MacDue 4c5d48f861 LibWeb: Support transforms, stroking, gradients, etc for SVG <text>
This makes use of the new Gfx::Path::text() to handle SVG text elements,
with this text is just a regular path, and can be manipulated like any
other graphics element.

This removes the SVGTextPaintable and makes both <text> and geometry
elements use a new (shared) SVGPathPaintable. This is identical to the
old SVGGeometryPaintable. This simplifies painting as once something is
resolved to a Gfx::Path, the painting logic is the same.
2023-11-05 02:46:46 +01:00

144 lines
5.3 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2018-2022, Andreas Kling <>
* Copyright (c) 2023, MacDue <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <LibGfx/AntiAliasingPainter.h>
#include <LibWeb/Painting/SVGPathPaintable.h>
#include <LibWeb/SVG/SVGSVGElement.h>
namespace Web::Painting {
JS::NonnullGCPtr<SVGPathPaintable> SVGPathPaintable::create(Layout::SVGGraphicsBox const& layout_box)
return layout_box.heap().allocate_without_realm<SVGPathPaintable>(layout_box);
SVGPathPaintable::SVGPathPaintable(Layout::SVGGraphicsBox const& layout_box)
: SVGGraphicsPaintable(layout_box)
Layout::SVGGraphicsBox const& SVGPathPaintable::layout_box() const
return static_cast<Layout::SVGGraphicsBox const&>(layout_node());
Optional<HitTestResult> SVGPathPaintable::hit_test(CSSPixelPoint position, HitTestType type) const
auto result = SVGGraphicsPaintable::hit_test(position, type);
if (!result.has_value() || !computed_path().has_value())
return {};
auto transformed_bounding_box = computed_transforms().svg_to_css_pixels_transform().map_to_quad(computed_path()->bounding_box());
if (!transformed_bounding_box.contains(position.to_type<float>()))
return {};
return result;
static Gfx::Painter::WindingRule to_gfx_winding_rule(SVG::FillRule fill_rule)
switch (fill_rule) {
case SVG::FillRule::Nonzero:
return Gfx::Painter::WindingRule::Nonzero;
case SVG::FillRule::Evenodd:
return Gfx::Painter::WindingRule::EvenOdd;
void SVGPathPaintable::paint(PaintContext& context, PaintPhase phase) const
if (!is_visible() || !computed_path().has_value())
SVGGraphicsPaintable::paint(context, phase);
if (phase != PaintPhase::Foreground)
auto& geometry_element = layout_box().dom_node();
auto const* svg_element = geometry_element.shadow_including_first_ancestor_of_type<SVG::SVGSVGElement>();
auto svg_element_rect = svg_element->paintable_box()->absolute_rect();
// FIXME: This should not be trucated to an int.
RecordingPainterStateSaver save_painter { context.painter() };
auto offset = context.floored_device_point(svg_element_rect.location()).to_type<int>().to_type<float>();
auto maybe_view_box = geometry_element.view_box();
auto paint_transform = computed_transforms().svg_to_device_pixels_transform(context);
Gfx::Path path = computed_path()->copy_transformed(paint_transform);
// Fills are computed as though all subpaths are closed (
auto closed_path = [&] {
// We need to fill the path before applying the stroke, however the filled
// path must be closed, whereas the stroke path may not necessary be closed.
// Copy the path and close it for filling, but use the previous path for stroke
auto copy = path;
return copy;
// Note: This is assuming .x_scale() == .y_scale() (which it does currently).
auto viewbox_scale = paint_transform.x_scale();
auto svg_viewport = [&] {
if (maybe_view_box.has_value())
return Gfx::FloatRect { maybe_view_box->min_x, maybe_view_box->min_y, maybe_view_box->width, maybe_view_box->height };
return Gfx::FloatRect { { 0, 0 }, svg_element_rect.size().to_type<float>() };
SVG::SVGPaintContext paint_context {
.viewport = svg_viewport,
.path_bounding_box = computed_path()->bounding_box(),
.transform = paint_transform
auto fill_opacity = geometry_element.fill_opacity().value_or(1);
auto winding_rule = to_gfx_winding_rule(geometry_element.fill_rule().value_or(SVG::FillRule::Nonzero));
if (auto paint_style = geometry_element.fill_paint_style(paint_context); paint_style.has_value()) {
.path = closed_path(),
.paint_style = *paint_style,
.winding_rule = winding_rule,
.opacity = fill_opacity,
.translation = offset,
} else if (auto fill_color = geometry_element.fill_color(); fill_color.has_value()) {
.path = closed_path(),
.color = fill_color->with_opacity(fill_opacity),
.winding_rule = winding_rule,
.translation = offset,
auto stroke_opacity = geometry_element.stroke_opacity().value_or(1);
// Note: This is assuming .x_scale() == .y_scale() (which it does currently).
float stroke_thickness = geometry_element.stroke_width().value_or(1) * viewbox_scale;
if (auto paint_style = geometry_element.stroke_paint_style(paint_context); paint_style.has_value()) {
.path = path,
.paint_style = *paint_style,
.thickness = stroke_thickness,
.opacity = stroke_opacity,
.translation = offset,
} else if (auto stroke_color = geometry_element.stroke_color(); stroke_color.has_value()) {
.path = path,
.color = stroke_color->with_opacity(stroke_opacity),
.thickness = stroke_thickness,
.translation = offset,