mirror of
synced 2025-01-08 12:19:37 +03:00
This commit un-deprecates DeprecatedString, and repurposes it as a byte string. As the null state has already been removed, there are no other particularly hairy blockers in repurposing this type as a byte string (what it _really_ is). This commit is auto-generated: $ xs=$(ack -l \bDeprecatedString\b\|deprecated_string AK Userland \ Meta Ports Ladybird Tests Kernel) $ perl -pie 's/\bDeprecatedString\b/ByteString/g; s/deprecated_string/byte_string/g' $xs $ clang-format --style=file -i \ $(git diff --name-only | grep \.cpp\|\.h) $ gn format $(git ls-files '*.gn' '*.gni')
246 lines
8.6 KiB
246 lines
8.6 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling <kling@serenityos.org>
* Copyright (c) 2023, Karol Baraniecki <karol@baraniecki.eu>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/DateConstants.h>
#include <AK/Find.h>
#include <AK/String.h>
#include <AK/StringBuilder.h>
#include <AK/StringUtils.h>
#include <AK/StringView.h>
#include <LibCore/ArgsParser.h>
#include <LibCore/ConfigFile.h>
#include <LibCore/DateTime.h>
#include <LibCore/System.h>
#include <LibMain/Main.h>
#include <time.h>
#define ANSI_INVERT_OUTPUT "\e[7m"
#define ANSI_RESET_OUTPUT "\e[0m"
int constexpr month_width = "01 02 03 04 05 06 07"sv.length();
// three months plus padding between them
int constexpr year_width = 3 * month_width + 2 * " "sv.length();
int current_year;
int current_month;
int current_day;
static ErrorOr<int> weekday_index(StringView weekday_name)
auto is_same_weekday_name = [&weekday_name](StringView other) {
return AK::StringUtils::equals_ignoring_ascii_case(weekday_name, other);
if (auto it = AK::find_if(AK::long_day_names.begin(), AK::long_day_names.end(), is_same_weekday_name); !it.is_end())
return it.index();
if (auto it = AK::find_if(AK::short_day_names.begin(), AK::short_day_names.end(), is_same_weekday_name); !it.is_end())
return it.index();
if (auto it = AK::find_if(AK::mini_day_names.begin(), AK::mini_day_names.end(), is_same_weekday_name); !it.is_end())
return it.index();
if (auto numeric_weekday = AK::StringUtils::convert_to_int(weekday_name); numeric_weekday.has_value())
return numeric_weekday.value();
return Error::from_string_view("Unknown weekday name"sv);
static ErrorOr<int> default_weekday_start()
auto calendar_config = TRY(Core::ConfigFile::open_for_app("Calendar"sv));
String default_first_day_of_week = TRY(String::from_byte_string(calendar_config->read_entry("View"sv, "FirstDayOfWeek"sv, "Sunday"sv)));
return TRY(weekday_index(default_first_day_of_week));
static ErrorOr<StringView> month_name(int month)
int month_index = month - 1;
if (month_index < 0 || month_index >= static_cast<int>(AK::long_month_names.size()))
return Error::from_string_view("Month out of range"sv);
return AK::long_month_names.at(month_index);
static ErrorOr<String> weekday_names_header(int start_of_week)
// Generates a header in a style of "Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa"
Vector<String> weekdays;
for (size_t i = 0; i < AK::mini_day_names.size(); i++) {
size_t day_index = (i + start_of_week) % mini_day_names.size();
return TRY(String::join(' ', weekdays));
enum class Header {
static ErrorOr<Vector<String>> month_lines_to_print(Header header_mode, int start_of_week, int month, int year)
Vector<String> lines;
// FIXME: Both the month name and month header text should be provided by a locale
String header;
switch (header_mode) {
case Header::Month:
header = TRY(String::from_utf8(TRY(month_name(month))));
case Header::MonthAndYear:
header = TRY(String::formatted("{} - {}", TRY(month_name(month)), year));
TRY(lines.try_append(TRY(String::formatted("{: ^{}s}", header, month_width))));
auto date_time = Core::DateTime::create(year, month, 1);
int first_day_of_week_for_month = date_time.weekday();
int days_in_month = date_time.days_in_month();
first_day_of_week_for_month += 7 - start_of_week;
first_day_of_week_for_month %= 7;
Vector<String> days_in_row;
int day = 1;
for (int i = 1; day <= days_in_month; ++i) {
if (i - 1 < first_day_of_week_for_month) {
TRY(days_in_row.try_append(" "_string));
} else {
if (year == current_year && month == current_month && day == current_day) {
TRY(days_in_row.try_append(TRY(String::formatted(ANSI_INVERT_OUTPUT "{:2}" ANSI_RESET_OUTPUT, day))));
} else {
TRY(days_in_row.try_append(TRY(String::formatted("{:2}", day))));
if (i % 7 == 0) {
TRY(lines.try_append(TRY(String::join(' ', days_in_row))));
TRY(lines.try_append(TRY(String::join(' ', days_in_row))));
return lines;
static void print_months_side_by_side(Vector<String> const& left_month, Vector<String> const& center_month, Vector<String> const& right_month)
for (size_t i = 0; i < left_month.size() || i < center_month.size() || i < right_month.size(); i++) {
StringView left = i < left_month.size() ? left_month[i] : ""sv;
StringView center = i < center_month.size() ? center_month[i] : ""sv;
StringView right = i < right_month.size() ? right_month[i] : ""sv;
outln("{: <{}} {: <{}} {: <{}}", left, month_width, center, month_width, right, month_width);
static void go_to_next_month(int& month, int& year)
month += 1;
if (month > 12) {
year += 1;
month = 1;
static void go_to_previous_month(int& month, int& year)
month -= 1;
if (month < 1) {
year -= 1;
month = 12;
ErrorOr<int> serenity_main(Main::Arguments arguments)
TRY(Core::System::pledge("stdio rpath cpath"));
int month = 0;
int year = 0;
StringView week_start_day_name {};
bool three_month_mode = false;
bool year_mode = false;
Core::ArgsParser args_parser;
args_parser.set_general_help("Display a nice overview of a month or year, defaulting to the current month.");
// FIXME: This should ensure one value gets parsed as just a year
args_parser.add_positional_argument(month, "Month", "month", Core::ArgsParser::Required::No);
args_parser.add_positional_argument(year, "Year", "year", Core::ArgsParser::Required::No);
args_parser.add_option(week_start_day_name, "Day that starts the week", "starting-day", 's', "day");
args_parser.add_option(year_mode, "Show the whole year at once", "year", 'y');
args_parser.add_option(three_month_mode, "Show the previous and next month beside the current one", "three-month-view", '3');
if (three_month_mode && year_mode) {
warnln("cal: Cannot specify both --year and --three-month-mode at the same time");
return 1;
time_t now = time(nullptr);
auto* tm = localtime(&now);
current_year = tm->tm_year + 1900;
current_month = tm->tm_mon + 1;
current_day = tm->tm_mday;
// Hack: workaround one value parsing as a month
if (month && !year) {
year = month;
month = 0;
if (!month && year)
year_mode = true;
int week_start_day;
if (week_start_day_name.is_empty())
week_start_day = TRY(default_weekday_start());
week_start_day = TRY(weekday_index(week_start_day_name));
if (!year)
year = current_year;
if (!month)
month = current_month;
if (year_mode) {
outln("{: ^{}}", TRY(String::formatted("Year {}", year)), year_width);
for (int month_index = 1; month_index < 12; ++month_index) {
Vector<String> lines_left = TRY(month_lines_to_print(Header::Month, week_start_day, month_index++, year));
Vector<String> lines_center = TRY(month_lines_to_print(Header::Month, week_start_day, month_index++, year));
Vector<String> lines_right = TRY(month_lines_to_print(Header::Month, week_start_day, month_index, year));
print_months_side_by_side(lines_left, lines_center, lines_right);
} else if (three_month_mode) {
int month_on_left = month, year_on_left = year;
go_to_previous_month(month_on_left, year_on_left);
int month_on_right = month, year_on_right = year;
go_to_next_month(month_on_right, year_on_right);
Vector<String> lines_previous_month = TRY(month_lines_to_print(Header::MonthAndYear, week_start_day, month_on_left, year_on_left));
Vector<String> lines_current_month = TRY(month_lines_to_print(Header::MonthAndYear, week_start_day, month, year));
Vector<String> lines_next_month = TRY(month_lines_to_print(Header::MonthAndYear, week_start_day, month_on_right, year_on_right));
print_months_side_by_side(lines_previous_month, lines_current_month, lines_next_month);
} else {
Vector<String> lines = TRY(month_lines_to_print(Header::MonthAndYear, week_start_day, month, year));
for (String const& line : lines) {
outln("{}", line);
return 0;