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synced 2025-01-07 11:39:44 +03:00
We have a new, improved string type coming up in AK (OOM aware, no null state), and while it's going to use UTF-8, the name UTF8String is a mouthful - so let's free up the String name by renaming the existing class. Making the old one have an annoying name will hopefully also help with quick adoption :^)
285 lines
11 KiB
285 lines
11 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling <kling@serenityos.org>
* Copyright (c) 2019-2020, William McPherson <willmcpherson2@gmail.com>
* Copyright (c) 2021, kleines Filmröllchen <filmroellchen@serenityos.org>
* Copyright (c) 2022, the SerenityOS developers.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include "RollWidget.h"
#include "LibGUI/Event.h"
#include "TrackManager.h"
#include <AK/IntegralMath.h>
#include <LibGUI/Painter.h>
#include <LibGUI/Scrollbar.h>
#include <LibGfx/Font/Font.h>
#include <LibGfx/Font/FontDatabase.h>
constexpr int note_height = 20;
constexpr int max_note_width = note_height * 2;
constexpr int roll_height = note_count * note_height;
constexpr int horizontal_scroll_sensitivity = 20;
constexpr int max_zoom = 1 << 8;
RollWidget::RollWidget(TrackManager& track_manager)
: m_track_manager(track_manager)
set_content_size({ 0, roll_height });
vertical_scrollbar().set_value(roll_height / 2);
void RollWidget::paint_event(GUI::PaintEvent& event)
m_roll_width = widget_inner_rect().width() * m_zoom_level;
set_content_size({ m_roll_width, roll_height });
// Divide the roll by the maximum note width. If we get fewer notes than
// our time signature requires, round up. Otherwise, round down to the
// nearest x*(2^y), where x is the base number of notes of our time
// signature. In other words, find a number that is a double of our time
// signature. For 4/4 that would be 16, 32, 64, 128 ...
m_num_notes = m_roll_width / max_note_width;
int time_signature_notes = beats_per_bar * notes_per_beat;
if (m_num_notes < time_signature_notes)
m_num_notes = time_signature_notes;
m_num_notes = time_signature_notes * AK::exp2(AK::log2(m_num_notes / time_signature_notes));
m_note_width = static_cast<double>(m_roll_width) / m_num_notes;
// This calculates the minimum number of rows needed. We account for a
// partial row at the top and/or bottom.
int y_offset = vertical_scrollbar().value();
int note_offset = y_offset / note_height;
int note_offset_remainder = y_offset % note_height;
int paint_area = widget_inner_rect().height() + note_offset_remainder;
if (paint_area % note_height != 0)
paint_area += note_height;
int notes_to_paint = paint_area / note_height;
int key_pattern_index = (notes_per_octave - 1) - (note_offset % notes_per_octave);
int x_offset = horizontal_scrollbar().value();
int horizontal_note_offset_remainder = static_cast<int>(AK::fmod((double)x_offset, m_note_width));
int horizontal_paint_area = widget_inner_rect().width() + horizontal_note_offset_remainder;
if (AK::fmod((double)horizontal_paint_area, m_note_width) != 0.)
horizontal_paint_area += m_note_width;
int horizontal_notes_to_paint = horizontal_paint_area / m_note_width;
GUI::Painter painter(*this);
// Draw the background, if necessary.
if (viewport_changed() || paint_area != m_background->height()) {
m_background = Gfx::Bitmap::try_create(Gfx::BitmapFormat::BGRx8888, Gfx::IntSize(m_roll_width, paint_area)).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors();
Gfx::Painter background_painter(*m_background);
background_painter.translate(frame_thickness(), frame_thickness());
background_painter.translate(-horizontal_note_offset_remainder, -note_offset_remainder);
for (int y = 0; y < notes_to_paint; ++y) {
int y_pos = y * note_height;
for (int x = 0; x < horizontal_notes_to_paint; ++x) {
// This is needed to avoid rounding errors. You can't just use
// m_note_width as the width.
int x_pos = x * m_note_width;
int next_x_pos = (x + 1) * m_note_width;
int distance_to_next_x = next_x_pos - x_pos;
Gfx::IntRect rect(x_pos, y_pos, distance_to_next_x, note_height);
if (key_pattern[key_pattern_index] == Black)
background_painter.fill_rect(rect, Color::LightGray);
background_painter.fill_rect(rect, Color::White);
background_painter.draw_line(rect.top_right(), rect.bottom_right(), Color::Black);
background_painter.draw_line(rect.bottom_left(), rect.bottom_right(), Color::Black);
if (--key_pattern_index == -1)
key_pattern_index = notes_per_octave - 1;
background_painter.translate(-x_offset, -y_offset);
background_painter.translate(horizontal_note_offset_remainder, note_offset_remainder);
m_prev_zoom_level = m_zoom_level;
m_prev_scroll_x = horizontal_scrollbar().value();
m_prev_scroll_y = vertical_scrollbar().value();
painter.blit(Gfx::IntPoint(0, 0), *m_background, m_background->rect());
// Draw the notes, mouse interaction, and time position.
painter.translate(frame_thickness(), frame_thickness());
painter.translate(-horizontal_note_offset_remainder, -note_offset_remainder);
for (int y = 0; y < notes_to_paint; ++y) {
int y_pos = y * note_height;
int note = (note_count - note_offset - 1) - y;
for (int x = 0; x < horizontal_notes_to_paint; ++x) {
// This is needed to avoid rounding errors. You can't just use
// m_note_width as the width.
int x_pos = x * m_note_width;
int next_x_pos = (x + 1) * m_note_width;
int distance_to_next_x = next_x_pos - x_pos;
Gfx::IntRect rect(x_pos, y_pos, distance_to_next_x, note_height);
if (m_track_manager.keyboard()->is_pressed(note))
painter.fill_rect(rect, note_pressed_color.with_alpha(128));
painter.translate(-x_offset, -y_offset);
painter.translate(horizontal_note_offset_remainder, note_offset_remainder);
for (auto const& clip : m_track_manager.current_track()->notes()) {
for (auto const& roll_note : clip->notes()) {
int y = ((note_count - 1) - roll_note.pitch) * note_height;
int x = m_roll_width * (static_cast<double>(roll_note.on_sample) / roll_length);
int width = m_roll_width * (static_cast<double>(roll_note.length()) / roll_length);
if (x + width < x_offset || x > x_offset + widget_inner_rect().width())
if (width < 2)
width = 2;
int height = note_height;
Gfx::IntRect rect(x, y, width, height);
painter.fill_rect(rect, note_pressed_color);
painter.draw_rect(rect, Color::Black);
for (int note = note_count - (note_offset + notes_to_paint); note <= (note_count - 1) - note_offset; ++note) {
int y = ((note_count - 1) - note) * note_height;
Gfx::IntRect note_name_rect(3, y, 1, note_height);
auto note_name = note_names[note % notes_per_octave];
painter.draw_text(note_name_rect, note_name, Gfx::TextAlignment::CenterLeft);
note_name_rect.translate_by(Gfx::FontDatabase::default_font().width(note_name) + 2, 0);
if (note % notes_per_octave == 0)
painter.draw_text(note_name_rect, DeprecatedString::formatted("{}", note / notes_per_octave + 1), Gfx::TextAlignment::CenterLeft);
int x = m_roll_width * (static_cast<double>(m_track_manager.transport()->time()) / roll_length);
if (x > x_offset && x <= x_offset + widget_inner_rect().width())
painter.draw_line({ x, 0 }, { x, roll_height }, Gfx::Color::Black);
bool RollWidget::viewport_changed() const
// height is complicated to check, will be done in paint_event
return m_background.is_null()
|| m_roll_width != m_background->width()
|| m_prev_scroll_x != horizontal_scrollbar().value() || m_prev_scroll_y != vertical_scrollbar().value()
|| m_prev_zoom_level != m_zoom_level;
void RollWidget::mousedown_event(GUI::MouseEvent& event)
if (!widget_inner_rect().contains(event.x(), event.y()))
m_note_drag_start = event.position();
int y = (m_note_drag_start.value().y() + vertical_scrollbar().value()) - frame_thickness();
y /= note_height;
m_drag_note = (note_count - 1) - y;
void RollWidget::mousemove_event(GUI::MouseEvent& event)
if (!m_note_drag_start.has_value())
if (m_note_drag_location.has_value()) {
// Clear previous note
// Right-Click deletes notes
if (event.button() == GUI::MouseButton::Secondary) {
auto get_note_x = [&](int x0) {
// There's a case where we can't just use x / m_note_width. For example, if
// your m_note_width is 3.1 you will have a rect starting at 3. When that
// leftmost pixel of the rect is clicked you will do 3 / 3.1 which is 0
// and not 1. We can avoid that case by shifting x by 1 if m_note_width is
// fractional, being careful not to shift out of bounds.
int x = (x0 + horizontal_scrollbar().value()) - frame_thickness();
bool note_width_is_fractional = m_note_width - static_cast<int>(m_note_width) != 0;
bool x_is_not_last = x != widget_inner_rect().width() - 1;
if (note_width_is_fractional && x_is_not_last)
x /= m_note_width;
return clamp(x, 0, m_num_notes - 1);
int x0 = get_note_x(m_note_drag_start.value().x());
int x1 = get_note_x(event.x());
u32 on_sample = roll_length * (static_cast<double>(min(x0, x1)) / m_num_notes);
u32 off_sample = (roll_length * (static_cast<double>(max(x0, x1) + 1) / m_num_notes)) - 1;
m_note_drag_location = RollNote { on_sample, off_sample, (u8)m_drag_note, 127 };
void RollWidget::mouseup_event([[maybe_unused]] GUI::MouseEvent& event)
m_note_drag_start = {};
m_note_drag_location = {};
// FIXME: Implement zoom and horizontal scroll events in LibGUI, not here.
void RollWidget::mousewheel_event(GUI::MouseEvent& event)
if (event.modifiers() & KeyModifier::Mod_Shift) {
horizontal_scrollbar().increase_slider_by(event.wheel_delta_y() * horizontal_scroll_sensitivity);
if (event.wheel_delta_x() != 0) {
horizontal_scrollbar().increase_slider_by(event.wheel_delta_x() * horizontal_scroll_sensitivity);
if (!(event.modifiers() & KeyModifier::Mod_Ctrl)) {
double multiplier = event.wheel_delta_y() >= 0 ? 0.5 : 2;
if (m_zoom_level * multiplier > max_zoom)
if (m_zoom_level * multiplier < 1) {
if (m_zoom_level == 1)
m_zoom_level = 1;
} else {
m_zoom_level *= multiplier;
int absolute_x_of_pixel_at_cursor = horizontal_scrollbar().value() + event.position().x();
int absolute_x_of_pixel_at_cursor_after_resize = absolute_x_of_pixel_at_cursor * multiplier;
int new_scrollbar = absolute_x_of_pixel_at_cursor_after_resize - event.position().x();
m_roll_width = widget_inner_rect().width() * m_zoom_level;
set_content_size({ m_roll_width, roll_height });