Tim Ledbetter 63246577d2 LibWeb: Use correct type for MessageEventInit.ports
This didn't work previously because the IDL generator used the
incorrect type for some types of sequences within dictionaries.
2024-05-16 08:04:01 +02:00

425 lines
16 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2021, Andreas Kling <>
* Copyright (c) 2023, Andrew Kaster <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/ByteReader.h>
#include <AK/MemoryStream.h>
#include <LibCore/Socket.h>
#include <LibCore/System.h>
#include <LibIPC/Decoder.h>
#include <LibIPC/Encoder.h>
#include <LibIPC/File.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/ExceptionOrUtils.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/Intrinsics.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/MessagePortPrototype.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/EventDispatcher.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/EventNames.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/MessageEvent.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/MessagePort.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/TemporaryExecutionContext.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/WorkerGlobalScope.h>
namespace Web::HTML {
constexpr u8 IPC_FILE_TAG = 0xA5;
JS::NonnullGCPtr<MessagePort> MessagePort::create(JS::Realm& realm)
return realm.heap().allocate<MessagePort>(realm, realm);
MessagePort::MessagePort(JS::Realm& realm)
: DOM::EventTarget(realm)
void MessagePort::initialize(JS::Realm& realm)
void MessagePort::visit_edges(Cell::Visitor& visitor)
// FIXME: This is incorrect!! We *should* be visiting the worker event target,
// but CI hangs if we do:
void MessagePort::set_worker_event_target(JS::NonnullGCPtr<DOM::EventTarget> target)
m_worker_event_target = target;
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> MessagePort::transfer_steps(HTML::TransferDataHolder& data_holder)
// 1. Set value's has been shipped flag to true.
m_has_been_shipped = true;
// FIXME: 2. Set dataHolder.[[PortMessageQueue]] to value's port message queue.
// FIXME: Support delivery of messages that haven't been delivered yet on the other side
// 3. If value is entangled with another port remotePort, then:
if (is_entangled()) {
// 1. Set remotePort's has been shipped flag to true.
m_remote_port->m_has_been_shipped = true;
// 2. Set dataHolder.[[RemotePort]] to remotePort.
auto fd = MUST(m_socket->release_fd());
m_socket = nullptr;
// 4. Otherwise, set dataHolder.[[RemotePort]] to null.
else {;
return {};
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> MessagePort::transfer_receiving_steps(HTML::TransferDataHolder& data_holder)
// 1. Set value's has been shipped flag to true.
m_has_been_shipped = true;
// FIXME 2. Move all the tasks that are to fire message events in dataHolder.[[PortMessageQueue]] to the port message queue of value,
// if any, leaving value's port message queue in its initial disabled state, and, if value's relevant global object is a Window,
// associating the moved tasks with value's relevant global object's associated Document.
// 3. If dataHolder.[[RemotePort]] is not null, then entangle dataHolder.[[RemotePort]] and value.
// (This will disentangle dataHolder.[[RemotePort]] from the original port that was transferred.)
auto fd_tag =;
if (fd_tag == IPC_FILE_TAG) {
auto fd = data_holder.fds.take_first();
m_socket = MUST(Core::LocalSocket::adopt_fd(fd.take_fd()));
m_socket->on_ready_to_read = [strong_this = JS::make_handle(this)]() {
} else if (fd_tag != 0) {
dbgln("Unexpected byte {:x} in MessagePort transfer data", fd_tag);
return {};
void MessagePort::disentangle()
if (m_remote_port)
m_remote_port->m_remote_port = nullptr;
m_remote_port = nullptr;
m_socket = nullptr;
void MessagePort::entangle_with(MessagePort& remote_port)
if (m_remote_port.ptr() == &remote_port)
// 1. If one of the ports is already entangled, then disentangle it and the port that it was entangled with.
if (is_entangled())
if (remote_port.is_entangled())
// 2. Associate the two ports to be entangled, so that they form the two parts of a new channel.
// (There is no MessageChannel object that represents this channel.)
remote_port.m_remote_port = this;
m_remote_port = &remote_port;
auto create_paired_sockets = []() -> Array<NonnullOwnPtr<Core::LocalSocket>, 2> {
int fds[2] = {};
MUST(Core::System::socketpair(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM, 0, fds));
auto socket0 = MUST(Core::LocalSocket::adopt_fd(fds[0]));
auto socket1 = MUST(Core::LocalSocket::adopt_fd(fds[1]));
return Array { move(socket0), move(socket1) };
auto sockets = create_paired_sockets();
m_socket = move(sockets[0]);
m_remote_port->m_socket = move(sockets[1]);
m_socket->on_ready_to_read = [strong_this = JS::make_handle(this)]() {
m_remote_port->m_socket->on_ready_to_read = [remote_port = JS::make_handle(m_remote_port)]() {
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> MessagePort::post_message(JS::Value message, Vector<JS::Handle<JS::Object>> const& transfer)
// 1. Let targetPort be the port with which this MessagePort is entangled, if any; otherwise let it be null.
JS::GCPtr<MessagePort> target_port = m_remote_port;
// 2. Let options be «[ "transfer" → transfer ]».
auto options = StructuredSerializeOptions { transfer };
// 3. Run the message port post message steps providing this, targetPort, message and options.
return message_port_post_message_steps(target_port, message, options);
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> MessagePort::post_message(JS::Value message, StructuredSerializeOptions const& options)
// 1. Let targetPort be the port with which this MessagePort is entangled, if any; otherwise let it be null.
JS::GCPtr<MessagePort> target_port = m_remote_port;
// 2. Run the message port post message steps providing targetPort, message and options.
return message_port_post_message_steps(target_port, message, options);
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> MessagePort::message_port_post_message_steps(JS::GCPtr<MessagePort> target_port, JS::Value message, StructuredSerializeOptions const& options)
auto& realm = this->realm();
auto& vm = this->vm();
// 1. Let transfer be options["transfer"].
auto const& transfer = options.transfer;
// 2. If transfer contains this MessagePort, then throw a "DataCloneError" DOMException.
for (auto const& handle : transfer) {
if (handle == this)
return WebIDL::DataCloneError::create(realm, "Cannot transfer a MessagePort to itself"_fly_string);
// 3. Let doomed be false.
bool doomed = false;
// 4. If targetPort is not null and transfer contains targetPort, then set doomed to true and optionally report to a developer console that the target port was posted to itself, causing the communication channel to be lost.
if (target_port) {
for (auto const& handle : transfer) {
if (handle == target_port.ptr()) {
doomed = true;
dbgln("FIXME: Report to a developer console that the target port was posted to itself, causing the communication channel to be lost");
// 5. Let serializeWithTransferResult be StructuredSerializeWithTransfer(message, transfer). Rethrow any exceptions.
auto serialize_with_transfer_result = TRY(structured_serialize_with_transfer(vm, message, transfer));
// 6. If targetPort is null, or if doomed is true, then return.
// IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED: Actually check the socket here, not the target port.
// If there's no target message port in the same realm, we still want to send the message over IPC
if (!m_socket || doomed) {
return {};
// 7. Add a task that runs the following steps to the port message queue of targetPort:
return {};
ErrorOr<void> MessagePort::send_message_on_socket(SerializedTransferRecord const& serialize_with_transfer_result)
IPC::MessageBuffer buffer;
IPC::Encoder encoder(buffer);
return {};
void MessagePort::post_port_message(SerializedTransferRecord serialize_with_transfer_result)
// FIXME: Use the correct task source?
queue_global_task(Task::Source::PostedMessage, relevant_global_object(*this), JS::create_heap_function(heap(), [this, serialize_with_transfer_result = move(serialize_with_transfer_result)]() mutable {
if (!m_socket || !m_socket->is_open())
if (auto result = send_message_on_socket(serialize_with_transfer_result); result.is_error()) {
dbgln("Failed to post message: {}", result.error());
ErrorOr<MessagePort::ParseDecision> MessagePort::parse_message()
static constexpr size_t HEADER_SIZE = sizeof(u32);
auto num_bytes_ready = m_buffered_data.size();
switch (m_socket_state) {
case SocketState::Header: {
if (num_bytes_ready < HEADER_SIZE)
return ParseDecision::NotEnoughData;
m_socket_incoming_message_size = ByteReader::load32(;
// NOTE: We don't decrement the number of ready bytes because we want to remove the entire
// message + header from the buffer in one go on success
m_socket_state = SocketState::Data;
case SocketState::Data: {
if (num_bytes_ready < m_socket_incoming_message_size)
return ParseDecision::NotEnoughData;
auto payload = m_buffered_data.span().slice(HEADER_SIZE, m_socket_incoming_message_size);
FixedMemoryStream stream { payload, FixedMemoryStream::Mode::ReadOnly };
IPC::Decoder decoder { stream, m_unprocessed_fds };
auto serialized_transfer_record = TRY(decoder.decode<SerializedTransferRecord>());
// Make sure to advance our state machine before dispatching the MessageEvent,
// as dispatching events can run arbitrary JS (and cause us to receive another message!)
m_socket_state = SocketState::Header;
m_buffered_data.remove(0, HEADER_SIZE + m_socket_incoming_message_size);
case SocketState::Error:
return Error::from_errno(ENOMSG);
return ParseDecision::ParseNextMessage;
void MessagePort::read_from_socket()
u8 buffer[4096] {};
Vector<int> fds;
// FIXME: What if pending bytes is > 4096? Should we loop here?
auto maybe_bytes = m_socket->receive_message(buffer, MSG_NOSIGNAL, fds);
if (maybe_bytes.is_error()) {
dbgln("MessagePort::read_from_socket(): Failed to receive message: {}", maybe_bytes.error());
auto bytes = maybe_bytes.release_value();
m_buffered_data.append(, bytes.size());
for (auto fd : fds)
while (true) {
auto parse_decision_or_error = parse_message();
if (parse_decision_or_error.is_error()) {
dbgln("MessagePort::read_from_socket(): Failed to parse message: {}", parse_decision_or_error.error());
if (parse_decision_or_error.value() == ParseDecision::NotEnoughData)
void MessagePort::post_message_task_steps(SerializedTransferRecord& serialize_with_transfer_result)
// 1. Let finalTargetPort be the MessagePort in whose port message queue the task now finds itself.
// NOTE: This can be different from targetPort, if targetPort itself was transferred and thus all its tasks moved along with it.
auto* final_target_port = this;
// Worker objects act as if they had an implicit MessagePort associated with them.
// All messages received by that port must immediately be retargeted at the Worker object.
// We therefore set a special event target for those implicit ports on the Worker and the WorkerGlobalScope objects
EventTarget* message_event_target = final_target_port;
if (m_worker_event_target != nullptr) {
message_event_target = m_worker_event_target;
// 2. Let targetRealm be finalTargetPort's relevant realm.
auto& target_realm = relevant_realm(*final_target_port);
auto& target_vm = target_realm.vm();
// 3. Let deserializeRecord be StructuredDeserializeWithTransfer(serializeWithTransferResult, targetRealm).
TemporaryExecutionContext context { relevant_settings_object(*final_target_port) };
auto deserialize_record_or_error = structured_deserialize_with_transfer(target_vm, serialize_with_transfer_result);
if (deserialize_record_or_error.is_error()) {
// If this throws an exception, catch it, fire an event named messageerror at finalTargetPort, using MessageEvent, and then return.
auto exception = deserialize_record_or_error.release_error();
MessageEventInit event_init {};
message_event_target->dispatch_event(MessageEvent::create(target_realm, HTML::EventNames::messageerror, event_init));
auto deserialize_record = deserialize_record_or_error.release_value();
// 4. Let messageClone be deserializeRecord.[[Deserialized]].
auto message_clone = deserialize_record.deserialized;
// 5. Let newPorts be a new frozen array consisting of all MessagePort objects in deserializeRecord.[[TransferredValues]], if any, maintaining their relative order.
// FIXME: Use a FrozenArray
Vector<JS::Handle<MessagePort>> new_ports;
for (auto const& object : deserialize_record.transferred_values) {
if (is<HTML::MessagePort>(*object)) {
// 6. Fire an event named message at finalTargetPort, using MessageEvent, with the data attribute initialized to messageClone and the ports attribute initialized to newPorts.
MessageEventInit event_init {}; = message_clone;
event_init.ports = move(new_ports);
message_event_target->dispatch_event(MessageEvent::create(target_realm, HTML::EventNames::message, event_init));
void MessagePort::start()
if (!is_entangled())
// TODO: The start() method steps are to enable this's port message queue, if it is not already enabled.
void MessagePort::close()
// 1. Set this MessagePort object's [[Detached]] internal slot value to true.
// 2. If this MessagePort object is entangled, disentangle it.
if (is_entangled())
#undef __ENUMERATE
#define __ENUMERATE(attribute_name, event_name) \
void MessagePort::set_##attribute_name(WebIDL::CallbackType* value) \
{ \
set_event_handler_attribute(event_name, value); \
} \
WebIDL::CallbackType* MessagePort::attribute_name() \
{ \
return event_handler_attribute(event_name); \
#undef __ENUMERATE