Andrew Kaster a5e05c5082 LibWeb/WebIDL: Implement the wait for all AO
This abstract operation takes a list of IDL promises and chains them
together with .then() until all are completed or rejected.
2023-09-23 18:57:31 +02:00

271 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2022-2023, Linus Groh <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/Function.h>
#include <AK/TypeCasts.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/PromiseCapability.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/PromiseConstructor.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Realm.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/ExceptionOrUtils.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/HostDefined.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/ExceptionReporter.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebIDL/ExceptionOr.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebIDL/Promise.h>
namespace Web::WebIDL {
JS::NonnullGCPtr<Promise> create_promise(JS::Realm& realm)
auto& vm = realm.vm();
// 1. Let constructor be realm.[[Intrinsics]].[[%Promise%]].
auto constructor = realm.intrinsics().promise_constructor();
// Return ? NewPromiseCapability(constructor).
// NOTE: When called with %Promise%, NewPromiseCapability can't throw.
return MUST(JS::new_promise_capability(vm, constructor));
JS::NonnullGCPtr<Promise> create_resolved_promise(JS::Realm& realm, JS::Value value)
auto& vm = realm.vm();
// 1. Let value be the result of converting x to an ECMAScript value.
// 2. Let constructor be realm.[[Intrinsics]].[[%Promise%]].
auto constructor = realm.intrinsics().promise_constructor();
// 3. Let promiseCapability be ? NewPromiseCapability(constructor).
// NOTE: When called with %Promise%, NewPromiseCapability can't throw.
auto promise_capability = MUST(JS::new_promise_capability(vm, constructor));
// 4. Perform ! Call(promiseCapability.[[Resolve]], undefined, « value »).
MUST(JS::call(vm, *promise_capability->resolve(), JS::js_undefined(), value));
// 5. Return promiseCapability.
return promise_capability;
JS::NonnullGCPtr<Promise> create_rejected_promise(JS::Realm& realm, JS::Value reason)
auto& vm = realm.vm();
// 1. Let constructor be realm.[[Intrinsics]].[[%Promise%]].
auto constructor = realm.intrinsics().promise_constructor();
// 2. Let promiseCapability be ? NewPromiseCapability(constructor).
// NOTE: When called with %Promise%, NewPromiseCapability can't throw.
auto promise_capability = MUST(JS::new_promise_capability(vm, constructor));
// 3. Perform ! Call(promiseCapability.[[Reject]], undefined, « r »).
MUST(JS::call(vm, *promise_capability->reject(), JS::js_undefined(), reason));
// 4. Return promiseCapability.
return promise_capability;
void resolve_promise(JS::Realm& realm, Promise const& promise, JS::Value value)
auto& vm = realm.vm();
// 1. If x is not given, then let it be the undefined value.
// NOTE: This is done via the default argument.
// 2. Let value be the result of converting x to an ECMAScript value.
// 3. Perform ! Call(p.[[Resolve]], undefined, « value »).
MUST(JS::call(vm, *promise.resolve(), JS::js_undefined(), value));
void reject_promise(JS::Realm& realm, Promise const& promise, JS::Value reason)
auto& vm = realm.vm();
// 1. Perform ! Call(p.[[Reject]], undefined, « r »).
MUST(JS::call(vm, *promise.reject(), JS::js_undefined(), reason));
JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Promise> react_to_promise(Promise const& promise, Optional<ReactionSteps> on_fulfilled_callback, Optional<ReactionSteps> on_rejected_callback)
auto& realm = promise.promise()->shape().realm();
auto& vm = realm.vm();
// 1. Let onFulfilledSteps be the following steps given argument V:
auto on_fulfilled_steps = [on_fulfilled_callback = move(on_fulfilled_callback)](JS::VM& vm) -> JS::ThrowCompletionOr<JS::Value> {
// 1. Let value be the result of converting V to an IDL value of type T.
auto value = vm.argument(0);
// 2. If there is a set of steps to be run if the promise was fulfilled, then let result be the result of performing them, given value if T is not undefined. Otherwise, let result be value.
auto result = on_fulfilled_callback.has_value()
? TRY(Bindings::throw_dom_exception_if_needed(vm, [&] { return (*on_fulfilled_callback)(value); }))
: value;
// 3. Return result, converted to an ECMAScript value.
return result;
// 2. Let onFulfilled be CreateBuiltinFunction(onFulfilledSteps, « »):
auto on_fulfilled = JS::NativeFunction::create(realm, move(on_fulfilled_steps), 1, "");
// 3. Let onRejectedSteps be the following steps given argument R:
auto on_rejected_steps = [&realm, on_rejected_callback = move(on_rejected_callback)](JS::VM& vm) -> JS::ThrowCompletionOr<JS::Value> {
// 1. Let reason be the result of converting R to an IDL value of type any.
auto reason = vm.argument(0);
// 2. If there is a set of steps to be run if the promise was rejected, then let result be the result of performing them, given reason. Otherwise, let result be a promise rejected with reason.
auto result = on_rejected_callback.has_value()
? TRY(Bindings::throw_dom_exception_if_needed(vm, [&] { return (*on_rejected_callback)(reason); }))
: WebIDL::create_rejected_promise(realm, reason)->promise();
// 3. Return result, converted to an ECMAScript value.
return result;
// 4. Let onRejected be CreateBuiltinFunction(onRejectedSteps, « »):
auto on_rejected = JS::NativeFunction::create(realm, move(on_rejected_steps), 1, "");
// 5. Let constructor be promise.[[Promise]].[[Realm]].[[Intrinsics]].[[%Promise%]].
auto constructor = realm.intrinsics().promise_constructor();
// 6. Let newCapability be ? NewPromiseCapability(constructor).
// NOTE: When called with %Promise%, NewPromiseCapability can't throw.
auto new_capability = MUST(JS::new_promise_capability(vm, constructor));
// 7. Return PerformPromiseThen(promise.[[Promise]], onFulfilled, onRejected, newCapability).
auto promise_object = verify_cast<JS::Promise>(promise.promise().ptr());
auto value = promise_object->perform_then(on_fulfilled, on_rejected, new_capability);
return verify_cast<JS::Promise>(value.as_object());
JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Promise> upon_fulfillment(Promise const& promise, ReactionSteps steps)
// 1. Return the result of reacting to promise:
return react_to_promise(promise,
// - If promise was fulfilled with value v, then:
[steps = move(steps)](auto value) {
// 1. Perform steps with v.
// NOTE: The `return` is not immediately obvious, but `steps` may be something like
// "Return the result of ...", which we also need to do _here_.
return steps(value);
JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Promise> upon_rejection(Promise const& promise, ReactionSteps steps)
// 1. Return the result of reacting to promise:
return react_to_promise(promise, {},
// - If promise was rejected with reason r, then:
[steps = move(steps)](auto reason) {
// 1. Perform steps with r.
// NOTE: The `return` is not immediately obvious, but `steps` may be something like
// "Return the result of ...", which we also need to do _here_.
return steps(reason);
void mark_promise_as_handled(Promise const& promise)
// To mark as handled a Promise<T> promise, set promise.[[Promise]].[[PromiseIsHandled]] to true.
auto promise_object = verify_cast<JS::Promise>(promise.promise().ptr());
void wait_for_all(JS::Realm& realm, JS::MarkedVector<JS::NonnullGCPtr<Promise>> const& promises, JS::SafeFunction<void(JS::MarkedVector<JS::Value> const&)> success_steps, JS::SafeFunction<void(JS::Value)> failure_steps)
// FIXME: Fix spec typo, fullfilled --> fulfilled
// 1. Let fullfilledCount be 0.
size_t fulfilled_count = 0;
// 2. Let rejected be false.
auto rejected = false;
// 3. Let rejectionHandlerSteps be the following steps given arg:
auto rejection_handler_steps = [&rejected, failure_steps = move(failure_steps)](JS::VM& vm) -> JS::ThrowCompletionOr<JS::Value> {
// 1. If rejected is true, abort these steps.
if (rejected)
return JS::js_undefined();
// 2. Set rejected to true.
rejected = true;
// 3. Perform failureSteps given arg.
return JS::js_undefined();
// 4. Let rejectionHandler be CreateBuiltinFunction(rejectionHandlerSteps, « »):
auto rejection_handler = JS::NativeFunction::create(realm, move(rejection_handler_steps), 1, "");
// 5. Let total be promisess size.
auto total = promises.size();
// 6. If total is 0, then:
if (total == 0) {
// 1. Queue a microtask to perform successSteps given « ».
HTML::queue_a_microtask(nullptr, [&realm, success_steps = move(success_steps)] {
success_steps(JS::MarkedVector<JS::Value> { realm.heap() });
// 2. Return.
// 7. Let index be 0.
auto index = 0;
// 8. Let result be a list containing total null values.
auto result = JS::MarkedVector<JS::Value>(realm.heap());
for (size_t i = 0; i < total; ++i)
// 9. For each promise of promises:
for (auto const& promise : promises) {
// 1. Let promiseIndex be index.
auto promise_index = index;
// FIXME: This should be fulfillmentHandlerSteps
// 2. Let fulfillmentHandler be the following steps given arg:
auto fulfillment_handler_steps = [&](JS::VM& vm) -> JS::ThrowCompletionOr<JS::Value> {
auto arg = vm.argument(0);
// 1. Set result[promiseIndex] to arg.
result[promise_index] = arg;
// 2. Set fullfilledCount to fullfilledCount + 1.
// 3. If fullfilledCount equals total, then perform successSteps given result.
if (fulfilled_count == total)
return JS::js_undefined();
// 3. Let fulfillmentHandler be CreateBuiltinFunction(fulfillmentHandler, « »):
auto fulfillment_handler = JS::NativeFunction::create(realm, move(fulfillment_handler_steps), 1, "");
// 4. Perform PerformPromiseThen(promise, fulfillmentHandler, rejectionHandler).
static_cast<JS::Promise&>(*promise->promise()).perform_then(fulfillment_handler, rejection_handler, nullptr);
// 5. Set index to index + 1.