2023-05-12 19:46:54 +01:00

159 lines
5.3 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling <>
* Copyright (c) 2021-2022, kleines Filmröllchen <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include "ConnectionFromClient.h"
#include "FadingProperty.h"
#include <AK/Atomic.h>
#include <AK/Badge.h>
#include <AK/ByteBuffer.h>
#include <AK/Queue.h>
#include <AK/RefCounted.h>
#include <AK/WeakPtr.h>
#include <LibAudio/Queue.h>
#include <LibCore/ConfigFile.h>
#include <LibCore/File.h>
#include <LibCore/Timer.h>
#include <LibThreading/ConditionVariable.h>
#include <LibThreading/Mutex.h>
#include <LibThreading/Thread.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
namespace AudioServer {
// Headroom, i.e. fixed attenuation for all audio streams.
// This is to prevent clipping when two streams with low headroom (e.g. normalized & compressed) are playing.
constexpr double SAMPLE_HEADROOM = 0.95;
// The size of the buffer in samples that the hardware receives through write() calls to the audio device.
constexpr size_t HARDWARE_BUFFER_SIZE = 512;
// The hardware buffer size in bytes; there's two channels of 16-bit samples.
constexpr size_t HARDWARE_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES = HARDWARE_BUFFER_SIZE * 2 * sizeof(i16);
class ConnectionFromClient;
class ClientAudioStream : public RefCounted<ClientAudioStream> {
explicit ClientAudioStream(ConnectionFromClient&);
~ClientAudioStream() = default;
bool get_next_sample(Audio::Sample& sample)
if (m_paused)
return false;
if (m_in_chunk_location >= m_current_audio_chunk.size()) {
auto result = m_buffer->dequeue();
if (result.is_error()) {
if (result.error() == Audio::AudioQueue::QueueStatus::Empty) {
dbgln("Audio client {} can't keep up!", m_client->client_id());
// Note: Even though we only check client state here, we will probably close the client much earlier.
if (!m_client->is_open()) {
dbgln("Client socket {} has closed, closing audio server connection.", m_client->client_id());
return false;
m_current_audio_chunk = result.release_value();
m_in_chunk_location = 0;
sample = m_current_audio_chunk[m_in_chunk_location++];
return true;
bool is_connected() const { return m_client && m_client->is_open(); }
ConnectionFromClient* client() { return m_client.ptr(); }
void set_buffer(OwnPtr<Audio::AudioQueue> buffer) { m_buffer = move(buffer); }
void clear()
ErrorOr<Array<Audio::Sample, Audio::AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE>, Audio::AudioQueue::QueueStatus> result = Audio::AudioQueue::QueueStatus::Invalid;
do {
result = m_buffer->dequeue();
} while (!result.is_error() || result.error() != Audio::AudioQueue::QueueStatus::Empty);
void set_paused(bool paused) { m_paused = paused; }
FadingProperty<double>& volume() { return m_volume; }
double volume() const { return m_volume; }
void set_volume(double const volume) { m_volume = volume; }
bool is_muted() const { return m_muted; }
void set_muted(bool muted) { m_muted = muted; }
OwnPtr<Audio::AudioQueue> m_buffer;
Array<Audio::Sample, Audio::AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE> m_current_audio_chunk;
size_t m_in_chunk_location;
bool m_paused { true };
bool m_muted { false };
WeakPtr<ConnectionFromClient> m_client;
FadingProperty<double> m_volume { 1 };
class Mixer : public Core::Object {
static ErrorOr<NonnullRefPtr<Mixer>> try_create(NonnullRefPtr<Core::ConfigFile> config)
// FIXME: Allow AudioServer to use other audio channels as well
auto device = TRY(Core::File::open("/dev/audio/0"sv, Core::File::OpenMode::Write));
return adopt_nonnull_ref_or_enomem(new (nothrow) Mixer(move(config), move(device)));
virtual ~Mixer() override = default;
NonnullRefPtr<ClientAudioStream> create_queue(ConnectionFromClient&);
// To the outside world, we pretend that the target volume is already reached, even though it may be still fading.
double main_volume() const { return; }
void set_main_volume(double volume);
bool is_muted() const { return m_muted; }
void set_muted(bool);
int audiodevice_set_sample_rate(u32 sample_rate);
u32 audiodevice_get_sample_rate() const;
Mixer(NonnullRefPtr<Core::ConfigFile> config, NonnullOwnPtr<Core::File> device);
void request_setting_sync();
Vector<NonnullRefPtr<ClientAudioStream>> m_pending_mixing;
Threading::Mutex m_pending_mutex;
Threading::ConditionVariable m_mixing_necessary { m_pending_mutex };
NonnullOwnPtr<Core::File> m_device;
NonnullRefPtr<Threading::Thread> m_sound_thread;
bool m_muted { false };
FadingProperty<double> m_main_volume { 1 };
NonnullRefPtr<Core::ConfigFile> m_config;
RefPtr<Core::Timer> m_config_write_timer;
Array<u8, HARDWARE_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES> m_stream_buffer;
Array<u8, HARDWARE_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES> const m_zero_filled_buffer {};
void mix();
// Interval in ms when the server tries to save its configuration to disk.
constexpr unsigned AUDIO_CONFIG_WRITE_INTERVAL = 2000;