mirror of
synced 2024-11-13 11:42:38 +03:00
Thanks to @alimpfard for suggesting this :)
952 lines
33 KiB
952 lines
33 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2021, Itamar S. <itamar8910@gmail.com>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include <AK/FlyString.h>
#include <AK/NonnullRefPtrVector.h>
#include <AK/Optional.h>
#include <AK/RefCounted.h>
#include <AK/String.h>
#include <AK/TypeCasts.h>
#include <AK/Vector.h>
#include <LibCpp/Lexer.h>
namespace Cpp {
class ASTNode;
class TranslationUnit;
class Declaration;
class FunctionDefinition;
class Type;
class Parameter;
class Statement;
class Name;
class ASTNode : public RefCounted<ASTNode> {
virtual ~ASTNode() = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const = 0;
virtual void dump(FILE* = stdout, size_t indent = 0) const;
template<typename T>
bool fast_is() const = delete;
ASTNode* parent() const { return m_parent; }
Position start() const
return m_start.value();
Position end() const
return m_end.value();
const FlyString& filename() const
return m_filename;
void set_end(const Position& end) { m_end = end; }
void set_parent(ASTNode& parent) { m_parent = &parent; }
virtual NonnullRefPtrVector<Declaration> declarations() const { return {}; }
virtual bool is_identifier() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_member_expression() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_variable_or_parameter_declaration() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_function_call() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_type() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_declaration() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_name() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_dummy_node() const { return false; }
ASTNode(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename)
: m_parent(parent)
, m_start(start)
, m_end(end)
, m_filename(filename)
ASTNode* m_parent { nullptr };
Optional<Position> m_start;
Optional<Position> m_end;
FlyString m_filename;
class TranslationUnit : public ASTNode {
virtual ~TranslationUnit() override = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "TranslationUnit"; }
virtual void dump(FILE* = stdout, size_t indent = 0) const override;
virtual NonnullRefPtrVector<Declaration> declarations() const override { return m_declarations; }
TranslationUnit(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename)
: ASTNode(parent, start, end, filename)
void set_declarations(NonnullRefPtrVector<Declaration>&& declarations) { m_declarations = move(declarations); }
NonnullRefPtrVector<Declaration> m_declarations;
class Statement : public ASTNode {
virtual ~Statement() override = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "Statement"; }
virtual NonnullRefPtrVector<Declaration> declarations() const override;
Statement(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename)
: ASTNode(parent, start, end, filename)
class Declaration : public Statement {
virtual bool is_declaration() const override { return true; }
virtual bool is_variable_declaration() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_parameter() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_struct_or_class() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_struct() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_class() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_function() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_namespace() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_member() const { return false; }
const StringView& name() const { return m_name; }
void set_name(const StringView& name) { m_name = move(name); }
Declaration(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename)
: Statement(parent, start, end, filename)
StringView m_name;
class InvalidDeclaration : public Declaration {
virtual ~InvalidDeclaration() override = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "InvalidDeclaration"; }
InvalidDeclaration(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename)
: Declaration(parent, start, end, filename)
class FunctionDeclaration : public Declaration {
virtual ~FunctionDeclaration() override = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "FunctionDeclaration"; }
virtual void dump(FILE* = stdout, size_t indent = 0) const override;
virtual bool is_function() const override { return true; }
virtual bool is_constructor() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_destructor() const { return false; }
RefPtr<FunctionDefinition> definition() { return m_definition; }
FunctionDeclaration(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename)
: Declaration(parent, start, end, filename)
virtual NonnullRefPtrVector<Declaration> declarations() const override;
const Vector<StringView>& qualifiers() const { return m_qualifiers; }
void set_qualifiers(const Vector<StringView>& qualifiers) { m_qualifiers = qualifiers; }
const Type* return_type() const { return m_return_type.ptr(); }
void set_return_type(const RefPtr<Type>& return_type) { m_return_type = return_type; }
const NonnullRefPtrVector<Parameter>& parameters() const { return m_parameters; }
void set_parameters(const NonnullRefPtrVector<Parameter>& parameters) { m_parameters = parameters; }
const FunctionDefinition* definition() const { return m_definition.ptr(); }
void set_definition(RefPtr<FunctionDefinition>&& definition) { m_definition = move(definition); }
Vector<StringView> m_qualifiers;
RefPtr<Type> m_return_type;
NonnullRefPtrVector<Parameter> m_parameters;
RefPtr<FunctionDefinition> m_definition;
class VariableOrParameterDeclaration : public Declaration {
virtual ~VariableOrParameterDeclaration() override = default;
virtual bool is_variable_or_parameter_declaration() const override { return true; }
void set_type(RefPtr<Type>&& type) { m_type = move(type); }
const Type* type() const { return m_type.ptr(); }
VariableOrParameterDeclaration(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename)
: Declaration(parent, start, end, filename)
RefPtr<Type> m_type;
class Parameter : public VariableOrParameterDeclaration {
virtual ~Parameter() override = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "Parameter"; }
virtual void dump(FILE* = stdout, size_t indent = 0) const override;
virtual bool is_parameter() const override { return true; }
Parameter(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename, StringView name)
: VariableOrParameterDeclaration(parent, start, end, filename)
m_name = name;
bool is_ellipsis() const { return m_is_ellipsis; }
void set_ellipsis(bool is_ellipsis) { m_is_ellipsis = is_ellipsis; }
bool m_is_ellipsis { false };
class Type : public ASTNode {
virtual ~Type() override = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "Type"; }
virtual bool is_type() const override { return true; }
virtual bool is_templatized() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_named_type() const { return false; }
virtual String to_string() const = 0;
virtual void dump(FILE* = stdout, size_t indent = 0) const override;
bool is_auto() const { return m_is_auto; }
void set_auto(bool is_auto) { m_is_auto = is_auto; }
Vector<StringView> const& qualifiers() const { return m_qualifiers; }
void set_qualifiers(Vector<StringView>&& qualifiers) { m_qualifiers = move(qualifiers); }
Type(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename)
: ASTNode(parent, start, end, filename)
bool m_is_auto { false };
Vector<StringView> m_qualifiers;
class NamedType : public Type {
virtual ~NamedType() override = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "NamedType"; }
virtual String to_string() const override;
virtual bool is_named_type() const override { return true; }
NamedType(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename)
: Type(parent, start, end, filename)
const Name* name() const { return m_name.ptr(); }
void set_name(RefPtr<Name>&& name) { m_name = move(name); }
RefPtr<Name> m_name;
class Pointer : public Type {
virtual ~Pointer() override = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "Pointer"; }
virtual void dump(FILE* = stdout, size_t indent = 0) const override;
virtual String to_string() const override;
Pointer(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename)
: Type(parent, start, end, filename)
const Type* pointee() const { return m_pointee.ptr(); }
void set_pointee(RefPtr<Type>&& pointee) { m_pointee = move(pointee); }
RefPtr<Type> m_pointee;
class FunctionDefinition : public ASTNode {
virtual ~FunctionDefinition() override = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "FunctionDefinition"; }
virtual void dump(FILE* = stdout, size_t indent = 0) const override;
FunctionDefinition(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename)
: ASTNode(parent, start, end, filename)
virtual NonnullRefPtrVector<Declaration> declarations() const override;
NonnullRefPtrVector<Statement> const& statements() { return m_statements; }
void add_statement(NonnullRefPtr<Statement>&& statement) { m_statements.append(move(statement)); }
NonnullRefPtrVector<Statement> m_statements;
class InvalidStatement : public Statement {
virtual ~InvalidStatement() override = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "InvalidStatement"; }
InvalidStatement(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename)
: Statement(parent, start, end, filename)
class Expression : public Statement {
virtual ~Expression() override = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "Expression"; }
Expression(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename)
: Statement(parent, start, end, filename)
class InvalidExpression : public Expression {
virtual ~InvalidExpression() override = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "InvalidExpression"; }
InvalidExpression(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename)
: Expression(parent, start, end, filename)
class VariableDeclaration : public VariableOrParameterDeclaration {
virtual ~VariableDeclaration() override = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "VariableDeclaration"; }
virtual void dump(FILE* = stdout, size_t indent = 0) const override;
VariableDeclaration(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename)
: VariableOrParameterDeclaration(parent, start, end, filename)
virtual bool is_variable_declaration() const override { return true; }
const Expression* initial_value() const { return m_initial_value; }
void set_initial_value(RefPtr<Expression>&& initial_value) { m_initial_value = move(initial_value); }
RefPtr<Expression> m_initial_value;
class Identifier : public Expression {
virtual ~Identifier() override = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "Identifier"; }
virtual void dump(FILE* = stdout, size_t indent = 0) const override;
Identifier(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename, StringView name)
: Expression(parent, start, end, filename)
, m_name(name)
Identifier(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename)
: Identifier(parent, start, end, filename, {})
virtual bool is_identifier() const override { return true; }
StringView const& name() const { return m_name; }
void set_name(StringView&& name) { m_name = move(name); }
StringView m_name;
class Name : public Expression {
virtual ~Name() override = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "Name"; }
virtual void dump(FILE* = stdout, size_t indent = 0) const override;
virtual bool is_name() const override { return true; }
virtual bool is_templatized() const { return false; }
Name(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename)
: Expression(parent, start, end, filename)
virtual String full_name() const;
const Identifier* name() const { return m_name.ptr(); }
void set_name(RefPtr<Identifier>&& name) { m_name = move(name); }
NonnullRefPtrVector<Identifier> const& scope() const { return m_scope; }
void set_scope(NonnullRefPtrVector<Identifier> scope) { m_scope = move(scope); }
void add_to_scope(NonnullRefPtr<Identifier>&& part) { m_scope.append(move(part)); }
RefPtr<Identifier> m_name;
NonnullRefPtrVector<Identifier> m_scope;
class TemplatizedName : public Name {
virtual ~TemplatizedName() override = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "TemplatizedName"; }
virtual bool is_templatized() const override { return true; }
virtual String full_name() const override;
TemplatizedName(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename)
: Name(parent, start, end, filename)
void add_template_argument(NonnullRefPtr<Type>&& type) { m_template_arguments.append(move(type)); }
NonnullRefPtrVector<Type> m_template_arguments;
class NumericLiteral : public Expression {
virtual ~NumericLiteral() override = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "NumericLiteral"; }
virtual void dump(FILE* = stdout, size_t indent = 0) const override;
NumericLiteral(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename, StringView value)
: Expression(parent, start, end, filename)
, m_value(value)
StringView m_value;
class NullPointerLiteral : public Expression {
virtual ~NullPointerLiteral() override = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "NullPointerLiteral"; }
virtual void dump(FILE* = stdout, size_t indent = 0) const override;
NullPointerLiteral(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename)
: Expression(parent, start, end, filename)
class BooleanLiteral : public Expression {
virtual ~BooleanLiteral() override = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "BooleanLiteral"; }
virtual void dump(FILE* = stdout, size_t indent = 0) const override;
BooleanLiteral(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename, bool value)
: Expression(parent, start, end, filename)
, m_value(value)
bool m_value;
enum class BinaryOp {
class BinaryExpression : public Expression {
BinaryExpression(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename)
: Expression(parent, start, end, filename)
virtual ~BinaryExpression() override = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "BinaryExpression"; }
virtual void dump(FILE* = stdout, size_t indent = 0) const override;
BinaryOp op() const { return m_op; }
void set_op(BinaryOp op) { m_op = op; }
Expression const* lhs() const { return m_lhs.ptr(); }
void set_lhs(RefPtr<Expression>&& e) { m_lhs = move(e); }
Expression const* rhs() const { return m_rhs.ptr(); }
void set_rhs(RefPtr<Expression>&& e) { m_rhs = move(e); }
BinaryOp m_op;
RefPtr<Expression> m_lhs;
RefPtr<Expression> m_rhs;
enum class AssignmentOp {
class AssignmentExpression : public Expression {
AssignmentExpression(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename)
: Expression(parent, start, end, filename)
virtual ~AssignmentExpression() override = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "AssignmentExpression"; }
virtual void dump(FILE* = stdout, size_t indent = 0) const override;
AssignmentOp op() const { return m_op; }
void set_op(AssignmentOp op) { m_op = op; }
const Expression* lhs() const { return m_lhs; }
void set_lhs(RefPtr<Expression>&& e) { m_lhs = move(e); }
const Expression* rhs() const { return m_rhs; }
void set_rhs(RefPtr<Expression>&& e) { m_rhs = move(e); }
AssignmentOp m_op {};
RefPtr<Expression> m_lhs;
RefPtr<Expression> m_rhs;
class FunctionCall : public Expression {
FunctionCall(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename)
: Expression(parent, start, end, filename)
virtual ~FunctionCall() override = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "FunctionCall"; }
virtual void dump(FILE* = stdout, size_t indent = 0) const override;
virtual bool is_function_call() const override { return true; }
const Expression* callee() const { return m_callee.ptr(); }
void set_callee(RefPtr<Expression>&& callee) { m_callee = move(callee); }
void add_argument(NonnullRefPtr<Expression>&& arg) { m_arguments.append(move(arg)); }
NonnullRefPtrVector<Expression> const& arguments() const { return m_arguments; }
RefPtr<Expression> m_callee;
NonnullRefPtrVector<Expression> m_arguments;
class StringLiteral final : public Expression {
StringLiteral(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename)
: Expression(parent, start, end, filename)
~StringLiteral() override = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "StringLiteral"; }
virtual void dump(FILE* = stdout, size_t indent = 0) const override;
String const& value() const { return m_value; }
void set_value(String value) { m_value = move(value); }
String m_value;
class ReturnStatement : public Statement {
virtual ~ReturnStatement() override = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "ReturnStatement"; }
ReturnStatement(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename)
: Statement(parent, start, end, filename)
virtual void dump(FILE* = stdout, size_t indent = 0) const override;
const Expression* value() const { return m_value.ptr(); }
void set_value(RefPtr<Expression>&& value) { m_value = move(value); }
RefPtr<Expression> m_value;
class EnumDeclaration : public Declaration {
virtual ~EnumDeclaration() override = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "EnumDeclaration"; }
virtual void dump(FILE* = stdout, size_t indent = 0) const override;
EnumDeclaration(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename)
: Declaration(parent, start, end, filename)
enum class Type {
void set_type(Type type) { m_type = type; }
void add_entry(StringView entry) { m_entries.append(move(entry)); }
Type m_type { Type::RegularEnum };
Vector<StringView> m_entries;
class StructOrClassDeclaration : public Declaration {
virtual ~StructOrClassDeclaration() override = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "StructOrClassDeclaration"; }
virtual void dump(FILE* = stdout, size_t indent = 0) const override;
virtual bool is_struct_or_class() const override { return true; }
virtual bool is_struct() const override { return m_type == Type::Struct; }
virtual bool is_class() const override { return m_type == Type::Class; }
virtual NonnullRefPtrVector<Declaration> declarations() const override;
enum class Type {
StructOrClassDeclaration(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename, StructOrClassDeclaration::Type type)
: Declaration(parent, start, end, filename)
, m_type(type)
NonnullRefPtrVector<Declaration> const& members() const { return m_members; }
void set_members(NonnullRefPtrVector<Declaration>&& members) { m_members = move(members); }
StructOrClassDeclaration::Type m_type;
NonnullRefPtrVector<Declaration> m_members;
enum class UnaryOp {
class UnaryExpression : public Expression {
UnaryExpression(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename)
: Expression(parent, start, end, filename)
virtual ~UnaryExpression() override = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "UnaryExpression"; }
virtual void dump(FILE* = stdout, size_t indent = 0) const override;
void set_op(UnaryOp op) { m_op = op; }
void set_lhs(RefPtr<Expression>&& e) { m_lhs = move(e); }
UnaryOp m_op;
RefPtr<Expression> m_lhs;
class MemberExpression : public Expression {
MemberExpression(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename)
: Expression(parent, start, end, filename)
virtual ~MemberExpression() override = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "MemberExpression"; }
virtual void dump(FILE* = stdout, size_t indent = 0) const override;
virtual bool is_member_expression() const override { return true; }
const Expression* object() const { return m_object.ptr(); }
void set_object(RefPtr<Expression>&& object) { m_object = move(object); }
const Expression* property() const { return m_property.ptr(); }
void set_property(RefPtr<Expression>&& property) { m_property = move(property); }
RefPtr<Expression> m_object;
RefPtr<Expression> m_property;
class ForStatement : public Statement {
ForStatement(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename)
: Statement(parent, start, end, filename)
virtual ~ForStatement() override = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "ForStatement"; }
virtual void dump(FILE* = stdout, size_t indent = 0) const override;
virtual NonnullRefPtrVector<Declaration> declarations() const override;
void set_init(RefPtr<VariableDeclaration>&& init) { m_init = move(init); }
void set_test(RefPtr<Expression>&& test) { m_test = move(test); }
void set_update(RefPtr<Expression>&& update) { m_update = move(update); }
void set_body(RefPtr<Statement>&& body) { m_body = move(body); }
const Statement* body() const { return m_body.ptr(); }
RefPtr<VariableDeclaration> m_init;
RefPtr<Expression> m_test;
RefPtr<Expression> m_update;
RefPtr<Statement> m_body;
class BlockStatement final : public Statement {
BlockStatement(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename)
: Statement(parent, start, end, filename)
virtual ~BlockStatement() override = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "BlockStatement"; }
virtual void dump(FILE* = stdout, size_t indent = 0) const override;
virtual NonnullRefPtrVector<Declaration> declarations() const override;
void add_statement(NonnullRefPtr<Statement>&& statement) { m_statements.append(move(statement)); }
NonnullRefPtrVector<Statement> m_statements;
class Comment final : public Statement {
Comment(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename)
: Statement(parent, start, end, filename)
virtual ~Comment() override = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "Comment"; }
class IfStatement : public Statement {
IfStatement(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename)
: Statement(parent, start, end, filename)
virtual ~IfStatement() override = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "IfStatement"; }
virtual void dump(FILE* = stdout, size_t indent = 0) const override;
virtual NonnullRefPtrVector<Declaration> declarations() const override;
void set_predicate(RefPtr<Expression>&& predicate) { m_predicate = move(predicate); }
void set_then_statement(RefPtr<Statement>&& then) { m_then = move(then); }
void set_else_statement(RefPtr<Statement>&& _else) { m_else = move(_else); }
const Statement* then_statement() const { return m_then.ptr(); }
const Statement* else_statement() const { return m_else.ptr(); }
RefPtr<Expression> m_predicate;
RefPtr<Statement> m_then;
RefPtr<Statement> m_else;
class NamespaceDeclaration : public Declaration {
virtual ~NamespaceDeclaration() override = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "NamespaceDeclaration"; }
virtual void dump(FILE* = stdout, size_t indent = 0) const override;
virtual bool is_namespace() const override { return true; }
NamespaceDeclaration(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename)
: Declaration(parent, start, end, filename)
virtual NonnullRefPtrVector<Declaration> declarations() const override { return m_declarations; }
void add_declaration(NonnullRefPtr<Declaration>&& declaration) { m_declarations.append(move(declaration)); }
NonnullRefPtrVector<Declaration> m_declarations;
class CppCastExpression : public Expression {
CppCastExpression(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename)
: Expression(parent, start, end, filename)
virtual ~CppCastExpression() override = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "CppCastExpression"; }
virtual void dump(FILE* = stdout, size_t indent = 0) const override;
void set_cast_type(StringView cast_type) { m_cast_type = move(cast_type); }
void set_type(NonnullRefPtr<Type>&& type) { m_type = move(type); }
void set_expression(NonnullRefPtr<Expression>&& e) { m_expression = move(e); }
StringView m_cast_type;
RefPtr<Type> m_type;
RefPtr<Expression> m_expression;
class CStyleCastExpression : public Expression {
CStyleCastExpression(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename)
: Expression(parent, start, end, filename)
virtual ~CStyleCastExpression() override = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "CStyleCastExpression"; }
virtual void dump(FILE* = stdout, size_t indent = 0) const override;
void set_type(NonnullRefPtr<Type>&& type) { m_type = move(type); }
void set_expression(NonnullRefPtr<Expression>&& e) { m_expression = move(e); }
RefPtr<Type> m_type;
RefPtr<Expression> m_expression;
class SizeofExpression : public Expression {
SizeofExpression(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename)
: Expression(parent, start, end, filename)
virtual ~SizeofExpression() override = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "SizeofExpression"; }
virtual void dump(FILE* = stdout, size_t indent = 0) const override;
void set_type(RefPtr<Type>&& type) { m_type = move(type); }
RefPtr<Type> m_type;
class BracedInitList : public Expression {
BracedInitList(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename)
: Expression(parent, start, end, filename)
virtual ~BracedInitList() override = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "BracedInitList"; }
virtual void dump(FILE* = stdout, size_t indent = 0) const override;
void add_expression(NonnullRefPtr<Expression>&& exp) { m_expressions.append(move(exp)); }
NonnullRefPtrVector<Expression> m_expressions;
class DummyAstNode : public ASTNode {
DummyAstNode(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename)
: ASTNode(parent, start, end, filename)
virtual bool is_dummy_node() const override { return true; }
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "DummyAstNode"; }
virtual void dump(FILE* = stdout, size_t = 0) const override { }
class Constructor : public FunctionDeclaration {
virtual ~Constructor() override = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "Constructor"; }
virtual void dump(FILE* = stdout, size_t indent = 0) const override;
virtual bool is_constructor() const override { return true; }
Constructor(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename)
: FunctionDeclaration(parent, start, end, filename)
class Destructor : public FunctionDeclaration {
virtual ~Destructor() override = default;
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return "Destructor"; }
virtual void dump(FILE* = stdout, size_t indent = 0) const override;
virtual bool is_destructor() const override { return true; }
Destructor(ASTNode* parent, Optional<Position> start, Optional<Position> end, const String& filename)
: FunctionDeclaration(parent, start, end, filename)
inline bool ASTNode::fast_is<Identifier>() const { return is_identifier(); }
inline bool ASTNode::fast_is<MemberExpression>() const { return is_member_expression(); }
inline bool ASTNode::fast_is<VariableOrParameterDeclaration>() const { return is_variable_or_parameter_declaration(); }
inline bool ASTNode::fast_is<FunctionCall>() const { return is_function_call(); }
inline bool ASTNode::fast_is<Type>() const { return is_type(); }
inline bool ASTNode::fast_is<Declaration>() const { return is_declaration(); }
inline bool ASTNode::fast_is<Name>() const { return is_name(); }
inline bool ASTNode::fast_is<DummyAstNode>() const { return is_dummy_node(); }
inline bool ASTNode::fast_is<VariableDeclaration>() const { return is_declaration() && verify_cast<Declaration>(*this).is_variable_declaration(); }
inline bool ASTNode::fast_is<StructOrClassDeclaration>() const { return is_declaration() && verify_cast<Declaration>(*this).is_struct_or_class(); }
inline bool ASTNode::fast_is<FunctionDeclaration>() const { return is_declaration() && verify_cast<Declaration>(*this).is_function(); }
inline bool ASTNode::fast_is<NamespaceDeclaration>() const { return is_declaration() && verify_cast<Declaration>(*this).is_namespace(); }
inline bool ASTNode::fast_is<Constructor>() const { return is_declaration() && verify_cast<Declaration>(*this).is_function() && verify_cast<FunctionDeclaration>(*this).is_constructor(); }
inline bool ASTNode::fast_is<Destructor>() const { return is_declaration() && verify_cast<Declaration>(*this).is_function() && verify_cast<FunctionDeclaration>(*this).is_destructor(); }
inline bool ASTNode::fast_is<NamedType>() const { return is_type() && verify_cast<Type>(*this).is_named_type(); }
inline bool ASTNode::fast_is<TemplatizedName>() const { return is_name() && verify_cast<Name>(*this).is_templatized(); }