer;
ErrorOr<Patch> parse_patch(Optional<size_t> const& strip_count = {});
ErrorOr<Vector<Hunk>> parse_hunks();
ErrorOr<Header> parse_header(Optional<size_t> const& strip_count);
ErrorOr<String> parse_file_line(Optional<size_t> const& strip_count);
Optional<HunkLocation> consume_unified_location();
bool consume_line_number(size_t& number);
ErrorOr<Vector<Hunk>> parse_hunks(StringView diff);
struct AK::Formatter<Diff::Line::Operation> : Formatter<FormatString> {
ErrorOr<void> format(FormatBuilder& builder, Diff::Line::Operation operation)
return Formatter<FormatString>::format(builder, "{}"sv, static_cast<char>(operation));
struct AK::Formatter<Diff::Line> : Formatter<FormatString> {
ErrorOr<void> format(FormatBuilder& builder, Diff::Line const& line)
return Formatter<FormatString>::format(builder, "{}{}"sv, line.operation, line.content);
struct AK::Formatter<Diff::HunkLocation> : Formatter<FormatString> {
static ErrorOr<void> format(FormatBuilder& format_builder, Diff::HunkLocation const& location)
auto& builder = format_builder.builder();
TRY(builder.try_appendff("@@ -{}"sv, location.old_range.start_line));
if (location.old_range.number_of_lines != 1)
TRY(builder.try_appendff(",{}", location.old_range.number_of_lines));
TRY(builder.try_appendff(" +{}", location.new_range.start_line));
if (location.new_range.number_of_lines != 1)
TRY(builder.try_appendff(",{}", location.new_range.number_of_lines));
return builder.try_appendff(" @@");