Timothy Flynn 398ae75f9a Ladybird+LibWebView: Introduce a cache for cookies backed by SQL storage
Now that the chrome process is a singleton on all platforms, we can
safely add a cache to the CookieJar to greatly speed up access. The way
this works is we read all cookies upfront from the database. As cookies
are updated by the web, we store a list of "dirty" cookies that need to
be flushed to the database. We do that synchronization every 30 seconds
and at shutdown.

There's plenty of room for improvement here, some of which is marked
with FIXMEs in the CookieJar.

Before these changes, in a SQL database populated with 300 cookies,
browsing to WebContent spent:

    19,806ms waiting for a get-cookie response
    505ms waiting for a set-cookie response

With these changes, it spends:

    24ms waiting for a get-cookie response
    15ms waiting for a set-cookie response
2024-05-01 07:06:26 +02:00

207 lines
8.7 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2022, Andreas Kling <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include "Application.h"
#include "BrowserWindow.h"
#include "EventLoopImplementationQt.h"
#include "Settings.h"
#include "WebContentView.h"
#include <Ladybird/HelperProcess.h>
#include <Ladybird/Utilities.h>
#include <LibCore/ArgsParser.h>
#include <LibCore/EventLoop.h>
#include <LibCore/Process.h>
#include <LibCore/System.h>
#include <LibGfx/Font/FontDatabase.h>
#include <LibMain/Main.h>
#include <LibWebView/ChromeProcess.h>
#include <LibWebView/CookieJar.h>
#include <LibWebView/Database.h>
#include <LibWebView/ProcessManager.h>
#include <LibWebView/URL.h>
#if defined(AK_OS_MACOS)
# include <Ladybird/MachPortServer.h>
namespace Ladybird {
bool is_using_dark_system_theme(QWidget& widget)
// FIXME: Qt does not provide any method to query if the system is using a dark theme. We will have to implement
// platform-specific methods if we wish to have better detection. For now, this inspects if Qt is using a
// dark color for widget backgrounds using Rec. 709 luma coefficients.
auto color = widget.palette().color(widget.backgroundRole());
auto luma = 0.2126f * color.redF() + 0.7152f * color.greenF() + 0.0722f * color.blueF();
return luma <= 0.5f;
static ErrorOr<void> handle_attached_debugger()
#ifdef AK_OS_LINUX
// Let's ignore SIGINT if we're being debugged because GDB
// incorrectly forwards the signal to us even when it's set to
// "nopass". See
// for details.
if (TRY(Core::Process::is_being_debugged())) {
dbgln("Debugger is attached, ignoring SIGINT");
TRY(Core::System::signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN));
return {};
static Vector<URL::URL> sanitize_urls(Vector<ByteString> const& raw_urls)
Vector<URL::URL> sanitized_urls;
for (auto const& raw_url : raw_urls) {
if (auto url = WebView::sanitize_url(raw_url); url.has_value())
if (sanitized_urls.is_empty()) {
auto new_tab_page = Ladybird::Settings::the()->new_tab_page();
return sanitized_urls;
ErrorOr<int> serenity_main(Main::Arguments arguments)
Ladybird::Application app(arguments.argc, arguments.argv);
Core::EventLoopManager::install(*new Ladybird::EventLoopManagerQt);
Core::EventLoop event_loop;
// NOTE: We only instantiate this to ensure that Gfx::FontDatabase has its default queries initialized.
Gfx::FontDatabase::set_default_font_query("Katica 10 400 0");
Gfx::FontDatabase::set_fixed_width_font_query("Csilla 10 400 0");
Vector<ByteString> raw_urls;
StringView webdriver_content_ipc_path;
Vector<ByteString> certificates;
bool enable_callgrind_profiling = false;
bool disable_sql_database = false;
bool enable_qt_networking = false;
bool expose_internals_object = false;
bool use_gpu_painting = false;
bool debug_web_content = false;
bool log_all_js_exceptions = false;
bool enable_idl_tracing = false;
bool new_window = false;
Core::ArgsParser args_parser;
args_parser.set_general_help("The Ladybird web browser :^)");
args_parser.add_positional_argument(raw_urls, "URLs to open", "url", Core::ArgsParser::Required::No);
args_parser.add_option(webdriver_content_ipc_path, "Path to WebDriver IPC for WebContent", "webdriver-content-path", 0, "path", Core::ArgsParser::OptionHideMode::CommandLineAndMarkdown);
args_parser.add_option(enable_callgrind_profiling, "Enable Callgrind profiling", "enable-callgrind-profiling", 'P');
args_parser.add_option(disable_sql_database, "Disable SQL database", "disable-sql-database");
args_parser.add_option(enable_qt_networking, "Enable Qt as the backend networking service", "enable-qt-networking");
args_parser.add_option(use_gpu_painting, "Enable GPU painting", "enable-gpu-painting");
args_parser.add_option(debug_web_content, "Wait for debugger to attach to WebContent", "debug-web-content");
args_parser.add_option(certificates, "Path to a certificate file", "certificate", 'C', "certificate");
args_parser.add_option(log_all_js_exceptions, "Log all JavaScript exceptions", "log-all-js-exceptions");
args_parser.add_option(enable_idl_tracing, "Enable IDL tracing", "enable-idl-tracing");
args_parser.add_option(expose_internals_object, "Expose internals object", "expose-internals-object");
args_parser.add_option(new_window, "Force opening in a new window", "new-window", 'n');
WebView::ChromeProcess chrome_process;
if (TRY(chrome_process.connect(raw_urls, new_window)) == WebView::ChromeProcess::ProcessDisposition::ExitProcess) {
outln("Opening in existing process");
return 0;
chrome_process.on_new_tab = [&](auto const& raw_urls) {
auto& window = app.active_window();
auto urls = sanitize_urls(raw_urls);
for (size_t i = 0; i < urls.size(); ++i) {
window.new_tab_from_url(urls[i], (i == 0) ? Web::HTML::ActivateTab::Yes : Web::HTML::ActivateTab::No);
app.on_open_file = [&](auto file_url) {
auto& window = app.active_window();
#if defined(AK_OS_MACOS)
auto mach_port_server = make<Ladybird::MachPortServer>();
mach_port_server->on_receive_child_mach_port = [](auto pid, auto port) {
WebView::ProcessManager::the().add_process(pid, move(port));
RefPtr<WebView::Database> database;
if (!disable_sql_database) {
auto sql_server_paths = TRY(get_paths_for_helper_process("SQLServer"sv));
auto sql_client = TRY(launch_sql_server_process(sql_server_paths));
database = TRY(WebView::Database::create(sql_client));
auto cookie_jar = database ? TRY(WebView::CookieJar::create(*database)) : WebView::CookieJar::create();
// NOTE: WebWorker *always* needs a request server connection, even if WebContent uses Qt Networking
// FIXME: Create an abstraction to re-spawn the RequestServer and re-hook up its client hooks to each tab on crash
auto request_server_paths = TRY(get_paths_for_helper_process("RequestServer"sv));
auto protocol_client = TRY(launch_request_server_process(request_server_paths, s_serenity_resource_root, certificates));
app.request_server_client = protocol_client;
StringBuilder command_line_builder;
command_line_builder.join(' ', arguments.strings);
Ladybird::WebContentOptions web_content_options {
.command_line = MUST(command_line_builder.to_string()),
.executable_path = MUST(String::from_byte_string(MUST(Core::System::current_executable_path()))),
.enable_callgrind_profiling = enable_callgrind_profiling ? Ladybird::EnableCallgrindProfiling::Yes : Ladybird::EnableCallgrindProfiling::No,
.enable_gpu_painting = use_gpu_painting ? Ladybird::EnableGPUPainting::Yes : Ladybird::EnableGPUPainting::No,
.use_lagom_networking = enable_qt_networking ? Ladybird::UseLagomNetworking::No : Ladybird::UseLagomNetworking::Yes,
.wait_for_debugger = debug_web_content ? Ladybird::WaitForDebugger::Yes : Ladybird::WaitForDebugger::No,
.log_all_js_exceptions = log_all_js_exceptions ? Ladybird::LogAllJSExceptions::Yes : Ladybird::LogAllJSExceptions::No,
.enable_idl_tracing = enable_idl_tracing ? Ladybird::EnableIDLTracing::Yes : Ladybird::EnableIDLTracing::No,
.expose_internals_object = expose_internals_object ? Ladybird::ExposeInternalsObject::Yes : Ladybird::ExposeInternalsObject::No,
chrome_process.on_new_window = [&](auto const& urls) {
app.new_window(sanitize_urls(urls), *cookie_jar, web_content_options, webdriver_content_ipc_path);
auto& window = app.new_window(sanitize_urls(raw_urls), *cookie_jar, web_content_options, webdriver_content_ipc_path);
if (Ladybird::Settings::the()->is_maximized()) {
} else {
auto last_position = Ladybird::Settings::the()->last_position();
if (last_position.has_value())
return event_loop.exec();