
130 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2021, Luke Wilde <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/HostDefined.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/Intrinsics.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Document.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/WindowEnvironmentSettingsObject.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Window.h>
namespace Web::HTML {
WindowEnvironmentSettingsObject::WindowEnvironmentSettingsObject(Window& window, NonnullOwnPtr<JS::ExecutionContext> execution_context)
: EnvironmentSettingsObject(move(execution_context))
, m_window(window)
WindowEnvironmentSettingsObject::~WindowEnvironmentSettingsObject() = default;
void WindowEnvironmentSettingsObject::visit_edges(JS::Cell::Visitor& visitor)
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> WindowEnvironmentSettingsObject::setup(AK::URL const& creation_url, NonnullOwnPtr<JS::ExecutionContext> execution_context, Optional<Environment> reserved_environment, AK::URL top_level_creation_url, Origin top_level_origin)
// 1. Let realm be the value of execution context's Realm component.
auto* realm = execution_context->realm;
// 2. Let window be realm's global object.
auto& window = verify_cast<HTML::Window>(realm->global_object());
// 3. Let settings object be a new environment settings object whose algorithms are defined as follows:
// NOTE: See the functions defined for this class.
auto settings_object = MUST_OR_THROW_OOM(realm->heap().allocate<WindowEnvironmentSettingsObject>(*realm, window, move(execution_context)));
// 4. If reservedEnvironment is non-null, then:
if (reserved_environment.has_value()) {
// FIXME: 1. Set settings object's id to reservedEnvironment's id,
// target browsing context to reservedEnvironment's target browsing context,
// and active service worker to reservedEnvironment's active service worker.
settings_object->id = reserved_environment->id;
settings_object->target_browsing_context = reserved_environment->target_browsing_context;
// 2. Set reservedEnvironment's id to the empty string.
reserved_environment->id = DeprecatedString::empty();
// 5. Otherwise, ...
else {
// FIXME: ...set settings object's id to a new unique opaque string,
// settings object's target browsing context to null,
// and settings object's active service worker to null.
static i64 next_id = 1;
settings_object->id = DeprecatedString::number(next_id++);
settings_object->target_browsing_context = nullptr;
// 6. Set settings object's creation URL to creationURL,
// settings object's top-level creation URL to topLevelCreationURL,
// and settings object's top-level origin to topLevelOrigin.
settings_object->creation_url = creation_url;
settings_object->top_level_creation_url = top_level_creation_url;
settings_object->top_level_origin = top_level_origin;
// 7. Set realm's [[HostDefined]] field to settings object.
// Non-Standard: We store the ESO next to the web intrinsics in a custom HostDefined object
auto intrinsics = MUST_OR_THROW_OOM(realm->heap().allocate<Bindings::Intrinsics>(*realm, *realm));
auto host_defined = make<Bindings::HostDefined>(settings_object, intrinsics);
// Non-Standard: We cannot fully initialize window object until *after* the we set up
// the realm's [[HostDefined]] internal slot as the internal slot contains the web platform intrinsics
return {};
JS::GCPtr<DOM::Document> WindowEnvironmentSettingsObject::responsible_document()
// Return window's associated Document.
return m_window->associated_document();
DeprecatedString WindowEnvironmentSettingsObject::api_url_character_encoding()
// Return the current character encoding of window's associated Document.
return m_window->associated_document().encoding_or_default();
AK::URL WindowEnvironmentSettingsObject::api_base_url()
// Return the current base URL of window's associated Document.
return m_window->associated_document().base_url();
Origin WindowEnvironmentSettingsObject::origin()
// Return the origin of window's associated Document.
return m_window->associated_document().origin();
PolicyContainer WindowEnvironmentSettingsObject::policy_container()
// Return the policy container of window's associated Document.
return m_window->associated_document().policy_container();
CanUseCrossOriginIsolatedAPIs WindowEnvironmentSettingsObject::cross_origin_isolated_capability()
// FIXME: Return true if both of the following hold, and false otherwise:
// 1. realm's agent cluster's cross-origin-isolation mode is "concrete", and
// 2. window's associated Document is allowed to use the "cross-origin-isolated" feature.
return CanUseCrossOriginIsolatedAPIs::Yes;