Aliaksandr Kalenik b8d18ebcf7 LibWeb+WebContent: Change event loop to synchronously paint next frame
...instead of scheduling repaint timer in PageClient.

This change fixes flickering on Discord that happened because:
- Event loop schedules repainting by activating repaint timer
- `Document::tear_down_layout_tree()` destroys paintable tree
- Repaint timer invokes callback and renders an empty frame because
  paintable tree was destroyed
2024-05-28 18:21:18 +02:00

571 lines
26 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2021, Andreas Kling <>
* Copyright (c) 2022, the SerenityOS developers.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <LibCore/EventLoop.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/VM.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/MainThreadVM.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Document.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/BrowsingContext.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/EventLoop/EventLoop.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/Environments.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Window.h>
#include <LibWeb/HighResolutionTime/Performance.h>
#include <LibWeb/HighResolutionTime/TimeOrigin.h>
#include <LibWeb/Page/Page.h>
#include <LibWeb/Platform/EventLoopPlugin.h>
#include <LibWeb/Platform/Timer.h>
namespace Web::HTML {
m_task_queue = heap().allocate_without_realm<TaskQueue>(*this);
m_microtask_queue = heap().allocate_without_realm<TaskQueue>(*this);
EventLoop::~EventLoop() = default;
void EventLoop::visit_edges(Visitor& visitor)
void EventLoop::schedule()
if (!m_system_event_loop_timer) {
m_system_event_loop_timer = Platform::Timer::create_single_shot(0, [this] {
if (!m_system_event_loop_timer->is_active())
EventLoop& main_thread_event_loop()
return *static_cast<Bindings::WebEngineCustomData*>(Bindings::main_thread_vm().custom_data())->event_loop;
void EventLoop::spin_until(JS::SafeFunction<bool()> goal_condition)
// FIXME: The spec wants us to do the rest of the enclosing algorithm (i.e. the caller)
// in the context of the currently running task on entry. That's not possible with this implementation.
// 1. Let task be the event loop's currently running task.
// 2. Let task source be task's source.
// 3. Let old stack be a copy of the JavaScript execution context stack.
// 4. Empty the JavaScript execution context stack.
auto& vm = this->vm();
// 5. Perform a microtask checkpoint.
// 6. In parallel:
// 1. Wait until the condition goal is met.
// 2. Queue a task on task source to:
// 1. Replace the JavaScript execution context stack with old stack.
// 2. Perform any steps that appear after this spin the event loop instance in the original algorithm.
// NOTE: This is achieved by returning from the function.
Platform::EventLoopPlugin::the().spin_until([&] {
if (goal_condition())
return true;
if (m_task_queue->has_runnable_tasks()) {
// FIXME: Remove the platform event loop plugin so that this doesn't look out of place
return goal_condition();
// 7. Stop task, allowing whatever algorithm that invoked it to resume.
// NOTE: This is achieved by returning from the function.
void EventLoop::spin_processing_tasks_with_source_until(Task::Source source, JS::SafeFunction<bool()> goal_condition)
auto& vm = this->vm();
// NOTE: HTML event loop processing steps could run a task with arbitrary source
m_skip_event_loop_processing_steps = true;
Platform::EventLoopPlugin::the().spin_until([&] {
if (goal_condition())
return true;
if (m_task_queue->has_runnable_tasks()) {
auto tasks = m_task_queue->take_tasks_matching([&](auto& task) {
return task.source() == source && task.is_runnable();
for (auto& task : tasks) {
m_currently_running_task = task.ptr();
m_currently_running_task = nullptr;
// FIXME: Remove the platform event loop plugin so that this doesn't look out of place
return goal_condition();
m_skip_event_loop_processing_steps = false;
void EventLoop::process()
if (m_skip_event_loop_processing_steps)
// An event loop must continually run through the following steps for as long as it exists:
// 1. Let oldestTask be null.
JS::GCPtr<Task> oldest_task;
// 2. Set taskStartTime to the unsafe shared current time.
double task_start_time = HighResolutionTime::unsafe_shared_current_time();
// 3. Let taskQueue be one of the event loop's task queues, chosen in an implementation-defined manner,
// with the constraint that the chosen task queue must contain at least one runnable task.
// If there is no such task queue, then jump to the microtasks step below.
auto& task_queue = *m_task_queue;
// 4. Set oldestTask to the first runnable task in taskQueue, and remove it from taskQueue.
oldest_task = task_queue.take_first_runnable();
if (oldest_task) {
// 5. Set the event loop's currently running task to oldestTask.
m_currently_running_task = oldest_task.ptr();
// 6. Perform oldestTask's steps.
// 7. Set the event loop's currently running task back to null.
m_currently_running_task = nullptr;
// 8. Microtasks: Perform a microtask checkpoint.
// 9. Let hasARenderingOpportunity be false.
[[maybe_unused]] bool has_a_rendering_opportunity = false;
// FIXME: 10. Let now be the current high resolution time. [HRT]
// FIXME: 11. If oldestTask is not null, then:
// FIXME: 1. Let top-level browsing contexts be an empty set.
// FIXME: 2. For each environment settings object settings of oldestTask's script evaluation environment settings object set, append setting's top-level browsing context to top-level browsing contexts.
// FIXME: 3. Report long tasks, passing in taskStartTime, now (the end time of the task), top-level browsing contexts, and oldestTask.
// FIXME: 12. Update the rendering: if this is a window event loop, then:
// FIXME: 1. Let docs be all Document objects whose relevant agent's event loop is this event loop, sorted arbitrarily except that the following conditions must be met:
// - Any Document B whose browsing context's container document is A must be listed after A in the list.
// - If there are two documents A and B whose browsing contexts are both child browsing contexts whose container documents are another Document C, then the order of A and B in the list must match the shadow-including tree order of their respective browsing context containers in C's node tree.
// FIXME: NOTE: The sort order specified above is missing here!
Vector<JS::Handle<DOM::Document>> docs = documents_in_this_event_loop();
auto for_each_fully_active_document_in_docs = [&](auto&& callback) {
for (auto& document : docs) {
if (document->is_fully_active())
// AD-HOC: Since event loop processing steps do not constantly running in parallel, and
// something must trigger them, we need to manually schedule a repaint for all
// navigables that do not have a rendering opportunity at this event loop iteration.
// Otherwise their repaint will be delayed until something else will trigger event
// loop processing.
for_each_fully_active_document_in_docs([&](DOM::Document& document) {
auto navigable = document.navigable();
if (navigable && navigable->has_a_rendering_opportunity())
auto* browsing_context = document.browsing_context();
if (!browsing_context)
auto& page = browsing_context->page();
// 2. Rendering opportunities: Remove from docs all Document objects whose node navigables do not have a rendering opportunity.
docs.remove_all_matching([&](auto& document) {
auto navigable = document->navigable();
return navigable && !navigable->has_a_rendering_opportunity();
// 3. If docs is not empty, then set hasARenderingOpportunity to true
// and set this event loop's last render opportunity time to taskStartTime.
if (!docs.is_empty()) {
has_a_rendering_opportunity = true;
m_last_render_opportunity_time = task_start_time;
// FIXME: 4. Unnecessary rendering: Remove from docs all Document objects which meet both of the following conditions:
// - The user agent believes that updating the rendering of the Document's browsing context would have no visible effect, and
// - The Document's map of animation frame callbacks is empty.
// In the HTML Event Loops Processing Model, under the "Update the rendering" step, the "Unnecessary rendering" step should be
// modified to add an additional requirement for skipping the rendering update:
// - The document does not have pending initial IntersectionObserver targets.
// FIXME: 5. Remove from docs all Document objects for which the user agent believes that it's preferable to skip updating the rendering for other reasons.
// FIXME: 6. For each fully active Document in docs, flush autofocus candidates for that Document if its browsing context is a top-level browsing context.
// 7. For each fully active Document in docs, run the resize steps for that Document, passing in now as the timestamp. [CSSOMVIEW]
for_each_fully_active_document_in_docs([&](DOM::Document& document) {
// 8. For each fully active Document in docs, run the scroll steps for that Document, passing in now as the timestamp. [CSSOMVIEW]
for_each_fully_active_document_in_docs([&](DOM::Document& document) {
// 9. For each fully active Document in docs, evaluate media queries and report changes for that Document, passing in now as the timestamp. [CSSOMVIEW]
for_each_fully_active_document_in_docs([&](DOM::Document& document) {
// 10. For each fully active Document in docs, update animations and send events for that Document, passing in now as the timestamp. [WEBANIMATIONS]
// Note: This is handled by the document's animation timer, however, if a document has any requestAnimationFrame callbacks, we need
// to dispatch events before that happens below. Not dispatching here would be observable.
for_each_fully_active_document_in_docs([&](DOM::Document& document) {
if (document.window()->animation_frame_callback_driver().has_callbacks()) {
// FIXME: 11. For each fully active Document in docs, run the fullscreen steps for that Document, passing in now as the timestamp. [FULLSCREEN]
// FIXME: 12. For each fully active Document in docs, if the user agent detects that the backing storage associated with a CanvasRenderingContext2D or an OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D, context, has been lost, then it must run the context lost steps for each such context:
// FIXME: 13. For each fully active Document in docs, run the animation frame callbacks for that Document, passing in now as the timestamp.
auto now = HighResolutionTime::unsafe_shared_current_time();
for_each_fully_active_document_in_docs([&](DOM::Document& document) {
run_animation_frame_callbacks(document, now);
// FIXME: This step is implemented following the latest specification, while the rest of this method uses an outdated spec.
// NOTE: Gathering and broadcasting of resize observations need to happen after evaluating media queries but before
// updating intersection observations steps.
for_each_fully_active_document_in_docs([&](DOM::Document& document) {
// 1. Let resizeObserverDepth be 0.
size_t resize_observer_depth = 0;
// 2. While true:
while (true) {
// 1. Recalculate styles and update layout for doc.
// NOTE: Recalculation of styles is handled by update_layout()
// FIXME: 2. Let hadInitialVisibleContentVisibilityDetermination be false.
// FIXME: 3. For each element element with 'auto' used value of 'content-visibility':
// FIXME: 4. If hadInitialVisibleContentVisibilityDetermination is true, then continue.
// 5. Gather active resize observations at depth resizeObserverDepth for doc.
// 6. If doc has active resize observations:
if (document.has_active_resize_observations()) {
// 1. Set resizeObserverDepth to the result of broadcasting active resize observations given doc.
resize_observer_depth = document.broadcast_active_resize_observations();
// 2. Continue.
// 7. Otherwise, break.
// 3. If doc has skipped resize observations, then deliver resize loop error given doc.
if (document.has_skipped_resize_observations()) {
// FIXME: Deliver resize loop error.
// 14. For each fully active Document in docs, run the update intersection observations steps for that Document, passing in now as the timestamp. [INTERSECTIONOBSERVER]
for_each_fully_active_document_in_docs([&](DOM::Document& document) {
// FIXME: 15. Invoke the mark paint timing algorithm for each Document object in docs.
// 16. For each fully active Document in docs, update the rendering or user interface of that Document and its browsing context to reflect the current state.
for_each_fully_active_document_in_docs([&](DOM::Document& document) {
auto navigable = document.navigable();
if (navigable && navigable->needs_repaint()) {
auto* browsing_context = document.browsing_context();
auto& page = browsing_context->page();
if (navigable->is_traversable()) {
// 13. If all of the following are true
// - this is a window event loop
// - there is no task in this event loop's task queues whose document is fully active
// - this event loop's microtask queue is empty
// - hasARenderingOpportunity is false
// FIXME: has_a_rendering_opportunity is always true
if (m_type == Type::Window && !task_queue.has_runnable_tasks() && m_microtask_queue->is_empty() /*&& !has_a_rendering_opportunity*/) {
// 1. Set this event loop's last idle period start time to the unsafe shared current time.
m_last_idle_period_start_time = HighResolutionTime::unsafe_shared_current_time();
// 2. Let computeDeadline be the following steps:
// NOTE: instead of passing around a function we use this event loop, which has compute_deadline()
// 3. For each win of the same-loop windows for this event loop,
// perform the start an idle period algorithm for win with computeDeadline. [REQUESTIDLECALLBACK]
for (auto& win : same_loop_windows())
// FIXME: 14. If this is a worker event loop, then:
// FIXME: 1. If this event loop's agent's single realm's global object is a supported DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope and the user agent believes that it would benefit from having its rendering updated at this time, then:
// FIXME: 1. Let now be the current high resolution time. [HRT]
// FIXME: 2. Run the animation frame callbacks for that DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope, passing in now as the timestamp.
// FIXME: 3. Update the rendering of that dedicated worker to reflect the current state.
// FIXME: 2. If there are no tasks in the event loop's task queues and the WorkerGlobalScope object's closing flag is true, then destroy the event loop, aborting these steps, resuming the run a worker steps described in the Web workers section below.
// If there are eligible tasks in the queue, schedule a new round of processing. :^)
if (m_task_queue->has_runnable_tasks() || (!m_microtask_queue->is_empty() && !m_performing_a_microtask_checkpoint))
// For each doc of docs, process top layer removals given doc.
for_each_fully_active_document_in_docs([&](DOM::Document& document) {
int queue_a_task(HTML::Task::Source source, JS::GCPtr<EventLoop> event_loop, JS::GCPtr<DOM::Document> document, JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::HeapFunction<void()>> steps)
// 1. If event loop was not given, set event loop to the implied event loop.
if (!event_loop)
event_loop = main_thread_event_loop();
// FIXME: 2. If document was not given, set document to the implied document.
// 3. Let task be a new task.
// 4. Set task's steps to steps.
// 5. Set task's source to source.
// 6. Set task's document to the document.
// 7. Set task's script evaluation environment settings object set to an empty set.
auto task = HTML::Task::create(event_loop->vm(), source, document, steps);
// 8. Let queue be the task queue to which source is associated on event loop.
auto& queue = event_loop->task_queue();
// 9. Append task to queue.
return queue.last_added_task()->id();
int queue_global_task(HTML::Task::Source source, JS::Object& global_object, JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::HeapFunction<void()>> steps)
// 1. Let event loop be global's relevant agent's event loop.
auto& global_custom_data = verify_cast<Bindings::WebEngineCustomData>(*global_object.vm().custom_data());
auto& event_loop = global_custom_data.event_loop;
// 2. Let document be global's associated Document, if global is a Window object; otherwise null.
DOM::Document* document { nullptr };
if (is<HTML::Window>(global_object)) {
auto& window_object = verify_cast<HTML::Window>(global_object);
document = &window_object.associated_document();
// 3. Queue a task given source, event loop, document, and steps.
return queue_a_task(source, *event_loop, document, steps);
void queue_a_microtask(DOM::Document const* document, JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::HeapFunction<void()>> steps)
// 1. If event loop was not given, set event loop to the implied event loop.
auto& event_loop = HTML::main_thread_event_loop();
// FIXME: 2. If document was not given, set document to the implied document.
// 3. Let microtask be a new task.
// 4. Set microtask's steps to steps.
// 5. Set microtask's source to the microtask task source.
// 6. Set microtask's document to document.
auto& vm = event_loop.vm();
auto microtask = HTML::Task::create(vm, HTML::Task::Source::Microtask, document, steps);
// FIXME: 7. Set microtask's script evaluation environment settings object set to an empty set.
// 8. Enqueue microtask on event loop's microtask queue.
void perform_a_microtask_checkpoint()
void EventLoop::perform_a_microtask_checkpoint()
// 1. If the event loop's performing a microtask checkpoint is true, then return.
if (m_performing_a_microtask_checkpoint)
// 2. Set the event loop's performing a microtask checkpoint to true.
m_performing_a_microtask_checkpoint = true;
// 3. While the event loop's microtask queue is not empty:
while (!m_microtask_queue->is_empty()) {
// 1. Let oldestMicrotask be the result of dequeuing from the event loop's microtask queue.
auto oldest_microtask = m_microtask_queue->dequeue();
// 2. Set the event loop's currently running task to oldestMicrotask.
m_currently_running_task = oldest_microtask;
// 3. Run oldestMicrotask.
// 4. Set the event loop's currently running task back to null.
m_currently_running_task = nullptr;
// 4. For each environment settings object whose responsible event loop is this event loop, notify about rejected promises on that environment settings object.
for (auto& environment_settings_object : m_related_environment_settings_objects)
// FIXME: 5. Cleanup Indexed Database transactions.
// 6. Perform ClearKeptObjects().
// 7. Set the event loop's performing a microtask checkpoint to false.
m_performing_a_microtask_checkpoint = false;
Vector<JS::Handle<DOM::Document>> EventLoop::documents_in_this_event_loop() const
Vector<JS::Handle<DOM::Document>> documents;
for (auto& document : m_documents) {
return documents;
void EventLoop::register_document(Badge<DOM::Document>, DOM::Document& document)
void EventLoop::unregister_document(Badge<DOM::Document>, DOM::Document& document)
bool did_remove = m_documents.remove_first_matching([&](auto& entry) { return entry.ptr() == &document; });
void EventLoop::push_onto_backup_incumbent_settings_object_stack(Badge<EnvironmentSettingsObject>, EnvironmentSettingsObject& environment_settings_object)
void EventLoop::pop_backup_incumbent_settings_object_stack(Badge<EnvironmentSettingsObject>)
EnvironmentSettingsObject& EventLoop::top_of_backup_incumbent_settings_object_stack()
return m_backup_incumbent_settings_object_stack.last();
void EventLoop::register_environment_settings_object(Badge<EnvironmentSettingsObject>, EnvironmentSettingsObject& environment_settings_object)
void EventLoop::unregister_environment_settings_object(Badge<EnvironmentSettingsObject>, EnvironmentSettingsObject& environment_settings_object)
bool did_remove = m_related_environment_settings_objects.remove_first_matching([&](auto& entry) { return entry == &environment_settings_object; });
Vector<JS::Handle<HTML::Window>> EventLoop::same_loop_windows() const
Vector<JS::Handle<HTML::Window>> windows;
for (auto& document : documents_in_this_event_loop()) {
if (document->is_fully_active())
return windows;
double EventLoop::compute_deadline() const
// 1. Let deadline be this event loop's last idle period start time plus 50.
auto deadline = m_last_idle_period_start_time + 50;
// 2. Let hasPendingRenders be false.
auto has_pending_renders = false;
// 3. For each windowInSameLoop of the same-loop windows for this event loop:
for (auto& window : same_loop_windows()) {
// 1. If windowInSameLoop's map of animation frame callbacks is not empty,
// or if the user agent believes that the windowInSameLoop might have pending rendering updates,
// set hasPendingRenders to true.
if (window->has_animation_frame_callbacks())
has_pending_renders = true;
// FIXME: 2. Let timerCallbackEstimates be the result of getting the values of windowInSameLoop's map of active timers.
// FIXME: 3. For each timeoutDeadline of timerCallbackEstimates, if timeoutDeadline is less than deadline, set deadline to timeoutDeadline.
// 4. If hasPendingRenders is true, then:
if (has_pending_renders) {
// 1. Let nextRenderDeadline be this event loop's last render opportunity time plus (1000 divided by the current refresh rate).
// FIXME: Hardcoded to 60Hz
auto next_render_deadline = m_last_render_opportunity_time + (1000.0 / 60.0);
// 2. If nextRenderDeadline is less than deadline, then return nextRenderDeadline.
if (next_render_deadline < deadline)
return next_render_deadline;
// 5. Return deadline.
return deadline;