Timothy Flynn 03d0be13e8 LibWeb: Allow constructing a WebDriver::Error from an OOM AK::Error
This will allow easily surrounding operations that may fail due to OOM
with TRY. Note that we now also have to define a "normal" constructor
for WebDriver::Error in order to add the AK::Error constructor.
2023-03-05 23:50:05 +00:00

79 lines
2.9 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2022, Sam Atkins <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/Error.h>
#include <AK/Vector.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebDriver/Error.h>
namespace Web::WebDriver {
struct ErrorCodeData {
ErrorCode error_code;
unsigned http_status;
DeprecatedString json_error_code;
static Vector<ErrorCodeData> const s_error_code_data = {
{ ErrorCode::ElementClickIntercepted, 400, "element click intercepted" },
{ ErrorCode::ElementNotInteractable, 400, "element not interactable" },
{ ErrorCode::InsecureCertificate, 400, "insecure certificate" },
{ ErrorCode::InvalidArgument, 400, "invalid argument" },
{ ErrorCode::InvalidCookieDomain, 400, "invalid cookie domain" },
{ ErrorCode::InvalidElementState, 400, "invalid element state" },
{ ErrorCode::InvalidSelector, 400, "invalid selector" },
{ ErrorCode::InvalidSessionId, 404, "invalid session id" },
{ ErrorCode::JavascriptError, 500, "javascript error" },
{ ErrorCode::MoveTargetOutOfBounds, 500, "move target out of bounds" },
{ ErrorCode::NoSuchAlert, 404, "no such alert" },
{ ErrorCode::NoSuchCookie, 404, "no such cookie" },
{ ErrorCode::NoSuchElement, 404, "no such element" },
{ ErrorCode::NoSuchFrame, 404, "no such frame" },
{ ErrorCode::NoSuchWindow, 404, "no such window" },
{ ErrorCode::NoSuchShadowRoot, 404, "no such shadow root" },
{ ErrorCode::ScriptTimeoutError, 500, "script timeout" },
{ ErrorCode::SessionNotCreated, 500, "session not created" },
{ ErrorCode::StaleElementReference, 404, "stale element reference" },
{ ErrorCode::DetachedShadowRoot, 404, "detached shadow root" },
{ ErrorCode::Timeout, 500, "timeout" },
{ ErrorCode::UnableToSetCookie, 500, "unable to set cookie" },
{ ErrorCode::UnableToCaptureScreen, 500, "unable to capture screen" },
{ ErrorCode::UnexpectedAlertOpen, 500, "unexpected alert open" },
{ ErrorCode::UnknownCommand, 404, "unknown command" },
{ ErrorCode::UnknownError, 500, "unknown error" },
{ ErrorCode::UnknownMethod, 405, "unknown method" },
{ ErrorCode::UnsupportedOperation, 500, "unsupported operation" },
{ ErrorCode::OutOfMemory, 500, "out of memory" },
Error Error::from_code(ErrorCode code, DeprecatedString message, Optional<JsonValue> data)
auto const& error_code_data = s_error_code_data[to_underlying(code)];
return {
Error::Error(AK::Error const& error)
VERIFY(error.code() == ENOMEM);
*this = from_code(ErrorCode::OutOfMemory, {}, {});
Error::Error(unsigned http_status_, DeprecatedString error_, DeprecatedString message_, Optional<JsonValue> data_)
: http_status(http_status_)
, error(move(error_))
, message(move(message_))
, data(move(data_))