sin-ack 2e1bbcb0fa LibCore+LibIPC+Everywhere: Return Stream::LocalSocket from LocalServer
This change unfortunately cannot be atomically made without a single
commit changing everything.

Most of the important changes are in LibIPC/Connection.cpp,
LibIPC/ServerConnection.cpp and LibCore/LocalServer.cpp.

The notable changes are:
- IPCCompiler now generates the decode and decode_message functions such
  that they take a Core::Stream::LocalSocket instead of the socket fd.
- IPC::Decoder now uses the receive_fd method of LocalSocket instead of
  doing system calls directly on the fd.
- IPC::ConnectionBase and related classes now use the Stream API
- IPC::ServerConnection no longer constructs the socket itself; instead,
  a convenience macro, IPC_CLIENT_CONNECTION, is used in place of
  C_OBJECT and will generate a static try_create factory function for
  the ServerConnection subclass. The subclass is now responsible for
  passing the socket constructed in this function to its
  ServerConnection base; the socket is passed as the first argument to
  the constructor (as a NonnullOwnPtr<Core::Stream::LocalServer>) before
  any other arguments.
- The functionality regarding taking over sockets from SystemServer has
  been moved to LibIPC/SystemServerTakeover.cpp. The Core::LocalSocket
  implementation of this functionality hasn't been deleted due to my
  intention of removing this class in the near future and to reduce
  noise on this (already quite noisy) PR.
2022-01-15 13:29:48 +03:30

288 lines
9.7 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/FileStream.h>
#include <AK/GenericLexer.h>
#include <AK/LexicalPath.h>
#include <AK/NumberFormat.h>
#include <AK/URL.h>
#include <LibCore/ArgsParser.h>
#include <LibCore/EventLoop.h>
#include <LibCore/File.h>
#include <LibCore/System.h>
#include <LibMain/Main.h>
#include <LibProtocol/Request.h>
#include <LibProtocol/RequestClient.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// FIXME: Move this somewhere else when it's needed (e.g. in the Browser)
class ContentDispositionParser {
ContentDispositionParser(StringView value)
GenericLexer lexer(value);
if (lexer.consume_specific("inline")) {
m_kind = Kind::Inline;
if (!lexer.is_eof())
m_might_be_wrong = true;
if (lexer.consume_specific("attachment")) {
m_kind = Kind::Attachment;
if (lexer.consume_specific(";")) {
if (lexer.consume_specific("filename=")) {
// RFC 2183: "A short (length <= 78 characters)
// parameter value containing only non-`tspecials' characters SHOULD be
// represented as a single `token'."
// Some people seem to take this as generic advice of "if it doesn't have special characters,
// it's safe to specify as a single token"
// So let's just be as lenient as possible.
if (lexer.next_is('"'))
m_filename = lexer.consume_quoted_string();
m_filename = lexer.consume_until(is_any_of("()<>@,;:\\\"/[]?= "));
} else {
m_might_be_wrong = true;
if (lexer.consume_specific("form-data")) {
m_kind = Kind::FormData;
while (lexer.consume_specific(";")) {
if (lexer.consume_specific("name=")) {
m_name = lexer.consume_quoted_string();
} else if (lexer.consume_specific("filename=")) {
if (lexer.next_is('"'))
m_filename = lexer.consume_quoted_string();
m_filename = lexer.consume_until(is_any_of("()<>@,;:\\\"/[]?= "));
} else {
m_might_be_wrong = true;
// FIXME: Support 'filename*'
m_might_be_wrong = true;
enum class Kind {
StringView filename() const { return m_filename; }
StringView name() const { return m_name; }
Kind kind() const { return m_kind; }
bool might_be_wrong() const { return m_might_be_wrong; }
StringView m_filename;
StringView m_name;
Kind m_kind { Kind::Inline };
bool m_might_be_wrong { false };
template<typename ConditionT>
class ConditionalOutputFileStream final : public OutputFileStream {
template<typename... Args>
ConditionalOutputFileStream(ConditionT&& condition, Args... args)
: OutputFileStream(args...)
, m_condition(condition)
if (!m_condition())
if (!m_buffer.is_empty()) {
size_t write(ReadonlyBytes bytes) override
if (!m_condition()) {
// FIXME: Propagate errors.
if (m_buffer.try_append(, bytes.size()).is_error())
return 0;
return bytes.size();
if (!m_buffer.is_empty()) {
auto size = OutputFileStream::write(m_buffer);
m_buffer = m_buffer.slice(size, m_buffer.size() - size);
if (!m_buffer.is_empty())
goto write_to_buffer;
return OutputFileStream::write(bytes);
ConditionT m_condition;
ByteBuffer m_buffer;
ErrorOr<int> serenity_main(Main::Arguments arguments)
const char* url_str = nullptr;
bool save_at_provided_name = false;
const char* data = nullptr;
String method = "GET";
HashMap<String, String, CaseInsensitiveStringTraits> request_headers;
Core::ArgsParser args_parser;
"Request a file from an arbitrary URL. This command uses RequestServer, "
"and thus supports at least http, https, and gemini.");
args_parser.add_option(save_at_provided_name, "Write to a file named as the remote file", nullptr, 'O');
args_parser.add_option(data, "(HTTP only) Send the provided data via an HTTP POST request", "data", 'd', "data");
args_parser.add_option(Core::ArgsParser::Option {
.requires_argument = true,
.help_string = "Add a header entry to the request",
.long_name = "header",
.short_name = 'H',
.value_name = "header-value",
.accept_value = [&](auto* s) {
StringView header { s };
auto split = header.find(':');
if (!split.has_value())
return false;
request_headers.set(header.substring_view(0, split.value()), header.substring_view(split.value() + 1));
return true;
} });
args_parser.add_positional_argument(url_str, "URL to download from", "url");
if (data) {
method = "POST";
// FIXME: Content-Type?
URL url(url_str);
if (!url.is_valid()) {
warnln("'{}' is not a valid URL", url_str);
return 1;
Core::EventLoop loop;
auto protocol_client = TRY(Protocol::RequestClient::try_create());
auto request = protocol_client->start_request(method, url, request_headers, data ? StringView { data }.bytes() : ReadonlyBytes {});
if (!request) {
warnln("Failed to start request for '{}'", url_str);
return 1;
u32 previous_downloaded_size { 0 };
u32 previous_midpoint_downloaded_size { 0 };
timeval prev_time, prev_midpoint_time, current_time, time_diff;
static constexpr auto download_speed_rolling_average_time_in_ms = 4000;
gettimeofday(&prev_time, nullptr);
bool received_actual_headers = false;
request->on_progress = [&](Optional<u32> maybe_total_size, u32 downloaded_size) {
if (maybe_total_size.has_value()) {
warn("\033]9;{};{};\033\\", downloaded_size, maybe_total_size.value());
warn("Download progress: {} / {}", human_readable_size(downloaded_size), human_readable_size(maybe_total_size.value()));
} else {
warn("Download progress: {} / ???", human_readable_size(downloaded_size));
gettimeofday(&current_time, nullptr);
timersub(&current_time, &prev_time, &time_diff);
auto time_diff_ms = time_diff.tv_sec * 1000 + time_diff.tv_usec / 1000;
auto size_diff = downloaded_size - previous_downloaded_size;
warn(" at {}/s", human_readable_size(((float)size_diff / (float)time_diff_ms) * 1000));
if (time_diff_ms >= download_speed_rolling_average_time_in_ms) {
previous_downloaded_size = previous_midpoint_downloaded_size;
prev_time = prev_midpoint_time;
} else if (time_diff_ms >= download_speed_rolling_average_time_in_ms / 2) {
previous_midpoint_downloaded_size = downloaded_size;
prev_midpoint_time = current_time;
if (save_at_provided_name) {
request->on_headers_received = [&](auto& response_headers, auto status_code) {
if (received_actual_headers)
dbgln("Received headers! response code = {}", status_code.value_or(0));
received_actual_headers = true; // And not trailers!
String output_name;
if (auto content_disposition = response_headers.get("Content-Disposition"); content_disposition.has_value()) {
auto& value = content_disposition.value();
ContentDispositionParser parser(value);
output_name = parser.filename();
if (output_name.is_empty())
output_name = url.path();
LexicalPath path { output_name };
output_name = path.basename();
// The URL didn't have a name component, e.g. ''
if (output_name.is_empty() || output_name == "/") {
int i = -1;
do {
output_name =;
if (i > -1)
output_name = String::formatted("{}.{}", output_name, i);
} while (Core::File::exists(output_name));
if (freopen(output_name.characters(), "w", stdout) == nullptr) {
request->on_finish = [&](bool success, auto) {
if (!success)
warnln("Request failed :(");
auto output_stream = ConditionalOutputFileStream { [&] { return save_at_provided_name ? received_actual_headers : true; }, stdout };
dbgln("started request with id {}", request->id());
auto rc = loop.exec();
// FIXME: This shouldn't be needed.
return rc;