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synced 2024-11-10 13:00:29 +03:00
This should allow us to add a Element::attribute which returns an Optional<String>. Eventually all callers should be ported to switch from the DeprecatedString version, but in the meantime, this should allow us to port some more IDL interfaces away from DeprecatedString.
344 lines
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344 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2020-2022, Andreas Kling <kling@serenityos.org>
* Copyright (c) 2022, Linus Groh <linusg@serenityos.org>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/MainThreadVM.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Document.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Event.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Infrastructure/HTTP/Requests.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/BrowsingContext.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/BrowsingContextGroup.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/DocumentState.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HTMLIFrameElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Navigable.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/NavigableContainer.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/NavigationParams.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Origin.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/WindowEnvironmentSettingsObject.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/TraversableNavigable.h>
#include <LibWeb/HighResolutionTime/TimeOrigin.h>
#include <LibWeb/Page/Page.h>
namespace Web::HTML {
HashTable<NavigableContainer*>& NavigableContainer::all_instances()
static HashTable<NavigableContainer*> set;
return set;
NavigableContainer::NavigableContainer(DOM::Document& document, DOM::QualifiedName qualified_name)
: HTMLElement(document, move(qualified_name))
void NavigableContainer::visit_edges(Cell::Visitor& visitor)
JS::GCPtr<NavigableContainer> NavigableContainer::navigable_container_with_content_navigable(JS::NonnullGCPtr<Navigable> navigable)
for (auto* navigable_container : all_instances()) {
if (navigable_container->content_navigable() == navigable)
return navigable_container;
return nullptr;
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/document-sequences.html#create-a-new-child-navigable
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> NavigableContainer::create_new_child_navigable()
// 1. Let parentNavigable be element's node navigable.
auto parent_navigable = navigable();
// 2. Let group be element's node document's browsing context's top-level browsing context's group.
auto group = document().browsing_context()->top_level_browsing_context().group();
// 3. Let browsingContext and document be the result of creating a new browsing context and document given element's node document, element, and group.
auto* page = document().page();
auto [browsing_context, document] = TRY(BrowsingContext::create_a_new_browsing_context_and_document(*page, this->document(), *this, *group));
// 4. Let targetName be null.
Optional<String> target_name;
// 5. If element has a name content attribute, then set targetName to the value of that attribute.
if (auto value = deprecated_attribute(HTML::AttributeNames::name); !value.is_null())
target_name = String::from_deprecated_string(value).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors();
// 6. Let documentState be a new document state, with
// document: document
// navigable target name: targetName
JS::NonnullGCPtr<DocumentState> document_state = *heap().allocate_without_realm<HTML::DocumentState>();
if (target_name.has_value())
// 7. Let navigable be a new navigable.
JS::NonnullGCPtr<Navigable> navigable = *heap().allocate_without_realm<Navigable>();
// 8. Initialize the navigable navigable given documentState and parentNavigable.
TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm(), navigable->initialize_navigable(document_state, parent_navigable));
// 9. Set element's content navigable to navigable.
m_content_navigable = navigable;
// 10. Let historyEntry be navigable's active session history entry.
auto history_entry = navigable->active_session_history_entry();
// 11. Let traversable be parentNavigable's traversable navigable.
auto traversable = parent_navigable->traversable_navigable();
// 12. Append the following session history traversal steps to traversable:
traversable->append_session_history_traversal_steps([traversable, navigable, parent_navigable, history_entry] {
// 1. Let parentDocState be parentNavigable's active session history entry's document state.
auto parent_doc_state = parent_navigable->active_session_history_entry()->document_state;
// 2. Let targetStepSHE be the first session history entry in traversable's session history entries whose document state equals parentDocState.
auto target_step_she = *(traversable->session_history_entries().find_if([parent_doc_state](auto& entry) {
return entry->document_state == parent_doc_state;
// 3. Set historyEntry's step to targetStepSHE's step.
history_entry->step = target_step_she->step;
// 4. Let nestedHistory be a new nested history whose id is navigable's id and entries list is « historyEntry ».
DocumentState::NestedHistory nested_history {
.id = navigable->id(),
.entries { *history_entry },
// 5. Append nestedHistory to parentDocState's nested histories.
// FIXME: 6. Update for navigable creation/destruction given traversable
return {};
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/browsers.html#creating-a-new-nested-browsing-context
void NavigableContainer::create_new_nested_browsing_context()
// 1. Let group be element's node document's browsing context's top-level browsing context's group.
auto* group = document().browsing_context()->top_level_browsing_context().group();
// NOTE: The spec assumes that `group` is non-null here.
// 2. Let browsingContext be the result of creating a new browsing context with element's node document, element, and group.
// 3. Set element's nested browsing context to browsingContext.
m_nested_browsing_context = BrowsingContext::create_a_new_browsing_context(*group->page(), document(), *this, *group);
// 4. If element has a name attribute, then set browsingContext's name to the value of this attribute.
if (auto name = deprecated_attribute(HTML::AttributeNames::name); !name.is_empty())
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/browsers.html#concept-bcc-content-document
const DOM::Document* NavigableContainer::content_document() const
// 1. If container's nested browsing context is null, then return null.
if (m_nested_browsing_context == nullptr)
return nullptr;
// 2. Let context be container's nested browsing context.
auto const& context = *m_nested_browsing_context;
// 3. Let document be context's active document.
auto const* document = context.active_document();
// FIXME: This should not be here, as we're expected to have a document at this point.
if (!document)
return nullptr;
// 4. If document's origin and container's node document's origin are not same origin-domain, then return null.
if (!document->origin().is_same_origin_domain(m_document->origin()))
return nullptr;
// 5. Return document.
return document;
DOM::Document const* NavigableContainer::content_document_without_origin_check() const
if (!m_nested_browsing_context)
return nullptr;
return m_nested_browsing_context->active_document();
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/embedded-content-other.html#dom-media-getsvgdocument
const DOM::Document* NavigableContainer::get_svg_document() const
// 1. Let document be this element's content document.
auto const* document = content_document();
// 2. If document is non-null and was created by the page load processing model for XML files section because the computed type of the resource in the navigate algorithm was image/svg+xml, then return document.
if (document && document->content_type() == "image/svg+xml"sv)
return document;
// 3. Return null.
return nullptr;
HTML::WindowProxy* NavigableContainer::content_window()
if (!m_nested_browsing_context)
return nullptr;
return m_nested_browsing_context->window_proxy();
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/iframe-embed-object.html#shared-attribute-processing-steps-for-iframe-and-frame-elements
void NavigableContainer::shared_attribute_processing_steps_for_iframe_and_frame(bool initial_insertion)
// 1. Let url be the URL record about:blank.
auto url = AK::URL("about:blank");
// 2. If element has a src attribute specified, and its value is not the empty string,
// then parse the value of that attribute relative to element's node document.
// If this is successful, then set url to the resulting URL record.
auto src_attribute_value = deprecated_attribute(HTML::AttributeNames::src);
if (!src_attribute_value.is_null() && !src_attribute_value.is_empty()) {
auto parsed_src = document().parse_url(src_attribute_value);
if (parsed_src.is_valid())
url = parsed_src;
// 3. If there exists an ancestor browsing context of element's nested browsing context
// whose active document's URL, ignoring fragments, is equal to url, then return.
if (m_nested_browsing_context) {
for (auto ancestor = m_nested_browsing_context->parent(); ancestor; ancestor = ancestor->parent()) {
if (ancestor->active_document()->url().equals(url, AK::URL::ExcludeFragment::Yes))
// 4. If url matches about:blank and initialInsertion is true, then:
if (url_matches_about_blank(url) && initial_insertion) {
// FIXME: 1. Perform the URL and history update steps given element's nested browsing context's active document and url.
// 2. Run the iframe load event steps given element.
// FIXME: The spec doesn't check frame vs iframe here. Bug: https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/8295
if (is<HTMLIFrameElement>(*this)) {
// 3. Return.
// 5. Let resource be a new request whose URL is url and whose referrer policy is the current state of element's referrerpolicy content attribute.
auto resource = Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::create(vm());
// FIXME: Set the referrer policy.
// AD-HOC:
if (url.scheme() == "file" && document().origin().scheme() != "file") {
dbgln("iframe failed to load URL: Security violation: {} may not load {}", document().url(), url);
// 6. If element is an iframe element, then set element's current navigation was lazy loaded boolean to false.
if (is<HTMLIFrameElement>(*this)) {
// 7. If element is an iframe element, and the will lazy load element steps given element return true, then:
if (is<HTMLIFrameElement>(*this) && static_cast<HTMLIFrameElement&>(*this).will_lazy_load_element()) {
// FIXME: 1. Set element's lazy load resumption steps to the rest of this algorithm starting with the step labeled navigate to the resource.
// FIXME: 2. Set element's current navigation was lazy loaded boolean to true.
// FIXME: 3. Start intersection-observing a lazy loading element for element.
// FIXME: 4. Return.
// 8. Navigate to the resource: navigate an iframe or frame given element and resource.
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/iframe-embed-object.html#navigate-an-iframe-or-frame
void NavigableContainer::navigate_an_iframe_or_frame(JS::NonnullGCPtr<Fetch::Infrastructure::Request> resource)
// 1. Let historyHandling be "default".
auto history_handling = HistoryHandlingBehavior::Default;
// 2. If element's nested browsing context's active document is not completely loaded, then set historyHandling to "replace".
if (!m_nested_browsing_context->active_document()->is_completely_loaded()) {
history_handling = HistoryHandlingBehavior::Replace;
// FIXME: 3. Let reportFrameTiming be the following step given response response:
// queue an element task on the networking task source
// given element's node document's relevant global object
// to finalize and report timing given response, element's node document's relevant global object, and element's local name.
// 4. Navigate element's nested browsing context to resource,
// with historyHandling set to historyHandling,
// the source browsing context set to element's node document's browsing context,
// FIXME: and processResponseEndOfBody set to reportFrameTiming.
auto* source_browsing_context = document().browsing_context();
MUST(m_nested_browsing_context->navigate(resource, *source_browsing_context, false, history_handling));
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/document-sequences.html#destroy-a-child-navigable
void NavigableContainer::destroy_the_child_navigable()
// 1. Let navigable be container's content navigable.
auto navigable = content_navigable();
// 2. If navigable is null, then return.
if (!navigable)
// 3. Set container's content navigable to null.
m_content_navigable = nullptr;
// 4. Destroy navigable's active document.
// 5. Let parentDocState be container's node navigable's active session history entry's document state.
auto parent_doc_state = this->navigable()->active_session_history_entry()->document_state;
// 6. Remove the nested history from parentDocState's nested histories whose id equals navigable's id.
parent_doc_state->nested_histories().remove_all_matching([&](auto& nested_history) {
return navigable->id() == nested_history.id;
// 7. Let traversable be container's node navigable's traversable navigable.
auto traversable = this->navigable()->traversable_navigable();
// 8. Append the following session history traversal steps to traversable:
traversable->append_session_history_traversal_steps([traversable] {
// 1. Apply pending history changes to traversable.