Andreas Kling 162e4179fc LibWeb: Implement a simple version of Element.scrollIntoView()
We parse the arguments that come in, but since we don't yet track
scrollable overflow, we can't do the full "scroll an element into view"
algorithm. For now, we just call out to the PageClient and ask it to
bring the nearest principal box into the visible viewport.
2022-10-04 21:46:56 +02:00

78 lines
2.8 KiB

#import <CSS/CSSStyleDeclaration.idl>
#import <DOM/ChildNode.idl>
#import <DOM/DOMTokenList.idl>
#import <DOM/InnerHTML.idl>
#import <DOM/NamedNodeMap.idl>
#import <DOM/Node.idl>
#import <DOM/NodeList.idl>
#import <DOM/ParentNode.idl>
#import <Geometry/DOMRect.idl>
#import <Geometry/DOMRectList.idl>
enum ScrollBehavior { "auto", "smooth" };
dictionary ScrollOptions {
ScrollBehavior behavior = "auto";
enum ScrollLogicalPosition { "start", "center", "end", "nearest" };
dictionary ScrollIntoViewOptions : ScrollOptions {
ScrollLogicalPosition block = "start";
ScrollLogicalPosition inline = "nearest";
interface Element : Node {
readonly attribute DOMString? namespaceURI;
readonly attribute DOMString? prefix;
readonly attribute DOMString localName;
readonly attribute DOMString tagName;
DOMString? getAttribute(DOMString qualifiedName);
undefined setAttribute(DOMString qualifiedName, DOMString value);
[CEReactions] undefined setAttributeNS(DOMString? namespace , DOMString qualifiedName , DOMString value);
undefined removeAttribute(DOMString qualifiedName);
[CEReactions] boolean toggleAttribute(DOMString qualifiedName, optional boolean force);
boolean hasAttribute(DOMString qualifiedName);
boolean hasAttributes();
[SameObject] readonly attribute NamedNodeMap attributes;
sequence<DOMString> getAttributeNames();
HTMLCollection getElementsByTagName(DOMString tagName);
HTMLCollection getElementsByTagNameNS(DOMString? namespace, DOMString localName);
HTMLCollection getElementsByClassName(DOMString className);
[Reflect] attribute DOMString id;
[Reflect=class] attribute DOMString className;
[SameObject, PutForwards=value] readonly attribute DOMTokenList classList;
boolean matches(DOMString selectors);
Element? closest(DOMString selectors);
// legacy alias of .matches
[ImplementedAs=matches] boolean webkitMatchesSelector(DOMString selectors);
readonly attribute Element? nextElementSibling;
readonly attribute Element? previousElementSibling;
[ImplementedAs=style_for_bindings] readonly attribute CSSStyleDeclaration style;
DOMRect getBoundingClientRect();
DOMRectList getClientRects();
readonly attribute long clientTop;
readonly attribute long clientLeft;
readonly attribute long clientWidth;
readonly attribute long clientHeight;
[CEReactions] Element? insertAdjacentElement(DOMString where, Element element);
undefined insertAdjacentText(DOMString where, DOMString data);
[CEReactions] undefined insertAdjacentHTML(DOMString position, DOMString text);
undefined scrollIntoView(optional (boolean or ScrollIntoViewOptions) arg = {});
Element includes ParentNode;
Element includes ChildNode;
Element includes InnerHTML;