Diego 6e419db26c LibWasm: Tighten validation algorithm
The big improvement included in this commit is stack height mismatch
validation. There are other minor improvements included (related to the
validation algorithm). The method of supporting stack polymorphism has
changed to be more like the spec, which was necessary for confidently
handling stack height mismatches.

2024-06-13 17:21:23 +02:00

384 lines
13 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2021, Ali Mohammad Pur <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include <AK/COWVector.h>
#include <AK/Debug.h>
#include <AK/HashTable.h>
#include <AK/SourceLocation.h>
#include <AK/Tuple.h>
#include <AK/Vector.h>
#include <LibWasm/Forward.h>
#include <LibWasm/Types.h>
namespace Wasm {
struct Context {
COWVector<FunctionType> types;
COWVector<FunctionType> functions;
COWVector<TableType> tables;
COWVector<MemoryType> memories;
COWVector<GlobalType> globals;
COWVector<ValueType> elements;
COWVector<bool> datas;
COWVector<ValueType> locals;
Optional<u32> data_count;
AK::HashTable<FunctionIndex> references;
size_t imported_function_count { 0 };
struct ValidationError : public Error {
ValidationError(ByteString error)
: Error(Error::from_string_view(error.view()))
, error_string(move(error))
ByteString error_string;
class Validator {
Validator() = default;
[[nodiscard]] Validator fork() const
return Validator { m_context };
// Module
ErrorOr<void, ValidationError> validate(Module&);
ErrorOr<void, ValidationError> validate(ImportSection const&);
ErrorOr<void, ValidationError> validate(ExportSection const&);
ErrorOr<void, ValidationError> validate(StartSection const&);
ErrorOr<void, ValidationError> validate(DataSection const&);
ErrorOr<void, ValidationError> validate(ElementSection const&);
ErrorOr<void, ValidationError> validate(GlobalSection const&);
ErrorOr<void, ValidationError> validate(MemorySection const&);
ErrorOr<void, ValidationError> validate(TableSection const&);
ErrorOr<void, ValidationError> validate(CodeSection const&);
ErrorOr<void, ValidationError> validate(FunctionSection const&) { return {}; }
ErrorOr<void, ValidationError> validate(DataCountSection const&) { return {}; }
ErrorOr<void, ValidationError> validate(TypeSection const&) { return {}; }
ErrorOr<void, ValidationError> validate(CustomSection const&) { return {}; }
ErrorOr<void, ValidationError> validate(TypeIndex index) const
if (index.value() < m_context.types.size())
return {};
return Errors::invalid("TypeIndex"sv);
ErrorOr<void, ValidationError> validate(FunctionIndex index) const
if (index.value() < m_context.functions.size())
return {};
return Errors::invalid("FunctionIndex"sv);
ErrorOr<void, ValidationError> validate(MemoryIndex index) const
if (index.value() < m_context.memories.size())
return {};
return Errors::invalid("MemoryIndex"sv);
ErrorOr<void, ValidationError> validate(ElementIndex index) const
if (index.value() < m_context.elements.size())
return {};
return Errors::invalid("ElementIndex"sv);
ErrorOr<void, ValidationError> validate(DataIndex index) const
if (index.value() < m_context.datas.size())
return {};
return Errors::invalid("DataIndex"sv);
ErrorOr<void, ValidationError> validate(GlobalIndex index) const
if (index.value() < m_context.globals.size())
return {};
return Errors::invalid("GlobalIndex"sv);
ErrorOr<void, ValidationError> validate(LabelIndex index) const
if (index.value() < m_frames.size())
return {};
return Errors::invalid("LabelIndex"sv);
ErrorOr<void, ValidationError> validate(LocalIndex index) const
if (index.value() < m_context.locals.size())
return {};
return Errors::invalid("LocalIndex"sv);
ErrorOr<void, ValidationError> validate(TableIndex index) const
if (index.value() < m_context.tables.size())
return {};
return Errors::invalid("TableIndex"sv);
enum class FrameKind {
struct Frame {
FunctionType type;
FrameKind kind;
size_t initial_size;
// Stack polymorphism is handled with this field
bool unreachable { false };
Vector<ValueType> const& labels() const
return kind != FrameKind::Loop ? type.results() : type.parameters();
// Instructions
struct StackEntry {
StackEntry(ValueType type)
: concrete_type(type)
, is_known(true)
explicit StackEntry()
: concrete_type(ValueType::I32)
, is_known(false)
bool is_of_kind(ValueType::Kind kind) const
if (is_known)
return concrete_type.kind() == kind;
return true;
bool is_numeric() const { return !is_known || concrete_type.is_numeric(); }
bool is_reference() const { return !is_known || concrete_type.is_reference(); }
bool operator==(ValueType const& other) const
if (is_known)
return concrete_type == other;
return true;
bool operator==(StackEntry const& other) const
if (is_known && other.is_known)
return other.concrete_type == concrete_type;
return true;
ValueType concrete_type;
bool is_known { true };
// This is a wrapper that can model "polymorphic" stacks,
// by treating unknown stack entries as a potentially infinite number of entries
class Stack : private Vector<StackEntry> {
template<typename, typename>
friend struct AK::Formatter;
Stack(Vector<Frame> const& frames)
: m_frames(frames)
using Vector<StackEntry>::is_empty;
using Vector<StackEntry>::last;
using Vector<StackEntry>::at;
using Vector<StackEntry>::size;
using Vector<StackEntry>::resize;
ErrorOr<StackEntry, ValidationError> take_last()
if (size() == m_frames.last().initial_size && m_frames.last().unreachable)
return StackEntry();
if (size() == m_frames.last().initial_size)
return Errors::invalid("stack state"sv, "<any>"sv, "<nothing>"sv);
return Vector<StackEntry>::take_last();
void append(StackEntry entry)
ErrorOr<StackEntry, ValidationError> take(ValueType type, SourceLocation location = SourceLocation::current())
auto type_on_stack = TRY(take_last());
if (type_on_stack != type)
return Errors::invalid("stack state"sv, type, type_on_stack, location);
return type_on_stack;
template<auto... kinds>
ErrorOr<void, ValidationError> take(SourceLocation location = SourceLocation::current())
for (auto kind : { kinds... })
TRY(take(Wasm::ValueType(kind), location));
return {};
template<auto... kinds>
ErrorOr<void, ValidationError> take_and_put(Wasm::ValueType::Kind kind, SourceLocation location = SourceLocation::current())
return {};
Vector<StackEntry> release_vector() { return exchange(static_cast<Vector<StackEntry>&>(*this), Vector<StackEntry> {}); }
Vector<Frame> const& m_frames;
struct ExpressionTypeResult {
Vector<StackEntry> result_types;
bool is_constant { false };
ErrorOr<ExpressionTypeResult, ValidationError> validate(Expression const&, Vector<ValueType> const&);
ErrorOr<void, ValidationError> validate(Instruction const& instruction, Stack& stack, bool& is_constant);
template<u64 opcode>
ErrorOr<void, ValidationError> validate_instruction(Instruction const&, Stack& stack, bool& is_constant);
// Types
ErrorOr<void, ValidationError> validate(Limits const&, u64 bound); // n <= bound && m? <= bound
ErrorOr<FunctionType, ValidationError> validate(BlockType const&);
ErrorOr<void, ValidationError> validate(FunctionType const&) { return {}; }
ErrorOr<void, ValidationError> validate(TableType const&);
ErrorOr<void, ValidationError> validate(MemoryType const&);
ErrorOr<void, ValidationError> validate(GlobalType const&) { return {}; }
explicit Validator(Context context)
: m_context(move(context))
struct Errors {
static ValidationError invalid(StringView name) { return ByteString::formatted("Invalid {}", name); }
template<typename Expected, typename Given>
static ValidationError invalid(StringView name, Expected expected, Given given, SourceLocation location = SourceLocation::current())
return ByteString::formatted("Invalid {} in {}, expected {} but got {}", name, find_instruction_name(location), expected, given);
return ByteString::formatted("Invalid {}, expected {} but got {}", name, expected, given);
template<typename... Args>
static ValidationError non_conforming_types(StringView name, Args... args)
return ByteString::formatted("Non-conforming types for {}: {}", name, Vector { args... });
static ValidationError duplicate_export_name(StringView name) { return ByteString::formatted("Duplicate exported name '{}'", name); }
static ValidationError multiple_start_sections() { return ByteString("Found multiple start sections"sv); }
static ValidationError stack_height_mismatch(Stack const& stack, size_t expected_height) { return ByteString::formatted("Stack height mismatch, got {} but expected length {}", stack, expected_height); }
template<typename T, typename U, typename V>
static ValidationError out_of_bounds(StringView name, V value, T min, U max) { return ByteString::formatted("Value {} for {} is out of bounds ({},{})", value, name, min, max); }
template<typename... Expected>
static ValidationError invalid_stack_state(Stack const& stack, Tuple<Expected...> expected, SourceLocation location = SourceLocation::current())
constexpr size_t count = expected.size();
StringBuilder builder;
builder.appendff("Invalid stack state in {}: ", find_instruction_name(location));
builder.appendff("Invalid stack state in <unknown>: ");
builder.append("Expected [ "sv);
expected.apply_as_args([&]<typename... Ts>(Ts const&... args) {
(builder.appendff("{} ", args), ...);
builder.append("], but found [ "sv);
auto actual_size = stack.size();
for (size_t i = 1; i <= min(count, actual_size); ++i) {
auto& entry = - i);
if (entry.is_known) {
builder.appendff("{} ", entry.concrete_type);
} else {
builder.appendff("<polymorphic stack>");
return { builder.to_byte_string() };
static ByteString find_instruction_name(SourceLocation const&);
Context m_context;
Vector<Frame> m_frames;
COWVector<GlobalType> m_globals_without_internal_globals;
struct AK::Formatter<Wasm::Validator::StackEntry> : public AK::Formatter<StringView> {
ErrorOr<void> format(FormatBuilder& builder, Wasm::Validator::StackEntry const& value)
if (value.is_known)
return Formatter<StringView>::format(builder, Wasm::ValueType::kind_name(value.concrete_type.kind()));
return Formatter<StringView>::format(builder, "<unknown>"sv);
struct AK::Formatter<Wasm::Validator::Stack> : public AK::Formatter<Vector<Wasm::Validator::StackEntry>> {
ErrorOr<void> format(FormatBuilder& builder, Wasm::Validator::Stack const& value)
return Formatter<Vector<Wasm::Validator::StackEntry>>::format(builder, static_cast<Vector<Wasm::Validator::StackEntry> const&>(value));
struct AK::Formatter<Wasm::ValueType> : public AK::Formatter<StringView> {
ErrorOr<void> format(FormatBuilder& builder, Wasm::ValueType const& value)
return Formatter<StringView>::format(builder, Wasm::ValueType::kind_name(value.kind()));
struct AK::Formatter<Wasm::ValidationError> : public AK::Formatter<StringView> {
ErrorOr<void> format(FormatBuilder& builder, Wasm::ValidationError const& error)
return Formatter<StringView>::format(builder, error.error_string);