Andreas Kling 28fdc7af05 LibWeb: Detach stale layout nodes from DOM during layout tree build
When toggling `display: none` on an element, it can go from having a
layout subtree to not having one. In the `none` case, we were previously
leaving stale layout nodes hanging off DOM nodes in the subtree.

These layout nodes could be queried for outdated information and
probably other things that we shouldn't allow.

Fix this by having TreeBuilder prune any old layout nodes hanging off
nodes in a subtree after its subtree root doesn't produce a layout node.
2023-08-01 09:19:41 +02:00

711 lines
24 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2018-2023, Andreas Kling <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include <AK/Badge.h>
#include <AK/DeprecatedString.h>
#include <AK/FlyString.h>
#include <AK/JsonObjectSerializer.h>
#include <AK/RefPtr.h>
#include <AK/TypeCasts.h>
#include <AK/Vector.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/AccessibilityTreeNode.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/EventTarget.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOMParsing/XMLSerializer.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebIDL/ExceptionOr.h>
namespace Web::DOM {
enum class NodeType : u16 {
enum class NameOrDescription {
struct GetRootNodeOptions {
bool composed { false };
class Node : public EventTarget {
ParentNode* parent_or_shadow_host();
ParentNode const* parent_or_shadow_host() const { return const_cast<Node*>(this)->parent_or_shadow_host(); }
Element* parent_or_shadow_host_element();
Element const* parent_or_shadow_host_element() const { return const_cast<Node*>(this)->parent_or_shadow_host_element(); }
virtual ~Node();
NodeType type() const { return m_type; }
bool is_element() const { return type() == NodeType::ELEMENT_NODE; }
bool is_text() const { return type() == NodeType::TEXT_NODE; }
bool is_document() const { return type() == NodeType::DOCUMENT_NODE; }
bool is_document_type() const { return type() == NodeType::DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE; }
bool is_comment() const { return type() == NodeType::COMMENT_NODE; }
bool is_character_data() const { return type() == NodeType::TEXT_NODE || type() == NodeType::COMMENT_NODE; }
bool is_document_fragment() const { return type() == NodeType::DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE; }
bool is_parent_node() const { return is_element() || is_document() || is_document_fragment(); }
bool is_slottable() const { return is_element() || is_text(); }
bool is_attribute() const { return type() == NodeType::ATTRIBUTE_NODE; }
bool is_cdata_section() const { return type() == NodeType::CDATA_SECTION_NODE; }
virtual bool is_shadow_root() const { return false; }
virtual bool requires_svg_container() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_svg_container() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_svg_element() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_svg_svg_element() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_svg_use_element() const { return false; }
bool in_a_document_tree() const;
// NOTE: This is intended for the JS bindings.
u16 node_type() const { return (u16)m_type; }
virtual bool is_editable() const;
virtual bool is_dom_node() const final { return true; }
virtual bool is_html_element() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_html_html_element() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_html_anchor_element() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_html_base_element() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_html_body_element() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_html_input_element() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_html_progress_element() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_html_script_element() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_html_template_element() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_navigable_container() const { return false; }
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<Node>> pre_insert(JS::NonnullGCPtr<Node>, JS::GCPtr<Node>);
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<Node>> pre_remove(JS::NonnullGCPtr<Node>);
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<Node>> append_child(JS::NonnullGCPtr<Node>);
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<Node>> remove_child(JS::NonnullGCPtr<Node>);
void insert_before(JS::NonnullGCPtr<Node> node, JS::GCPtr<Node> child, bool suppress_observers = false);
void remove(bool suppress_observers = false);
void remove_all_children(bool suppress_observers = false);
enum DocumentPosition : u16 {
u16 compare_document_position(JS::GCPtr<Node> other);
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<Node>> replace_child(JS::NonnullGCPtr<Node> node, JS::NonnullGCPtr<Node> child);
JS::NonnullGCPtr<Node> clone_node(Document* document = nullptr, bool clone_children = false);
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<Node>> clone_node_binding(bool deep);
// NOTE: This is intended for the JS bindings.
bool has_child_nodes() const { return has_children(); }
JS::NonnullGCPtr<NodeList> child_nodes();
Vector<JS::Handle<Node>> children_as_vector() const;
virtual DeprecatedFlyString node_name() const = 0;
DeprecatedString base_uri() const;
DeprecatedString descendant_text_content() const;
DeprecatedString text_content() const;
void set_text_content(DeprecatedString const&);
DeprecatedString node_value() const;
void set_node_value(DeprecatedString const&);
JS::GCPtr<HTML::Navigable> navigable() const;
Document& document() { return *m_document; }
Document const& document() const { return *m_document; }
JS::GCPtr<Document> owner_document() const;
const HTML::HTMLAnchorElement* enclosing_link_element() const;
const HTML::HTMLElement* enclosing_html_element() const;
const HTML::HTMLElement* enclosing_html_element_with_attribute(DeprecatedFlyString const&) const;
DeprecatedString child_text_content() const;
Node& root();
Node const& root() const
return const_cast<Node*>(this)->root();
Node& shadow_including_root();
Node const& shadow_including_root() const
return const_cast<Node*>(this)->shadow_including_root();
bool is_connected() const;
Node* parent_node() { return parent(); }
Node const* parent_node() const { return parent(); }
Element* parent_element();
Element const* parent_element() const;
virtual void inserted();
virtual void removed_from(Node*) { }
virtual void children_changed() { }
virtual void adopted_from(Document&) { }
virtual void cloned(Node&, bool) {};
Layout::Node const* layout_node() const { return m_layout_node; }
Layout::Node* layout_node() { return m_layout_node; }
Painting::PaintableBox const* paintable_box() const;
Painting::Paintable const* paintable() const;
void set_layout_node(Badge<Layout::Node>, JS::NonnullGCPtr<Layout::Node>);
void detach_layout_node(Badge<Layout::TreeBuilder>);
virtual bool is_child_allowed(Node const&) const { return true; }
bool needs_style_update() const { return m_needs_style_update; }
void set_needs_style_update(bool);
bool child_needs_style_update() const { return m_child_needs_style_update; }
void set_child_needs_style_update(bool b) { m_child_needs_style_update = b; }
void invalidate_style();
void set_document(Badge<Document>, Document&);
virtual EventTarget* get_parent(Event const&) override;
template<typename T>
bool fast_is() const = delete;
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> ensure_pre_insertion_validity(JS::NonnullGCPtr<Node> node, JS::GCPtr<Node> child) const;
bool is_host_including_inclusive_ancestor_of(Node const&) const;
bool is_scripting_enabled() const;
bool is_scripting_disabled() const;
bool contains(JS::GCPtr<Node>) const;
// Used for dumping the DOM Tree
void serialize_tree_as_json(JsonObjectSerializer<StringBuilder>&) const;
bool is_shadow_including_descendant_of(Node const&) const;
bool is_shadow_including_inclusive_descendant_of(Node const&) const;
bool is_shadow_including_ancestor_of(Node const&) const;
bool is_shadow_including_inclusive_ancestor_of(Node const&) const;
i32 id() const { return m_id; }
static Node* from_id(i32 node_id);
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<DeprecatedString> serialize_fragment(DOMParsing::RequireWellFormed) const;
void replace_all(JS::GCPtr<Node>);
void string_replace_all(DeprecatedString const&);
bool is_same_node(Node const*) const;
bool is_equal_node(Node const*) const;
JS::NonnullGCPtr<Node> get_root_node(GetRootNodeOptions const& options = {});
bool is_uninteresting_whitespace_node() const;
DeprecatedString debug_description() const;
size_t length() const;
auto& registered_observers_list() { return m_registered_observer_list; }
auto const& registered_observers_list() const { return m_registered_observer_list; }
void add_registered_observer(RegisteredObserver& registered_observer) { m_registered_observer_list.append(registered_observer); }
void queue_mutation_record(FlyString const& type, DeprecatedString attribute_name, DeprecatedString attribute_namespace, DeprecatedString old_value, Vector<JS::Handle<Node>> added_nodes, Vector<JS::Handle<Node>> removed_nodes, Node* previous_sibling, Node* next_sibling) const;
template<typename Callback>
IterationDecision for_each_shadow_including_inclusive_descendant(Callback);
template<typename Callback>
IterationDecision for_each_shadow_including_descendant(Callback);
Node* parent() { return m_parent.ptr(); }
Node const* parent() const { return m_parent.ptr(); }
bool has_children() const { return m_first_child; }
Node* next_sibling() { return m_next_sibling.ptr(); }
Node* previous_sibling() { return m_previous_sibling.ptr(); }
Node* first_child() { return m_first_child.ptr(); }
Node* last_child() { return m_last_child.ptr(); }
Node const* next_sibling() const { return m_next_sibling.ptr(); }
Node const* previous_sibling() const { return m_previous_sibling.ptr(); }
Node const* first_child() const { return m_first_child.ptr(); }
Node const* last_child() const { return m_last_child.ptr(); }
size_t child_count() const
size_t count = 0;
for (auto* child = first_child(); child; child = child->next_sibling())
return count;
Node* child_at_index(int index)
int count = 0;
for (auto* child = first_child(); child; child = child->next_sibling()) {
if (count == index)
return child;
return nullptr;
Node const* child_at_index(int index) const
return const_cast<Node*>(this)->child_at_index(index);
size_t index() const
// The index of an object is its number of preceding siblings, or 0 if it has none.
size_t index = 0;
for (auto* node = previous_sibling(); node; node = node->previous_sibling())
return index;
Optional<size_t> index_of_child(Node const& search_child)
VERIFY(search_child.parent() == this);
size_t index = 0;
auto* child = first_child();
do {
if (child == &search_child)
return index;
} while (child && (child = child->next_sibling()));
return {};
template<typename ChildType>
Optional<size_t> index_of_child(Node const& search_child)
VERIFY(search_child.parent() == this);
size_t index = 0;
auto* child = first_child();
do {
if (!is<ChildType>(child))
if (child == &search_child)
return index;
} while (child && (child = child->next_sibling()));
return {};
bool is_ancestor_of(Node const&) const;
bool is_inclusive_ancestor_of(Node const&) const;
bool is_descendant_of(Node const&) const;
bool is_inclusive_descendant_of(Node const&) const;
bool is_following(Node const&) const;
Node* next_in_pre_order()
if (first_child())
return first_child();
Node* node;
if (!(node = next_sibling())) {
node = parent();
while (node && !node->next_sibling())
node = node->parent();
if (node)
node = node->next_sibling();
return node;
Node* next_in_pre_order(Node const* stay_within)
if (first_child())
return first_child();
Node* node = static_cast<Node*>(this);
Node* next = nullptr;
while (!(next = node->next_sibling())) {
node = node->parent();
if (!node || node == stay_within)
return nullptr;
return next;
Node const* next_in_pre_order() const
return const_cast<Node*>(this)->next_in_pre_order();
Node const* next_in_pre_order(Node const* stay_within) const
return const_cast<Node*>(this)->next_in_pre_order(stay_within);
Node* previous_in_pre_order()
if (auto* node = previous_sibling()) {
while (node->last_child())
node = node->last_child();
return node;
return parent();
Node const* previous_in_pre_order() const
return const_cast<Node*>(this)->previous_in_pre_order();
bool is_before(Node const& other) const
if (this == &other)
return false;
for (auto* node = this; node; node = node->next_in_pre_order()) {
if (node == &other)
return true;
return false;
// (Object A is 'typename U' and Object B is 'this')
template<typename U>
bool has_preceding_node_of_type_in_tree_order() const
for (auto* node = previous_in_pre_order(); node; node = node->previous_in_pre_order()) {
if (is<U>(node))
return true;
return false;
// (Object A is 'typename U' and Object B is 'this')
template<typename U>
bool has_following_node_of_type_in_tree_order() const
for (auto* node = next_in_pre_order(); node; node = node->next_in_pre_order()) {
if (is<U>(node))
return true;
return false;
template<typename Callback>
IterationDecision for_each_in_inclusive_subtree(Callback callback) const
if (callback(static_cast<Node const&>(*this)) == IterationDecision::Break)
return IterationDecision::Break;
for (auto* child = first_child(); child; child = child->next_sibling()) {
if (child->for_each_in_inclusive_subtree(callback) == IterationDecision::Break)
return IterationDecision::Break;
return IterationDecision::Continue;
template<typename Callback>
IterationDecision for_each_in_inclusive_subtree(Callback callback)
if (callback(static_cast<Node&>(*this)) == IterationDecision::Break)
return IterationDecision::Break;
for (auto* child = first_child(); child; child = child->next_sibling()) {
if (child->for_each_in_inclusive_subtree(callback) == IterationDecision::Break)
return IterationDecision::Break;
return IterationDecision::Continue;
template<typename U, typename Callback>
IterationDecision for_each_in_inclusive_subtree_of_type(Callback callback)
if (is<U>(static_cast<Node&>(*this))) {
if (callback(static_cast<U&>(*this)) == IterationDecision::Break)
return IterationDecision::Break;
for (auto* child = first_child(); child; child = child->next_sibling()) {
if (child->template for_each_in_inclusive_subtree_of_type<U>(callback) == IterationDecision::Break)
return IterationDecision::Break;
return IterationDecision::Continue;
template<typename U, typename Callback>
IterationDecision for_each_in_inclusive_subtree_of_type(Callback callback) const
if (is<U>(static_cast<Node const&>(*this))) {
if (callback(static_cast<U const&>(*this)) == IterationDecision::Break)
return IterationDecision::Break;
for (auto* child = first_child(); child; child = child->next_sibling()) {
if (child->template for_each_in_inclusive_subtree_of_type<U>(callback) == IterationDecision::Break)
return IterationDecision::Break;
return IterationDecision::Continue;
template<typename Callback>
IterationDecision for_each_in_subtree(Callback callback) const
for (auto* child = first_child(); child; child = child->next_sibling()) {
if (child->for_each_in_inclusive_subtree(callback) == IterationDecision::Break)
return IterationDecision::Break;
return IterationDecision::Continue;
template<typename Callback>
IterationDecision for_each_in_subtree(Callback callback)
for (auto* child = first_child(); child; child = child->next_sibling()) {
if (child->for_each_in_inclusive_subtree(callback) == IterationDecision::Break)
return IterationDecision::Break;
return IterationDecision::Continue;
template<typename U, typename Callback>
IterationDecision for_each_in_subtree_of_type(Callback callback)
for (auto* child = first_child(); child; child = child->next_sibling()) {
if (child->template for_each_in_inclusive_subtree_of_type<U>(callback) == IterationDecision::Break)
return IterationDecision::Break;
return IterationDecision::Continue;
template<typename U, typename Callback>
IterationDecision for_each_in_subtree_of_type(Callback callback) const
for (auto* child = first_child(); child; child = child->next_sibling()) {
if (child->template for_each_in_inclusive_subtree_of_type<U>(callback) == IterationDecision::Break)
return IterationDecision::Break;
return IterationDecision::Continue;
template<typename Callback>
void for_each_child(Callback callback) const
return const_cast<Node*>(this)->template for_each_child(move(callback));
template<typename Callback>
void for_each_child(Callback callback)
for (auto* node = first_child(); node; node = node->next_sibling())
template<typename U, typename Callback>
void for_each_child_of_type(Callback callback)
for (auto* node = first_child(); node; node = node->next_sibling()) {
if (is<U>(node))
template<typename U, typename Callback>
void for_each_child_of_type(Callback callback) const
return const_cast<Node*>(this)->template for_each_child_of_type<U>(move(callback));
template<typename U>
U const* next_sibling_of_type() const
return const_cast<Node*>(this)->template next_sibling_of_type<U>();
template<typename U>
inline U* next_sibling_of_type()
for (auto* sibling = next_sibling(); sibling; sibling = sibling->next_sibling()) {
if (is<U>(*sibling))
return &verify_cast<U>(*sibling);
return nullptr;
template<typename U>
U const* previous_sibling_of_type() const
return const_cast<Node*>(this)->template previous_sibling_of_type<U>();
template<typename U>
U* previous_sibling_of_type()
for (auto* sibling = previous_sibling(); sibling; sibling = sibling->previous_sibling()) {
if (is<U>(*sibling))
return &verify_cast<U>(*sibling);
return nullptr;
template<typename U>
U const* first_child_of_type() const
return const_cast<Node*>(this)->template first_child_of_type<U>();
template<typename U>
U const* last_child_of_type() const
return const_cast<Node*>(this)->template last_child_of_type<U>();
template<typename U>
U* first_child_of_type()
for (auto* child = first_child(); child; child = child->next_sibling()) {
if (is<U>(*child))
return &verify_cast<U>(*child);
return nullptr;
template<typename U>
U* last_child_of_type()
for (auto* child = last_child(); child; child = child->previous_sibling()) {
if (is<U>(*child))
return &verify_cast<U>(*child);
return nullptr;
template<typename U>
bool has_child_of_type() const
return first_child_of_type<U>() != nullptr;
template<typename U>
U const* first_ancestor_of_type() const
return const_cast<Node*>(this)->template first_ancestor_of_type<U>();
template<typename U>
U* first_ancestor_of_type()
for (auto* ancestor = parent(); ancestor; ancestor = ancestor->parent()) {
if (is<U>(*ancestor))
return &verify_cast<U>(*ancestor);
return nullptr;
template<typename U>
U const* shadow_including_first_ancestor_of_type() const
return const_cast<Node*>(this)->template shadow_including_first_ancestor_of_type<U>();
template<typename U>
U* shadow_including_first_ancestor_of_type();
bool is_parent_of(Node const& other) const
for (auto* child = first_child(); child; child = child->next_sibling()) {
if (&other == child)
return true;
return false;
ErrorOr<String> accessible_name(Document const&) const;
ErrorOr<String> accessible_description(Document const&) const;
Node(JS::Realm&, Document&, NodeType);
Node(Document&, NodeType);
virtual void visit_edges(Cell::Visitor&) override;
virtual void finalize() override;
JS::GCPtr<Document> m_document;
JS::GCPtr<Layout::Node> m_layout_node;
NodeType m_type { NodeType::INVALID };
bool m_needs_style_update { false };
bool m_child_needs_style_update { false };
i32 m_id;
// "Nodes have a strong reference to registered observers in their registered observer list."
Vector<JS::NonnullGCPtr<RegisteredObserver>> m_registered_observer_list;
void build_accessibility_tree(AccessibilityTreeNode& parent);
ErrorOr<String> name_or_description(NameOrDescription, Document const&, HashTable<i32>&) const;
void queue_tree_mutation_record(Vector<JS::Handle<Node>> added_nodes, Vector<JS::Handle<Node>> removed_nodes, Node* previous_sibling, Node* next_sibling);
void insert_before_impl(JS::NonnullGCPtr<Node>, JS::GCPtr<Node> child);
void append_child_impl(JS::NonnullGCPtr<Node>);
void remove_child_impl(JS::NonnullGCPtr<Node>);
static Optional<StringView> first_valid_id(DeprecatedString const&, Document const&);
static ErrorOr<void> append_without_space(StringBuilder, StringView const&);
static ErrorOr<void> append_with_space(StringBuilder, StringView const&);
static ErrorOr<void> prepend_without_space(StringBuilder, StringView const&);
static ErrorOr<void> prepend_with_space(StringBuilder, StringView const&);
JS::GCPtr<Node> m_parent;
JS::GCPtr<Node> m_first_child;
JS::GCPtr<Node> m_last_child;
JS::GCPtr<Node> m_next_sibling;
JS::GCPtr<Node> m_previous_sibling;
JS::GCPtr<NodeList> m_child_nodes;
inline bool JS::Object::fast_is<Web::DOM::Node>() const { return is_dom_node(); }