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synced 2024-11-09 18:16:09 +03:00
This makes WebView::Database wrap around sqlite3 instead of LibSQL. The effect on outside callers is pretty minimal. The main consequences are: 1. We must ensure the Cookie table exists before preparing any SQL statements involving that table. 2. We can use an INSERT OR REPLACE statement instead of separate INSERT and UPDATE statements.
543 lines
22 KiB
543 lines
22 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2021-2024, Tim Flynn <trflynn89@serenityos.org>
* Copyright (c) 2022, the SerenityOS developers.
* Copyright (c) 2022, Tobias Christiansen <tobyase@serenityos.org>
* Copyright (c) 2023, Jelle Raaijmakers <jelle@gmta.nl>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/IPv4Address.h>
#include <AK/StringBuilder.h>
#include <AK/Time.h>
#include <AK/Vector.h>
#include <LibURL/URL.h>
#include <LibWeb/Cookie/ParsedCookie.h>
#include <LibWebView/CookieJar.h>
#include <LibWebView/URL.h>
namespace WebView {
static constexpr auto DATABASE_SYNCHRONIZATION_TIMER = Duration::from_seconds(30);
ErrorOr<NonnullOwnPtr<CookieJar>> CookieJar::create(Database& database)
Statements statements {};
auto create_table = TRY(database.prepare_statement(MUST(String::formatted(R"#(
name TEXT,
value TEXT,
same_site INTEGER CHECK (same_site >= 0 AND same_site <= {}),
creation_time INTEGER,
last_access_time INTEGER,
expiry_time INTEGER,
domain TEXT,
path TEXT,
secure BOOLEAN,
http_only BOOLEAN,
host_only BOOLEAN,
persistent BOOLEAN,
PRIMARY KEY(name, domain, path)
database.execute_statement(create_table, {});
statements.insert_cookie = TRY(database.prepare_statement("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO Cookies VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"sv));
statements.expire_cookie = TRY(database.prepare_statement("DELETE FROM Cookies WHERE (expiry_time < ?);"sv));
statements.select_all_cookies = TRY(database.prepare_statement("SELECT * FROM Cookies;"sv));
return adopt_own(*new CookieJar { PersistedStorage { database, statements } });
NonnullOwnPtr<CookieJar> CookieJar::create()
return adopt_own(*new CookieJar { OptionalNone {} });
CookieJar::CookieJar(Optional<PersistedStorage> persisted_storage)
: m_persisted_storage(move(persisted_storage))
if (!m_persisted_storage.has_value())
// FIXME: Make cookie retrieval lazy so we don't need to retrieve all cookies up front.
auto cookies = m_persisted_storage->select_all_cookies();
m_persisted_storage->synchronization_timer = Core::Timer::create_repeating(
[this]() {
auto now = m_transient_storage.purge_expired_cookies();
m_persisted_storage->database.execute_statement(m_persisted_storage->statements.expire_cookie, {}, now);
for (auto const& it : m_transient_storage.take_dirty_cookies())
if (!m_persisted_storage.has_value())
String CookieJar::get_cookie(const URL::URL& url, Web::Cookie::Source source)
auto domain = canonicalize_domain(url);
if (!domain.has_value())
return {};
auto cookie_list = get_matching_cookies(url, domain.value(), source);
StringBuilder builder;
for (auto const& cookie : cookie_list) {
// If there is an unprocessed cookie in the cookie-list, output the characters %x3B and %x20 ("; ")
if (!builder.is_empty())
builder.append("; "sv);
// Output the cookie's name, the %x3D ("=") character, and the cookie's value.
builder.appendff("{}={}", cookie.name, cookie.value);
return MUST(builder.to_string());
void CookieJar::set_cookie(const URL::URL& url, Web::Cookie::ParsedCookie const& parsed_cookie, Web::Cookie::Source source)
auto domain = canonicalize_domain(url);
if (!domain.has_value())
store_cookie(parsed_cookie, url, domain.release_value(), source);
// This is based on https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6265#section-5.3 as store_cookie() below
// however the whole ParsedCookie->Cookie conversion is skipped.
void CookieJar::update_cookie(Web::Cookie::Cookie cookie)
CookieStorageKey key { cookie.name, cookie.domain, cookie.path };
// 11. If the cookie store contains a cookie with the same name, domain, and path as the newly created cookie:
if (auto old_cookie = m_transient_storage.get_cookie(key); old_cookie.has_value()) {
// Update the creation-time of the newly created cookie to match the creation-time of the old-cookie.
cookie.creation_time = old_cookie->creation_time;
// Remove the old-cookie from the cookie store.
// NOTE: Rather than deleting then re-inserting this cookie, we update it in-place.
// 12. Insert the newly created cookie into the cookie store.
m_transient_storage.set_cookie(move(key), move(cookie));
void CookieJar::dump_cookies()
StringBuilder builder;
m_transient_storage.for_each_cookie([&](auto const& cookie) {
static constexpr auto key_color = "\033[34;1m"sv;
static constexpr auto attribute_color = "\033[33m"sv;
static constexpr auto no_color = "\033[0m"sv;
builder.appendff("{}{}{} - ", key_color, cookie.name, no_color);
builder.appendff("{}{}{} - ", key_color, cookie.domain, no_color);
builder.appendff("{}{}{}\n", key_color, cookie.path, no_color);
builder.appendff("\t{}Value{} = {}\n", attribute_color, no_color, cookie.value);
builder.appendff("\t{}CreationTime{} = {}\n", attribute_color, no_color, cookie.creation_time_to_string());
builder.appendff("\t{}LastAccessTime{} = {}\n", attribute_color, no_color, cookie.last_access_time_to_string());
builder.appendff("\t{}ExpiryTime{} = {}\n", attribute_color, no_color, cookie.expiry_time_to_string());
builder.appendff("\t{}Secure{} = {:s}\n", attribute_color, no_color, cookie.secure);
builder.appendff("\t{}HttpOnly{} = {:s}\n", attribute_color, no_color, cookie.http_only);
builder.appendff("\t{}HostOnly{} = {:s}\n", attribute_color, no_color, cookie.host_only);
builder.appendff("\t{}Persistent{} = {:s}\n", attribute_color, no_color, cookie.persistent);
builder.appendff("\t{}SameSite{} = {:s}\n", attribute_color, no_color, Web::Cookie::same_site_to_string(cookie.same_site));
dbgln("{} cookies stored\n{}", m_transient_storage.size(), builder.string_view());
Vector<Web::Cookie::Cookie> CookieJar::get_all_cookies()
Vector<Web::Cookie::Cookie> cookies;
m_transient_storage.for_each_cookie([&](auto const& cookie) {
return cookies;
// https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-associated-cookies
Vector<Web::Cookie::Cookie> CookieJar::get_all_cookies(URL::URL const& url)
auto domain = canonicalize_domain(url);
if (!domain.has_value())
return {};
return get_matching_cookies(url, domain.value(), Web::Cookie::Source::Http, MatchingCookiesSpecMode::WebDriver);
Optional<Web::Cookie::Cookie> CookieJar::get_named_cookie(URL::URL const& url, StringView name)
auto domain = canonicalize_domain(url);
if (!domain.has_value())
return {};
auto cookie_list = get_matching_cookies(url, domain.value(), Web::Cookie::Source::Http, MatchingCookiesSpecMode::WebDriver);
for (auto const& cookie : cookie_list) {
if (cookie.name == name)
return cookie;
return {};
Optional<String> CookieJar::canonicalize_domain(const URL::URL& url)
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6265#section-5.1.2
if (!url.is_valid())
return {};
// FIXME: Implement RFC 5890 to "Convert each label that is not a Non-Reserved LDH (NR-LDH) label to an A-label".
if (url.host().has<Empty>())
return {};
return MUST(MUST(url.serialized_host()).to_lowercase());
bool CookieJar::domain_matches(StringView string, StringView domain_string)
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6265#section-5.1.3
// A string domain-matches a given domain string if at least one of the following conditions hold:
// The domain string and the string are identical.
if (string == domain_string)
return true;
// All of the following conditions hold:
// - The domain string is a suffix of the string.
// - The last character of the string that is not included in the domain string is a %x2E (".") character.
// - The string is a host name (i.e., not an IP address).
if (!string.ends_with(domain_string))
return false;
if (string[string.length() - domain_string.length() - 1] != '.')
return false;
if (AK::IPv4Address::from_string(string).has_value())
return false;
return true;
bool CookieJar::path_matches(StringView request_path, StringView cookie_path)
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6265#section-5.1.4
// A request-path path-matches a given cookie-path if at least one of the following conditions holds:
// The cookie-path and the request-path are identical.
if (request_path == cookie_path)
return true;
if (request_path.starts_with(cookie_path)) {
// The cookie-path is a prefix of the request-path, and the last character of the cookie-path is %x2F ("/").
if (cookie_path.ends_with('/'))
return true;
// The cookie-path is a prefix of the request-path, and the first character of the request-path that is not included in the cookie-path is a %x2F ("/") character.
if (request_path[cookie_path.length()] == '/')
return true;
return false;
String CookieJar::default_path(const URL::URL& url)
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6265#section-5.1.4
// 1. Let uri-path be the path portion of the request-uri if such a portion exists (and empty otherwise).
auto uri_path = url.serialize_path();
// 2. If the uri-path is empty or if the first character of the uri-path is not a %x2F ("/") character, output %x2F ("/") and skip the remaining steps.
if (uri_path.is_empty() || (uri_path[0] != '/'))
return "/"_string;
StringView uri_path_view = uri_path;
size_t last_separator = uri_path_view.find_last('/').value();
// 3. If the uri-path contains no more than one %x2F ("/") character, output %x2F ("/") and skip the remaining step.
if (last_separator == 0)
return "/"_string;
// 4. Output the characters of the uri-path from the first character up to, but not including, the right-most %x2F ("/").
return MUST(String::from_utf8(uri_path.substring_view(0, last_separator)));
void CookieJar::store_cookie(Web::Cookie::ParsedCookie const& parsed_cookie, const URL::URL& url, String canonicalized_domain, Web::Cookie::Source source)
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6265#section-5.3
// 2. Create a new cookie with name cookie-name, value cookie-value. Set the creation-time and the last-access-time to the current date and time.
Web::Cookie::Cookie cookie { parsed_cookie.name, parsed_cookie.value, parsed_cookie.same_site_attribute };
cookie.creation_time = UnixDateTime::now();
cookie.last_access_time = cookie.creation_time;
if (parsed_cookie.expiry_time_from_max_age_attribute.has_value()) {
// 3. If the cookie-attribute-list contains an attribute with an attribute-name of "Max-Age": Set the cookie's persistent-flag to true.
// Set the cookie's expiry-time to attribute-value of the last attribute in the cookie-attribute-list with an attribute-name of "Max-Age".
cookie.persistent = true;
cookie.expiry_time = parsed_cookie.expiry_time_from_max_age_attribute.value();
} else if (parsed_cookie.expiry_time_from_expires_attribute.has_value()) {
// If the cookie-attribute-list contains an attribute with an attribute-name of "Expires": Set the cookie's persistent-flag to true.
// Set the cookie's expiry-time to attribute-value of the last attribute in the cookie-attribute-list with an attribute-name of "Expires".
cookie.persistent = true;
cookie.expiry_time = parsed_cookie.expiry_time_from_expires_attribute.value();
} else {
// Set the cookie's persistent-flag to false. Set the cookie's expiry-time to the latest representable date.
cookie.persistent = false;
cookie.expiry_time = UnixDateTime::from_unix_time_parts(3000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
// 4. If the cookie-attribute-list contains an attribute with an attribute-name of "Domain":
if (parsed_cookie.domain.has_value()) {
// Let the domain-attribute be the attribute-value of the last attribute in the cookie-attribute-list with an attribute-name of "Domain".
cookie.domain = parsed_cookie.domain.value();
// 5. If the user agent is configured to reject "public suffixes" and the domain-attribute is a public suffix:
if (is_public_suffix(cookie.domain)) {
// If the domain-attribute is identical to the canonicalized request-host:
if (cookie.domain == canonicalized_domain) {
// Let the domain-attribute be the empty string.
cookie.domain = String {};
// Otherwise:
else {
// Ignore the cookie entirely and abort these steps.
// 6. If the domain-attribute is non-empty:
if (!cookie.domain.is_empty()) {
// If the canonicalized request-host does not domain-match the domain-attribute: Ignore the cookie entirely and abort these steps.
if (!domain_matches(canonicalized_domain, cookie.domain))
// Set the cookie's host-only-flag to false. Set the cookie's domain to the domain-attribute.
cookie.host_only = false;
} else {
// Set the cookie's host-only-flag to true. Set the cookie's domain to the canonicalized request-host.
cookie.host_only = true;
cookie.domain = move(canonicalized_domain);
// 7. If the cookie-attribute-list contains an attribute with an attribute-name of "Path":
if (parsed_cookie.path.has_value()) {
// Set the cookie's path to attribute-value of the last attribute in the cookie-attribute-list with an attribute-name of "Path".
cookie.path = parsed_cookie.path.value();
} else {
cookie.path = default_path(url);
// 8. If the cookie-attribute-list contains an attribute with an attribute-name of "Secure", set the cookie's secure-only-flag to true.
cookie.secure = parsed_cookie.secure_attribute_present;
// 9. If the cookie-attribute-list contains an attribute with an attribute-name of "HttpOnly", set the cookie's http-only-flag to false.
cookie.http_only = parsed_cookie.http_only_attribute_present;
// 10. If the cookie was received from a "non-HTTP" API and the cookie's http-only-flag is set, abort these steps and ignore the cookie entirely.
if (source != Web::Cookie::Source::Http && cookie.http_only)
CookieStorageKey key { cookie.name, cookie.domain, cookie.path };
// 11. If the cookie store contains a cookie with the same name, domain, and path as the newly created cookie:
if (auto const& old_cookie = m_transient_storage.get_cookie(key); old_cookie.has_value()) {
// If the newly created cookie was received from a "non-HTTP" API and the old-cookie's http-only-flag is set, abort these
// steps and ignore the newly created cookie entirely.
if (source != Web::Cookie::Source::Http && old_cookie->http_only)
// Update the creation-time of the newly created cookie to match the creation-time of the old-cookie.
cookie.creation_time = old_cookie->creation_time;
// Remove the old-cookie from the cookie store.
// NOTE: Rather than deleting then re-inserting this cookie, we update it in-place.
// 12. Insert the newly created cookie into the cookie store.
m_transient_storage.set_cookie(move(key), move(cookie));
Vector<Web::Cookie::Cookie> CookieJar::get_matching_cookies(const URL::URL& url, StringView canonicalized_domain, Web::Cookie::Source source, MatchingCookiesSpecMode mode)
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6265#section-5.4
auto now = UnixDateTime::now();
// 1. Let cookie-list be the set of cookies from the cookie store that meets all of the following requirements:
Vector<Web::Cookie::Cookie> cookie_list;
m_transient_storage.for_each_cookie([&](auto& cookie) {
// Either: The cookie's host-only-flag is true and the canonicalized request-host is identical to the cookie's domain.
// Or: The cookie's host-only-flag is false and the canonicalized request-host domain-matches the cookie's domain.
bool is_host_only_and_has_identical_domain = cookie.host_only && (canonicalized_domain == cookie.domain);
bool is_not_host_only_and_domain_matches = !cookie.host_only && domain_matches(canonicalized_domain, cookie.domain);
if (!is_host_only_and_has_identical_domain && !is_not_host_only_and_domain_matches)
// The request-uri's path path-matches the cookie's path.
if (!path_matches(url.serialize_path(), cookie.path))
// If the cookie's secure-only-flag is true, then the request-uri's scheme must denote a "secure" protocol.
if (cookie.secure && (url.scheme() != "https"))
// If the cookie's http-only-flag is true, then exclude the cookie if the cookie-string is being generated for a "non-HTTP" API.
if (cookie.http_only && (source != Web::Cookie::Source::Http))
// NOTE: The WebDriver spec expects only step 1 above to be executed to match cookies.
if (mode == MatchingCookiesSpecMode::WebDriver) {
// 3. Update the last-access-time of each cookie in the cookie-list to the current date and time.
// NOTE: We do this first so that both our internal storage and cookie-list are updated.
cookie.last_access_time = now;
// 2. The user agent SHOULD sort the cookie-list in the following order:
// - Cookies with longer paths are listed before cookies with shorter paths.
// - Among cookies that have equal-length path fields, cookies with earlier creation-times are listed before cookies with later creation-times.
auto cookie_path_length = cookie.path.bytes().size();
auto cookie_creation_time = cookie.creation_time;
cookie_list.insert_before_matching(cookie, [cookie_path_length, cookie_creation_time](auto const& entry) {
if (cookie_path_length > entry.path.bytes().size()) {
return true;
if (cookie_path_length == entry.path.bytes().size()) {
if (cookie_creation_time < entry.creation_time)
return true;
return false;
if (mode != MatchingCookiesSpecMode::WebDriver)
return cookie_list;
void CookieJar::TransientStorage::set_cookies(Cookies cookies)
m_cookies = move(cookies);
void CookieJar::TransientStorage::set_cookie(CookieStorageKey key, Web::Cookie::Cookie cookie)
m_cookies.set(key, cookie);
m_dirty_cookies.set(move(key), move(cookie));
Optional<Web::Cookie::Cookie> CookieJar::TransientStorage::get_cookie(CookieStorageKey const& key)
return m_cookies.get(key);
UnixDateTime CookieJar::TransientStorage::purge_expired_cookies()
auto now = UnixDateTime::now();
auto is_expired = [&](auto const&, auto const& cookie) { return cookie.expiry_time < now; };
return now;
void CookieJar::PersistedStorage::insert_cookie(Web::Cookie::Cookie const& cookie)
static Web::Cookie::Cookie parse_cookie(Database& database, Database::StatementID statement_id)
int column = 0;
auto convert_text = [&](auto& field) { field = database.result_column<String>(statement_id, column++); };
auto convert_bool = [&](auto& field) { field = database.result_column<bool>(statement_id, column++); };
auto convert_time = [&](auto& field) { field = database.result_column<UnixDateTime>(statement_id, column++); };
auto convert_same_site = [&](auto& field) {
auto same_site = database.result_column<UnderlyingType<Web::Cookie::SameSite>>(statement_id, column++);
field = static_cast<Web::Cookie::SameSite>(same_site);
Web::Cookie::Cookie cookie;
return cookie;
CookieJar::TransientStorage::Cookies CookieJar::PersistedStorage::select_all_cookies()
HashMap<CookieStorageKey, Web::Cookie::Cookie> cookies;
[&](auto statement_id) {
auto cookie = parse_cookie(database, statement_id);
CookieStorageKey key { cookie.name, cookie.domain, cookie.path };
cookies.set(move(key), move(cookie));
return cookies;