Shannon Booth e800605ad3 AK+LibURL: Move AK::URL into a new URL library
This URL library ends up being a relatively fundamental base library of
the system, as LibCore depends on LibURL.

This change has two main benefits:
 * Moving AK back more towards being an agnostic library that can
   be used between the kernel and userspace. URL has never really fit
   that description - and is not used in the kernel.
 * URL _should_ depend on LibUnicode, as it needs punnycode support.
   However, it's not really possible to do this inside of AK as it can't
   depend on any external library. This change brings us a little closer
   to being able to do that, but unfortunately we aren't there quite
   yet, as the code generators depend on LibCore.
2024-03-18 14:06:28 -04:00

94 lines
3.7 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2023, Tim Flynn <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <BrowserSettings/Defaults.h>
#include <Ladybird/Types.h>
#include <Ladybird/Utilities.h>
#include <LibCore/ArgsParser.h>
#include <LibCore/EventLoop.h>
#include <LibGfx/Font/FontDatabase.h>
#include <LibMain/Main.h>
#include <LibWebView/CookieJar.h>
#include <LibWebView/Database.h>
#include <LibWebView/URL.h>
#import <Application/Application.h>
#import <Application/ApplicationDelegate.h>
#import <Application/EventLoopImplementation.h>
#import <UI/Tab.h>
#import <UI/TabController.h>
#if !__has_feature(objc_arc)
# error "This project requires ARC"
ErrorOr<int> serenity_main(Main::Arguments arguments)
[Application sharedApplication];
Core::EventLoopManager::install(*new Ladybird::CFEventLoopManager);
Core::EventLoop event_loop;
// NOTE: We only instantiate this to ensure that Gfx::FontDatabase has its default queries initialized.
Gfx::FontDatabase::set_default_font_query("Katica 10 400 0");
Gfx::FontDatabase::set_fixed_width_font_query("Csilla 10 400 0");
Vector<StringView> raw_urls;
Vector<ByteString> certificates;
StringView webdriver_content_ipc_path;
bool use_gpu_painting = false;
bool debug_web_content = false;
Core::ArgsParser args_parser;
args_parser.set_general_help("The Ladybird web browser");
args_parser.add_positional_argument(raw_urls, "URLs to open", "url", Core::ArgsParser::Required::No);
args_parser.add_option(webdriver_content_ipc_path, "Path to WebDriver IPC for WebContent", "webdriver-content-path", 0, "path", Core::ArgsParser::OptionHideMode::CommandLineAndMarkdown);
args_parser.add_option(use_gpu_painting, "Enable GPU painting", "enable-gpu-painting", 0);
args_parser.add_option(debug_web_content, "Wait for debugger to attach to WebContent", "debug-web-content", 0);
args_parser.add_option(certificates, "Path to a certificate file", "certificate", 'C', "certificate");
auto sql_server_paths = TRY(get_paths_for_helper_process("SQLServer"sv));
auto database = TRY(WebView::Database::create(move(sql_server_paths)));
auto cookie_jar = TRY(WebView::CookieJar::create(*database));
URL::URL new_tab_page_url = Browser::default_new_tab_url;
Vector<URL::URL> initial_urls;
for (auto const& raw_url : raw_urls) {
if (auto url = WebView::sanitize_url(raw_url); url.has_value())
if (initial_urls.is_empty())
StringBuilder command_line_builder;
command_line_builder.join(' ', arguments.strings);
Ladybird::WebContentOptions web_content_options {
.command_line = MUST(command_line_builder.to_string()),
.executable_path = MUST(String::from_byte_string(MUST(Core::System::current_executable_path()))),
.certificates = move(certificates),
.enable_gpu_painting = use_gpu_painting ? Ladybird::EnableGPUPainting::Yes : Ladybird::EnableGPUPainting::No,
.use_lagom_networking = Ladybird::UseLagomNetworking::Yes,
.wait_for_debugger = debug_web_content ? Ladybird::WaitForDebugger::Yes : Ladybird::WaitForDebugger::No,
auto* delegate = [[ApplicationDelegate alloc] init:move(initial_urls)
[NSApp setDelegate:delegate];
return event_loop.exec();