Fabian Neundorf 885e35e92c Piano: Use Sample struct from LibDSP
Removes the Sample struct inside Piano and replaces it with the struct
from LibDSP.

It automatically scales the height of the wave depending on the maximum
amplitude, as the Samples now contain floats and not integers.
2023-08-04 12:56:27 +02:00

175 lines
4.7 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling <>
* Copyright (c) 2021, kleines Filmröllchen <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include <AK/Format.h>
#include <AK/Math.h>
namespace Audio {
using AK::Exponentials::exp;
using AK::Exponentials::log;
// Constants for logarithmic volume. See Sample::linear_to_log
// Corresponds to 60dB
constexpr float DYNAMIC_RANGE = 1000;
constexpr float VOLUME_A = 1 / DYNAMIC_RANGE;
float const VOLUME_B = log(DYNAMIC_RANGE);
// A single sample in an audio buffer.
// Values are floating point, and should range from -1.0 to +1.0
struct Sample {
constexpr Sample() = default;
// For mono
constexpr explicit Sample(float left)
: left(left)
, right(left)
// For stereo
constexpr Sample(float left, float right)
: left(left)
, right(right)
// Returns the absolute maximum range (separate per channel) of the given sample buffer.
// For example { 0.8, 0 } means that samples on the left channel occupy the range { -0.8, 0.8 },
// while all samples on the right channel are 0.
static Sample max_range(ReadonlySpan<Sample> span)
Sample result { NumericLimits<float>::min_normal(), NumericLimits<float>::min_normal() };
for (Sample sample : span) {
result.left = max(result.left, AK::fabs(sample.left));
result.right = max(result.right, AK::fabs(sample.right));
return result;
void clip()
if (left > 1)
left = 1;
else if (left < -1)
left = -1;
if (right > 1)
right = 1;
else if (right < -1)
right = -1;
// Logarithmic scaling, as audio should ALWAYS do.
// Reference:
// We use the curve `factor = a * exp(b * change)`,
// where change is the input fraction we want to change by,
// a = 1/1000, b = ln(1000) = 6.908 and factor is the multiplier used.
// The value 1000 represents the dynamic range in sound pressure, which corresponds to 60 dB(A).
// This is a good dynamic range because it can represent all loudness values from
// 30 dB(A) (barely hearable with background noise)
// to 90 dB(A) (almost too loud to hear and about the reasonable limit of actual sound equipment).
// Format ranges:
// - Linear: 0.0 to 1.0
// - Logarithmic: 0.0 to 1.0
ALWAYS_INLINE float linear_to_log(float const change) const
// TODO: Add linear slope around 0
return VOLUME_A * exp(VOLUME_B * change);
ALWAYS_INLINE float log_to_linear(float const val) const
// TODO: Add linear slope around 0
return log(val / VOLUME_A) / VOLUME_B;
ALWAYS_INLINE Sample& log_multiply(float const change)
float factor = linear_to_log(change);
left *= factor;
right *= factor;
return *this;
ALWAYS_INLINE Sample log_multiplied(float const volume_change) const
Sample new_frame { left, right };
return new_frame;
// Constant power panning
ALWAYS_INLINE Sample& pan(float const position)
float const pi_over_2 = AK::Pi<float> * 0.5f;
float const root_over_2 = AK::sqrt<float>(2.0) * 0.5f;
float const angle = position * pi_over_2 * 0.5f;
float s, c;
AK::sincos<float>(angle, s, c);
left *= root_over_2 * (c - s);
right *= root_over_2 * (c + s);
return *this;
ALWAYS_INLINE Sample panned(float const position) const
Sample new_sample { left, right };
return new_sample;
constexpr Sample& operator*=(float const mult)
left *= mult;
right *= mult;
return *this;
constexpr Sample operator*(float const mult) const
return { left * mult, right * mult };
constexpr Sample& operator+=(Sample const& other)
left += other.left;
right += other.right;
return *this;
constexpr Sample& operator+=(float other)
left += other;
right += other;
return *this;
constexpr Sample operator+(Sample const& other) const
return { left + other.left, right + other.right };
float left { 0 };
float right { 0 };
namespace AK {
struct Formatter<Audio::Sample> : Formatter<FormatString> {
ErrorOr<void> format(FormatBuilder& builder, Audio::Sample const& value)
return Formatter<FormatString>::format(builder, "[{}, {}]"sv, value.left, value.right);