sin-ack 8c9c2f46c7 LibGUI: Implement granular updates for FileSystemModel
FileSystemModel will now react to specific events from Core::FileWatcher
in order to granularly update its data based on addition or removal of
files from the tree. Metadata changes are currently not handled, but in
the future they can be used to re-stat() a file to get its updated
2021-08-08 14:13:37 +02:00

175 lines
5.2 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include <AK/HashMap.h>
#include <AK/NonnullOwnPtrVector.h>
#include <LibCore/DateTime.h>
#include <LibCore/FileWatcher.h>
#include <LibGUI/Model.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <time.h>
namespace GUI {
class FileSystemModel
: public Model
, public Weakable<FileSystemModel> {
friend struct Node;
enum Mode {
enum Column {
Icon = 0,
struct Node {
~Node() { }
String name;
String symlink_target;
size_t size { 0 };
mode_t mode { 0 };
uid_t uid { 0 };
gid_t gid { 0 };
ino_t inode { 0 };
time_t mtime { 0 };
bool is_accessible_directory { false };
size_t total_size { 0 };
mutable RefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap> thumbnail;
bool is_directory() const { return S_ISDIR(mode); }
bool is_symlink_to_directory() const;
bool is_executable() const { return mode & (S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH); }
bool is_selected() const { return m_selected; }
void set_selected(bool selected);
bool has_error() const { return m_error != 0; }
int error() const { return m_error; }
const char* error_string() const { return strerror(m_error); }
String full_path() const;
friend class FileSystemModel;
explicit Node(FileSystemModel& model)
: m_model(model)
FileSystemModel& m_model;
Node* m_parent { nullptr };
NonnullOwnPtrVector<Node> m_children;
bool m_has_traversed { false };
bool m_selected { false };
int m_error { 0 };
bool m_parent_of_root { false };
ModelIndex index(int column) const;
void traverse_if_needed();
void reify_if_needed();
bool fetch_data(String const& full_path, bool is_root);
OwnPtr<Node> create_child(String const& child_name);
static NonnullRefPtr<FileSystemModel> create(String root_path = "/", Mode mode = Mode::FilesAndDirectories)
return adopt_ref(*new FileSystemModel(root_path, mode));
virtual ~FileSystemModel() override;
String root_path() const { return m_root_path; }
void set_root_path(String);
String full_path(const ModelIndex&) const;
ModelIndex index(String path, int column) const;
void update_node_on_selection(const ModelIndex&, const bool);
ModelIndex m_previously_selected_index {};
const Node& node(const ModelIndex& index) const;
Function<void(int done, int total)> on_thumbnail_progress;
Function<void()> on_complete;
Function<void(int error, const char* error_string)> on_directory_change_error;
Function<void(int error, const char* error_string)> on_rename_error;
virtual int tree_column() const override { return Column::Name; }
virtual int row_count(const ModelIndex& = ModelIndex()) const override;
virtual int column_count(const ModelIndex& = ModelIndex()) const override;
virtual String column_name(int column) const override;
virtual Variant data(const ModelIndex&, ModelRole = ModelRole::Display) const override;
virtual ModelIndex parent_index(const ModelIndex&) const override;
virtual ModelIndex index(int row, int column = 0, const ModelIndex& parent = ModelIndex()) const override;
virtual StringView drag_data_type() const override { return "text/uri-list"; }
virtual bool accepts_drag(const ModelIndex&, const Vector<String>& mime_types) const override;
virtual bool is_column_sortable(int column_index) const override { return column_index != Column::Icon; }
virtual bool is_editable(const ModelIndex&) const override;
virtual bool is_searchable() const override { return true; }
virtual void set_data(const ModelIndex&, const Variant&) override;
virtual Vector<ModelIndex, 1> matches(const StringView&, unsigned = MatchesFlag::AllMatching, const ModelIndex& = ModelIndex()) override;
virtual void invalidate() override;
static String timestamp_string(time_t timestamp)
return Core::DateTime::from_timestamp(timestamp).to_string();
bool should_show_dotfiles() const { return m_should_show_dotfiles; }
void set_should_show_dotfiles(bool);
FileSystemModel(String root_path, Mode);
String name_for_uid(uid_t) const;
String name_for_gid(gid_t) const;
Node const* node_for_path(String const&) const;
HashMap<uid_t, String> m_user_names;
HashMap<gid_t, String> m_group_names;
bool fetch_thumbnail_for(const Node& node);
GUI::Icon icon_for(const Node& node) const;
void handle_file_event(Core::FileWatcherEvent const& event);
String m_root_path;
Mode m_mode { Invalid };
OwnPtr<Node> m_root { nullptr };
unsigned m_thumbnail_progress { 0 };
unsigned m_thumbnail_progress_total { 0 };
bool m_should_show_dotfiles { false };
RefPtr<Core::FileWatcher> m_file_watcher;