Linus Groh 57dc179b1f Everywhere: Rename to_{string => deprecated_string}() where applicable
This will make it easier to support both string types at the same time
while we convert code, and tracking down remaining uses.

One big exception is Value::to_string() in LibJS, where the name is
dictated by the ToString AO.
2022-12-06 08:54:33 +01:00

342 lines
12 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Andreas Kling <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/Intrinsics.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Document.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Range.h>
#include <LibWeb/Selection/Selection.h>
namespace Web::Selection {
JS::NonnullGCPtr<Selection> Selection::create(JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Realm> realm, JS::NonnullGCPtr<DOM::Document> document)
return *realm->heap().allocate<Selection>(realm, realm, document);
Selection::Selection(JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Realm> realm, JS::NonnullGCPtr<DOM::Document> document)
: PlatformObject(realm)
, m_document(document)
set_prototype(&Bindings::cached_web_prototype(realm, "Selection"));
Selection::~Selection() = default;
bool Selection::is_empty() const
// Each selection can be associated with a single range.
// When there is no range associated with the selection, the selection is empty.
// The selection must be initially empty.
// NOTE: This function should not be confused with Selection.empty() which empties the selection.
return !m_range;
void Selection::visit_edges(Cell::Visitor& visitor)
JS::GCPtr<DOM::Node> Selection::anchor_node()
if (!m_range)
return nullptr;
if (m_direction == Direction::Forwards)
return m_range->start_container();
return m_range->end_container();
unsigned Selection::anchor_offset()
if (!m_range)
return 0;
if (m_direction == Direction::Forwards)
return m_range->start_offset();
return m_range->end_offset();
JS::GCPtr<DOM::Node> Selection::focus_node()
if (!m_range)
return nullptr;
if (m_direction == Direction::Forwards)
return m_range->end_container();
return m_range->start_container();
unsigned Selection::focus_offset() const
if (!m_range)
return 0;
if (m_direction == Direction::Forwards)
return m_range->end_offset();
return m_range->start_offset();
bool Selection::is_collapsed() const
// The attribute must return true if and only if the anchor and focus are the same
// (including if both are null). Otherwise it must return false.
return const_cast<Selection*>(this)->anchor_node() == const_cast<Selection*>(this)->focus_node();
unsigned Selection::range_count() const
if (m_range)
return 1;
return 0;
DeprecatedString Selection::type() const
if (!m_range)
return "None";
if (m_range->collapsed())
return "Caret";
return "Range";
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::GCPtr<DOM::Range>> Selection::get_range_at(unsigned index)
// The method must throw an IndexSizeError exception if index is not 0, or if this is empty.
if (index != 0 || is_empty())
return WebIDL::IndexSizeError::create(realm(), "Selection.getRangeAt() on empty Selection or with invalid argument"sv);
// Otherwise, it must return a reference to (not a copy of) this's range.
return m_range;
void Selection::add_range(JS::NonnullGCPtr<DOM::Range> range)
// 1. If the root of the range's boundary points are not the document associated with this, abort these steps.
if (&range->start_container()->root() != m_document.ptr())
// 2. If rangeCount is not 0, abort these steps.
if (range_count() != 0)
// 3. Set this's range to range by a strong reference (not by making a copy).
m_range = range;
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> Selection::remove_range(JS::NonnullGCPtr<DOM::Range> range)
// The method must make this empty by disassociating its range if this's range is range.
if (m_range == range) {
m_range = nullptr;
return {};
// Otherwise, it must throw a NotFoundError.
return WebIDL::NotFoundError::create(realm(), "Selection.removeRange() with invalid argument"sv);
void Selection::remove_all_ranges()
// The method must make this empty by disassociating its range if this has an associated range.
m_range = nullptr;
void Selection::empty()
// The method must be an alias, and behave identically, to removeAllRanges().
void Selection::collapse(JS::GCPtr<DOM::Node>, unsigned offset)
void Selection::set_position(JS::GCPtr<DOM::Node> node, unsigned offset)
// The method must be an alias, and behave identically, to collapse().
collapse(node, offset);
void Selection::collapse_to_start()
void Selection::collapse_to_end()
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> Selection::extend(JS::NonnullGCPtr<DOM::Node> node, unsigned offset)
// 1. If node's root is not the document associated with this, abort these steps.
if (&node->root() != m_document.ptr())
return {};
// 2. If this is empty, throw an InvalidStateError exception and abort these steps.
if (!m_range) {
return WebIDL::InvalidStateError::create(realm(), "Selection.extend() on empty range"sv);
// 3. Let oldAnchor and oldFocus be the this's anchor and focus, and let newFocus be the boundary point (node, offset).
auto& old_anchor_node = *anchor_node();
auto old_anchor_offset = anchor_offset();
auto& new_focus_node = node;
auto new_focus_offset = offset;
// 4. Let newRange be a new range.
auto new_range = DOM::Range::create(*m_document);
// 5. If node's root is not the same as the this's range's root, set the start newRange's start and end to newFocus.
if (&node->root() != &m_range->start_container()->root()) {
TRY(new_range->set_start(new_focus_node, new_focus_offset));
// 6. Otherwise, if oldAnchor is before or equal to newFocus, set the start newRange's start to oldAnchor, then set its end to newFocus.
else if (old_anchor_node.is_before(new_focus_node) || &old_anchor_node == new_focus_node.ptr()) {
TRY(new_range->set_end(new_focus_node, new_focus_offset));
// 7. Otherwise, set the start newRange's start to newFocus, then set its end to oldAnchor.
else {
TRY(new_range->set_start(new_focus_node, new_focus_offset));
TRY(new_range->set_end(old_anchor_node, old_anchor_offset));
// 8. Set this's range to newRange.
m_range = new_range;
// 9. If newFocus is before oldAnchor, set this's direction to backwards. Otherwise, set it to forwards.
if (new_focus_node->is_before(old_anchor_node)) {
m_direction = Direction::Backwards;
} else {
m_direction = Direction::Forwards;
return {};
void Selection::set_base_and_extent(JS::NonnullGCPtr<DOM::Node> anchor_node, unsigned anchor_offset, JS::NonnullGCPtr<DOM::Node> focus_node, unsigned focus_offset)
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> Selection::select_all_children(JS::NonnullGCPtr<DOM::Node> node)
// 1. If node's root is not the document associated with this, abort these steps.
if (&node->root() != m_document.ptr())
return {};
// 2. Let newRange be a new range and childCount be the number of children of node.
auto new_range = DOM::Range::create(*m_document);
auto child_count = node->child_count();
// 3. Set newRange's start to (node, 0).
TRY(new_range->set_start(node, 0));
// 4. Set newRange's end to (node, childCount).
TRY(new_range->set_end(node, child_count));
// 5. Set this's range to newRange.
m_range = new_range;
// 6. Set this's direction to forwards.
m_direction = Direction::Forwards;
return {};
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> Selection::delete_from_document()
// The method must invoke deleteContents() on this's range if this is not empty.
// Otherwise the method must do nothing.
if (!is_empty())
return m_range->delete_contents();
return {};
bool Selection::contains_node(JS::NonnullGCPtr<DOM::Node> node, bool allow_partial_containment) const
// The method must return false if this is empty or if node's root is not the document associated with this.
if (!m_range)
return false;
if (&node->root() != m_document.ptr())
return false;
// Otherwise, if allowPartialContainment is false, the method must return true if and only if
// start of its range is before or visually equivalent to the first boundary point in the node
// and end of its range is after or visually equivalent to the last boundary point in the node.
if (!allow_partial_containment) {
auto start_relative_position = DOM::position_of_boundary_point_relative_to_other_boundary_point(
auto end_relative_position = DOM::position_of_boundary_point_relative_to_other_boundary_point(
return (start_relative_position == DOM::RelativeBoundaryPointPosition::Before || start_relative_position == DOM::RelativeBoundaryPointPosition::Equal)
&& (end_relative_position == DOM::RelativeBoundaryPointPosition::Equal || end_relative_position == DOM::RelativeBoundaryPointPosition::After);
// If allowPartialContainment is true, the method must return true if and only if
// start of its range is before or visually equivalent to the last boundary point in the node
// and end of its range is after or visually equivalent to the first boundary point in the node.
auto start_relative_position = DOM::position_of_boundary_point_relative_to_other_boundary_point(
auto end_relative_position = DOM::position_of_boundary_point_relative_to_other_boundary_point(
return (start_relative_position == DOM::RelativeBoundaryPointPosition::Before || start_relative_position == DOM::RelativeBoundaryPointPosition::Equal)
&& (end_relative_position == DOM::RelativeBoundaryPointPosition::Equal || end_relative_position == DOM::RelativeBoundaryPointPosition::After);
DeprecatedString Selection::to_deprecated_string() const
// FIXME: This needs more work to be compatible with other engines.
// See
if (!m_range)
return DeprecatedString::empty();
return m_range->to_deprecated_string();