Timothy Flynn 4b1abcf61d LibWeb: Generalize support for dimension attributes
Rather than each element which supports dimension attributes needing to
implement parsing the attributes and setting the appropriate style, we
can generalize this functionality. This will also make each element more
closely resemble the spec text, as we will be effectively declaring, for
example, "The img element supports dimension attributes" in code.
2024-04-11 18:41:57 +02:00

218 lines
9.2 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2020-2021, Andreas Kling <>
* Copyright (c) 2023, Sam Atkins <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Document.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Event.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/BrowsingContext.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HTMLIFrameElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Navigable.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Origin.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Parser/HTMLParser.h>
#include <LibWeb/Layout/FrameBox.h>
namespace Web::HTML {
HTMLIFrameElement::HTMLIFrameElement(DOM::Document& document, DOM::QualifiedName qualified_name)
: NavigableContainer(document, move(qualified_name))
HTMLIFrameElement::~HTMLIFrameElement() = default;
void HTMLIFrameElement::initialize(JS::Realm& realm)
JS::GCPtr<Layout::Node> HTMLIFrameElement::create_layout_node(NonnullRefPtr<CSS::StyleProperties> style)
return heap().allocate_without_realm<Layout::FrameBox>(document(), *this, move(style));
void HTMLIFrameElement::attribute_changed(FlyString const& name, Optional<String> const& value)
HTMLElement::attribute_changed(name, value);
// Whenever an iframe element with a non-null content navigable has its srcdoc attribute set, changed, or removed,
// the user agent must process the iframe attributes.
// Similarly, whenever an iframe element with a non-null content navigable but with no srcdoc attribute specified
// has its src attribute set, changed, or removed, the user agent must process the iframe attributes.
if (m_content_navigable) {
if (name == AttributeNames::srcdoc || (name == AttributeNames::src && !has_attribute(AttributeNames::srcdoc)))
void HTMLIFrameElement::inserted()
// When an iframe element element is inserted into a document whose browsing context is non-null, the user agent must run these steps:
if (in_a_document_tree() && document().browsing_context()) {
// 1. Create a new child navigable for element.
MUST(create_new_child_navigable([this] {
// 3. Process the iframe attributes for element, with initialInsertion set to true.
// FIXME: 2. If element has a sandbox attribute, then parse the sandboxing directive given the attribute's value and element's iframe sandboxing flag set.
void HTMLIFrameElement::process_the_iframe_attributes(bool initial_insertion)
if (!content_navigable())
// Make sure applying of history step caused by potential sync navigation to "about:blank"
// is finished. Otherwise, it might interrupt navigation caused by changing src or srcdoc.
if (!initial_insertion && !content_navigable_initialized()) {
main_thread_event_loop().spin_processing_tasks_with_source_until(Task::Source::NavigationAndTraversal, [this] { return content_navigable_initialized(); });
// 1. If element's srcdoc attribute is specified, then:
if (has_attribute(HTML::AttributeNames::srcdoc)) {
// 1. Set element's current navigation was lazy loaded boolean to false.
// 2. If the will lazy load element steps given element return true, then:
if (will_lazy_load_element()) {
// 1. Set element's lazy load resumption steps to the rest of this algorithm starting with the step labeled navigate to the srcdoc resource.
set_lazy_load_resumption_steps([this]() {
// 3. Navigate to the srcdoc resource: navigate an iframe or frame given element, about:srcdoc, the empty string, and the value of element's srcdoc attribute.
navigate_an_iframe_or_frame(URL::URL("about:srcdoc"sv), ReferrerPolicy::ReferrerPolicy::EmptyString, get_attribute(HTML::AttributeNames::srcdoc));
// FIXME: The resulting Document must be considered an iframe srcdoc document.
// 2. Set element's current navigation was lazy loaded boolean to true.
// 3. Start intersection-observing a lazy loading element for element.
// 4. Return.
// 3. Navigate to the srcdoc resource: navigate an iframe or frame given element, about:srcdoc, the empty string, and the value of element's srcdoc attribute.
navigate_an_iframe_or_frame(URL::URL("about:srcdoc"sv), ReferrerPolicy::ReferrerPolicy::EmptyString, get_attribute(HTML::AttributeNames::srcdoc));
// FIXME: The resulting Document must be considered an iframe srcdoc document.
// 1. Let url be the result of running the shared attribute processing steps for iframe and frame elements given element and initialInsertion.
auto url = shared_attribute_processing_steps_for_iframe_and_frame(initial_insertion);
// 2. If url is null, then return.
if (!url.has_value()) {
// 3. If url matches about:blank and initialInsertion is true, then:
if (url_matches_about_blank(*url) && initial_insertion) {
// 1. Run the iframe load event steps given element.
// 2. Return.
// FIXME: 4. Let referrerPolicy be the current state of element's referrerpolicy content attribute.
auto referrer_policy = ReferrerPolicy::ReferrerPolicy::EmptyString;
// 5. Set element's current navigation was lazy loaded boolean to false.
// 6. If the will lazy load element steps given element return true, then:
if (will_lazy_load_element()) {
// 1. Set element's lazy load resumption steps to the rest of this algorithm starting with the step labeled navigate.
set_lazy_load_resumption_steps([this, url, referrer_policy]() {
// 7. Navigate: navigate an iframe or frame given element, url, and referrerPolicy.
navigate_an_iframe_or_frame(*url, referrer_policy);
// 2. Set element's current navigation was lazy loaded boolean to true.
// 3. Start intersection-observing a lazy loading element for element.
// 4. Return.
// 7. Navigate: navigate an iframe or frame given element, url, and referrerPolicy.
navigate_an_iframe_or_frame(*url, referrer_policy);
void HTMLIFrameElement::removed_from(DOM::Node* node)
// When an iframe element is removed from a document, the user agent must destroy the nested navigable of the element.
void run_iframe_load_event_steps(HTML::HTMLIFrameElement& element)
// FIXME: 1. Assert: element's content navigable is not null.
if (!element.content_navigable()) {
// FIXME: For some reason, we sometimes end up here in the middle of SunSpider.
dbgln("FIXME: run_iframe_load_event_steps called with null nested browsing context");
// 2. Let childDocument be element's content navigable's active document.
[[maybe_unused]] auto child_document = element.content_navigable()->active_document();
// FIXME: 3. If childDocument has its mute iframe load flag set, then return.
// FIXME: 4. Set childDocument's iframe load in progress flag.
// 5. Fire an event named load at element.
element.dispatch_event(DOM::Event::create(element.realm(), HTML::EventNames::load));
// FIXME: 6. Unset childDocument's iframe load in progress flag.
i32 HTMLIFrameElement::default_tab_index_value() const
// See the base function for the spec comments.
return 0;
void HTMLIFrameElement::visit_edges(Cell::Visitor& visitor)
void HTMLIFrameElement::set_current_navigation_was_lazy_loaded(bool value)
m_current_navigation_was_lazy_loaded = value;
// An iframe element whose current navigation was lazy loaded boolean is false potentially delays the load event.