2022-09-20 07:48:45 -04:00

208 lines
6.2 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2021, Stephan Unverwerth <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include "SourceModel.h"
#include "Gradient.h"
#include "Profile.h"
#include <LibCore/Stream.h>
#include <LibDebug/DebugInfo.h>
#include <LibGfx/Font/FontDatabase.h>
#include <LibSymbolication/Symbolication.h>
#include <stdio.h>
namespace Profiler {
class SourceFile final {
struct Line {
String content;
size_t num_samples { 0 };
static constexpr StringView source_root_path = "/usr/src/serenity/"sv;
SourceFile(StringView filename)
String source_file_name = filename.replace("../../"sv, source_root_path, ReplaceMode::FirstOnly);
auto try_read_lines = [&]() -> ErrorOr<void> {
auto unbuffered_file = TRY(Core::Stream::File::open(source_file_name, Core::Stream::OpenMode::Read));
auto file = TRY(Core::Stream::BufferedFile::create(move(unbuffered_file)));
Array<u8, 1024> buffer;
while (!file->is_eof())
m_lines.append({ TRY(file->read_line(buffer)), 0 });
return {};
auto maybe_error = try_read_lines();
if (maybe_error.is_error()) {
dbgln("Could not map source file \"{}\". Tried {}. {} (errno={})", filename, source_file_name, maybe_error.error().string_literal(), maybe_error.error().code());
void try_add_samples(size_t line, size_t samples)
if (line < 1 || line - 1 >= m_lines.size())
m_lines[line - 1].num_samples += samples;
Vector<Line> const& lines() const { return m_lines; }
Vector<Line> m_lines;
SourceModel::SourceModel(Profile& profile, ProfileNode& node)
: m_profile(profile)
, m_node(node)
FlatPtr base_address = 0;
Debug::DebugInfo const* debug_info;
if (auto maybe_kernel_base = Symbolication::kernel_base(); maybe_kernel_base.has_value() && m_node.address() >= *maybe_kernel_base) {
if (!g_kernel_debuginfo_object.has_value())
base_address = maybe_kernel_base.release_value();
if (g_kernel_debug_info == nullptr)
g_kernel_debug_info = make<Debug::DebugInfo>(g_kernel_debuginfo_object->elf, String::empty(), base_address);
debug_info = g_kernel_debug_info.ptr();
} else {
auto const& process = node.process();
auto const* library_data = process.library_metadata.library_containing(node.address());
if (!library_data) {
dbgln("no library data for address {:p}", node.address());
base_address = library_data->base;
debug_info = &library_data->load_debug_info(base_address);
VERIFY(debug_info != nullptr);
// Try to read all source files contributing to the selected function and aggregate the samples by line.
HashMap<String, SourceFile> source_files;
for (auto const& pair : node.events_per_address()) {
auto position = debug_info->get_source_position(pair.key - base_address);
if (position.has_value()) {
auto it = source_files.find(position.value().file_path);
if (it == source_files.end()) {
source_files.set(position.value().file_path, SourceFile(position.value().file_path));
it = source_files.find(position.value().file_path);
it->value.try_add_samples(position.value().line_number, pair.value);
// Process source file map and turn content into view model
for (auto const& file_iterator : source_files) {
u32 line_number = 0;
for (auto const& line_iterator : file_iterator.value.lines()) {
line_iterator.num_samples * 100.0f / node.event_count(),
int SourceModel::row_count(GUI::ModelIndex const&) const
return m_source_lines.size();
String SourceModel::column_name(int column) const
switch (column) {
case Column::SampleCount:
return m_profile.show_percentages() ? "% Samples" : "# Samples";
case Column::SourceCode:
return "Source Code";
case Column::Location:
return "Location";
case Column::LineNumber:
return "Line";
return {};
struct ColorPair {
Color background;
Color foreground;
static Optional<ColorPair> color_pair_for(SourceLineData const& line)
if (line.percent == 0)
return {};
Color background = color_for_percent(line.percent);
Color foreground;
if (line.percent > 50)
foreground = Color::White;
foreground = Color::Black;
return ColorPair { background, foreground };
GUI::Variant SourceModel::data(GUI::ModelIndex const& index, GUI::ModelRole role) const
auto const& line = m_source_lines[index.row()];
if (role == GUI::ModelRole::BackgroundColor) {
auto colors = color_pair_for(line);
if (!colors.has_value())
return {};
return colors.value().background;
if (role == GUI::ModelRole::ForegroundColor) {
auto colors = color_pair_for(line);
if (!colors.has_value())
return {};
return colors.value().foreground;
if (role == GUI::ModelRole::Font) {
if (index.column() == Column::SourceCode)
return Gfx::FontDatabase::default_fixed_width_font();
return {};
if (role == GUI::ModelRole::Display) {
if (index.column() == Column::SampleCount) {
if (m_profile.show_percentages())
return ((float)line.event_count / (float)m_node.event_count()) * 100.0f;
return line.event_count;
if (index.column() == Column::Location)
return line.location;
if (index.column() == Column::LineNumber)
return line.line_number;
if (index.column() == Column::SourceCode)
return line.source_code;
return {};
return {};