sin-ack ca2c81251a Everywhere: Replace Model::update() with Model::invalidate()
Most of the models were just calling did_update anyway, which is
pointless since it can be unified to the base Model class. Instead, code
calling update() will now call invalidate(), which functions identically
and is more obvious in what it does.

Additionally, a default implementation is provided, which removes the
need to add empty implementations of update() for each model subclass.

Co-Authored-By: Ali Mohammad Pur <>
2021-08-06 19:14:31 +02:00

210 lines
7.3 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include <AK/Function.h>
#include <LibGUI/AbstractScrollableWidget.h>
#include <LibGUI/Model.h>
#include <LibGUI/ModelSelection.h>
#include <LibGfx/TextElision.h>
namespace GUI {
class AbstractView
: public AbstractScrollableWidget
, public ModelClient {
enum class CursorMovement {
enum class SelectionUpdate {
enum class SelectionBehavior {
enum class SelectionMode {
virtual void move_cursor(CursorMovement, SelectionUpdate) { }
void set_model(RefPtr<Model>);
Model* model() { return m_model.ptr(); }
const Model* model() const { return m_model.ptr(); }
ModelSelection& selection() { return m_selection; }
const ModelSelection& selection() const { return m_selection; }
virtual void select_all() { }
bool is_editable() const { return m_editable; }
void set_editable(bool editable) { m_editable = editable; }
bool is_searching() const { return !m_searching.is_null(); }
bool is_searchable() const;
void set_searchable(bool);
enum EditTrigger {
None = 0,
DoubleClicked = 1 << 0,
EditKeyPressed = 1 << 1,
AnyKeyPressed = 1 << 2,
unsigned edit_triggers() const { return m_edit_triggers; }
void set_edit_triggers(unsigned);
SelectionBehavior selection_behavior() const { return m_selection_behavior; }
void set_selection_behavior(SelectionBehavior behavior) { m_selection_behavior = behavior; }
SelectionMode selection_mode() const { return m_selection_mode; }
void set_selection_mode(SelectionMode);
virtual void model_did_update(unsigned flags) override;
virtual void did_update_selection();
virtual Gfx::IntRect content_rect(const ModelIndex&) const { return {}; }
virtual Gfx::IntRect editing_rect(ModelIndex const& index) const { return content_rect(index); }
virtual Gfx::IntRect paint_invalidation_rect(ModelIndex const& index) const { return content_rect(index); }
virtual ModelIndex index_at_event_position(const Gfx::IntPoint&) const { return {}; }
void begin_editing(const ModelIndex&);
void stop_editing();
void set_activates_on_selection(bool b) { m_activates_on_selection = b; }
bool activates_on_selection() const { return m_activates_on_selection; }
Function<void()> on_selection_change;
Function<void(const ModelIndex&)> on_activation;
Function<void(const ModelIndex&, const ContextMenuEvent&)> on_context_menu_request;
Function<void(const ModelIndex&, const DropEvent&)> on_drop;
Function<OwnPtr<ModelEditingDelegate>(const ModelIndex&)> aid_create_editing_delegate;
void notify_selection_changed(Badge<ModelSelection>);
NonnullRefPtr<Gfx::Font> font_for_index(const ModelIndex&) const;
void set_key_column_and_sort_order(int column, SortOrder);
int key_column() const { return m_key_column; }
SortOrder sort_order() const { return m_sort_order; }
virtual void scroll_into_view(const ModelIndex&, [[maybe_unused]] bool scroll_horizontally = true, [[maybe_unused]] bool scroll_vertically = true) { }
const ModelIndex& cursor_index() const { return m_cursor_index; }
const ModelIndex& selection_start_index() const { return m_selection_start_index; }
void set_cursor(ModelIndex, SelectionUpdate, bool scroll_cursor_into_view = true);
bool is_tab_key_navigation_enabled() const { return m_tab_key_navigation_enabled; }
void set_tab_key_navigation_enabled(bool enabled) { m_tab_key_navigation_enabled = enabled; }
void set_draw_item_text_with_shadow(bool b) { m_draw_item_text_with_shadow = b; }
virtual ~AbstractView() override;
virtual void keydown_event(KeyEvent&) override;
virtual void mousedown_event(MouseEvent&) override;
virtual void mousemove_event(MouseEvent&) override;
virtual void mouseup_event(MouseEvent&) override;
virtual void doubleclick_event(MouseEvent&) override;
virtual void context_menu_event(ContextMenuEvent&) override;
virtual void drag_enter_event(DragEvent&) override;
virtual void drag_move_event(DragEvent&) override;
virtual void drag_leave_event(Event&) override;
virtual void drop_event(DropEvent&) override;
virtual void leave_event(Core::Event&) override;
virtual void hide_event(HideEvent&) override;
virtual void focusin_event(FocusEvent&) override;
virtual void clear_selection();
virtual void set_selection(const ModelIndex&);
virtual void set_selection_start_index(const ModelIndex&);
virtual void add_selection(const ModelIndex&);
virtual void remove_selection(const ModelIndex&);
virtual void toggle_selection(const ModelIndex&);
virtual void did_change_hovered_index([[maybe_unused]] const ModelIndex& old_index, [[maybe_unused]] const ModelIndex& new_index) { }
virtual void did_change_cursor_index([[maybe_unused]] const ModelIndex& old_index, [[maybe_unused]] const ModelIndex& new_index) { }
void draw_item_text(Gfx::Painter&, const ModelIndex&, bool, const Gfx::IntRect&, const StringView&, const Gfx::Font&, Gfx::TextAlignment, Gfx::TextElision, size_t search_highlighting_offset = 0);
void set_suppress_update_on_selection_change(bool value) { m_suppress_update_on_selection_change = value; }
virtual void did_scroll() override;
void set_hovered_index(const ModelIndex&);
void activate(const ModelIndex&);
void activate_selected();
void update_edit_widget_position();
StringView searching() const { return m_searching; }
void cancel_searching();
void start_searching_timer();
void do_search(String&&);
bool is_highlighting_searching(const ModelIndex&) const;
ModelIndex drop_candidate_index() const { return m_drop_candidate_index; }
bool m_editable { false };
bool m_searchable { true };
RefPtr<Widget> m_edit_widget;
Gfx::IntRect m_edit_widget_content_rect;
OwnPtr<ModelEditingDelegate> m_editing_delegate;
Gfx::IntPoint m_left_mousedown_position;
bool m_might_drag { false };
int m_key_column { -1 };
SortOrder m_sort_order;
ModelIndex m_edit_index;
ModelIndex m_hovered_index;
ModelIndex m_highlighted_search_index;
ModelIndex m_selection_start_index;
ModelIndex m_cursor_index;
ModelIndex m_drop_candidate_index;
RefPtr<Model> m_model;
ModelSelection m_selection;
String m_searching;
RefPtr<Core::Timer> m_searching_timer;
SelectionBehavior m_selection_behavior { SelectionBehavior::SelectItems };
SelectionMode m_selection_mode { SelectionMode::SingleSelection };
unsigned m_edit_triggers { EditTrigger::DoubleClicked | EditTrigger::EditKeyPressed };
bool m_activates_on_selection { false };
bool m_tab_key_navigation_enabled { false };
bool m_is_dragging { false };
bool m_draw_item_text_with_shadow { false };
bool m_suppress_update_on_selection_change { false };