sin-ack d73116e5d5 LibGUI: Implement persistent indices for models
This patch adds persistent indices to models.  A PersistentModelIndex is
a ModelIndex that will survive most model updates (provided that the
data the PersistentModelIndex points to has not been removed by the
model's data store).  PersistentModelIndex objects can be safely held
by objects outside the model they originated from.
2021-08-08 14:13:37 +02:00

94 lines
2.5 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2021, sin-ack <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include <AK/RefCounted.h>
#include <AK/WeakPtr.h>
#include <LibGUI/Model.h>
#include <LibGUI/ModelIndex.h>
namespace GUI {
/// A PersistentHandle is an internal data structure used to keep track of the
/// target of multiple PersistentModelIndex instances.
class PersistentHandle : public Weakable<PersistentHandle> {
friend Model;
friend PersistentModelIndex;
friend AK::Traits<GUI::PersistentModelIndex>;
PersistentHandle(ModelIndex const& index)
: m_index(index)
ModelIndex m_index;
class PersistentModelIndex {
PersistentModelIndex() { }
PersistentModelIndex(ModelIndex const&);
PersistentModelIndex(PersistentModelIndex const&) = default;
PersistentModelIndex(PersistentModelIndex&&) = default;
PersistentModelIndex& operator=(PersistentModelIndex const&) = default;
PersistentModelIndex& operator=(PersistentModelIndex&&) = default;
bool is_valid() const { return has_valid_handle() && m_handle->m_index.is_valid(); }
bool has_valid_handle() const { return !m_handle.is_null(); }
int row() const;
int column() const;
PersistentModelIndex parent() const;
PersistentModelIndex sibling_at_column(int column) const;
Variant data(ModelRole = ModelRole::Display) const;
void* internal_data() const
if (has_valid_handle())
return m_handle->m_index.internal_data();
return nullptr;
operator ModelIndex() const;
bool operator==(PersistentModelIndex const&) const;
bool operator!=(PersistentModelIndex const&) const;
bool operator==(ModelIndex const&) const;
bool operator!=(ModelIndex const&) const;
friend AK::Traits<GUI::PersistentModelIndex>;
WeakPtr<PersistentHandle> m_handle;
namespace AK {
struct Formatter<GUI::PersistentModelIndex> : Formatter<FormatString> {
void format(FormatBuilder& builder, const GUI::PersistentModelIndex& value)
return Formatter<FormatString>::format(builder, "PersistentModelIndex({},{},{})", value.row(), value.column(), value.internal_data());
struct Traits<GUI::PersistentModelIndex> : public GenericTraits<GUI::PersistentModelIndex> {
static unsigned hash(const GUI::PersistentModelIndex& index)
if (index.has_valid_handle())
return Traits<GUI::ModelIndex>::hash(index.m_handle->m_index);
return 0;