2023-11-28 17:15:27 -05:00

114 lines
4.6 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2023, Luke Wilde <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/Intrinsics.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/PerformanceMarkPrototype.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/StructuredSerialize.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Window.h>
#include <LibWeb/HighResolutionTime/TimeOrigin.h>
#include <LibWeb/NavigationTiming/EntryNames.h>
#include <LibWeb/PerformanceTimeline/EntryTypes.h>
#include <LibWeb/UserTiming/PerformanceMark.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebIDL/ExceptionOr.h>
namespace Web::UserTiming {
PerformanceMark::PerformanceMark(JS::Realm& realm, String const& name, HighResolutionTime::DOMHighResTimeStamp start_time, HighResolutionTime::DOMHighResTimeStamp duration, JS::Value detail)
: PerformanceTimeline::PerformanceEntry(realm, name, start_time, duration)
, m_detail(detail)
PerformanceMark::~PerformanceMark() = default;
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<PerformanceMark>> PerformanceMark::construct_impl(JS::Realm& realm, String const& mark_name, Web::UserTiming::PerformanceMarkOptions const& mark_options)
auto& current_global_object = realm.global_object();
auto& vm = realm.vm();
// 1. If the current global object is a Window object and markName uses the same name as a read only attribute in the PerformanceTiming interface, throw a SyntaxError.
if (is<HTML::Window>(current_global_object)) {
bool matched = false;
if (mark_name == NavigationTiming::EntryNames::name) \
matched = true;
if (matched)
return WebIDL::SyntaxError::create(realm, MUST(String::formatted("'{}' markName cannot be used in a Window context because it is part of the PerformanceTiming interface", mark_name)));
// NOTE: Step 2 (creating the entry) is done after determining values, as we set the values once during creation and never change them after.
// 3. Set entry's name attribute to markName.
auto const& name = mark_name;
// 4. Set entry's entryType attribute to DOMString "mark".
// NOTE: Already done via the `entry_type` virtual function.
// 5. Set entry's startTime attribute as follows:
HighResolutionTime::DOMHighResTimeStamp start_time { 0.0 };
// 1. If markOptions's startTime member is present, then:
if (mark_options.start_time.has_value()) {
// 1. If markOptions's startTime is negative, throw a TypeError.
if (mark_options.start_time.value() < 0.0)
return WebIDL::SimpleException { WebIDL::SimpleExceptionType::TypeError, "startTime cannot be negative"sv };
// 2. Otherwise, set entry's startTime to the value of markOptions's startTime.
start_time = mark_options.start_time.value();
// 2. Otherwise, set it to the value that would be returned by the Performance object's now() method.
else {
// FIXME: Performance#now doesn't currently use TimeOrigin's functions, update this and Performance#now to match Performance#now's specification.
start_time = HighResolutionTime::unsafe_shared_current_time();
// 6. Set entry's duration attribute to 0.
constexpr HighResolutionTime::DOMHighResTimeStamp duration = 0.0;
// 7. If markOptions's detail is null, set entry's detail to null.
JS::Value detail;
if (mark_options.detail.is_null()) {
detail = JS::js_null();
// 8. Otherwise:
else {
// 1. Let record be the result of calling the StructuredSerialize algorithm on markOptions's detail.
auto record = TRY(HTML::structured_serialize(vm, mark_options.detail));
// 2. Set entry's detail to the result of calling the StructuredDeserialize algorithm on record and the current realm.
detail = TRY(HTML::structured_deserialize(vm, record, realm, Optional<HTML::DeserializationMemory> {}));
// 2. Create a new PerformanceMark object (entry) with the current global object's realm.
return realm.heap().allocate<PerformanceMark>(realm, realm, name, start_time, duration, detail);
FlyString const& PerformanceMark::entry_type() const
return PerformanceTimeline::EntryTypes::mark;
void PerformanceMark::initialize(JS::Realm& realm)
set_prototype(&Bindings::ensure_web_prototype<Bindings::PerformanceMarkPrototype>(realm, "PerformanceMark"_fly_string));
void PerformanceMark::visit_edges(JS::Cell::Visitor& visitor)