2021-03-22 13:15:08 +01:00

74 lines
1.3 KiB

source $(dirname "$0")/
# can we use [0] as a bareword still?
if not test [0] = "[0]" {
fail cannot use '[0]' as a bareword anymore
# can we use [0,2] as a bareword still?
if not test [0,2] = "[0,2]" {
fail cannot use '[0,2]' as a bareword anymore
# can we use [0..2] as a bareword still?
if not test [0..2] = "[0..2]" {
fail cannot use '[0..2]' as a bareword anymore
# Lists
x=(1 2 3)
if not test $x[0] -eq 1 {
fail invalid first element
if not test $x[1] -eq 2 {
fail invalid second element
if not test $x[-1] -eq 3 {
fail invalid first-from-end element
if not test $x[-2] -eq 2 {
fail invalid second-from-end element
## Multiple indices
if not test "$x[1,2]" = "2 3" {
fail invalid multi-select '(1, 2)'
if not test "$x[0..2]" = "1 2 3" {
fail invalid multi-select with range '[0..2]'
# Strings
x="Well Hello Friends!"
if not test $x[0] = W {
fail invalid string first element
if not test $x[1] = e {
fail invalid string second element
if not test $x[-1] = '!' {
fail invalid string first-from-end element
if not test $x[-2] = 's' {
fail invalid string second-from-end element
if not test $x[0,5,11,-1] = 'WHF!' {
fail invalid string multi-select
if not test $x[5..9] = "Hello" {
fail invalid string multi-select with range '[5..9]'